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Edited by Budi Haryanto

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective

Edited by Budi Haryanto


Margherita Ferrante, Maria Fiore, Gea Oliveri Conti, Caterina Ledda, Roberto Fallico,

Salvatore Sciacca, Helena Martins, Ana Miranda, Carlos Borrego, Selçuk Arslan, Ali Aybek,

Francisco A. Serrano-Bernardo, Luigi Bruzzi, Enrique H. Toscano, José L. Rosúa-Campos,

Marzuki Ismail, Azrin Suroto, Nurul Ain Ismail, An-Soo Jang, Masoumeh Rashidi,

Mohammad Hossein Rameshat, Hadi Gharib, S. B. Nugroho, A. Fujiwara, J. Zhang,

Takao Matsumoto, Douyan Wang, Takao Namihira, Hidenori Akiyama, Michael Hein, Manfred

Kaiser, Parisa Shahmohamadi, Ulrich Cubasch, Sahar Sodoudi, A.I. Che-Ani, Wang-Kun Chen,

Hussein Ibrahim, Adrian Ilinca, S. De Iaco, S. Maggio, M. Palma, D. Posa

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Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective, Edited by Budi Haryanto

p. cm.

ISBN 978-953-51-0705-7


Preface IX

Section 1 Current Characteristic of Air Pollutants 1

Chapter 1 Old and New Air Pollutants:

An Evaluation on Thirty Years Experiences 3

Margherita Ferrante, Maria Fiore, Gea Oliveri Conti, Caterina

Ledda, Roberto Fallico and Salvatore Sciacca

Chapter 2 Urban Structure and Air Quality 27

Helena Martins, Ana Miranda and Carlos Borrego

Chapter 3 Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture 73

Selçuk Arslan and Ali Aybek

Chapter 4 Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by

Tourism Life Cycle: Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions

and to Introduce Adaptation Measures 105

Francisco A. Serrano-Bernardo, Luigi Bruzzi,

Enrique H. Toscano and José L. Rosúa-Campos

Section 2 Air Pollution Monitoring and Health Effects 139

Chapter 5 Time Series Analysis of Surface

Ozone Monitoring Records in Kemaman, Malaysia 141

Marzuki Ismail, Azrin Suroto and Nurul Ain Ismail

Chapter 6 Particulate Air Pollutants and Respiratory Diseases 153

An-Soo Jang

Chapter 7 Air Pollution and Death Due to Cardiovascular Diseases

(Case Study: Isfahan Province of Iran) 175

Masoumeh Rashidi, Mohammad Hossein Rameshat

and Hadi Gharib

VI Contents

Chapter 8 Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface

Ozone in Urban Area: A Multilevel and

Structural Equation Model Approach 185

S. B. Nugroho, A. Fujiwara and J. Zhang

Section 3 Air Pollution Management and Prediction 213

Chapter 9 Non-Thermal Plasma Technic for Air Pollution Control 215

Takao Matsumoto, Douyan Wang, Takao Namihira

and Hidenori Akiyama

Chapter 10 Environmental Control and Emission

Reduction for Coking Plants 235

Michael Hein and Manfred Kaiser

Chapter 11 Mitigating Urban Heat Island

Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area 281

Parisa Shahmohamadi, Ulrich Cubasch,

Sahar Sodoudi and A.I. Che-Ani

Chapter 12 Managing Emergency Response

of Air Pollution by the Expert System 319

Wang-Kun Chen

Chapter 13 Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy

Storage in the Reduction of GHG – Case Study:

Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System 337

Hussein Ibrahim and Adrian Ilinca

Chapter 14 Advances in Spatio-Temporal Modeling and

Prediction for Environmental Risk Assessment 365

S. De Iaco, S. Maggio, M. Palma and D. Posa


Countries the world over, especially in the developing world, are experiencing rapid

urbanization. The share of the world's population living in cities is reported to have

grown from about 35 percent in 1970 to almost 50 percent in 2001, and this number is

expected to increase to more than 60 percent by 2030 (UN-HABITAT 2001). One of the

many consequences of the increased economic activity that accompanies

urbanization—particularly increased vehicle use, electricity generation, and industrial

production—is the deterioration of air quality (Molina 2004). Concentrations of

conventional air pollutants, including sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulates (PM10 and

PM2.5), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and air toxics, are

rising in many cities and are in many cases already well above the World Health

Organization's guidelines for ambient air-quality standards. Moreover, even with

mounting evidence of the negative health effects of air pollution (HEI 2004), these

cities largely have been unable to stem the rising tide.

Air pollution in major cities, especially in developing countries, has reached a crisis

point. The bad air quality is responsible for the death of 3 million people each year and

presents a dilemma for millions worldwide that suffer asthma, acute respiratory

diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and lung cancer. The World Health Organization

(WHO) has estimated that more than 530,000 premature deaths in Asia are due to

urban air pollution. In many countries in Asia, vehicle emissions are expected to

increase over the next few decades, as the vehicle population increases. If no action is

taken to clean up fuels and vehicles, urban air pollution will continue to degrade.

This book provides many important air pollution issues and demonstrates the

widespread nature of the air pollution phenomena, the impacts on human health and

the environment, and effective strategies for its management and control.

Budi Haryanto

Associate professor, Department of Environmental Health

Head of Research Division of the Research Center for Climate Change

University of Indonesia


Section 1

Current Characteristic of Air Pollutants

Chapter 1

© 2012 Fiore et al., licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the

Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits

unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Old and New Air Pollutants:

An Evaluation on Thirty Years Experiences

Margherita Ferrante, Maria Fiore, Gea Oliveri Conti, Caterina Ledda,

Roberto Fallico and Salvatore Sciacca

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Air pollutants are generally defined as those substances which alter the composition of the

natural atmosphere.

Emissions of air pollutants derive from almost all economic and societal activities but also

by natural disaster (eg.: particulate matter or gaseus emitted by volcanic activities or forest

fires, dust by desert winds, pollen scattering, sea aereosol, etc..). The energy production and

the general industry activity, all types of transport and agriculture are key emission sources

of air pollutants. They result in clear risks to human health and the ecosystems integrity. Air

pollution is not only a local phenomenon but also a transboundary issue, in fact, the air

pollutants emitted in one Country may be transported in the atmosphere and they harming

human health and the environment elsewhere .

In Europe, policies and actions at all levels have greatly reduced the anthropogenic

emissions and exposure but some air pollutants still harm human health. Air pollutants are

divided into primary pollutants like carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrocarbon

species, dust and soot, which are emitted directly by air pollutant sources, and secondary

pollutants like nitrogen dioxide, photochemical ozone, and aerosol, which are created by

chemical changes which occur in the atmospheric environment (WHO, 2005).

After the Meuse Valley fog in 1930 (Firket, 1936) or the London smog in 1952 (Ministry of

health, 1954), the air pollution is considered today an important research driver for a global

public health protection (WHO, 2005). In fact a high-level exposure to these pollutants at the

long-term and short-term can lead to some important adverse health effects, ranging from

irritation of the respiratory system to contributing to increased prevalence and incidence of

respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and premature death in people of all ages.

Particularly children are very susceptible for their very fast metabolism (WHO, 2005).

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Emissions of the main air pollutants in Europe have declined significantly in recent decades,

greatly reducing exposure to substances such as sulphur dioxide (SO

2) and lead (Pb).

Nevertheless, poor air quality remains an important public health issue.

Many EU Member States do not comply with legally binding air quality limits protecting

human health. Exposure of vegetation to ground level ozone (O3 ) will continue to exceed

long-term EU objectives.

In terms of controlling emissions, only 14 European countries expect to comply with all four

pollutant-specific emission ceilings set under EU and international legislation for 2010.

The upper limit for nitrogen oxides (NO

X) is the most challenging 12 countries expect to

exceed it, some by as much as 50 % (SOER, 2010).

The Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution from the European Commission (2005) set the

objectives for the improvement of human health and the environment through the

improvement of air quality to the year 2020 (see table 1). At present, airborne PM,

tropospheric O

3, and NO2 are Europe's most problematic pollutants in terms of causing

harm to health (EEA, 2010).

The main air pollutants before human's exposu re are subject to a range of atmospheric

processes including atmospheric transport, mixing and chemical transformation.

Air pollutants, also, depending on their physical-chemical characteristics and on the basis of

factors such as atmospheric conditions or characteristics of receiving surfaces, may be

deposited after either short (local, regional) or long-range (European, inter-continental)

transport. Pollutants can be washed out of the atmosphere by precipitation rain, snow, fog,

dew, frost and hail or deposited dry as gases or particulate matter.

2. "Old" and "new" pollutants trend

In most cities air quality has improved over the past decades. In particular, emissions of the

main old air pollutants such as sulphur dioxide (SO

2) and lead (Pb) together with other

hazardous pollutants including persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals, in

Europe have declined significantly in recent decades. Nitrogen (N) and nitrogen dioxide


2), on the other hand, has not been dealt with as successfully . Between 1990 and 2008

emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) decreased by 60% overall; emissions

of polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins and furans decreased too. While the majority of

Countries report that emissions of these substances have fallen during that period, some

Countries report that emissions have increased. Emissions of primary particulate matter,


2.5 and PM10, have both decreased by about 13% since 2000. At present, airborne

particulate matter (PM), tropospheric (ground-level) ozone (O

3) and polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons (PAHs) are the new problematic pollutants in Europe in terms of causing

harm to health. Moreover, there is an increasing recognition of the importance of long-range

hemispheric transport of air pollutants to and from Europe and other continents. VOC

(Volatile Organic Compounds) and small dust particles are examples of large-scale air

pollutants. At the end the wide-scale use of catalytic converters for automotive traction in

Old and New Air Pollutants: An Evaluation on Thirty Years Experiences


most industrialised Countries has led, over the years, to a substantial increase in

environmental concentrations of palladium, platinum, and rhodium, also known as the

platinum group elements (PGEs). The detection of PGEs, even in remote areas of the planet,

provides evidence of the global nature of the problem.

The following paragraphs describe the old and new contaminants in relation to their

characteristics, emission sources, health effects and trends through 30 years exeperiences.

Note: The majority of EU Member States (MS) have not attained the PM10 limit values required by the Air Quality

Directive by 2005 (EC, 2008a). In most urban environments, exceedance of the daily mean PM10 limit is the biggest PM

compliance problem. 2010 is the attainment year for NO

2 and C6H 6 limit values. A further important issue in European

urban areas is also exceedance of the annual NO2 limit value, particularly at urban traffic stations.

(#) Signifies that this is a target value and not a legally binding limit value; see EC, 2008a for definition of legal terms

(Article 2).

(*) Exceptions are Bulgaria and Romania, where the date applicable was 2007.

(**) Signifies that this is an information threshold and not an alert threshold; see EC, 2008a for definition of legal terms

(Article 2).

(***) For countries that sought and qualified for time extension.

Source: SOER 2010.

Table 1. Summary of air-quality directive limit values, target values, assessment thresholds, long-term

objectives, information thresholds and alert threshold values for the protection of human health.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


3. Carbon monoxide (CO)

Carbon monoxide is a tasteless, odorless, colorless and toxic gaseous pollutant ubiquitous in

the outdoor atmosphere that is generated by combustion (Bell M, et All. 2009). EPA initially

established NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standard) for CO on April 30, 1971. The

standards were set at 9 ppm, as an 8-hour average, and 35 ppm, as a 1-hour average, neither

to be exceeded more than once per year. On January 28, 2011, EPA proposed to retain the

existing NAAQS for carbon monoxide. After careful review of the available health science,

EPA concludes that the current standards provide the required level of public health

protection, including protection for people with heart disease, who are especially

susceptible to health problems associated with exposures to CO in ambient air.

4. Sulphur dioxide (SO2 )

Historically, SO2 derived from the combustion of fossil fuels have been the main

components of air pollution in many parts of the world. The most serious problems have

been experienced in large urban areas where coal has been used for domestic heating

purposes, or for poorly controlled combustion in industrial installations (WHO, 2000). In

recent years the use of high-sulfur coal for domestic heating has declined in many western

European countries, and powder generation is now the predominant source. These changes

in pattern of usage have led to urban and rura l concentrations becoming similar; indeed in

some areas rural concentrations now exceed those in urban areas (WHO, 2000). The city of

Catania (Sicily, Italy) has established a network of air quality monitoring stations. The

analysis of data show a clear and significant decline since 1993 to 2000 (First Report on the

state of the environment of the City of Catania). The significant reduction in emissions of

sulphur dioxide achieved since the 1970s is one of the great success stories of Europe's past

air pollution policy (EEA, 2010).

5. Particulate Matter (PM)

Over the past decade, 20–50 % of the urban population was exposed to PM10 concentrations

in excess of the EU daily limit values set for the protection of human health— a daily mean

of 50 μg/m


that should not be exceeded on more th an 35 days in a calendar year. The same

situation happened in Siracusa (Sicily, Italy), so our research group analyzed the phisico-

chemical characteristics of PM10 and PM2,5 fractions in order to determine the major aerosol

contributions to these two granulometric size fractions of the urban aerosol. We found that

vehicular traffic is only one cause of the daily elevation of PM in Siracusa City and we

exclude industrial derivation of particulate (Sciacca et al., 2007).

The Air Quality Guideline level for PM10 set by the WHO is 20 μg/m


. Exceedances of this

level can be observed all over Europe, also in rural background environments. In many

European urban agglomerations, PM10 concentrations have not changed since about 2000.

One of the reasons is the only minor decreases in emissions from urban road traffic.

Increasing vehicle-km and dieselisation of the vehicle fleet jeopardise achievements from

Old and New Air Pollutants: An Evaluation on Thirty Years Experiences


other PM reduction measures. Further, in several places emissions from the industry and

domestic sectors — for example, from wood burning — may even have increased slightly.

The EU Air Quality Directive of 2008 includes standards for fine PM (PM

2.5): a yearly limit

value that has to be attained in two stages, by 1 January 2015 (25 μ g/ m


) and by 1 January

2020 (20 μg/m


). Further, the directive defines an average exposure indicator (AEI) for each

Member State, based on measurements at urban background stations. The required and

absolute reduction targets for the AEI have to be attained by 2020. Focusing on PM mass

concentration limit values and exposure indicators does not address the complex physical

and chemical characteristics of PM. While mass concentrations can be similar, people may

be exposed to PM cocktails of very di fferent chemical composition (WHO, 2007).

6. Ammonia (NH3 ) emission

Ammonia has become the most abundant gas-phase alkaline species in the atmosphere.

Most of the ammonia released into the atmosphere is converted into particulate ammonium

sulfate and nitrate. Gaseous ammonia and ammonium compounds in particles are deposited

from the air by wet deposition and dry deposition. NH

3 is mainly emitted from livestock

and production and application of fertilizers. Natural sources including soil, vegetation and

wild animal might also be contributors to the total amount of ammonia emission.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization recent research

findings, livestock are responsible for almost two thirds of anthropogenic NH3 emissions

that contribute significantly to acid rain and acidification of ecosystems (Sidiropoulos &

Tsilingiridis, 2009; EMEP/CORINAIR, 2007). Following deposition, soil microbes can

convert ammonia into acidic compounds by nitrification. Through these processes, NH

3 can

contribute to acidic compounds on natural ecosystems and also cause eutrophication.

7. Nitrogen oxides (NO2)

Nitrogen dioxide a combustion-generated oxidant gas, is widely present in indoor and

outdoor environments. Outdoors, where it comes primarily from high temperature fuel

combustion of engines, industry, and power generation, it is a precursor to particles and

ozone (G. Viegi,2004).

Using a nationwide network of monitoring sites, EPA has developed ambient air quality

trends for nitrogen dioxide. Nationally, average NO

2 concentrations have decreased

substantially over the years. In January 2010, EPA set the primary NO2 standard at a level of

100 parts per billion and the secondary NAAQS remains to 0.053 ppm (EPA, 2012). The

European air quality guidelines suggest a daily maximum concentration of 200 mg/m


(1 h)

for NO

2, while the WHO recommends a limit of 40 mg/m


(annual average) for long-term

exposure. In general, the levels reported for Europe, Canada and the United States (except

for New Mexico) are below this exposure threshold, whereas higher levels have been

measured in Asiatic countries and in Mexico (100 mg/m



Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


There is still no robust basis for setting an annual average guideline value for NO2 through

any direct toxic effect. Evidence has emerged, however, that increases the concern over

health effects associated with outdoor air pollution mixtures that include NO

2. A number of

recently published studies have demonstrated that NO

2 can have a higher spatial variation

than other traffic-related air pollutants, for example, particle mass. These studies also found

adverse effects on the health of children living in metropolitan areas characterized by higher

levels of NO

2 even in cases where the overall city-wide NO 2 level was fairly low. A number

of short-term experimental human toxicology studies have reported acute health effects

following exposure to 1-hour NO2 concentrations in excess of 500 μg/m


. Although the

lowest level of NO

2 exposure to show a direct effect on pulmonary function in asthmatics in

more than one laboratory is 560 μg/m


, studies of bronchial responsiveness among

asthmatics suggest an increase in responsiveness at levels upwards from 200 μg/m



Since the existing WHO AQG short-term NO2 guideline value of 200 μg/m


(1-hour) has not

been challenged by more recent studies, it is retained. In conclusion, the guideline values

for NO

2 remain unchanged in comparison to the existing WHO AQG levels, i.e. 40 μg/m



annual mean and 200 μg/m


for 1-hour mean.

8. Ozone (O3)

It is the principal component of smog, which is caused primarily by automobile emissions,

predominantly in urban areas. Normal levels of ozone in the air are between 20 and 80



. Ozone concentrations in urban areas rise in the morning, peak in the afternoon, and

decrease at night. Ozone has become a significant pollutant as a result of increased

population growth, industrial activities, and use of the automobile. Ozone is at present the

primary air pollution problem in the United States. A trend analysis co vering the years from

1993 to 2005 showed that the average number of hours with an ozone concentration above

180 μ g/m


(the EU information threshold) for any given monitoring site was higher in the

summer of 2003 than in any of the previous years (Park JW et al., 2004). On the February

2002 European Parliament approved a guideline (2002/3/CE) that indicates the "information

threshold" (180 μg/m


) and "alert threshold" (360 μg/m


) for ozone and imposes urgent

obbligation of the population's information. In Italy, legislative decree 155/2010 sets long

term aims for human health protection (120 μg/m


during 8 hours). Ozone is monitored in

Catania (Sicily, Italy) since 1997 by two control units but since then attention levels for this

compound have never been exceeded (Comune di Catania, 2001). Respiratory tract

responses induced by ozone include reduction in lung function, aggravation of preexisting

respiratory disease (such as asthma), increased daily hospital admissions and emergency

department visits for respiratory causes, and excess mortality (Corsmeier et al., 2002).

Controlled human exposure studies have demonstrated that short-term exposure - up to 8

hours - causes lung function decrements such as reductions in forced expiratory volume in

one second (FEV1), and the following respiratory symptoms: cough, throat irritation, pain,

burning, or discomfort in the chest when taking a deep breath, chest tightness, wheezing, or

shortness of breath. The effects are reversible, with improvement and recovery to baseline

varying from a few hours to 48 hours after an elevated ozone exposure.

Old and New Air Pollutants: An Evaluation on Thirty Years Experiences


9. Heavy metals

Heavy metals are a class of pollutants extremely widespread in the various environmental

matrices. They are natural components of the earth's crust. Their presence in air, water and

soil erosion resulting from natural phenomena and human activities. To a small extent they

enter human bodies where, as trace elements, they are essential to maintain the normal

metabolic reactions. They cannot be degraded or destroyed, and can be transported by air,

and enter water and human food supply. Respect to air pollution, the metals that are

generally more concerned are: As, Cd, Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb as conveyed by particulate air

pollution. Their origin is different: Cd, Cr and As are mostly from mining and steel

industries; Cu and Ni from combustion processes; Co, Cu, Zn and Cr from cementitious

materials obtained by recycling scrap steel industries and incinerators. The effect of heavy

metals on the human health depends on the mode of assumption, as well as the amount

absorbed. Heavy metals (such as cadmium, mercury and lead) are recognised as being

directly toxic to biota. All have the quality of being progressively accumulated higher up the

food chain, such that chronic exposure of lower organisms to much lower concentrations

can expose predatory organisms, including humans, to potentially harmful concentrations.

In humans they are also of concern for human health because of their toxicity, their potential

to cause cancer and their ability to cause harmful effects at low concentrations. Their relative

toxic/carcinogenic potencies are compound specific. Specifically, exposure to heavy metals

has been linked with developmental retardation, various cancers, kidney damage, and even

death in some instances of exposure to very high concentrations. Heavy metals can reside in

or be attached to PM. For several metals there are the standard reference, in particular for

lead the limit is intended as an average annual value of 0.5 ug/m



Urban sources of lead are fossil fuels, mining and manufacturing. The use of lead as an

additive to gasoline was banned in 1996 in the United States and since then the cases of

acute intoxication are notably decreased. In the Municipality of Catania lead is measured

through control programmes long for 15- 20 days. Since 1999 to 2000 it can be note a

decrease of mean concentrations (from 0,38 μg/m


to 0,15 μg/m


) with values lower than

those required in the European Rule 99/30/CE. This result is correlated with the abolishment

of use of lead in gasoline (Comune di Catania, 2001).

In our experience high-level exposure to metals of men can damage sperm production and

motility, as are suggest by an our study that shows adverse impact of heavy metals on male

reproductive health. We have conducted a case-control study to investigate the exposition to

lead, arsenic, nickel and male fertility. The results show a sperm motility reduction of 50 %

(Ferrante M et al., 2011). Another study in the industrial triangle of Priolo-Melilli-Augusta

shows that males living in these towns show a sperm progressive motility decrease from

45% to 23% whereas density and morphology were into the reference limit of WHO

parameters (Ferrante M et al., 2011).

Cadmium is widely spread in the environment. Its consumption is growing, as a result

cadmium contamination of soil, water and air increases. Cadmium enters soil, water, and air

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


from mining, industry, and burning coal and household wastes and its particles in air can

travel long distances before falling to the ground or water. Cadmium is accumulated in fish,

plants, animal and human body. People can be exposed to cadmium eating contaminated

foods, smoking cigarettes or breathing cigarette smoke, drinking contaminated water, living

or working near industrial facilities which release cadmium into the air. Following the

European Law 155/2010, Sicily adopted a plane to value and manage air quality, aiming to

not exceed levels of 5,0 ng/m


of cadmium in the air (ARPA Sicilia). The form of cadmium

that is of most interest for health effects from inhalation exposure is cadmium oxide because

that is the main form of airborne cadmium. Our research group has conducted a case–

control study to examine relationships between environmental exposures, particularly to

Cd, and male infertility. Cd showed concentrat ions in seminal plasma of the cases (1.67 μg/l)

higher than controls (0.55 μ g/l) and cases showed a motility reduction from 45% to 23 %

(50% reduction). Our results indicate that the males exposed to environmental Cd showed a

deleterious effect on fertility (Ferrante M et al., 2011). Another study, carried out also by our

research group and not yet published, has shown the toxic effect of Cd even on male

reproductive organs because this metal cause a blood-testis barrier disruption and

consequently an impairment in sperm production. Finally we have to consider the effect of

cadmium on cancer development. Cd was classifi ed as a cancer-causing agent in humans by

the WHO (1993), based on consistent reports of an association between Cd exposure and

lung cancer (ATSDR 2008).

Heavy metals can reside in or be attached to PM.

10. Organic compound

10.1. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

Persistent organic pollutants are a group of chemicals which have been intentionally or

inadvertently produced and introduced into the environment and because of theirs

resistance to degradation, they persist in the environment.

Due to their stability and transport properties, they are now widely distributed around the

world, and are even found in places where they had never been used, such as the arctic

regions. Given their long half-lives and their fat solubility, POPs tend to bioaccumulate in

the food-chain including fish, meat, eggs and milk. POPs are also present in the human

body and traces can be found in human milk (WHO, 2007).

The United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council (GC) originally created a

have listed 12 POPs, known as the "dirty dozen." Nine of these are old organochlorine

pesticides, including including aldrin, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), chlordane,

dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, mirex and toxaphene, whose production

and use have been banned or strictly regulated by most countries for some time. In addition

other three POPs of concern are industrial chemicals, including the widely used

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as well as two groups of industrial by-products,

Old and New Air Pollutants: An Evaluation on Thirty Years Experiences


polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs or dioxin) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans

(PCDFs or furans). In recent years, this list has been expanded to include polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons (PAHs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), and tributyltin (TBT). The

groups of compounds that make up POPs are also classed as persistent, bioaccumulative,

and toxic (PBTs) or toxic organic micro pollutants (TOMPs). These terms are essentially

synonyms for POPs (Crinnion, 2011).

While production of PCBs has been largely banned for many years, the electrical

transformers and other equipment containing still these chemicals are still in use and they

present, today, serious disposal problems.

Regard to PCDDs and PCDFs, the better manufacturing controls and reduction of emissions

from industrial combustion processes, e.g. power generation and waste incineration plants,

have made a measurable impact on decreasing levels of these chemicals in human milk,

particularly in Europe (WHO, 2007).

Humans can be exposed to POPs through the direct exposure, e.g. occupational accidents or

by environment exposure (including indoor). Short-term exposures to high concentrations

of POPs may result in severe illness and death. Chronic exposure to POPs may also be

associated with a wide range of adverse health effect as a the endocrine disruption,

reproductive and immune dysfunction, neurobehavioral and developmental disorders and

cancer (Ritter et al, 1995).

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and PCDD/Fs are perhaps the most obvious

example. However, because an extensive array of POPs occur and accumulate

simultaneously in biota it is very difficult to say conclusively that an effect is due to one

particular chemical or a family of chemicals, in fact several chemicals act synergistically

(Jones, 1999).

10.2. Dioxins and furans (PCDDs and PCDFs)

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzof urans are two similar classes of chlorinated

aromatic chemicals that are produced as contaminants or by products.

Most dioxins and furans are not man-made or produced intentionally, but are created when

other chemicals or products are made. They are formed as unwanted byproducts of certain

chemical processes during the manufacture of chlorinated intermediates and in the

combustion of chlorinated materials. The chlorinated precursors include polychlorinated

biphenyls (PCB), polychlorinated phenols, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (Faroon M. et. al.,

2003). Of all of the dioxins and furans, one, 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-p-dibenzo-dioxin (2,3,7,8

TCDD) is considered the most toxicand the most extensively studied. Like the other POPs

are chemically stable and highly lipophilic; in the environment, are persistent, undergo

transport, and preferentially bioconcentrate in higher trophic levels of the food chain (Safe

SH, 1998). In terms of dioxin release into the environment, uncontrolled waste incinerators

(solid waste and hospital waste) are often the worst culprits, due to incomplete burning.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Technology is available that allows for controlled waste incineration with low emissions.

Dioxins also have been detected at low concentrations in cigarette smoke, home-heating

systems, and exhaust from cars running on leaded gasoline or unleaded gasoline, and diesel

fuel. The larger particles will be deposited close to the emission source, while very small

particles may be transported longer distances will be deposited on land or water,

contaminating the food of animal origin, as they are persistent in the environment and

accumulate in animal fat and finding himself well in dairy, meat, fish and shellfish (Alcock

R, 2003). Excluding occupational or accidental exposures the most common way is by eating

food contaminated with dioxins particularly important is, also, the exposure of infants

through breast-feeding because of the high content of fat in human milk and may exceed the

exposure of adults by one or two orders of magnitude (Gies A, 2007).

Releases from industrial sources have decreased approximately 80% since the 1980s

(Consonni, 2012) and have been the subject of a number of federal and state regulations

and clean-up actions; however, current exposures levels still remain a concern. (EPA, TDI (tolerable daily intake) values

recommended by WHO is 1-4 pg TEQ/kg/day. However, several nations have performed

their own reassessment of the available toxicity data for dioxin to derive a TDI (ASTDR,

2011). Today, the largest release of these chemicals occurs as a result of the open burning of

house- hold and municipal trash, landfill fires, and agricultural and forest fires. Breast milk

is a substantial source of exposure for infants (Lundqvist et al., 2006), though breast milk

levels have been decreasing in recent years (Arisawa et al., 2005).

10.3. Polycyclic AromaticH (PAHs)

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are ubiquitous pollutants formed from the combustion of

fossil fuels, industrial powder generation, incineration, production of asphalt, coal tar and

coke, petroleum catalytic cracking and primary aluminium production (WHO, 2003). The

specific emissions of PAHs from modern cars were observed to be 5 times higher from

diesel engines than from gasoline cars during transient driving conditions. Older diesel cars

and gasoline cars with a catalytic converter of outmoded design have 5–10 times higher

PAH emissions than modern cars. PAHs can react with pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen

oxides and sulfur dioxide, yielding diones, nitro- and dinitro-PAHs, and sulfonic acids,

respectively (WHO, 2000). PAHs have a tendency to be associated with particulate matter

and may be subject to direct photolysis (WHO, 2010). A number of PAHs are mutagenic and

genotoxic, and induce DNA adduct formation in vitro and in vivo. IARC considers several

purified PAHs and PAH derivatives to be probable (group 2A) or possible (group 2B)

human carcinogens. Benzo[a]Pyrene has decr eased fertility and caused embryotoxicity

(WHO 2010) Our research group has conducted a study aimed to evaluate concentration of

priority PHAs in seminal plasma samples of healthy men (age 20-45 years) living in a

polluted area of Sicily (Priolo-Augusta-Melilli triangle), declarated "area at elevated

environmental crisis". Our results show that the semen quality could not be affect by PAHs

concentration air (Oliveri Conti et al., 2011).

Old and New Air Pollutants: An Evaluation on Thirty Years Experiences


Emissions of PAHs decreased by 60 % overall between 1990 and 2008 in the EEA-32 but

increased in a small number of countries (EEA 2010). In Europe and the United States, urban

traffic contributes 46–90% of the total PAHs in ambient air. Recent initiatives included the

conversion to ultralow-sulfur diesel fuel, aimed to be 97% cleaner (Narváez, 2008)

10.4. Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOCs or TNMHC)

Non-methane volatile organic compounds are a collection of organic compounds that differ

widely in their chemical composition but display similar behaviour in the atmosphere.

Essentially, NMVOCs are identical to VOCs, but with methane excluded. NMVOCs are

emitted into the atmosphere from a large number of sources including combustion activities,

paint application, road transport, dry-cleaning and other solvent uses and production

processes. NMVOCs contribute to the formation of ground level (tropospheric) ozone. In

fact, the hydrocarbons have a strong tendency to react, in the presence of light, with the

oxides of nitrogen and oxygen. In addition, certain NMVOC species or species groups such

as benzene and 1,3 butadiene are hazardous to human health. Quantifying the emissions of

total NMVOCs provides an indicator of the emission trends of the most hazardous

NMVOCs. Biogenic NMVOCs are emitted by vegetation, with amounts dependent on the

species and on temperature (EEA, 2010; EEA, 2011). There are thousands of organic

compounds known ascribable to NMVOC, both of natural origin that is released into the air

from plants (biogenic), and anthropogenic (anthropogenic), both species we can find them

in the air or in the form of gas or in the form steam. The main TNMCH are generally:

aliphatic hydrocarbons or carbon chain with a linear structure, or with aromatic ring

structure (benzene, toluene, xylenes, etc..), oxygenated (aldehydes, ketones, etc.)., etc. Their

concentration in the atmosphere in urban areas and industrial centers are directly related to

vehicular traffic, domestic heating, to phenomena of evaporation of gasoline (engine

compartments and tanks), the exhaust gas vehicle (incomplete combustion of fuels), the

emissions from petrol stations fuel and many industrial activities (eg, oil refining, storage

and handling of fuels, production of paints and solvents, etc. ...) (ARPAT, 2010; Broderick &

Marnane, 2002). Solvent use and road transport are the two most significant sources of

NMVOC emissions in urban environments. (Sidiropoulos C, 2009) but Today the major

contributions of NMVOCs anthropogenic emissions are ascribed primarily to vehicular

traffic. Adverse operating conditions of the vehicle (low speed, repeated gear changes, and

frequent stops to a minimum) as those due to heavy traffic have resulted in greater emission

of unburned hydrocarbons. The evaporative emissions mainly stem from the volatility of

fuel and are therefore made up only of hydrocarbons. They occur when walking, both with

the engine off at stops (ARPAV, 2004). The effects on human health are very different

depending on the types of compounds present in the mixture thus depend solely on the

type of hydrocarbons present and their concentrations (WHO, 1989; WHO, 2005).

Hydrocarbons Alkanes are absolutely non-toxic. Are toxic and carcinogenic in some cases a

part of the aromatic hydrocarbons ("Air Quality Guideline for Europe" WHO, 1989; Sciacca

S. & Oliveri Conti G, 2009).

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 1. TNMCH Anthropogenic emission in Italy (da APAT)

Improved loading technology in the oil industry in the last 10 years has contributed to the

decline, and this trend continued in 2010. However, the emission of solvents from products

increased steeply in 2010, after a drop in the previous year, and made up for the decline in

the oil industry. The NMVOC emission still ended 28% below the Gothenburg Protocol

target. The emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds have decreased by 51%

since 1990. In 2009, the most significant sources of NMVOC emissions were 'Solvent and

product use' (36%) (comprising activities such as paint application, dry-cleaning and other

use of solvents), followed by 'Commercial, institutional and households' (15%). The decline

in emissions since 1990 has primarily been due to reductions achieved in the road transport

sector due to the introduction of vehicle catalytic converters and carbon canisters on petrol

cars, for evaporative emission control driven by tighter vehicle emission standards,

combined with limits on the maximum volatility of petrol that can be sold in EU Member

States, as specified in fuel quality directiv es. The reductions in NMVOC emissions have

been enhanced by the switching from petrol to diesel cars in some EU countries, and

changes in the 'Solvents and product use' sector (a result of the introduction of legislative

measures limiting for example the use and emissions of solvents.

10.5. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

Polychlorinated biphenyls are mixtures of chlorinated hydrocarbons that have been used

extensively since 1930 in a variety of industrial uses and are another major contaminant of

concern in communities (Johnson BL, 1999). PCB production in most countries was banned

in the 1970s and 1980s (Vallack, 1998).

According to the position of the chlorine atoms in the molecule of biphenyl may be obtained

209 congeners, 12 of which have characteristics similar to the dioxins and therefore defined

dioxin-like (ASTDR, 2000). All PCB congeners are lipophilic (lipophilicity increases with

Old and New Air Pollutants: An Evaluation on Thirty Years Experiences


increasing degree of chlorination) and have very low water solubilities. Once in the

environment, PCBs do not readily break down and therefore may remain for very long

periods of time. They can easily cycle between air, water, and soil and can be carried long

distances. Air is probably the most significant compartment for environmental distribution.

Their presence is ubiquitous in the environment, and residues have even been detected in

the Arctic air, water and organisms (Alcock et al, 2003).

PCBs were formerly used as dielectric fluids in transformers and large capacitors, as

pesticide extenders, plasticisers in sealants, as heat exchange fluids, hydraulic lubricants,

cutting oils, flame retardants, dedusting agents, and in plastics, paints, adhesives and

carbonless copy paper. Although PCBs are no longer made people can still be exposed to

them. Old fluorescent lighting fixtures and old electrical devices and appliances, such as

television sets and refrigerators, therefore may contain PCBs if they were made before PCB

use was stopped. When these electric devices get hot during operation, small amounts of

PCBs may get into the air and raise the level of PCBs in indoor air (ASTDR, 2000).

Food is the main source of exposure for the general population. PCBs enter the food chain

by a variety of routes, including migration into food from external sources, contamination of

animal feeds, and accumulation in the fatty tissues of animals. PCBs are found at higher

concentrations in fatty foods (e.g., dairy products and fish). Oth er sources of exposure in the

general population include the release of these chemicals from PCB-containing waste sites

and from fires involving transformers and capacitors. The transfer of PCBs from mother to

infant via breast milk is another important source of exposure. The lesser-chlorinated PCBs

are more volatile and indoor inhalational exposure from buildings containing caulking

made with these PCBs prior to 1979 ca n increase background serum levels.

Today, PCBs can still be released into the environment from poorly maintained hazardous

waste sites that contain PCBs; illegal or improper dumping of PCB wastes, such as old

transformer fluids; leaks or releases from electrical transformers containing PCBs; and

disposal of PCB-containing consumer products into municipal or other landfills not

designed to handle hazardous waste. PCBs may be released into the environment by the

burning of some wastes in municipal and industrial incinerators (ASTDR, 2000).

Human health effects that have been reported after investigations of occupational and

accidental exposures to high levels of PCBs include elevations of serum hepatic enzymes,

dermal changes (such as chloracne and rashes), inconsistent associations with serum lipid

levels, and some types of cancer in particular of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g., liver, biliary).

They are classified as probable human carcinogens by IARC (ATSDR, 2000; Carpenter,

2006). PCBs weakly interact with estrogen and thyroid receptors and with transport proteins

(Purkey et al., 2004). Developmental and fetotoxic effects may also be observed in humans.

Our research group has conducted a study with the aim to evaluate the presence of possible

alterations of sperm parameters of male exposed to PCB. We studied a group of 96

volunteers (aged 20-46 years) resident in the Priolo-Augusta-Melilli (SR) triangle, which has

been declared "area at elevated environmental crisis" (Italian Government note). Of all

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


congeners analyzed the 74 appears to be th e predominant (Fig.1). Our results show an

alteration of the morphology and motility of spermatozoa. (Ferrante et al., 2006; Altomare et

al, 2012).

Figure 2. Percentage of subjects with detectable PCB levels in seminal plasma.

In general, published emission estimates for PCBs are difficult to compare as the

methodological and empirical basis are different (Breivik et al., 2002; Breivik et al., 2004).

For decades, many countries and intergovernmental organizations have banned or severely

restricted the production, usage, handling, transport and disposal of PCBs so, since the early

1980s, PCB concentrations in the air have shown a significantly decreasing trend for urban,

rural, and marine/coastal areas. PCBs are also significantly decreased the concentrations in

blood and human milk (Porta et al, 2012; Alivernini et al, 2011).

Concentrations of PCB in human blood decreased about 34-56% from 2002 to 2006 with

difference for age, body mass index, weight (Porta et al., 2012). Th e comparison between

PCBs measured in human milk samples collected in Rome between 2005 and 2007 with two

previous studies performed in Rome in 1984 and in 2000-2001 indicates a 64% decrease of

PCB levels, still in progress data are in g ood agreement with recent European studies

(Alivernini et al., 2011).

10.6. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Volatile organic compounds, major air pollutants in the indoor environment, are molecules

typically containing 1–18 carbon atoms that readily volatilize from the solid or liquid state

and are easily released into indoor air. All organic chemical compounds that can volatize

under normal indoor atmospheric conditions of temperature and pressure are VOCs. These

substances are classified in Very Volatile Organic Compound (VVOC), Volatile Organic

Compound (VOC), and semivolatile Organic Compound (SVOC) to show the wide range of

volatility among organic compounds. VOCs are emitted from many household products,

Old and New Air Pollutants: An Evaluation on Thirty Years Experiences


including paints and lacquers, paint strippers, cleaning supplies, combustion appliances,

aerosol sprays, glues, adhesives, dry-cleaned clothing, and environmental tobacco smoke.

VOCs, which predominantly exist in the vapor phase in the atmosphere, and SVOCs, which

exist in both vapor and condensed phase, redistribute to indoor surfaces and may persist

from several months to years (Weschler et al., 2008). VOCs are of concern as both indoor air

pollutants and as outdoor air pollutants but several studies have reported a two to fivefold

increase in indoor concentrations of VOCs as compared to outdoors (Sexton et al. 2004).

VOCs emission in Italy are regulated by the legislative decree 152/2006 that establishes

thereshold values between 50 mg C/Nm


- 150 mg C/Nm


. Moreover both adults and

children spend an estimated 90% of daily hours in indoor setting and energy conservation

measures for buildings have led to reduced air exchange rates and promotion of indoor

moisture buildup (Bornehag CG et al. 2005).

Exposure to VOCs can lead to acute and chronic health effects. The risk of health effects

from inhaling any chemical depends on how much is in the air, how long and how often a

person breathes it in (MDH, 2010). The major potential health effects include acute and

chronic respiratory effects, such as bronchitis and dyspnea. Over the past few decades

concern has increased about respiratory health effects from exposure to indoor air pollution.

Several studies have shown that the major effect of VOC's exposure is the development of

asthma and allergic symptoms. Global trend in prevalence of allergic airway disease and

other types of allergies in children and young adults appears to be increasing in Western

countries, not only as seasonal decreases or in the context of particular ambients (Green et

al., 2003). Between 2008 and 2010, our research group has conducted a study to evaluate the

exposure to VOCs of secondary school students of first and second degree of Melilli

Augusta and Priolo, area whit high environmental impact. The exposition was assessed by

the passive samplers know, the Radiello, worn by student. The results show that the

concentrations of major VOCs such as benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene, with a few

exceptions, are within the limits of the law (Acerbi et al, 2010). Another study of our

Department shows that the exposure to various environmental pollutants, including VOC,

can cause development and exacerbation of asthma symptoms especially in children (Oliveri

Conti G et a.,l 2011). Causal factors underlying these diseases and other contributors of

global trend in prevalence since the 1970s remain unknown. Global secular trend in asthma

and the allergy disease prevalence draw a parallel with vast shift in diet, lifestyle, and

consumer product uses within the western societies since the World War II (Weschler et al.,

2009). Enormous quantity and array of chemical compounds have been introduced in the

societies which adopted western lifestyles. Consumer products, such as computer, TV, and

synthetic building materials, including artificial carpets, composite wood, polyvinyl

chloride (PVC) flooring, foam cushions, and PVC pipes emit an array of volatile organic

compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (sVOCs) and nonorganic

compounds. In a study, conducted as part of the European Community Respiratory Health

Survey (ECRHS), authors reported higher concentration of total VOCs in recently painted

homes, which was significantly associated with increased odds of asthma. Similarly, in a

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


recent population based case-control study of children in Western Australia, two to

threefold increased odds of asthma was reported among children exposed to benzene,

ethylbenzene, and toluene (Rumchev et al., 2004). Indoor residential chemicals, emitted from

particle board, plastic materials, recent painting, home cleaning agents, air freshener,

pesticide, and insecticide, consistently increase the risks of multiple allergic symptoms and

asthma-like symptoms (Henderson et al., 2008; Mendell et al ., 2007). As far as respiratory

deseases, VOCs are responsible for allergic skin reaction, neurological toxicity, lung cancer,

and eye and throat irritation, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, nausea and neurological

symptoms such as lethargy and depression (Guo et al., 2004).

One of the most important VOCs is benzene. Benzene is an aromatic volatile hydrocarbon,

having a characteristic smell. It come mainly into air from vehicles emissions, and from

refueling losses; smoke from tobacco contains benzene and, in closed spaces, it constitutes

the greater source of such polluter. Short term effects on man act on nervous system while

long term ones produce progressive reduction of blood plateles and effect on leucocytes.

Due to its toxicity benzene has been inserted from IARC in group I. In an our study as far as

the city Catania is concerned, the benzene concentration has been maintained under the

objective values of 10 microgrammi/m


(Ferrante et al., 2004)

We made a critical analysis of recent literature on biomarkers used in the assessment of

exposure to benzene in order to identify, on the basis of personal research, and reliable

biological indicators appropriate for monitoring exposure to low levels of solvent. We

concluded identifying the urinary compartment, the site of elimination of benzene and its

metabolites as such, as the most suitable for biological monitoring of benzene. The urinary

benzene is certainly a valid biomarkers in the estimation of the internal dose of benzene,

even if the measure prevail in precautions. The trans, trans-muconic acid, metabolite of

benzene, as there is of toxicological interest, can be considered the most important

biomarker in the assessment and of exposure and individual susceptibility to adverse effects

of benzene. (Vivoli et al., 2002)

11. Platinum Group Elements (PGEs or PGMs)

The platinum group metals sometimes referred as the platinum group elements, comprise

the rare metals platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), rhodium (Rh), ruthenium (Ru), iridium (Ir)

and osmium (Os).

Accumulation of PGEs is increasing in the environment over the time. The detection of

PGEs, even in remote areas of the planet, provides evidence of the global nature of the

problem. Catalytic converters of modern vehicles are considered to be the main sources of

PGE contamination in addition to some other application (e.g. industrial, jewelry, anticancer

drugs, etc.). The wide-scale use of catalytic converters for automotive traction in most

industrialised Countries has led, over the years, to a substantial increase in environmental

concentrations of PGEs. Along with PGEs the vehicle exhaust catalysts contain also a

number of stabilizers, commonly oxides of rare earth elements and alkaline earth elements

Old and New Air Pollutants: An Evaluation on Thirty Years Experiences


such as cerium (Ce), lantanium (La) and zirconium (Zr). Platinum content of road dusts,

however, can be soluble, consequently, it enters to the waters, sediments, soil, and finally,

the food chain. The effect of chronic occupational exposure to Pt compounds is well-

documented, and certain Pt species are known to exhibit allergenic potential, but PGEs have

also been found to be related to asthma, nausea, increased hair loss, increased spontaneous

abortion, dermatitis, and other serious health problems in humans. Some researchers have

shown that the Rh and Pd have a role on the emergence of certain tumors of the blood in rat.

The vast majority of studies on airborne PGMs have however been carried out in urban

areas characterised by high traffic density or in areas adjoining the aforementioned zones.

Analytical difficulties restrict the number of studies carried out for PGE concentration

estimation in air and airborne particles.

In fact the low PGE concentration in the environmental samples combined with numerous

interferences in the most sensitive analytical techniques are considered to be the major

difficulties by many technicians.

Ravindra et al. (2004) says that : "the Pt concentration in air was reported to be lower

than 0.05 pg/m


near a freeway in California. However, other studies in Germany have

shown that the total Pt concentration in air along a highway ranged from 0.02 to 5.1



(0.6 to 130 ng/g) with the Pt mainly present in the small particle size fraction (from

0.5 to 8 μ m), whilst the larger airborne particles had a lower Pt content. The proportion

of soluble platinum in air particles varied from 30 % to 43 %. A mean Pt concentration of

7.3 pg/m


has been measured inside Munich city buses and tramways during regular

rides, with a strong correlation with traffic density. Bocca et al. (2003) reported a

significant difference for the PGE content of air in urban and remote sites of Rome. The

PGE concentration in urban airborne particulate matter ranged at 21.2-85.7 pg/m


for Pd,

7.8-38.8 pg/m


for Pt, and 2.2-5.8 pg/m


for Rh. In Madrid, the Pt and Rh concentrations

in airborne particulate matter ranged from 3.1 to 15.5 pg/m


, and from not detectable to

9.32 pg/m


, respectively".

The present literature survey shows that the concentrations of these metals have increased

significantly in the last decades in diverse en vironmental matrices; like airborne particulate

matter, soil, roadside dust and vegetation, river, coastal and oceanic environment.

Generally, PGEs are referred to behave in an inert manner and to be immobile.

Our research group has carried out a study on this issue entitled: "Fir st data about Pt, Pd,

and Rh in air, foods and biolog ical samples in the district of Catania" (Ferrante et al., 1998)

in order to acquire data about Rh, Pt and Pd concentrations in air, food, blood and urine

samples of the territory of Catania in order to establish a set of values to make an initial

bibliography. Metals investigated have been found in the samples assayed, although

discontinuously and in trace concentrations.

Another study carried out on the Italian territory by Spaziani et al. (2008) investigated the Pt

distribution in urban matrices (soils and dusts) in five cities, from north (Padova), central

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


(Rome and Viterbo), and south (Naples and Palermo) Italy in order to obtain a large set of

data concerning pollution from autocatalysts. Analyses show a beginning of Pt enrichment

in urban soils, with concentration ranges of 0.1–5.7 ng/g (Padova), 7–19.4 ng/g (Rome), 4.9–

20 ng/g (Viterbo), 4.7–14.3 ng/g (Napoli), and 0.2–3.9 ng/g (Palermo).

Platinum group elements from automotive catalytic converters are continuously increasing

in environmental matrices over the time. It is still under discussion, whether the emitted

PGEs are toxic for human beings. The potential health risk from these elements would have

to be taken in consideration for the possible risk of exposure for those living in urban

environments, or along major highways.

12. Conclusion

The movement of atmospheric pollution between continents attracts increasing political

attention. In a context dominated by the struggle against the emission of greenhouse gases,

problems of air quality should not be underestimated and policies relating to climate

protection must be taken into account.

All the above topics need further investigation (both experimental and model), partly on the

base of health studies for novel air pollutants, to reach a better understanding of the

behaviour of these in the environment. Greater international cooperation, also focusing on

links between climate and air pollution policies, is required more than ever to address the

phenomenon of air pollution.

However, the most important thing that emerges from our forty years of experience on the

environmental topics is the need for a more precise and careful risk management

(identification, esteem, evaluation and interventions on the risk). Too often technologies that

pose a serious risk to the human health are replaced with technology just as risky or even

riskier for the health of the population with enormous burdens also of the social and health


Author details

Margherita Ferrante, Maria Fiore, Gea Oliveri Conti, Caterina Ledda,

Roberto Fallico and Salvatore Sciacca

Department "G.F. Ingrassia", Sector of Hygiene and Public Health, Catania University, Italy

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Chapter 2

© 2012 Martins et al., licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the

Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits

unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Urban Structure and Air Quality

Helena Martins, Ana Miranda and Carlos Borrego

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

It is an inquestionable fact that much has been done in the last decades to improve the

quality of the air we breathe and live in. Policies, technology and increasing public

awareness have taken us to an unprecedented level of protection. On the other hand, it is

also a fact that not only our cities but also our countryside continue to show worrying and

troubling signs of environmental stress, of which air pollution is one of many.

In 1900, 14% of the world's population lived in cities; fifty years later, the proportion had

risen to 30%, and by 2003 to 48%; today half the world's population lives in cities and

predictions are that by 2030, 60% of the po pulation will be urban [1]. In Europe,

approximately 75% of the population lives in urban areas [2]. The last two centuries have

seen a transformation of cities from being relatively contained, to becoming widespread

over kilometres of semi-suburban/semi-rural land with commercial areas, office parks and

housing developments. People often live miles from where they work, shop or go for leisure

activities. This type of urban development has been named urban sprawl, and has its origins

from the rapid low-density outward expansion of the United States of America cities in the

beginning of the 20


century [3]. In Europe, cities have traditionally been much more

compact; however urban sprawl is now also a European phenomenon [4].

Next the scientific and policy background on the subject of this chapter is presented. Urban

planning aspects related to urban structure are briefly addressed, and the issue of urban air

pollution is introduced, as well as the main air pollution problems that European cities are

facing. The most important research studies covering the relation between urban planning

and air pollution during the last decades are then reviewed.

1.1. Urban planning

When the first cities emerged, they were created having defence in mind, resulting in

compact forms of settlement. With the advent of industrialization first and transport

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


systems later, urban structures have changed dramatically, with an unprecedented process

of urbanization that has persisted so far.

1.1.1. Urban planning perspectives

People have imagined ideal cities since ever; urban planners in particular have directed their

attention to the types of urban structure that can provide a greater quality of life and

environmental protection. In the 20


century, various architects have proposed radical

changes in the form of the city [5]. Le Corbusiers's 'Radiant City' and Frank Lloyd Wright's

'Broadacre City' represent two extremes in a broad spectrum between urban density and

dispersal. Le Corbusier (1887-1965) proposed high-density urban areas, where different land

uses would be located in separate districts, with distinct functions - residential, commercial

areas, churches - forming a geometric pattern with a sophisticated transit system. In

opposition, Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) defended the need for a closer contact with

nature, and defended decentralized low-density cities, composed of single-family homes on

large pieces of land, small farms, light industry, recreation areas, and other urban facilities

where travel needs would be almost entirely dependent on the automobile [5].

Twenty years after the mid 1970's oil crisis which incited the first search for urban forms that

conserved resources, the idea of sustainability has re-emerged, due to the growing awareness of

urban problems related with resources depletion, energy consumption, pollution and waste [6].

The role of urban planning in urban sustainability, namely which urban structure will provide

higher environmental protection, is today still un der discussion. The scope of the debate can be

summarized by classifying positions in two groups: the "decentrists", in favour of urban de-

centralization, defending the dispersed city characterized by low population densities and large

area requirements; and the "centrists", who believe in the virtues of high density cities with

low area requirements, defending the compact city. Defenders of dispersal and low density

development claim that low densities can be sustainable and that the quality of life within

them is much higher in comparison with contained high density developments. The argument

against the dispersed city is that low densities, and the consequent large area needs and land

use segregation, result in a high dependence from motorized vehicles. Several authors

however have associated sprawling urban development patterns with increased vehicle travel

and congestion [7], increased volumes of storm-water runoff [8], loss of agricultural lands [9],

and, even, increased rates of obesity in children and adult populations [10].

The compact city is characterized by high density and mixed use development, where

growth is encouraged within the boundaries of existing urban areas. Those in its favour

defend that urban containment will reduce the need for motorized trips, therefore reducing

traffic emissions, and promoting public transp ort, walking and cycling [11]. It is also

claimed that higher densities will help to make the supply of infrastructures and leisure

services economically feasible, also increasing social sustainability [12]. Other such as [13]

however, claim that the environmental benefits resulting from urban compaction are

doubtful and that higher urban densities are unlikely to deliver the high quality of life that

centrists promise. Although some reduction in energy consumption might be expected from

Urban Structure and Air Quality


compaction, they argue that a large centralised city can often result in greater traffic

congestion with fuel efficiency greatly reduced. Another important aspect mentioned is that

even if vehicle emissions are reduced, they may be concentrated in the precise areas where

they cause most damage and adversely affect most people [14].

1.1.2. Urban sprawl in Europe

Historically, urban dispersion rose from the struggle against the 19


century industrial

cities, which were congested, polluted, and foci of crime and disease [15]. After that, the

growth of cities has been driven by the growth of population; however, in Europe today

there is little or no population growth, while sprawl shows no signs of slowing down. A

variety of factors such as the negative environmental (pollution and noise) and social factors

(poverty and insecurity) related to city cores, rising living standards, changing living

preferences, and a new mobility paradigm are now driving sprawl [2, 16].

Since the mid-1950's, European cities have expanded on average by 78% whereas the

population has grown by only 33%; also, more than 90% of the new residential areas are low

density areas; inevitably European cities have become much less compact [4]. Figure 1

shows the European areas with higher urbanization rates, where urban land cover has been

increasing between four to six times faster than the European average, and the population

density in residential areas declining six times faster [17].

Figure 1. European areas with very rapid urbanization [17].

Clearly for these areas the term sprawl is well fitted. Regions of this type can be found along

the Portuguese coastline, in Madrid and its surroundings as well as in some coastal regions

in Spain, in the north of the Netherlands, north-western Ireland, Italy and Greece. Sprawl is

particularly evident in countries or regions that have benefited from EU regional policies,

such as Portugal, Ir eland, and Spain.

1.2. Urban air quality

Problems regarding air pollution in urban areas have been known for millennia, but the

attitude towards them was ambiguous, since they were even considered a symbol of growth

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


and prosperity, and the attempts to combat them were scattered and ineffective. It was only

after the occurrence of a few major air pollution episodes in the 20


century (such as the Meuse

Valley (Belgium) accident in December 1930 and the London December 1952 smog episode)

that a greater awareness and the consequent development of air pollution policies took place.

1.2.1. Main atmospheric pollutants and sources

Atmospheric pollutants (gaseous and particulate) can be divided in primary pollutants,

which are directly emitted to the atmosphere by a natural or anthropogenic emission source,

and secondary pollutants, which result from primary pollutants transformation through

chemical reactions highly dependent on meteorological conditions and/or solar radiation

[18]. Currently, the two air pollutants of most concern for public health are surface

particulate matter and tropospheric ozone, therefore receiving special attention in this

review and also throughout this chapter.

There is increasing evidence that fine dust particles have deleterious effects on human

health, causing premature deaths and reducing quality of life by aggravating respiratory

conditions such as asthma [19]. One reason why particulate matter (PM) is of such concern

is the absence of any concentration threshold below which there are no health effects.

Evidence suggests that fine particulates, with an equivalent aerodynamic diameter less than

2.5 micrometres (PM2.5), do most damage to human health, and that effects depend further

on the chemical composition or physical characteristics of the particle [20]. Particulate

matter (PM) includes as principal components sulphate, nitrate, organic carbon, elemental

carbon, soil dust, and sea salt. The first four components are mostly present as fine particles,

and these are of most concern for human health. Sulphate, nitrate, and organic carbon are

produced within the atmosphere by oxidation of sulphur dioxide (SO

2), nitrogen oxides


x) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC); carbon particles are also

emitted directly by combustion. The seasonal variation of PM is complex and location-

dependent; in general, PM needs to be viewed as an air quality problem year-round [21].

While ozone (O3) in the upper atmosphere provides an essential screen against harmful UV

radiation, at ground level it is lung irritant causing many of the same health effects as

particulate matter, as well as attacking vegetation, forests and buildings. Observed effects on

human health are inflammation and morphological, biochemical, and functional changes in

the respiratory tract, as well as decreases in host defence functions. Effects on vegetation

include visible leaf injury, growth and yield reductions, and altered sensitivity to biotic and

abiotic stresses [22]. Ozone is produced in the troposphere by photochemical oxidation of

carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4 ), and NMVOC by the hydroxyl radical (OH) in the

presence of reactive nitrogen oxides. The relation between O3 , NO x and VOC is driven by

complex nonlinear photochemistry, with the existence of two regimes with different O


NOx -VOC sensitivity: in the NO x -sensitive regime (with relatively low NOx and high VOC),

O3 increases with increasing NOx and changes little in response to increasing VOC; in the

NOx -saturated or VOC-sensitive regime O 3 decreases with increasing NOx and increases

with increasing VOC [23]. Also, in the vicinity of large nitrogen monoxide (NO) emissions,

Urban Structure and Air Quality


ozone is destroyed according to the reaction NO + O


= NO


+ O


, generally referred as O


titration by NO. This situation usually takes place in heavily polluted areas, with ozone

consumption taking place immediately downwind of the sources, and becoming elevated as

the plume moves further downwind [24]. Ozone pollution is in general mostly a summer

problem because of its photochemical nature [23].

1.2.2. Emissions and air quality trends in Europe

Emissions of air pollutants decreased substantially during the period 1990–2009 across

Europe (Figure 2). PM emissions fell by 27 % for PM10 and 34 % for PM2.5. Emissions of the

precursor gases SO


and NO


declined by 80 % and 44 % respectively. Emissions of ammonia



), have fallen less: only about 14 % between 1990 and 2009. It is estimated that current

European policies reduced NO


emissions from road vehicles by 55 % and from industrial

plants by 68 % in the period 1990–2005 [25].

Notwithstanding the emissions decrease in Europe, the analysis of PM10 concentrations

since 1999 for a total of 459 European air quality monitoring stations reveals that 83 % of the

stations presents a small negative trend of less than 1 μg.m


per year [25]. For ozone there is

a discrepancy between the substantial cuts in ozone precursor gas emissions and the

stagnation in observed annual average ozone concentrations in Europe [26]. Reasons include

increasing inter-continental transport of O


and its precursors in the northern hemisphere,

climate change/variability, biogenic NMVOC emissions, and fire plumes from forest and

other biomass fires [26].

Figure 2. EU emissions of PM and ozone precursor gases 1990-2009 [25].

The target value threshold for ozone of 120 μg.m


(daily maximum of running 8-hour mean

values) was exceeded on more than 25 days per year at a large number of stations across

Europe in 2009 (Figure 3a). The map shows the proximity of recorded ozone concentrations to

the target value. At sites marked with dark orange dots, the 26


highest daily ozone

concentration exceeded the 120 μg.m


threshold, implying an exceedance of the threshold and

the number of allowed execeedances by the target value [25]. The EU limit and target values

for PM were exceeded widely in Europe in 2009, as evidenced in Figure 3b. The annual limit

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


value for PM10 was exceeded most often (dark orange dots) in Poland, Italy, Slovakia, several

Balkan states and Turkey. The daily limit value was exceeded (light orange dots) in other cities

in those countries, as well as in many other countries in central and western Europe.

Figure 3. a) Twenty-sixth highest daily maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration; b) Annual mean

concentration of PM10 recorded at each monitoring station in 2009 [25].

Across Europe, the population exposure to air pollution exceeds the standards set by the EU

(Figure 4). For ozone there has been considerable variation along the period 1997-2009, with

14% to 61% of the urban population exposed to concentrations above the target value. In

2003, a year with extremely high ozone concentrations due to specific meteorological

conditions, the exposure was higher. Regarding PM10, in the period 1997-2009, 18 to 50% of

the urban population was potentially exposed to ambient air concentrations higher than the

EU limit value set for the protection of human health [25].

Figure 4. Percentage of the EU urban population potentially exposed to air pollution exceeding

acceptable EU air quality standards [25].

1.3. Integrating urban pl anning and air quality

Since the world's cities are the major consumers of natural resources, the major producers of

pollution and waste, and the focus of most other human activities, various governments

Urban Structure and Air Quality


realised that much of the sustainable debate has an urban focus. Solving the problems of the

city would be a major contribution to solving the most pressing global environmental

problems, since it is in cities that we find the greatest concentration of population and

economic activity, and it is in cities that the crucial long term and often irreversible decisions

on infra-structure investments (related to energy supply and waste treatment) are made.

After the Brundtland Commission report [27] the notion that the natural environment

should become a political priority, and the pursuit of sustainable development received a

remarkable attention. In many countries there have been profound changes in policies and

in political and popular attitudes, as the commitment to the sustainable development idea

has increased. The question now is which urban form or structure will be likely to deliver

more environmental benefits or will be less harmful to the human health and the

environment. The most important work conducted in the field in the last two decades is

reviewed next.

1.3.1. Data analysis studies

Much of the technical arguments for compact cities have revolved around the allegedly

lower levels of travel, and hence lower levels of fuel consumption and emissions, associated

with high urban densities. [28, 29] have related fuel consumption per capita to population

density for a large number of cities around the world, and found a consistent pattern with

higher densities associated with lower fuel consumption. [30] compared a group of world

cities over the period 1980 to 1990 regarding its land use and transport characteristics. The

study demonstrated the importance of urban density in explaining annual per capita auto

use, with annual kilometres travelled per capita strongly inversely correlated with urban

density. Similar conclusions emerged from [11], which found a clear inverse correlation

between total distances travelled per week and population density. People living at the

lowest densities were found to travel twice as far by car each week in comparison to those

living at the highest densities.

The studies by [28, 29] have been criticised for focusing on the single variable of density,

when other factors are likely to be important in explaining travel behaviour. [31] argues that

household income and fuel price are important determinants of such behaviour, making it

difficult to clearly identify the link between density and fuel consumption.

While several additional studies [32-35] have related travel behaviour, traffic, energy

consumption and emissions with land use patterns, only few were found relating land use

with air quality, i.e., with atmospheric pollutant concentrations. [36] examined the

relationship between the degree of sprawl and ozone levels for 52 metropolitan areas in the

United States. While there was evidence regarding the association between lower

population densities and higher vehicle miles of travel, only moderate evidence was found

relating sprawl and increased ozone levels. [37] analysed the impact of changes in land area

and population on per capita exposure to motor vehicle emissions, concluding that infill

development has the potential to reduce motor vehicle emissions yet increasing per capita

inhalation of those emissions, while sprawl has the potential to increase vehicle emissions

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


but reduce their inhalation. [38] explored the implications of sprawl for air quality through

the integration of data on land use attributes and air quality trends recorded in 45 of the 50

largest US metropolitan regions. The results of this study indicate that urban form is

significantly associated with both ozone precursor emissions and ozone exceedances.

Overall, the most sprawling cities experienced over 60% more high ozone days than the

most compact cities.

Most of the above work relied on empirical studies to provide descriptive comparisons of

current cities and to find evidence that certain types of urban forms are correlated with

desirable levels of energy consumption and emissions. These approaches integrate the land

use and transport aspects of urban form, but lack the extra step that translates energy

efficiency into indicators of air quality, via pollutant concentrations.

1.3.2. Numerical modeling studies

As just mentioned, several empirical and mode lling studies integrate land use and transport

issues and its relation with urban structure, however, few were found that explore the

connection to air quality and human exposure. Conclusions from most of the studies done

so far have been harmed by the lack of knowledge about the complex path between an

initial action for the reduction of atmospheric emissions and the final benefit in terms of air

quality and human exposure [39]. Health effects of air pollution are the result of a chain of

events, going from the release of pollutants leading to an ambient atmospheric

concentration, over the personal exposure, uptake, and resu lting internal dose to the

subsequent health effect. It is important to make a distinction between concentration and

exposure; concentration is a physical characteristic of the environment at a certain place and

time, whereas exposure describes the interaction between the environment and a living

subject, referring to an individual's contact with a pollutant concentration.

Emissions reduction conducts to changes in at mospheric pollutant concentrations, but those

changes will have different spatial and temporal magnitudes and signs, due to differences in

emissions, weather patterns and population exposed to pollution according to the time of

the day, day of the week or month of the year, and also according to the population age

structure (children, adults and elderly suffer different effects due to their different

respiratory frequencies). Exposure is the key factor in assessing the risk of adverse health

effects, since high pollutant concentrations do not harm people if they are not present, while

even low levels may become relevant when people are present [19].

Recent advances in computer technology have allowed the integration of land-use and

traffic models with air quality models; these modelling tools assume a particular importance

to the subject under study, since they allow the integration of the most important variables

that have to be analysed. One of the earliest investigations in this field was carried out for

Melbourne in [39]. The authors developed a framework for linking urban form and air

quality, integrating land use, transport and air quality models, and the results of the study

shown that any of the several strategies designed to deliberately channel and concentrate

additional population and industry into specific zones, when supported by simultaneous

Urban Structure and Air Quality


investments in transport infrastructure, will deliver environmental and efficiency benefits

that consistently outperform those associated with the "business-as-usual" approach.

Through the application of dispersion and photochemical models, [40] concluded that compact

cities with mixed land uses promote a better air quality when compared with dispersed cities

with land use segregation. A subsequent study, conducted by the same team [41], investigated

the influence of urban structure on human health, estimating the human exposure to

atmospheric pollutants. Results reveal that the compact city presents more people exposed to

higher pollution levels due to the existent high population densities. [42] investigated the

potential effects of extensive changes in urban land cover, in the New York City (NYC)

metropolitan region, on surface meteorology and ozone concentrations. Results from the

study suggest that extensive urban growth in the NYC metropolitan area has the potential to

increase afternoon temperatures by more than 0.6°C leading to increases in episode-average

ozone levels by about 1–5 ppb, and episode-maximum 8 h ozone levels by more than 6 ppb.

[43, 44] investigated the effects of urban sprawl on road traffic, air quality and population

exposure for the German Ruhr area. The sprawl scenario produced a temperature increase of

about half a degree over significant portions of the domain, including beyond the area where

the land use changes were implemented. The combination of increased temperature and

emissions yielded ozone concentration pattern changes, from -1.5 to +4.5 g.m



2. Case study presentation

In the report "Urban sprawl in Europe" [2], Porto urban area is identified as one of the top

ten European cities where sprawl is growing faster. In the last decades, the Porto area has

experienced an accelerated process of land occupation, with the urban area increasing at

much faster rates than the population. Also, according to the air quality reports for

Portugal's Northern region, the assessment of pollutant concentrations measured in the air

quality monitoring network shows that Porto metropolitan region presents a poor air

quality, with ozone thresholds and PM10 limit values exceeded [45]. It seems therefore that

the Porto region is an interesting and challenging case to be studied in the framework of the

topic urban structure and air quality.

The region selected for the analysis is showed in Figure 5 and incl udes 21 municipalities,

with a total area of almost 240 000 hectares. The Porto municipality constitutes the study

region's centre around which a first metropolitan ring is formed by the municipalities of

Matosinhos, Maia, Gondomar and Vila Nova de Gaia; the municipalities of P. Varzim, V.N.

Famalicão, Lousada, Felgueiras, Penafiel, M. Canavezes, C. Paiva and S.J. Madeira can be

considered part of a peripheral ring, while the remaining intermediate municipalities

constitute a second metropolitan ring.

2.1. Patterns of urban growth and change

This section explores the path of the recent urban expansion in the Porto area. For that

purpose the process of urban growth in this area is analysed in detail, with the use of two

digital Corine Land over (CLC ) maps – CLC90 and CLC2000.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 5. Study region, including 21 municipalities.

The CORINE (COordination of INformation on the Environment) programme of the

European Commission includes a land cover project – CLC - [46] intended to provide

consistent localized geographical information on the land cover of the Member States of the

European Community. CLC is a standardised land cover inventory derived from satellite

imagery for 24 countries, with 250 m resolution. For Portugal, CLC 1990 (CLC90) was

produced with satellite images from 1985 to 1987, depending on the region, while CLC2000

concerns the year 2000. The two datasets are here analysed for the study region, in order to

produce a thorough characterization of the land use evolution in the period between 1987

and 2000. Figure 9 presents the study region land cover maps for 1987 and 2000, resulting

from the processing of CLC90 and CLC2000 data, respectively. To obtain a clearer picture of

the land cover, the 44 CLC classes were grouped in 5 large categories: 1) artificial surfaces; 2)

agricultural areas; 3) forests and shrub areas; 4) other non-artificial surfaces (areas of little or

no vegetation, and inland and coastland wetlands); 5) water bodies.

Figure 6. Study region land cover maps for 1987 and 2000.

Urban Structure and Air Quality


The land cover maps reveal the expansion of artificial areas throughout the study region,

mainly occupying land previously dedicated to agriculture, due to its proximity to the

already existent urban areas. In order to have a clearer picture of the magnitude and nature

of this growth, Table 1 presents the numbers behind the maps, including the total area for

each of the four large land use categories and corresponding share (%) for each dataset, as

well as the magnitude of the change between 1987 and 2000. Furthermore, artificial surfaces

area is analysed with more detail by looking at its composition: continuous urban fabric;

discontinuous urban fabric; industrial or commercial units; other artificial surfaces. From

1987 to 2000, built-up land uses increased 41.5%, around 13 000 new hectares have become

artificial during this period, with urbanized land rising from 13% to 18% of the total area of

the region. The analysis by municipality shows that the largest artificial surface increases are

particularly observed outside the urban centre confirming the previous assertions about the

existence of urban sprawl processes in the region. Municipalities in the first metropolitan

ring around Porto reveal the largest absolute increases of artificial surfaces. Municipalities

outside the first metropolitan ring, with very low shares of urbanised areas in 1987

presented the highest growth rates between 1987 and 2000. As expected, Porto municipality

presents the highest percentage of artificial land uses, with 91.5% of the total area in 2000

(83% in 1987). As urbanization advanced, many non-urban hectares disappeared:

agriculture land loss represents more than half of the entire non-urban losses (12820 ha);

forest and shrub areas come next with 26%.

Land uses

CLC90 (1987 data) CLC2000 Change

hectares % hectares % hectares %

Artificial surfaces 30908.2




















+ 12819.7










Continuous urban fabric

Discontinuous urban fabric

Industrial or commercial units

Other artificial surfaces

Agricultural areas 101350.1 42.3 93766.2 39.1 -7584.0 -7.5

Forests and shrub areas 101598.7 42.4 98319.4 41.0 -3270.3 -3.2

Other non-artificial surfaces 5750.4 2.4 3784.9 1.6 -1965.4 -34.2

TOTAL AREA 239598.4 100 239598.4 100 - -

Table 1. Study region land cover data for 1987 and 2000.

A more detailed analysis of the new artificial uses between 1987 and 2000 reveals little

changes in the urbanization trends. The discontinuous or low density urban fabric ranks

first for both years, summing around 75% of the total artificial area. While in 1987

continuous urban fabric was the second land use category, with 11% of the total artificial

area, in 2000 the industrial and commercial units took over the second place. This land use

category showed the highest growth rate between 1987 and 2000 (83%), followed by other

artificial surfaces (46%). The discontinuous urban fabric is the first in terms of area growth,

representing 73% of the new artificial areas. The land use category compact or continuous

urban fabric showed the lowest growth.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Evidence therefore suggests that Porto region is undergoing a process of urban sprawl; to

further confirm it, it is important to look at the relation between the artificial areas growth

and the population growth in the same period. Making use of the population data and of

the residential area, obtained through the sum of continuous and discontinuous urban

fabric, the residential density (number of residents per residential square kilometre) was

calculated for 1987 and for 2000 (Figure 7), for a limited group of municipalities with

available data for 1987 and 2000 simultaneously.

Figure 7. Residential density calculated for 1987 and 2000 for a group of municipalities in the study


A trend towards lower residential densities is observed, revealing that the population

growth has lost importance as an explanatory factor of the urbanization process, while the

generalization of dispersed urban patterns has risen. An important sprawl process in the

region is the proliferation of new industrial and commercial areas. Extensive industrial areas

and mega commercial structures punctuate the Porto region, with the traditional tendency

of locating commercial uses within the urban fabric rapidly fading. There is no longer a real

mixture of uses; instead, commercial activities are now segregated and concentrated in large

portions of land orientated to commercial and leisure activities.

2.2. Mobility and attractiveness

In metropolitan areas, the need for daily-travel or commuting is a reality steaming from the

progressive distancing between residential areas and work and study areas. Hence, in a study

whose aim is to link urban structure with emissions and air quality, it is essential to look not

only at the number of residents per municipality but also at the population flow between

municipalities. It was therefore necessary to characterize the commuting characteristics of the

region and the relative attractiveness/ repulsiveness of each municipality in the study area. For

that purpose, a study from the National Statistics Institute [47] for the year 2001 was the main

source of data. The study demonstrates the existence of important commuting movements in

the Porto Metropolitan Area, through the analysis of the main interaction axis and the

accounting of workers and student's flows between municipalities. Of great significance are

the interactions between Porto, the centre of the region, and the municipalities of the first

metropolitan ring; these interactions are strongly unbalanced in favour of Porto [47]. The

mentioned study compiled the rates relating the number of individuals entering/ exiting a









Residential density

(residents per residential km





Urban Structure and Air Quality


given municipality with the number of individuals residing in the municipality. The described

data was processed and attraction and repulsion rates re-calculated for the municipalities in

the case study region. It was assumed that the study region acts as a tight zone, and the

possible interactions between it and the surrounding areas are not considered. As an example,

Figure 8 presents the data for Porto municipality, with a net attraction rate of 38.2%.

These attraction and repulsion rates are essentia l for the definition and construction of the

urban development scenarios for the region since, in order to determine the total amount

and distribution of atmospheric pollutant emissi ons in the study region, it is necessary to

consider not only the number of inhabitants or residents per municipality but also the flow

between municipalities.

Figure 8. Porto main entering and exiting movements and attraction and repulsion rates for 2001.

2.3. Air quality levels

Portugal's northern region, in accordance to the established in the Air Quality Framework

Directive (96/62/EC), was classified [48] in two zones (Interior North and Coastal North) and

four agglomerations (Coastal Porto, Braga, Vale do Ave and Vale do Sousa). Since 2005, the

air quality monitoring network covers all the zones/agglomerations, with a total of 24

stations in 2006, the large majority of them (15) located in Coastal Porto due to the high

number of inhabitants.

Figure 9 shows the air quality monitoring stations for which PM10 daily legal requirements

were not fulfilled [49]. High PM10 concentrations are measured in urban and suburban

monitoring stations; regarding the daily limit value the number of annual exceedances goes

well beyond the allowed 35. As a result of these exceedances, and accordingly to the

determined in the Air Quality Framework Directive, the Northern Region of Portugal is

currently under the obligation of developing and implement Plans and Programs for the

Improvement of the Air Quality [49].

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 9. Monitoring stations not fulfilling PM10 legal requirements for daily LV + MT in 2001-2006 in

the study area (the red line indicates the allowed number of daily exceedances) (data from [49]).

The analysis of ozone measured data shows that concentration values are higher outside the

urban centre of the region, i.e. outside Porto municipality. Nevertheless the ozone

information threshold is exceeded in the majority of the monitoring stations, and often along

a high number of hours per year. Concerning the seasonal occurrence of exceedances, ozone

limit values are generally higher between April and September, while for PM10 high

concentrations have been found both in summer and winter.

3. Setup of the urban air quality modelling system

This section describes the meteorological (MM5 ) and chemical (CAMx) numerical models, used

in the atmospheric simulations for the Porto study region. Both models are freely available, and

have been extensively used and validated worldwide, being subject of constant improvement

and update. These facts, together with the good performance of the models obtained for

different regions, including the present study region, justify their selection. Moreover, these

models are ready to be applied in long-term simulations with accept able computing times.

Figure 10. Simplified scheme of the MM5-CAMx modelling system.








Number of daily LV exceedances

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006








Number of daily LV exceedances

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006




Input Data


Topography Land use Emissions

Initial and bound .






wind fields



conc . fields



dep. fields









Input Data











wind fields



conc . fields

3D pollutants









2D and 3D meteorological fields

(temperature, wind,precipitation,…)

2D pollutants








Input Data


TopographyTopography Land use EmissionsEmissions

Initial and bound .









wind fields


wind fields



conc . fields



conc . fields



dep. fields



dep. fields









Input Data











wind fields



conc . fields

3D pollutants









2D and 3D meteorological fields

(temperature, wind,precipitation,…)

2D pollutants



Urban Structure and Air Quality


Figure 10 presents a simplified scheme of the MM5-CAMx modelling system applied to the

simulation of the atmospheric flow and air quality in the study region.

3.1. MM5 meteorological model

The PSU/NCAR mesoscale model was developed at the Pennsylvania State University and

the National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The model is supported by several

pre- and post-processing programs, which are referred to collectively as the MM5 modelling

system [50]. The MM5 modelling system software is freely provided and supported by

NCAR, therefore it is widely used internationally [51, 42]. The MM5 is a three-dimensional

non-hydrostatic prognostic model that simulates mesoscale atmospheric circulations.

Important features in the MM5 modelling system include: (i) a multiple-nest capability; (ii)

non-hydrostatic dynamics; (iii) a four-dimensional data assimilation capability; (iv)

increased number of physics options; and (v) portability to a wide range of computer

platforms [52]. The program numerically solves the pressure, mass, momentum, energy and

water conservation equations; it presents different parameterization schemes for clouds,

planetary boundary layer and diffusion, moisture, radiation, and surface. MM5´s nesting

capability allows the consideration of several domains in a single simulation or in

consecutive simulations; therefore, the first domain can present a more regional dimension

with a coarser mesh, while the next domain will cover a smaller area but with a higher


Since MM5 includes several parameterizations, users can choose among the multiple

options of model physics and parameterization schemes; some are based on the scale of the

motion, such as the cumulus parameterizations, while others are dependent on users

preferences, such as the planetary boundary layer (PBL) schemes [53]. Based on previous

MM5 applications for the West Coast of Portugal, namely by [54], the chosen MM5 physical

options include: Grell cumulus scheme for the coarser resolution domain and no cumulus

parameterization for the smaller grids, RRTM radiation scheme, Reisner-Graupel moisture

scheme, MRF BPL scheme for the coarser resolution domain and Gayno-Seaman PBL

scheme for the smaller grids. The used land surface model is the five-layer soil model. The

initial and boundary conditions are from the National Centre for Environmental Predictions

(NCEP) global 1-degree reanalysis data, updated every 6-hours [55].

The MM5 modelling system has two types of land use data with global coverage available

from the United States Geological Survey (USGS): 13-category, with a resolution of 1 degree,

30 and 10 minutes; and 24-category, with a resolution of 1 degree, 30, 10, 5 and 2 minutes,

and 30 seconds. The USGS 24-category data is referred to 1990, and some of the components

are originated from a dataset compiled in the 1970s [52]. This data was compared with the

data from Corine Land Cover 2000 [56], and it was possible to conclude that the land use in

the study area is weakly represented in the USGS24 original dataset: in CLC2000, Porto and

the surrounding municipalities are presented as a large urban area, while in USGS24 the

urbanized area is much more restricted and concentrated over Porto. Therefore, the USGS24

default land use data was replaced by CLC2000 data in the present study.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


3.2. CAMx air quality model

The Comprehensive Air quality Model with extensions (CAMx) was developed by

ENVIRON International Cooperation, from California, United States of America. CAMx [57]

is an Eulerian photochemical dispersion model that allows the integrated "one-atmosphere"

assessment of gaseous and particulate air pollution over many scales ranging from sub-

urban to continental. CAMx simulates the emission, dispersion, chemical reaction, and

removal of pollutants in the troposphere by solving the pollutant continuity equation for

each chemical species on a system of nested three-dimensional grids. The Eulerian

continuity equation describes the time dependency of the average species concentration

within each grid cell volume as a sum of all of the physical and chemical processes

operating on that volume [58]. The nested grid capability of CAMx allows cost-effective

application to large regions in which regional transport occurs, yet at the same time

providing fine resolution to address small-scale impacts in selected areas [58]. The CAMx

chemical mechanisms are based on Carbon Bond version 4 and SAPRC99.

CAMx requires input files that configure each simulation, define the chemical mechanism,

and describe the photochemical conditions, su rface characteristics, initial/boundary

conditions, emission rates, and various meteorological fields over the entire modelling

domain. Preparing this information requires several pre-processing steps to translate "raw"

emissions, meteorological, air quality and other data into the final input files for CAMx.

Some changes have been performed over the last years in order to implement MM5-CAMx

system for Portugal [59].

The MM5-CAMx pre-processor generates CAMx meteorological input files from the MM5

output files, including land use, altitude/pressure, wind, temperature, moisture, clouds/rain

and vertical diffusivity. The vertical structure in CAMx will be defined from the MM5 sigma

layers, and therefore will vary in space, also vertical layer structures can vary from one grid

nest to another. Topographic and land use information is also provided by the MM5 model

through the MM5-CAMx pre-processor.

In this study initial concentrations and hourly boundary conditions were created from

output concentration files from the LMDz-INCA chemistry-climate global circulation model

[60] for gaseous species, and from the global model GOCART [61] for aerosols.

Finally, pre-processors are also used to calculate the hourly variation of emissions from

point and area sources, respectively. The processing of the atmospheric emissions is

described in the following section.

3.3. Atmospheric emissions processing

Emission inventories are crucial ingredients to successfully simulate atmospheric pollutants

concentrations, although including substantial uncertainties related to the spatial and

temporal allocation of emissions, as well as the chemical speciation [62, 63]. Besides the

Urban Structure and Air Quality


degree of completeness of the inventory and the quality of the emission factors, the accuracy

of the inventory's temporal and spatial patterns is of major importance for successful air

quality modelling. The Portuguese National Inventory Report (NIR) [64] compiles total

annual quantities of atmospheric emissions, which are assigned by municipality and SNAP

(Selected Nomenclature for sources of Air Pollution) category. For air quality modelling

purposes it is therefore necessary to further spatially disaggregate emissions to the model's

grid cell resolution level. In previous air quality studies for Portugal [62, 65] the NIR was

disaggregated at the sub-municipality level using data given by Ce nsus 2001, concerning

population and fuel consumption [66].

In the present study a new methodology is designed and implemented using spatial

surrogates to disaggregate national emission totals onto a spatially resolved emission

inventory, which can be used as input for any air quality model domain over Portugal. A

spatial surrogate is a value greater than zero and less than or equal to one that specifies the

fraction of the emissions of a particular country, in this case Portugal, which should be

allocated to a particular grid cell of the air quality model domain of interest [67]. Typically,

some type of geographic characteristic is used to weight the attributes into grid cells in a

manner more specific than a simple uniform distribution. In this study, based on the

methodology described in [68], CLC2000 land use data in combination with national

statistics (for population, industry and agriculture employment) are applied as spatial

surrogate variables for disaggregating non-point emission sources over Portugal. The

surrogate value is calculated as the ratio of the attribute value in the intersection of the

country and the grid cell to the total value of the attribute in the country.

The methodology developed and applied is now described. First, point source emissions

were allocated on the air quality domain of interest. Next, non-point emissions, for each

SNAP category, were spatially distributed using specific quantitative spatial surrogate data,

based on statistics from the National Statistics Institute (INE), and other source specific

activity data, and on CLC2000 data for Portugal. The emissions considered in the present

study concern the following atmospheric pollutants: NO

x, NMVOC, CO, NH3, PM10 and

PM2.5.The first step consisted in disaggregating population according to land use.

Population density data are available in Portugal at the sub-municipality level, or commune.

The size of communes in Portugal is very heterogeneous, ranging from 4 ha to 42500 ha;

hence this level of spatial resolution is insufficient for air quality modelling purposes.

Moreover, a certain commune may contain, for instance, parts of dense urban nucleus,

agricultural land with some sparse population, and natural vegetation areas with very little

or no population. CLC2000 gives useful geo-referenced information for disaggregation,

since its geographic database provides information that is spatially much more detailed than

the commune limits. Different population densities were attributed to different land cover

categories, following the methodology described in [69]. The methodology was then applied

to the Portuguese inland territory, with population and employment statistics given by

CENSUS 2001 [70] being disaggregated over the CLC2000 and emissions disaggregated with

population density using GIS. This procedure is illustrated in Figure 11 for NO

x emissions

from non-industrial combustion (SNAP2).

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 11. Spatial allocation of NOx emissions from SNAP2 for domain 3: a) Input data: emissions at

municipality level; b) CLC aggregated classes; c) calculated population for each grid cell of the domain;

d) gridded emissions at 1 km resolution.

The same procedure was followed for disaggregating emissions for the remaining SNAP

categories, except for SNAP7, since the NIR distinguishes road transport emissions in two

sub-categories: motorway emissions and non-motorway emissions. Non-motorway

emissions were spatially distributed using the population disaggregated over the CLC2000

data as described above. Motorway emissions were disaggregated over the national

motorway network, again using GIS.

For the biogenic emissions a bottom-up approach was used. The methodology for Portugal

is described in [71

], and requires the knowledge of the temperature, solar radiation and

forest area density. For the CAMx simulations, biogenic emissions are given as isoprene and


As the NIR provides annual emission totals, time-varying profiles were developed

describing variations in monthly (12-element), daily (2-element, weekday and weekend) and





















NOx (ton.year





















NOx (ton.year



1 – Urban dense

2 – Other urban

3 – Arable

4 – Perm. crops

5 – Pastures

6 – Forest and veg.

CLC aggregated classes

1 – Urban dense

2 – Other urban

3 – Arable

4 – Perm. crops

5 – Pastures

6 – Forest and veg.

CLC aggregated classes

1 – Urban dense

2 – Other urban

3 – Arable

4 – Perm. crops

5 – Pastures

6 – Forest and veg.

CLC aggregated classes



Urban Structure and Air Quality


hourly (24-element) anthropogenic emissions, transforming time-averaged man-made

emissions into hourly fluxes. The information to construct representative and meaningful

temporal profiles was taken from National official statistics (energy, industrial production,

transport, etc).

3.4. Case study domain definition

For the meteorological simulation, the MM5 capability of doing multiple nesting is used,

and the model is applied for four domains, using the two-way nesting technique. Figure 12

shows the model domain setup and the location of the meteorological stations to be used in

the validation process: domain 1 (D1) at 27 km resolution covering the Iberian Peninsula

and France; D2 at 9 km resolution over Portugal; D3 at 3 km resolution over NW Portugal;

and D4 with 1 km resolution over Great Porto Area.

Figure 12. Simulation model domains.

Table 2 summarizes the corresponding grid configurations. Considering previous research

studies performed for NW Portugal [72], 25 unequally spaced vertical levels are used in

order to optimize the simulation through the increase of vertical resolution near the surface.


No. of cells in x-


No. of cells in y-


Z levels



D1 91 77



D2 63 81 9

D3 45 51 3

D4 51 51 1

Table 2. MM5 domains configuration.

Regarding the air quality simulations, CAMx is applied for three domains, slightly smaller

than the corresponding MM5 domains, using its two-way nesting capability: domain 1 (D1)

at 9 km resolution covering Portugal; D2 at 3 km resolution over NW Portugal; and D3 with

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


1 km resolution over Great Porto Area. Table 3 summarizes the corresponding grid

configurations. Considering previous research studies performed for Portugal [59], 17

unequally spaced vertical levels are used.


No. of cells in x-


No. of cells in y-


Z levels Resolution (km)

D1 40 70



D2 35 41 3

D3 38 38 1

Table 3. CAMx domains configuration.

4. Urban development scenarios

This section presents the development and ch aracterization of two different and opposite

urban development scenarios - SPRAWL and COMPACT - in terms of land use and

population. The first represents the continuation of the trend observed in the last decades,

and can be described as a business-as-usual scenario; the second symbolizes the rupture

with the current situation through urban containment. In addition, the reference situation

corresponding to the year 2000, now on referred as BASE, is also presented for comparison


4.1. Land use

The development of the two land use scenarios, was performed over the original CLC2000

land use map, through the alteration of land use type parcels, using the ArcGis software.

The SPRAWL scenario corresponds to the business-as-usual scenario, representing the

continuation of the last decades trend, with urban areas continuing to expand at much faster

rates than population, and urban developmen t spreading throughout the study area, by

filling up existing gaps and expanding the boundaries of existing urban areas. All the new

residential areas (or urban fabric) take place in the form of discontinuous urban fabric. This

urban sprawl scenario results in the smearing out of the region's inhabitants over a large

area, thus effectively simulating the sprawl-related growth process. The urban development

process in the period 1987-2000 was analysed for each municipality separately and

replicated for SPRAWL; the original CLC2000 land use map was changed through the

creation of new artificial surface areas, which replaced natural and semi-natural areas. The

combined SPRAWL land use from each municipality resulted in a new land use map for the

study region presented in Figure 13, side-by-side with the BASE map (CLC2000). The built-

up area (artificial surfaces) was increased from 18% to 25% of the total area; a number that

can be considered realistic given current trends and the fact that in 1987 the share was 13%.

The artificial areas expansion took over agricultural and forested landscapes located in the

proximity of already existent urban areas.

Urban Structure and Air Quality


Figure 13. Study region land cover maps for a) BASE and b) SPRAWL scenario.

The land cover maps reveal the expansion of artificial areas not only in the urban centre of

the region (Porto, Matosinhos, Gondomar and Vila Nova de Gaia), but also throughout the

entire study region. Table 4 presents the comparison between the BASE and the SPRAWL

scenario in terms of the total area for each of the 4 large land use categories, and sub-

categories, and corresponding share (%), as well as the magnitude of the change.

Land uses


hectares % hectares % hectares %

Artificial surfaces 43727.9




















+ 16411.3










Continuous urban fabric

Discontinuous urban fabric

Industrial or commercial units

Other artificial surfaces


ricultural areas 93766.2 39.1 83201.4 34.

-10564.8 -11.3

Forests and shrub areas 98319.4 41.0 92472.9 38.6 -5846.5 -5.9

Other non-artificial surfaces 3784.9 1.6 3784.9 1.6 0 0

Table 4. Study region land cover data for the BASE and SPRAWL scenario.

In comparison with BASE, in the SPRAWL scenario built-up land uses increase 37.5%.

Agricultural areas present the largest decrease, representing now less than 35% of the total

area of the region; forest and shrub areas continue to be the dominant land use in the region,

with a share around 39%. Regarding the composition of artificial surfaces, the continuous

urban fabric loses importance, with no addi tional areas of this type being created,

representing now less than 7% of the artificial surfaces. Discontinuous urban fabric presents

the largest increase, almost 12 000 hectares; industrial and commercial units continue the

growth trend verified between 1987 and 2000, with the highest relative growth, almost

doubling its presence in the study area.

(a) (b)

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


In COMPACT the totality of urban growth is accommodated within already existent urban

areas, i.e., no additional artificial surfaces are created. The only land-use changes

implemented in this scenario concern limited changes from discontinuous to continuous

urban fabric (around 40 hectares). Therefore, no spatial representation of the COMPACT

scenario is presented here, since it coincides with the BASE maps.

4.2. Population

The population of the study region has been increasing; however, this increase has not been

uniform along the region, with municipalities growing at different rates and even

decreasing in Porto municipality. From 1991 to 2006 the study region population increased

from 1.86 million people in 1991 to 2.07 million in 2006 (11.3% growth); the rate of growth

however has decreased from around +1% per year in 1991-2001, to 0.2% per year, in 2001-

2006. In the 25-years period under analysis, in Porto municipality population presented a

decrease of 27%; an important feature of this decrease is that its rate has been accelerating: in

the period 1981-1991 the rate was around -0.8%, in 1991-2001 the rate increased to -1.3%, and

in 2001-2006 around -1.8% [56].

Considering the previous population evolution, both scenarios are developed for a

population of 2.2 million people, corresponding to an increase of 220'000 inhabitants (13%

increase) in relation to the base year 2000, in what can be considered a 20-year period. This

population increase is differently distributed through the municipalities, according to the

land use scenario. Since the SPRAWL scenario corresponds to the perpetuation of the past

20 years trend, the population will change accordingly in each of the municipalities,

presenting the same growth rates as observed between 1991 and 2001. In the COMPACT

scenario however, the trend is interrupted; Porto municipality attracts new residents, and its

population is increased. The remaining cities will continue to attract people, but at a smaller

rate than the verified in the last years (and therefore also in SPRAWL). Figure 14 presents

the population observed in 1991 and 2000, and considered in SPRAWL and COMPACT. In

COMPACT all the municipalities present a growth in their population, but at a smaller rate

than the verified for SPRAWL. The exception is Porto, with more inhabitants than those in

2000, but still less than those registered in 1991.

Figure 14. Population for the SPRAWL and COMPACT scenarios and its comparison with the

population in 1991 and 2000.






























P. Fer








































1991 2000 SPRAW L COMPAC

Urban Structure and Air Quality


The population in each municipality is distributed over the land use data for BASE,

COMPACT and SPRAWL, according a disaggregation methodology described in §3.3.

SPRAWL presents the lowest population density (maximum values are below 9000


), while BASE and COMPACT show a similar situation, but higher densities are

found in the later with maximum values of 11 000


in comparison with 10 000


in BASE. This data is fundamental for the further determination of the

population affected by air pollutants concentrations in each of the studied scenarios.

4.3. Emissions

As a result of the population growth and the land use changes established for each urban

development scenario, new emission totals have to be calculated, as well as their spatial

distribution. Atmospheric pollutants emissions for the BASE situation were the basis for

estimating the scenarios emissions. New emissions were recalculated for each scenario

considering the new population in each municipality, and also land use changes. Emission

rates per inhabitant per municipality were kept equal to the BASE rate, as well as emission

rates per land use type per municipality.

Land use differences are particularly important for three emission categories - mobile, agriculture

and biogenic sources -, therefore these will be given particular attention in the next sections.

4.3.1. Road transport emissions

Since road transport emissions are highly dependent not only on population distribution

but mainly on the mobility of the population, ideally a traffic model should be applied to

simulate the effect of urban sprawl on traffic volumes and their spatial distribution. These

modelling techniques fall out of the scope of the present work and therefore are not used.

Here, to calculate transport emissions resulting from land use changes, a methodology is

developed taking into account the population growth, the urban area expansion and the

mobility attractiveness/repulsion rates between municipalities. These three factors influence

emissions and are considered as follows:

i. The growth of the population causes an increase in the number of trips. For each

municipality it was assumed that the emissions are proportional to the number of trips,

which in turn is proportional to the number of residents.

ii. The growth of the urban area causes an increase in the mean distance from home to

employments and leisure destinations. The residents in new urbanized areas find

themselves more distant from locations where most employments are concentrated,

while the residents in already existent urban areas will find possible employment and

leisure destinations in the newly built areas in the periphery. For each municipality it

was assumed that the emissions are proportional to the mean travel distance, which in

turn is proportional to the urban area's radius. For example, in SPRAWL Maia's urban

area increases by a factor of 1.4; therefore the mean travelled distance increased by a

factor of 1.4


=1.185; in COMPACT the factor is 1 since no urban growth was verified.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


iii. An additional factor related to attraction/repulsion rates between municipalities has to

be considered since traffic emissions are not only dependent on the population and

urban area, but also on the mobility of people between municipalities. The attraction/

repulsion rates calculated for BASE, presented in §2.2 are maintained and used for both


The distribution of emissions between municipalities is very different for both scenarios, as

illustrated in Figure 15, which presents CO yearly emission totals for non-motorways road

transport emissions for each municipality and for the entire study area. Resulting emissions

are higher for SPRAWL, which are 19% higher than the BASE emissions, while COMPACT

emissions are only 4% higher. The largest differences between scenarios are found for Porto

(25% lower than the BASE emissions for SPRAWL, and 30% higher for COMPACT),

Matosinhos (+38% for SPRAWL, +8% for COMPACT), Vila Nova de Gaia (+20% for

SPRAWL, -2% for COMPACT) and Maia (+56% for SPRAWL, +9% for COMPACT).

Figure 15. Study region SNAP7 (non-motorways road transport) CO emissions for BASE, COMPACT

and SPRAWL, for each municipality and for the entire study area.

Regarding the spatial distribution of emissions, Figure 16 presents SNAP7 non-motorway

CO grid emissions at 1 km resolution for SPRAWL and COMPACT. For both scenarios,

emissions are concentrated in the Porto, Matosinhos, Maia, NW Gondomar and Vila Nova

de Gaia municipalities; however COMPACT presents a greater concentration of emissions,

as a result of the urban containment, and therefore higher emission rates.

4.3.2. Agriculture emissions

New emissions for the agriculture category were recalculated considering the new

agricultural area in each scenario, with emission rates per agricultural area per municipality

kept equal to the BASE rates. Since the COMPACT scenario presents no changes in

agricultural area in relation to the BASE, emission totals, as well as their spatial distribution

are the same. As a result of the transformation of agricultural areas into artificial land use,

agriculture emissions were reduced by almost 10% in SPRAWL.


















































































CO (ton.year-1)










CO (ton.year-1)


Urban Structure and Air Quality


Figure 16. SNAP7 (non motorway road transport) CO grid emissions at 1 km resolution for a) SPRAWL

and b) COMPACT.

4.3.3. Biogenic emissions

Biogenic emissions were calculated for the forested areas according to the methodology

previously described in §3.3. Differences in relation to BASE result from the conversion of

forested areas to artificial areas, and also from temperature changes induced by land use

changes; these only take place in the SPRAWL scenario, since in COMPACT, the forest land

use are not changed in relation to BASE. Therefor e, as a result of land use changes biogenic

SPRAWL emissions are lower when compared to BASE (and COMPACT): 20% lower for

monotherpene and 16% lower for isoprene.

4.3.4. Total emissions

The above presented methodology results on different emission totals for both scenarios.

Figure 17 shows emission totals for the study region for SPRAWL and COMPACT as well as

for BASE.

Figure 17. Study region total NMVOC, NH 3, NOx, PM and CO emissions for BASE, SPRAWL and










NMVOC, NH3, NOx and PM emissions








CO emissions (ton.year-1)




Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 18. Spatial allocation of CO, NMVOC, NOx and PM10 total emissions at 1 km resolution for a)




Urban Structure and Air Quality


Lower emissions are obtained for BASE and higher for SPRAWL; SPRAWL emissions are

around 9% to 17% higher than BASE emissions (for NH

3 and NMVOC, respectively), while

COMPACT emissions are 4% to 6% higher (for NH3 and NMVOC, respectively).

Figure 18 shows the spatial distribution of CO, NMVOC, NOx and PM10 gridded emission

totals for the 1 km resolution domain for SPRAWL and COMPACT. COMPACT emissions

are more concentrated over Porto municipality and present higher emission rates per grid

cell; SPRAWL presents more scattered emissions throughout the simulation domain, and

therefore lower emission rates. Emissions of NMVOC constitute an exception, because they

are highly related with the port activity in Matosinhos, and therefore present higher values

for this municipality in both scenarios.

5. Atmospheric modelling results

Aiming to provide a thorough analysis of the air quality impacts of different urban land use

scenarios, the atmospheric simulation of BASE and scenarios is performed for a one-year

period, covering a wide range of air pollution conditions. The meteorological year of 2006

was chosen for simulations since it is considered an "average" year, as opposed to others

such as 2003 and 2005, which were abnormally dry and/or warm [73, 74]. Meteorological

differences between the two scenarios, and between each of the scenarios and BASE, will

steam solely from land use changes since the meteorology is the same. The air quality

simulations were performed with meteorological inputs given by the respective MM5

annual simulation and emissions described in §3.2 and §4.3 for BASE and for the scenarios,


5.1. Meteorological modelling

5.1.1. BASE simulations

For BASE the simulation was performed with land use data from 2000 since no data

was available at the time for 2006. In order to evaluate the model performance,

modelling results were compared with data from Porto/Pedras Rubras meteorological

station, located in the municipality of Matosinhos. Figure 19 shows the time-series

comparison of surface temperature and wind components for observed and BASE

simulated values.

Concerning temperature, simulated values follow the distribution of the observed ones; a

general under-estimation of temperature is visible, especially for the higher temperatures

registered at the end of May / beginning of June, July and August. Simulated wind

components present a smaller variability when compared with observed ones, but also

follow the observed trend.

The MM5 skill was also evaluated through the application of the quantitative error analysis

introduced by in [75] and widely used in model validation exercises:

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 19. Observed and BASE (1km resolution) time-series comparison of surface a) temperature, b)

zonal wind component and c) meridional wind component, at Porto/Pedras Rubras meteorological






















00 UB i iobs obs



































obs iobs obs

















01-Jan 31-Jan 02-Mar 01-Apr 01-May 31-May 30-Jun 30-Jul 29-Aug 28-Sep 28-Oct 27-Nov 27-Dec

v (m.s










01-Jan 31-Jan 02-Mar 01-Apr 01-May 31-May 30-Jun 30-Jul 29-Aug 28-Sep 28-Oct 27-Nov 27-Dec

u (m.s














01-Jan 31-Jan 02-Mar 01-Apr 01-May 31-May 30-Jun 30-Jul 29-Aug 28-Sep 28-Oct 27-Nov 27-Dec

Temperarature (ºC)





Urban Structure and Air Quality


The parameter E is the root mean square error (rmse), EUB is the rmse after the removal of a

certain deviation and S and S

obs are the standard deviation of the modelled and observed

data. If

i and

iobs are individual modelled and observed data in the same mesh cell,


0 and

0obs the average of

i and

iobs for some sequence in study, and N the

number of observations, then the simulation presents an acceptable behaviour when S S


E < S

obs and EUB < S obs. In addition to these parameters the correlation coefficient was also

determined for each simulation.

Figure 20 presents the statistical analysis of BASE 1km resolution simulations, for

Porto/Pedras Rubras. For temperature the correlation coefficient obtained is 0.9, with S/S


also near 1, and E/S

obs below 0.5. As expected, wind components results are not as good as

for temperature, with lower correlation coefficients and higher errors. The meridional wind

component is better simulated than the zonal one. Overall, the meteorological simulation

reveals a good performance for the three meteorological variables, with statistical

parameters presenting a reasonable behaviour.

Figure 20. BASE statistical parameters for surface temperature, and zonal and meridional wind

components for Porto/Pedras Rubras meteorological station.

5.1.2. Scenario simulations

As for BASE, the SPRAWL and COMPACT meteorological simulations are performed for

2006 meteorological year, using the land use data produced according to the procedure

described in §4.1. Since for COMPACT the land use is very similar to that of BASE (the only

change concerned the conversion of a few hectares of discontinuous urban fabric to

continuous urban fabric), meteorological results from COMPACT only present very small

temperature differences in relation to BASE. Therefore, from now on, and for meteorological

purposes, no distinction is made between BASE and COMPACT.

Taking into consideration that the most widely recognized meteorological effect of

urbanization is the urban heat island effect and because of the recognized influence of urban

temperatures on ozone formation, hereafter the meteorological analysis will be focused on

surface temperature. SPRAWL meteorological simulations produced a domain-averaged

annual temperature increase of approximately 0.4 °C. This is attributed to the increased

share of built-up areas in the domain, which convert incoming radiation to sensible heat

rather than to latent heat (evaporation), owing to the limited water availability in artificial







S/Sobs E/Sobs

T u v

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


surfaces characterized by impervious materials. However, in some regions and for certain

time-periods differences between scenarios reached significantly higher values than the


Figure 21 presents the differences between COMPACT and SPRAWL annual simulations for

hourly surface temperature, at Porto/Pedras Rubras meteorological site, with 1 km

resolution. Although the land use in Porto/Pedras Rubras was not changed, there were

temperature differences as high as 2.5°C between the two simulations. These differences

indicate that changes in meteorological parameters are not necessarily confined to the cells

where the land use pattern was modified. Also, higher differences are found in the summer

months, i.e., from April to September, since higher temperatures are also reached, and

therefore meteorological differences are enhanced. While temperature increases would be

expected with increasing urbanization, due to the urban heat island effect, temperature

decreases are also verified. Local temperature increases in grid cells with modified land use

could have lead to higher wind speeds and increased instability which downwind can lead

to areas of increased vertical mixing and decreased surface temperatures.

Figure 21. Hourly surface temperature differences between SPRAWL and COMPACT for Porto/Pedras

Rubras meteorological site for 1-km resolution.

To illustrate the spatial extent of effects of land use changes in temperature, the average

afternoon (12:00 – 18:00) temperature differences for July are shown in Figure 22. For July,

average afternoon temperature differences range from about -1.2°C to +1.4°C, with largest

increases occurring over Vila do Conde, Maia, Matosinhos, Porto and Gondomar, i.e.,

municipalities in the first metropolitan ring , which present some of the largest urban

expansion. The observed changes are consistent with the substantial increases in urban

surfaces across large parts of the model domain, and the spatial pattern of the temperature

changes generally matches the area of increased urbanization. This is quite evident for the

coastal part of Vila do Conde, NE Matosinhos and SE Vila Nova de Gaia.

The temperature differences obtained as a resu lt of land use changes are consistent with

previous research by [42, 44], although these authors conducted research only for episodic

air pollution situations. Although not presented, the SPRAWL scenario with its increased

urban land cover also had a noticeable effect on surface layer winds across the metropolitan

region, generally leading to a slight increase in wind speed.








01-Jan 01-Feb 01-Mar 01-Apr 01-May 01-Jun 01-Jul 01-Aug 01-Sep 01-Oct 01-Nov 01-Dec








Urban Structure and Air Quality


Figure 22. July differences between SPRAWL and COMPACT afternoon (12:00 – 18:00) average surface

temperature fields between at 1 km resolution.

5.2. Air quality modelling

5.2.1. BASE simulations

Here the air quality results for the annual simulation of BASE are presented. The air quality

model configuration and its application are those described in §3.2. For BASE the simulation

used emissions data for 2005 (there are no emission estimates for 2006, since the national

inventory is updated with a 2-year periodicity). Data from the Northern Region's air quality

monitoring network [76] for 2006 was used for the validation of BASE simulations. [45]

recommends a group of statistical parameters for air quality models evaluation; from the

proposed group, three parameters were selected for a quantitative error analysis: the

correlation coefficient (r), the root mean square error (RMSE) and BIAS:

 

 










obsi i




obsi i
















obsi i











obsi i






Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


where: n is the total number of sample pairs, Cobsi is the observed value at time i and Cmodi is

the respective simulated concentration. These three parameters offer complementary

information: the correlation factor (r) translates the linear relation between concentrations,

reflecting a better or worst reproduction of physical and chemical atmospheric processes;

RMSE and BIAS give an indication of the deviation between observed and simulated

concentrations, either in absolute (RMSE) or in systematic terms (BIAS), allowing the

inference of the magnitude and trend of the errors, respectively. For both the ideal value is


Table 5 shows the statistical results for ozone and PM10, averaged over the air quality

monitoring sites, already mentioned in §2.3 for the 1km resolution simulation. For ozone

statistical parameters are given considering the entire year (from January to December) and

considering only the summer months (April to September). These statistical parameters are

within the range of those obtained with this and other air quality modelling systems [62, 77].

PM10 O3

Air quality

monitoring station


(μ g.m




(μ g.m




(μ g.m




(μ g.m



Espinho 0.41 -5.2 26.9 n.a n.a n.a

Baguim n.a n.a n.a 0.66 -27.2 35.8

V.N.Telha 0.44 1.1 23.6 0.62 -20.1 31.8

Vermoim 0.63 1.1 23.2 0.62 -25.1 34.9

Custoias n.a n.a n.a 0.64 -19.5 32.5

L.Balio 0.65 -16.9 17.9 0.65 -26.6 36.8

Matosinhos 0.58 -10.2 32.7 0.66 -32.2 41.1

Perafita 0.43 1.8 14.4 0.62 -16.4 30.6

Antas 0.56 -18.8 49.1 0.62 -24.7 36.4

S.Hora 0.49 -12.9 34.4 n.a n.a. n.a

Boavista 0.44 -6.3 24.7 0.62 -15.9 18.8

Ermesinde 0.61 -10.2 25 0.64 -21.8 36.4

AVERAGE 0.53 -7.7 27.2 0.64 -22.9 33.5

Table 5. CAMx statistical results obtained for O3 and PM10.

In addition to the statistical analysis of the model performance, another possible and

interesting exercise is the comparison of observed and simulated BASE concentrations in

terms of the legislated values for O3 and PM10. In this scope, Figure 23a presents the

number of exceedances to the PM10 daily limit value (50 g.m


, not to be exceed more than

35 days along the year, indicated by the red line) observed and BASE simulated; Figure 23b

shows the number of annual exceedances to the ozone information threshold (180 g.m



observed and BASE simulated.

Urban Structure and Air Quality


Figure 23. Observed and BASE a) number of exceedances to PM10 daily limit value, and b) number of

exceedances to O

3 information threshold

Regarding the number of daily average PM10 exceedances the model, although the higher

over-prediction at Antas, and Leça do Balio, and the under-prediction at Vermoim and

Ermesinde, correctly identifies that all the air quality monitoring sites are not in compliance

with the legislation. Model results point to exceedances to the ozone information threshold

in Baguim, Matosinhos and Boavista, while these have not been observed; for the remaining

air quality sites, the model presents a good agreement with observations.

5.2.2. Scenario simulations

For SPRAWL and COMPACT, simulations are performed with land use and emissions data

produced according to the procedures previously described. Meteorological inputs are

given by the respective MM5 annual simulation. Results from the two scenarios are

analysed against the BASE simulation and against each other in order to identify the main

differences between them.

Figure 24 presents the spatial distribution of PM10 annual average concentrations calculated

for BASE, SPRAWL and COMPACT, highlighting the areas for which the legislated annual

limit value (40 g.m


) is exceeded. BASE and COMPACT present a larger area of high PM10

annual averages (> 40 g.m


) over Porto municipality and its immediate surroundings, in

comparison to SPRAWL. This is because the SPRAWL scenario implies a further decrease in

Porto's population, and therefore emissions, and a consequent increase in neighbouring

municipalities. The result is a decrease of emissions in Porto and therefore in pollutants

concentrations. Nevertheless, considering the entire simulation domain, SPRAWL shows the

highest PM10 annual concentrations (> 70 g.m


), and larger areas above the annual limit

value in Gondomar and Vila Nova de Gaia. The comparison between COMPACT and BASE

suggests that the higher concentrations take place in exactly the same areas, with

COMPACT revealing slightly higher concentrations (> 65g.m


). This is due to the

population concentration in already urbanized areas, with the consequent increase of


To better analyse the differences between the scenarios, the spatial distribution of the

concentration differences are presented in Figure 25. Air quality monitoring stations are also

represented for further analysis. Differences between annual averages from SPRAWL and

BASE range from -15 to +24 g.m


, with negative values mainly over Porto, as a result of the

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 24. PM10 annual average for a) BASE, b) SPRAWL and c) COMPACT (the orange lines

surround the areas for which the legislated annual limit value is exceeded).

decrease in emissions from traffic in this municipality. Higher positive differences are found

over certain parts of the municipalities in the first metropolitan ring corresponding to areas

of urban expansion. Differences between COMPACT and BASE range from -5 to +8 g.m



with higher positive differences over Matosinhos, in areas previously urbanized but with a

greater population density in COMPACT. However, for the most part of the simulation

domain differences are small.

Figure 25. PM10 annual average differences between a) SPRAWL and BASE, and b) COMPACT and


Figure 26 presents the results for PM10 annual averages for BASE, SPRAWL and

COMPACT for each air quality monitoring site located in the simulation domain.

For the majority of the air quality sites, SPRAWL presents the highest annual average of the

three simulations. The results for Baguim, located in Gondomar are not representative of the

municipality, with areas of increased PM10 concentrations, not captured by the air quality

monitoring site. Also, sites which in BASE did not exceed the legislated annual average,

such as Boavista and Leça do Balio, now exceed the limit with SPRAWL and COMPACT.

Other sites which were already in non-compliance show a deterioration of their situation

(such as Matosinhos and Senhora da Hora). In Antas, Baguim, and Ermesinde both

scenarios improve the PM10 levels.

Urban Structure and Air Quality


Figure 26. PM10 annual average for BASE, SPRAWL and COMPACT (the red line indicates the

legislated annual limit value, 40g.m


), at the air quality monitoring sites.

Besides the obtained concentrations for each scenario it is also important to assess the number

of individuals affected by high PM10 concentrations, since the population distribution across

the study area is quite different for BASE, SPRAWL and COMPACT. Therefore, the maps of

annual average concentrations (Figure 24) were crossed with population data per grid cell, to

calculate the number of individuals affected by PM10 concentrations above the annual limit

value. The results in terms of percentage of population (and not absolute since BASE has a

lower population) are shown in Figure 27.

Figure 27. Population affected by PM10 concentrations above the annual limit value in BASE, SPRAWL


COMPACT presents the greatest share of population affected by PM10 concentrations above

40 g.m


(17%, corresponding to 370 000 inhabitants), while SPRAWL has the lowest

number (12.5%, around 270 000 inhabitants). For the three considered concentration ranges,

SPRAWL has the lowest share of people affected, while BASE and COMPACT show similar

concentrations, although generally lower for BASE. Notwithstanding the existence of higher

PM10 concentrations in SPRAWL, results indica te that the dispersion of the population

along the study region withdraws people from the areas of higher concentrations. In turn,

the COMPACT scenario places a greater part of the region's population in areas of highest

PM10 levels.









PM10 annual average ( g.m










Population (%)

> 40 g.m


> 60 g.m


> 80 g.m








Population (%)

> 40 g.m


> 60 g.m


> 80 g.m


Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


The combination of increased temperatures (for SPRAWL) and different emissions (for both

scenarios) produces the ozone concentration pattern changes displayed in Figure 28. The

spatial distribution of the ozone summer (April to September) average concentration

differences between BASE, SPRAWL and COMPACT are shown. Air quality monitoring

stations location is also depicted for further analysis.

Figure 28. Ozone summer average differences between a) SPRAWL and BASE, and b) COMPACT and


The immediate analysis of the maps reveals that differences between the scenarios and

BASE are much smaller than those obtained for PM10. Differences between SPRAWL and

BASE range from -6 to +4 g.m


, with negative values mostly found over Matosinhos, Maia

and Gondomar (centre), in areas where the population expanded and emissions increased.

In fact, comparing this map with the one for PM10 (Figure 25), negative differences for

ozone are found in the areas of positive PM10 differences. Still regarding SPRAWL, ozone

increases occur over Porto and part of Gondomar (N and S) in areas downwind the largest

emission increase, such as Matosinhos, Maia and the centre of Gondomar municipality, as a

result of air pollutants transport and consequent ozone formation. This is consistent with the

prevailing NW wind direction in the region. Differences between COMPACT and BASE

range from -1.5 to +2 g.m


. Negative differences take place in Porto municipality as an

outcome of the population densification in that area and the corresponding emissions

increase, which lead to the local consumption of ozone. For both scenarios the largest part of

the simulation domain presents very small positive differences, less than 1g.m


, meaning

that average concentrations are slightly higher in comparison to BASE.

Under the combined effects of increased urbanization and increased emissions, ozone

decreases are not completely unexpected and have been found in previous research works

[42, 44] This is probably due to the higher ozone removal by titration caused by higher

anthropogenic emissions in an already emissions-dense region. Also, as investigated in [78],

the non-linear response of ozone concentrations to changes in precursor emissions was

found to increase with tonnage and emission density of the source region; this seems to be

the case in the study region. According to the modelling study conducted by [79], the

Urban Structure and Air Quality


synergy among precursor's emission source categories may sometimes suppress O3 , acting

as negative source contributions. These authors concluded that the full potential of each

source category in O

3 formation (the pure contribution) is not achieved when emissions

from the other source categories are accounted for.

Figure 29 presents the number of exceedances to the hourly ozone information threshold

(180 g.m


), obtained for BASE, SPRAWL and COMPACT. SPRAWL presents the lowest

number of exceedances, except in Espinho where the three simulations produced similar

results. COMPACT is the worst scenario, with more exceedances than BASE for Boavista,

Vila Nova da Telha, Senhora da Hora and Perafita.

Figure 29. Number of exceedances to the ozone information threshold for BASE, SPRAWL and


The comparison of these results with the concentration patterns presented in Figure 27,

reveals that there are no air quality sites in the areas of concentration increases, mainly for

SPRAWL. However, if the same analysis is carried out for Gondomar in an area where no

monitoring stations exist and for which higher positive differences are observed in the map

of Figure 38, results are quite different: SPRAWL yields more exceedances (8) to the ozone

information threshold in comparison with BASE (5) and COMPACT (6).

Regarding the number of persons affected by high ozone concentrations, the combination of

the annual average concentrations maps with population data per grid cell, allows the

determination of the number of individuals affected by ozone summer average

concentrations above 70 g.m


. This value was chosen because it is the concentration above

which differences between the three situations are more substantial. The results are

presented in Figure 30.

Once more, differences between scenarios and BASE are smaller than those observed for

PM10. COMPACT presents the highest share of inhabitants affected by ozone summer

average concentrations above 70 g.m


(48.5%, corresponding to roughly 1 million people).

However, looking at other concentration ranges the situation is different, since above 75



BASE is the worst situation, with 21% of the population.












informa tion thres hold

exceedances (nr.)


Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 30. Population affected by ozone summer average concentrations above 70, 75 and 80 g.m




6. Main findings

The main aim of this study was to explore the relationship between the structure of the

urban area and its air quality. Several research studies had demonstrated already that

compact cities with mixed land uses are energetically more efficient and are responsible for

lower emissions of atmospheric pollutants in comparison with sprawling cities. But a

fundamental question remained unanswered: do compact cities promote a better air quality

when compared to sprawling cities? And, given the ever-growing concentration of

population in urban areas, do compact cities promote a healthier atmospheric environment?

Given the signs provided by the energy and emissions aspects, the answers may seem

obvious and straight forward but, as it was de monstrated along this study, they are not.

To answer these questions a strategy was drawn. The strategy, or approach, relied on the

use of advanced atmospheric modelling tools for the evaluation of different urban

development scenarios.

Aiming to assure a correct and complete analysis, a step-by-step methodology was defined

and applied. First, it was necessary to characterize the current state of knowledge on the

subject, including the genesis and growth of the problem, the tools available to tackle it, and

gain insight from the studies previously cond ucted by several researchers on the field.

The selected working area is located in Portugal's Northern region, covering the Porto urban

region, which is composed of a regional conglomerate of cities with a total population of

over two million. Maps of land use and popula tion parameters and an emission inventory

were established for the situation as it is today (BASE). Moreover, two distinct future urban

development scenarios - COMPACT and SPRAWL - were created, based on population and

land use changes. The population of the study region was increased, to reflect a 20-years

period, and differently distributed among municipalities according to each scenario. The

land use patterns of the area were modified following a scenario of urban sprawl (SPRAWL)

and maintained through the concentration of people in already existent urban areas

Urban Structure and Air Quality


(COMPACT). New emissions were estimated for each scenario, taking into account

population growth and land use changes.

The modelling system was then applied for SPRAWL and COMPACT, and also BASE, for a

full-year simulation. The analysis of the meteorological results revealed that, owing to the

land use changes in SPRAWL, the average temp erature increased by 0.4°C. However local

increases reaching 3°C were also detected; an d some were even estimated in areas where

land use changes were not implemented.

Regarding air quality, SPRAWL presented the highest PM10 concentrations, with an

aggravation of the annual average values especially over areas of urban expansion and

increasing emissions. Also, in the sites corresponding to the current monitoring stations, an

increase in the number of exceedances to the daily limit value was found. For COMPACT

slightly higher PM10 concentrations than BASE were estimated, due to the population

increase in already urbanized areas, and consequent increase of emissions in those same


For ozone, while the largest part of the domain had small concentration increases for both

scenarios, smaller concentrations are found in areas where the population expanded and

emissions increased, as a result of ozone titration by NO in the polluted atmosphere. Instead

higher ozone levels are estimated for areas downwind the greatest emission increases, as a

result of air pollutants transport and consequent ozone formation. Differences between

scenarios and BASE were smaller than those found for PM10.

Finally, the population affected by higher PM10 and O

3 concentrations was determined for

each scenario and for BASE. The analysis revealed that although the existence of higher

PM10 concentrations in SPRAWL, the increase of the population density in COMPACT

places a greater part of the inhabitants in areas of highest PM10 levels. This means that

individually each inhabitant is exposed to lower PM10 concentrations in COMPACT,

however, looking at the population as a whole, in terms of public health, the situation is

inverted and SPRAWL presents a lower number of people affected by the highest

concentrations. For ozone, results are not so clear, with BASE and COMPACT sharing the

highest number of individuals affected, and SP RAWL clearly presenting the lowest number

of total inhabitants affected by higher concentrations.

In conclusion, it seems clear that changes in land use patterns in urban areas lead to changes

in meteorology, emissions, air quality, and population exposure. The signal of the change is

evident: sprawling urban areas, when compared to contained urban development, are

responsible by higher temperatures, higher emissions of pollutants to the atmosphere and

higher atmospheric pollutants concentrations. However, compact urban developments

imply a higher number of individuals exposed to the higher concentrations.

According to the review of the literature on the present subject, this was the first time a long

term study was performed to analyse the impacts of urban growth, and consequent land use

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


changes, on air quality, through the development of alternative urban development

scenarios and the application of an air quality modelling system. Also, the methodology can

be applied to any city or urban area for which the required data is available. However, the

methodology presented here can be improved. Future work shall focus on the use of land

use models for the simulation of land use changes, and traffic modelling to simulate the

effect of land use changes on traffic volumes and their spatial distribution.

Along the next decade, it is expected that ch anges in the land use will take place. More

likely, as revealed by the current trends, urban sprawl, the destruction of agricultural lands,

and forestation and deforestation are expected to alter the landscape. These patterns will, in

turn, lead to changes in population, energy consumption, traffic and anthropogenic and

biogenic emissions. The results of this work suggest that changing land use patterns should

be taken into consideration when using models to evaluate changes in quality levels (in

particular ozone and PM10) stemming from various emissions reduction scenarios in urban


Also, it is important to note that, such as technology alone has not been able to tackle the air

quality problems, more compact urban development patterns alone will not be sufficient to

fully address urban air quality problems. Technological advances in emissions control have

proven to be highly effective in reducing emissions over the last decades, and emerging

technologies, such as hybrid or electric vehicles and alternative fuels, are expected to

continue these reductions. The importance of land use-oriented approaches to air quality

management lies in the potential for these strategies to limit the dramatic growth in traffic,

which has greatly diluted the benefits of technological improvements so far, and also in

addressing the local meteorological drivers of air pollution, such as temperature.

In the years to come, cities will continue to be the main centres of economic activity,

innovation and culture. Therefore, managing the urban environment and the quality of life

of its inhabitants goes well beyond the concern for the well-being of the urban population,

affecting instead the well-being of humanity as a whole.This work presents an achievable

approach to urban sustainable development supporting the object8ive of the UN Conference


Author details

Helena Martins


, Ana Miranda and Carlos Borrego

CESAM & Department of Environment and Planning, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal


The authors acknowledge the Foundation for Science and Technology for the financing of

the post-doc grant of H. Martins (SFRH/BPD/66874/2009).


Corresponding Author

Urban Structure and Air Quality


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Chapter 3

© 2012 Arslan and Aybek, licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of

the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits

unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture

Selçuk Arslan and Ali Aybek

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

World Health Organization (WHO) defines agriculture as all kinds of activity concerning

growing, harvesting, and primarily processing of all kinds of crops; with breeding, raising

and caring for animals; and with tending gardens and nurseries (Jager, 2005). Agriculture is

estimated to have the greatest labor force in the world with over one billion people and

employs about 450 million waged woman and men workers (FAO-ILO-IUF, 2005).

Agriculture requires a wide variety of operations in order to meet the food, feed, and fiber

demands of mankind, requiring specific tasks in the fields, orchards , greenhouses, animal

production facilities, and in the agriculture based industry. The methods of production,

mechanization levels and labor needs differ significantly in each work setting. Post-harvest

operations including grain processing, fruit and vegetable sorting, packaging, and meat

processing add different types of operations to the conventional agricultural production

practices. In agri-industry, feed mills, flour mills, cotton ginners, textile industry, etc have

different nature in processes involved.

Particulates are generated during the agricultural operations and processes. The

"particulates" (or particles) is a term referring to fine solid matter dispersed and spread by

air movement (Förstner, 1998). Particulate matter (PM) may be either primary or secondary

in origin and is generated naturally (pollen, spores, salt spray, and soil erosion) and by

human activities (soot, fly ash, and cement dust) occurring in a wide range of particle sizes

(Krupa, 1997). The human health is affected as the PM penetrates into the respiratory

system. Size of particulates may range from less than 0.01 to 1000 microns and are generally

smaller than 50 microns. As a principle, PM can be characterized as discrete particles

spanning several orders of magnitude in size and the inhalable particles fall into the

following general size fractions (EPA, 2012a):


10 (generally defined as all particles equal to and less than 10 microns in

aerodynamic diameter; particles larger than 10 microns are not generally deposited in

the lung);

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


PM2.5 , also known as fine fraction particles (generally defined as those particles with an

aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 microns or less)


10-2.5, also known as coarse fraction particles (generally defined as those particles

with an aerodynamic diameter greater than 2.5 microns, but equal to or less than a

nominal 10 microns); and

Ultrafine particles generally defined as the particles less than 0.1 microns.

The fresh air at sea level is composed of a variety of gases, including nitrogen (70.09%),

oxygen (20.94%), argon (0.93%) and more than ten other gases at small proportions (Salvato

et al., 2003). But natural events and human activities change the composition slightly across

the world. Additionally, industrial production, forest fires, dust storms, acid rains,

agricultural operations, etc. pollute the fresh air with gases and solid particulate matter.

Pollution may be described as "the undesirable change in the physical, chemical, or

biological characteristics of air, land, and water ...." or "the presence of solids, liquids, or

gases in the outdoor air in amounts that are injurious or detrimental to humans, animals,

plants, or property or that unreasonably interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life and

property" (Salvato et al., 2003). The humans, animals, and plants are exposed to different

concentrations of PM (or dust) due to polluted air depending on the environment and PM

exposure has health implications of living or ganisms, including humans (Salvato et al.,

2003). Therefore, it is of utmost importance to deal with issues associated with air pollution.

Agricultural field operations, animal production, and agri-industry are the sources of indoor

or outdoor air pollution, resulting in personal exposure to different concentrations of dusts

from different sources at different size fractions described above.

Although agriculture is thought of as a single sector, it is extremely diverse with substantial

respiratory hazards resulting from organic and inorganic particulates, chemicals, gases, and

infectious agents (Jager, 2005). In some industries there may be one or two predominant

respiratory hazards or categories of hazards. The nature of agricultural practice, however, also

varies with climate, season, geographic location, moisture content and other properties related

to growing practices, and with the degree of industrialisation of the region. The contents of

particulates also depend on where, when and how the dust is produced (The Swedish

National Board of Occupational Safety and Health, 1994). Consequently, the permutations of

potential exposures in agricultural work environments are virtually infinite (Jager, 2005).

The sources of air pollution either as a single source or as combination can be field and

orchard operations, unpaved roads, farm equipment exhaust, agricultural burning,

processing and handling facilities, pesticides, livestock, and windblown dust (HSE, 2007). In

the work environment mineral dusts, such as those containing free crystalline silica (e.g., as

quartz); organic and vegetable dusts, such as flour, wood, cotton and tea dusts, and pollens

may be found (WHO, 1999). Grain dust is the du st caused by harvesting, drying, handling,

storage or processing of barley, wheat, oats, maize and rye. An d this definition includes any

contaminants or additives within the dust (HSE, 1998). The grain dust includes bacteria,

fungi, insects and possibly pesticide residues as well as dry plant particles. Organic dust

may contain not only the grain and hay contents but pollen, fungal spores, fungal hyphae,

mycotoxins, bacteria and endotoxins and dust from livestock pens may contain skin, hair,

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


feathers and excrement particles (The Swedish National Board of Occupational Safety and

Health, 1994).

As cited by Jager (2005), the University of Iowa's Environmental Health Sciences Research

Centre exclaims that it is organic dust that accounts for the most widely exposure leading to

agricultural respiratory diseases and that virtually everyone working in agriculture is

exposed to some level of organic dust. It was also noted that, in general, the studies of

respiratory hazards in agriculture lags the investigation of hazards in mining and other

heavy industries.

2. PM exposure in agriculture

Agricultural field operations causing dust production in conventional crop production

includes soil tillage and seed bed preparation, planting, fertilizer and pesticide application,

harvesting and post-harvest processes. In most countries, awareness in sustainability has

been increasing so as to accomplish soil and water conservation. Minimum soil tillage

reduces tillage operations resulting in less soil manipulation and direct or zero planting

methods eliminate tillage operations that are conventionally applied before planting. These

differences in soil tillage, seedbed preparation and planting methods create significant

variations in the level of soil perturbation. Thus the amount of mineral dust generated as a

result of soil tillage and planting are likely to vary significantly not just due to the

differences in these field operations but to different soil types and climate variations.

Determining personal PM exposure is important during these operations because of the

health hazards to be explained in sub-section 2.6. Another important task is to determine the

total amount of dust generated during agricultural operations because the impact of

agriculture on air quality is not well-known. Some information on the air pollution in

agriculture might be useful before introducing the topic of personal exposure.

An eight-year extensive field study conducted at University of California, along with

previous research results obtained in the same university, allowed development of PM10

fugitive dust emission factors for discing, ripping, planing, and weeding, and harvesting of

cotton, almonds, and wheat (Gaffney and Yu, 2003). As a result of more than ten-year of

studies the researchers developed activity specific and crop specific emission estimates for

all agricultural land preparation and harvesting activities within California. In the San

Joaquin Valley, PM10 emissions estimates for land preparation and all harvest operations

were 13 000 tons year


and 13 300 tons year


, respectively. The researchers considered this

step as a critical one since they can seek cost-effective means to reduce fugitive dust

emissions from agricultural field operations, and determine future research needs associated

with air quality.

Since air pollution is known to be the result of industrialization and mechanization,

agriculture is not considered a major cause of air pollution. The emission trends (Figure 1)

estimated from all sources and from agriculture in European Union shows that agriculture

is a major source of emission and should be studied further to increase the health and

welfare of rural community. PM2.5 and PM10 contribute to emissions by 5% and 25% in

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Europe, respectively, however recent studies imply that agricultural PM emissions in

intensive emission areas might be more (Erisman et al., 2007).

Figure 1. Trend in best estimate emissions from all sources and from agriculture in EU-15 (Erisman et

al., 2007)

Bogman et al. (2007) assessed the particle emission from farming operations in Belgium and

depending on the conversion factor used, they assessed 10.1 kton or 7.5 kg ha



suspended particle (TSP) emission per year, 2.0 to 3.1 kton PM10, or 1.5 to 2.3 kg ha



respectively. It was estimated that agriculture generates 35% of total TSP emission and 24%

of total PM10 emission. In a study conducted over one year they also found that mineral

dust was approximately 8 times higher than organic dust. Particles smaller than 20 μm

made up of more than 50% and the particles smaller than 40 μ m were more than 80%,

suggesting that harmful PM10 is not negligible within the total suspended particles. These

findings are informative in that the agriculture is one of the major sectors polluting the air.

Air quality standards were violated at certain times of the year, particularly during row crop

agricultural operations, implying that row crop agriculture could be a major contributor to

PM10 (Madden et al., 2008).

The stubble burning is a common practice in agriculture in many parts of the world. It is

often preferred to remove the harvest leftovers from the field to reduce the draft force

needed in soil tillage equipment, to prevent tillage and planting machines from being

clogged by the stubble, to achieve a smoother seed bed, etc. In areas where second crop

production is a practice, stubble burning saves time before planting because the time

available for planting is limited after the first crop is harvested. Smoke from field burning,

however, may be distruptive or hazardous to the people in the rural and neighboring urban

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


areas. Rural communities living in eastern Washington and northern Idaho in the United

States were worried about health hazards posed by smoke exposure resulting from stubble

burning, but research showed that air quality standards were not violated by pollution from

field burning (Jimenes, 2006). The contributions of PM2.5 from soil, vegetative burning, and

sulfate aerosol, vehicles and cooking were 38%, 35%, 20%, 2%, and 1%, respectively in the

Pullman airshed.

2.1. Agricultural field operations

Conservation tillage accomplished approximately 85% and 52% reduction in PM10

emissions on two different farms (Madden et al., 2008). In this study conservation tillage

systems required zero or one operation whereas conventional tillage required six

operations. Furthermore, conservation tillage could be done at higher soil moisture contents

resulting in even less dust compared to dry soil conditions. Other studies also found

significantly less amount of dust in conservation tillage compared to standard tillage

applications because of decreased number of field operations (Baker et al., 2005). In a two-year

study, the cumulative dust production in no-till was one third of traditional tillage. The

reduction in dust production was due to the elimination of the two dustiest operations, which

were disking and rotary tilling (Baker et al., 2005). However, Schenker (2000) discusses that in

conservation tillage, some benefits of reduced dust may be offset to some extent by an

increased organic fraction resulting from the cover crop treatment. In the cover crop

treatments high organic constituent was found in the respirable dust, suggesting that there

may be the potential for increased allergic responses in agricultural workers due to organic

dust, but the potential health effect of increased organic matter is not known (Schenker, 2000).

The exposure of tractor operators to dust depends on the availability of a cabin on the

tractor and the ventilation system. Early studies found dust exposure levels to be much

higher than the ACGIH's threshold limit value (10 mg m


) for inhalable dust, however the

exposure levels were considerably lower in the case of a tractor with an enclosed cabin

(Nieuwenhuijsen et al., 1998). The tractor operators were subjected to personal respirable

quartz concentrations of 2 mg m


in an open cabin and 0.05 mg m


in a closed cabin. Pull

type soil tillage equipment may generate great amount of dust clouds but the scientific data

is not sufficient to determine to what extent quartz exposure creates a risk in agriculture

(Swanopoel et al., 2010). This is probably due to the difficulties in exposure assessment

posed by varied and cyclic nature of the farmers' work and the diverse locations of the

farms (Nieuwenhuijsen et al., 1998).

The field work may require different durations to be completed, resulting in exposure times

more or less than 8 hours. It is important to correct measurements and assess the exposure

based on actual working time for a task since the threshold limits for occupational exposure

are based on 8 h working duration. For instance, dust levels would have been found well

below the ACGIH's TLV of respirable nuisance dust (3 mg m


), but well above the TLV of

inhalable dust (10 mg m


) if the exposure had lasted for an 8-hour period for many

operations (Nieuwenhuijsen et al., 1998).

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Mean dust concentrations in field operations, transportation and conveying of materials,

and indoor tasks showed that dust concentrations were higher than 10 mg m


in soil tillage,

plant harvesting, and confinements, as shown in Figure 2 (Molocznik and Zagorski, 1998).

Annual work cycle of operators and farmers show that the dust exposure vary significantly

during the year depending on the tasks in different seasons (Figure 3). The dust levels were

more variable for the tractor/harvester operators considering the work cycle throughout the

year while both drivers and farmers were subjected to high dust levels from July to October.

Figure 2. Dust levels in individual groups of farming activities (Molocznik and Zagorski, 1998)

The soil tilling with rotary tiller, disc harrow, soil packer, fertilizer and the planter

predominantly generate inorganic dusts (Figure 4) while harvesting wheat and corn, hay

making and baling produce predominantly organic dusts (Figure 5). PM10 concentrations

measured gravimetrically were greater than the OSHA threshold (15000 μ g m


) in rotary

tilling (25770 μ g m


), wheat harvesting (29300 μ g m


), and hay making (24640 μ g m



Also, PM2.5 concentration levels were higher than the TLV (5000 μg m


) in these operations,

respectively with 5888, 10560, 8470 μ g m


. PM1.0 concentration was too high particularly

during wheat harvest (3130 μ g m


) and hay making (6026 μ g m


). It may be striking that

PM1.0 concentrations measured during hay making were higher than the TLV set for PM2.5.

PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were below the threshold limits in all other field

applications (Arslan et al., 2010).

Smokers (63% of operators) had complains about coughing with 60% and phlegm with 83%

(Arslan et al., 2010). The operators' complaints about chest tightness were 31% and

breathlessness about 29%. But, coughing rate decreased to 47% and chest tightness reduced

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


to 13% when smokers and non-smokers were evaluated separately (Figure 6). The operators

should use personal preventions to avoid adverse health effects when operating tractors and

combine harvesters without cabins.

Figure 3. Distribution of exposure to dust in annual work cycle among drivers and farmers (Molocznik

and Zagorski, 1998)

Figure 4. Particulate matter exposure in agricultural operations – predominantly inorganic PM sources

(Arslan et al., 2010)

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 5. Particulate matter exposure in agricultural operations – predominantly organic PM sources

(Arslan et al., 2010)

Figure 6. Effect of smoking on health complaints of operators (Arslan et al., 2010)

Literature review and South African Survey was conducted on quartz exposure and quartz

related diseases in order to conduct a comprehensive exposure assessment of respirable dust

and quartz during farming on a central South African farm (Swanepoel et al., 2010).











Coughing Phlegm Chest tightness Breathlessness

Percentage of health complaints, %

Non-smokers Smokers

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


Respirable quartz was measured to be not detectable to 626 μ g m


. The maximum time

weighted average concentration was found during wheat planting. They found that twelve

of 138 respirable dust measurements (9%) and 18 of 138 respirable quartz measurements

(13%) were greather than the occupational exposure limits of 2 mg m


and 100 μ g m




The ACGIH threshold limit value (25 μ g m


) was exceeded in 57% of respirable quartz

measurements and quartz percentages of the fine dust were between 0.3 and 94.4% with a

median value of 13.4%. Swanepoel et al. (2010) concluded that the published literature

regarding quartz exposure in agriculture is not sufficient and that the quartz risk in

agriculture should be quantified systematically and further discussed that the public health

could be seriously threatened especially in poor and middle-income countries since

tuberculosis and HIV rates might be high in these countries employing large numbers of

people in agriculture.

The dust concentration at operator's breathing zone ranged in a wide interval during grain

harvesting and handling (HSE, 2007). On the other hand, the measured concentration range

was very small in combine harvesters equipped with cabins or with filtration (Table 1). The

dust concentrations were above the workplace exposure limit (WEL) of 10 mg m


for grain

dust in combining without the cabins, grain carting work, and grain drying. The harvesters

without cabins had extremely higher concentrations than the permissible level. Thus HSE

(2007) emphasized that dust exposure needs to be reduced below the WEL and should be

kept as low as possible in practice.

Process Dust level measurement

averaged over 8 hours



(no cabin)

18 to 41 mg m


2.4 times daily legal amount


(with cabin and air filtration)

0.2 to 2.5 mg m




of daily legal amount

Grain carting work 1 to 40 mg m


Up to 4 times daily legal amount

Grain drying 4 to 57 mg m


Almost 6 times daily legal amount

Milling and mixing 0.1 to 11 mg m


Can exceed daily legal amount

Table 1. Dust concentration levels in an operator's breathing zone during grain harvesting and

handling equipment (HSE, 2007)

Spankie and Cherrie (2012) exclaimed that employers should be aware of both short-term

peaks in exposure and longer term time-weighted averages. They explained thay the grain

workers were often exposed to high levels of inhalable dust concentration in Britain. The

exposed levels in 1990s were usually about 20 mg m


and were greater than the general

guidance level of inhalable dust (10 mg m


) expecially at import and export grain terminals.

Therefore the authors conducted a small survey of industry representatives to determine

updated exposure levels. According to the newer data, long-term average exposure to

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


inhalable dust was generally estimated to be less than 3 mg m


(Figure 7). It was also

calculated that 15–20% of personal exposures was greater than 10 mg m


. The British

experience clearly shows that improved engineering systems are very effective in reducing

dust concentrations and dust exposure. Improved technologies to reduce dust exposure enable

the governments and institutions to set newer and stricker limits to protect public and worker

health. For instance, The Dutch Expert Committee on Occupational Safety (DECOS) has set a

long-term limit of 1.5 mg m


for inhalable grain dust (DECOS, 2012). This exposure limit,

based on Dutch experiences, shows that there is a need to lower the dust concentrations as

much as possible in the work environments, also as recommended by HSE (2007).

Figure 7. Inhalable dust levels measured in the British grain industry in the early 1990s and estimated

levels in 2010—long-term (8 h) average data (Spankie and Cherrie, 2012)

Based on previous research on dust emissi on and exposure in crop production in

agriculture, several conclusions may be drawn. First, the dust generated in agriculture

should not be underestimated since the contribution of agricultural activities to air pollution

is not negligible. Second, the soil perturbation mostly causes mineral dusts whereas

harvesting, hay making, and conveying grain mostly generate organic dusts. Third, the

personal exposure is more likely to be a problem for operators when tractor and combine

harvesters are used without an enclosed cabin. The operator exposure depends heavily on

the presence of an enclosed cabin with a proper filtering system, rather than the PM

concentration in the air casued by field applications. Similarly, the farm worker exposure to

size fractionated PM particles depends on the personal preventions taken, but farm workers

rarely use personal preventions. Forth, the mineral dust generation can be significantly

reduced through conservation agriculture, but the potential in organic dust increase due to

cover crops during all applications should be monitored through scientific studies.

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


2.2. Orchards and vegetable growing

In one of the earliest comprehensive studies 103 cascade impactor measurements and 108

cyclone measurements were done to determine personal dust exposure and particle size

distribution during field crop, fruit and nut farming, and dairy operations at three farms in

California (Nieuwenhuijsen et al., 1998). Personal dust exposure levels were high, especially

during land planing with 57.3 mg m


, and discing with 98.6 mg m


. The great majority of

the collected dust particles were large and belonged to the extrathoracic fraction. Measured

exposure levels were significantly lower when the tractor was equipped with a closed cabin,

resulting in sixtyfold reduction in large particles and more than fourfold reduction for the

respirable dust fraction. In peach harvesting total and respirable dust levels were 13 mg m


and 0.50 mg m


, respectively during hand harvesting (Poppendorf et al., 1982).

Among other agricultural machines, tractors are also used to operate sprayers that apply

agro-chemicals. When applied in open spaces pesticide droplets smaller than 100 microns

(according to CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Engineering (1999), 100-200 micron range is

considered fine particles in agricultural spraying) are more susceptible to drift and relatively

small droplets are preferred for a better coverage and biological efficiency in spraying.

Average droplet diameter, for instance, may be 200-300 microns (medium size droplets in

spraying) when herbicides are applied and smaller mean diameter is needed for fungicides

and insecticides. However, the ratio of particles smaller than 100 microns could be

substantial if the pressure settings are not appropriate resulting in excess drift due to

smaller particles. Larger droplets would settle with or without drift if they cannot reach the

target. Kline et al. (2003) determined the surface levels of pesticides and herbicides at

different interior and exterior locations using five tractors, one of which was without a cabin

and four with cabin using carbon–bed air–filtering systems and three commercial spray rigs.

The equipment was used during fruit and vegetable growing. They found the greatest

chemical concentrations on st eering wheels and gauges, and in the dust obtained from the

fabric seats. It was suggested that the contamin ation observed in the steering wheel and seat

might cause pesticide exposure if the operator uses the tractor without personal protection

in other field applications. It was also noted that the outlet louvers of the air filtering

systems on the enclosed cabins frequently had more compounds at higher levels compared

to the samples taken from the inlet louvers. Thus the carbon-bed may release the chemical

compounds back into the cabin later on. While the efficiency of enclosed cabins in protecting

against pollutants is known, the efficiency of carbon-bed systems in removing chemicals

may be an important topic to study in the future. And the operators should be careful in

thorough and regular cleaning of the tractors (Kline et al., 2003).

The researchers found that the workers were exposed to a complex mixture of organic and

inorganic particles during manual harvest of citrus and table grapes (Lee et al., 2004).

Geometric means for inhalable dust and respirable dust were 39.7 mg m


and 1.14 mg m



respectively during citrus harvest, which were significantly higher compared to the levels

that were determined for table grape operations and exceeded the TLVs for inhalable dust

and respirable quartz. The exposure levels did not exceed the TLVs in table grape

operations with the exception of inhalable dust exposure during leaf pulling. It was

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


determined that the degree of contact with foliage was significant in determining exposure

factors. It was concluded that inhalable dust and respirable quartz exposures may be

sufficiently high to result in respiratory health effects.

During mechanical harvest of almonds, dust levels in the dust plume were 26513 mg m


and 154 mg m


, respectively for inhalable dust and respirable dust (Lee et al., 2004).

Mechanical harvesting of tree crops caused average personal exposure of 52.7 mg m



inhalable dust and 4.5 mg m


of respirable dust. During manual harvest the workers are

closer to the plant compared to mechanical harvest, but emissions are less and the plume

size is smaller during manual harvest. Mean dust exposures was 1.82 mg m


during manual

tree crops harvest and 0.73 mg m


during vegetable harvest whereas during peach harvest

the respirable dust exposure was 0.5 mg m



2.3. Animal production

Class of animal, animal activity levels, type of bedding material, cleanliness of the buildings,

temperature, relative humidity, ventilation rate, stocking density, and feeding method are

among the factors affecting the dust concentrations in animal production (Jager, 2005). The

components of the particulate matter found in concentrated animal production systems may

include soil particles, bedding materials, fecal matter, litter, and feed, as well as bacteria,

fungi, and viruses (EPA, 2004; Guarino et al., 2007).

Compared to non farmers, pig, poultry or cattle farmers have greater prevalence of work

related and chronic respiratory symptoms and these farmers may have non specific

respiratory symptoms or specific syndromes in cluding organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS)

(Reed et al., 2006). Early studies showed excess amount of PM concentrations from all

sources in animal production buildings (Mitloehner and Calvo, 2008). Although the dust

generated from soil or crops may tend to have large particles, the particles found in animal

confinement facilities belong to respirable fraction (Lee et al., 2006).

Exposure levels were 0.02 and 81 mg m


for inhalable dust and between 0.01 and 6.5 mg m


for respirable dust for poultry houses (Jager, 2005). On the other hand, heavy endotoxin

concentrations were observed in poultry hous es and swine confinement buildings in Sweden.

Relatively low amount of endotoxin (0.1 μ g m


air) can cause acute feverish reaction and

airways inflammation while concentrations were as high as 1.5 μ g endotoxin m


air in poultry

houses (The Swedish National Board of Occupational Safety and Health, 1994).

Both composition and distribution of feed in a barn are important key factors affecting the

release of dust from animal feed (Guarino et al., 2007). Thus researchers have studied the

effect of adding different oils to the feed in order to reduce the feed dust. An early study by

Xiwei et al. (1993) showed that the fine fraction of the airborne dust could be reduced as

much as 85% through pelleting and coating the feed. The effect of adding food grade

soybean oil or two commercial feed additives to animal feed at 1% or 3% levels was studied

under laboratory conditions (Guarino et al., 2007). Reductions of 80% to 95% was achieved

in inhalable fraction using soybean oil and were much higher than either of the two

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


commercial additives whereas commercial additives were better in reducing fine particles

(<4 m in diameter), particularly with 1% oil treatment. The respirable dust reductions (70%

to 90%) were noticeable but the Guarino et al. (2007) notes that feed additives would not

affect pig skin or dander and in actual pig growing conditions the dust reductions could be

less. The respirable dust concentrations in poultry barns were found to be much higher

during winter than during summer in Canada, making it difficult to keep respirable dust to

an acceptable level in the winter months (Jager, 2005). According to the latter study, high

animal activity propels dust into the air causing dust concentration fluctuations and peaks

and at such rates that the ventilation usually fails to remove the dusts whereas in the

summer respirable dusts are generally lower because of high ventilation rates.

No occupational hazard was found in terms of lung function for the workers in poultry

farms in the Potchefsroom district, South Africa due to exposure to ammonia, particulate

matter and microorganisms in the short term, but the long term effects are not known (Jager,

2005). The measured concentrations did not exceed the limits of OSHA, NIOSH and the

Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Substances of 1995. It was concluded that the current

legal limits provide sufficient protection in the short term for poultry farm workers.

The European Farmers' Project showed that animal farmers had significantly lower

prevalence of allergic diseases while they had higher prevalence of chronic phlegm than the

general population (Radon et al., 2003). A major predictor of chronic bronchitis was the

ODTS indicating that the allergens could be carried to the living environment of the farmer.

Additionally, the ventilation wa s poor and the temperatures were high inside the animal

buildings, causing a negative impact on respiratory symptoms and lung function

parameters. Radon et al. (2003) concluded that animal producers were at high risk of chronic

bronchitis and ODTS and should be studied.

The accurate determination of personal dust exposure depends on time schedule of a

worker. A farmer or a worker may be involved in a variety of tasks daily, seasonally or

annually. Based on the duration of each task, the worker may be exposed to different

environments consisting of a variety of biological or other pollutants that might affect

health. The duration of farmers' exposure to various factors were studied on 30 farms by

grouping farmers based on their major interests, which were Group A–plant production,

Group B–animal production and Group C-mixed production (Moloznik, 2004). Working

time ranged from 106–163% of the legal working time in plant production, 75–147% in

animal production, and 136–167% in mixed production. Thus working time on private farms

usually exceeded the legal working time in all types of operations. Other conclusions from

the work cycle study were as follows (Moloznik, 2004): 1) Agricultural tasks are frequently

accompanied by a variety of hazards simultaneously, 2) Among the factors most frequently

occurring and creating risks are dusts, thermal elements, and biological agents, 3) Sixty

percent of farming operations are accompanied by biological agents, 4) Workers were

exposed to biological agents 51% of the total time in plant production, 80% in animal

production, and 77% in mixed production systems, 5) Work cycle data constitutes a basis for

biasing prophylactic actions.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Animal feeding operations (AFOs) are "agricultural enterprises where animals are kept and

raised in confined situations" (EPA, 2012b). Information on PM2.5 concentrations and the

spatio-temporal variations of PM2.5 in AFOs is insufficient (Li et al., 2011). In a high-rise

layer egg production house the ambient PM2.5 levels were greater than 35 μ g m


(24 h) and

15 μ g m


(annual) PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The ambient

and in-house measurements showed the effect of season on PM2.5 concentrations. Highest

levels in ambient PM2.5 occurred in the summer whereas the greatest in-house

concentration levels were measured in winter (Li et al., 2011). Also, PM2.5 levels were

negatively correlated with ambient relative humidity, egg production, and ventilation rate.

Lee et al. (2006) discussed that more information is needed on the combined effect of organic

and inorganic dust exposures considering size fr actions of sampled particulates on different

types of farming operations since the effect of biological dust in the total dust exposure is

not well known in agriculture. Therefore they collected data on six farms (three types of

animal confinements (swine, poultry, and dairy), and three grain farms) on personal

exposure to dust and bioaerosols in size range of 0.7 to 10 μ m to cover the range of most

bacteria and fungi. The number concentrations of small particles (0.7 μ m to 3 μ m) were

greater than those of large particles (3 μ m to 10 μ m) in all animal confinements. Particle

concentrations were higher on the swine farm in winter. The concentrations at the workers'

breathing zone were 1.7×10


to 2.9×10


particles m


for total dust in animal confinements

and 4.4×10


to 5.8×10


particles m


during grain harvesting (Lee et al., 2006). The total

particles were composed mainly of large particles (3–10 μ m) during grain harvesting

whereas in animal confinement facilities the total dust was composed mostly of smaller

particles (<3 μ m). It was noted that about 37% of the particles were fungal spores in the size

of 2–10 μ m, implying that predominantly large particles during grain harvesting were

partly due to the increased fungal spores. However, the overall combined effect of dust and

microorganism exposure was more severe in harvesting compared to confined animal


Organic dust and endotoxin exposures are widely described for agricultural industries,

however a detailed overview of concentration levels of airborne exposure to endotoxins and

a systematic comparison using the same exposure measurement methods to compare

different sub sectors of agriculture are needed (Spaan et al., 2006). Therefore the researchers

collected 601 personal inhalable dust samples in 46 companies of three agricultural

industrial sectors: grains, seeds and legumes sector (GSL), horticulture sector (HC) and

animal production sector (AP), with 350 participating employees. Figure 8 shows the means

and the variations in measured average concentrations. The greatest dust and endotoxin

levels were found in the GSL sector while smallest levels were observed in HC sector. The

exposure was higher in the primary production section compared to the parts of all sectors.

Occupational exposure limit (50 EU m


) and the temporary legal limit (200 EU m


) of the

Dutch for exdotoxin were exceeded frequently. Spaan et al. (2006) concluded that a 10–1000

fold reduction is required in endotoxin exposure to accomplish reduction in health related

hazards. The authors also noted that the wet processes resulted in reduced exposure to

endotoxin and less dusty environment.

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


Figure 8. Inhalable dust exposure (Geometrik Mean and 95% CI) levels in three sectors and subsectors

of the agricultural industry (Spaan et al., 2006)

2.4. Agriculture based industry

Another important area of interest in occupati onal exposure to dusts is the agri-industry

where agricultural products are processed to be consumed by humans, animals or plants.

Agriculture based industry may include a variety of different facilities, including storages,

feed mills, flour mills, cotton ginners, hullers and shellers of nuts, etc.

Respirable dust (PM2.5) and very fine particle (PM1.0) concentrations in Turkey were higher

than the OSHA TLV (1000 μ g m


) in the ginner, press, and storage areas of two cotton

ginners, except for PM1.0 in the storages (Arslan and Aybek, 2011). There is no threshold

limit value for very fine particles generated from raw cotton, but the concentrations of

PM1.0 were even greater than the TLV set for PM2.5 (Figure 9). The range of coefficient of

variation was 0.33-0.54 for PM10 and was the narrowest range among the three fractions,

implying large variations in measured quantities for all PM fractions. The technology used

is not advanced and engineering controls are very weak in these facilities, resulting in excess

amount of dust in all fractions. Therefore, the workers should use personal preventions to

minimize the potential adverse health effects of personal PM exposure (Arslan and Aybek,


Most ginners are in operation for only several months following the cotton harvest in

autumn in eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Thus the workers in cotton ginners are usually

exposed to cotton dust seasonally. The workers are employed in other agricultural and non

agricultural jobs for the rest of the year or may be unemployed for some time. Thus it may

be difficult to assess the long-term health effects of personal exposure with such a work


Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 9. Continuous PM1.0 concentration measurements in three different working areas of ginners

(Arslan and Aybek, 2011)

Pure endotoxin causing adverse pulmonary effect can be as low as 9 ng m


if the subjects

are sensitive to cotton dust (Omland, 2002). However, in the cotton industry, healthy

subjects may experience a cross shift decline in forced expiratory volume FEV1 when

exposed to concentration levels of about 100–200 ng m


, chest tightness with 300–500 ng m


and fever with 500–1000 ng m


(Rylander, 1987). Therefore the latter study concluded that

exposure to endotoxin pose a possible risk for workers and also endotoxin content in cotton

dust may have a different effect compared to the effect of endotoxin in dust from various

farming operations. According to personal PM2.5 exposures measured gravimetrically in

four different working areas of three feed mills (bulk storage, dosing, mill, and bagging

units) in Turkey, the highest PM2.5 concentration was in the mill section (3033 μ g m


), and

the smallest in weighing section (782 μ g m


) (Aybek et al., 2009). The measured

concentrations were lower than OSHA TLV for PM2.5. A health survey administered on the

workers revealed that the workers did not have serious health complaints, including

coughing, phlegm, chest tightness, and breathlessness. However, smokers had more

complaints about coughing and phlegm.

Textile industry may employ large numbers of workers depending on the capacity and the

level of technology used. The workers in spinning factories were exposed to concentration

levels greater than the occupational TLV (200 μ g m


) for respirable dust (PM2.5) in eastern

Mediterranean, Turkey (Aybek et al., 2010). In the textile industry, weaving caused higher

PM concentrations compared to spinning. TLV for PM2.5 (750 μ g m


) was exceeded in

weaving with rapier weaving machines. Air jet weaving machines generated finer dusts due









0 60 120 180 240 300 360

PM1 concentration, µg m


Time, min.

Ginner Press Storage

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


to agitation around the machine caused by the air stream. PM2.5 concentration was higher

when air jet weaving machines were used whereas rapier types caused more coarse


Organic dusts are generated in hemp processing plants and the measured dust

concentrations were usually ten times more or higher than that of cotton processing

(spinning) with 1580, 3730 ve 360 μ g m


in spinning, as cited from other studies (Fishwick et

al., 2001).

2.5. Standards and threshold limit values

The regulations and related terminologies to improve air quality may differ in different

countries. For instance, national standards in the USA (NAAQS) were set for a variety of air

pollutants "to protect public health and welfare", Canada uses air-quality objectives, in

Germany air-quality guidelines are effective and World Health Organization recommends

desirable air-quality levels (Krupa, 1997). EU has established directives to reduce gas and

particle pollution in the air (EU Council Directive, 1999). These regulations are aimed at

improving public health and try to limit concentration levels of a specified pollutant in the

air. Air Quality Index (EPA, 2009) classifies air quality into several categories within certain

limits such as good (0-50 μ g m


), moderate (51-100 μ g m


), unhealthy for sensitive groups

(101-150 μ g m


), unhealthy (151-200), very unhealthy (201-300 μ g m


), and hazardous (301-

500 μ g m


). Occupational exposures require different regulations to limit PM in specific

work related environments. Threshold Limit Value (TLV) is the average 8-hr occupational

exposure limit and is calculated to be safe exposure for a working lifetime (Salvato et al.,

2003). Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA) in the United States

determined the threshold limit values for several agricultural sources (Table 2).

Feature Limit values (μ g m³) Particle size

Lower respiratory system nuisance limit 5000 PM2.5

Total nuisance limit 15000 PM10

Grain dust (wheat, barley, rye) 15000 PM10

5000 PM2.5

Raw cotton 1000 PM10

Spinning 200 PM2.5

Weaving 750 PM2.5

Table 2. TLVs for some agricultural pollutants for PM10 and PM2.5 (OSHA, 2010)

The criteria to evaluate occupational environment have been established by national

institutions in different countries. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

(NIOSH) in the United States uses recommended exposure limits (RELs); the American

Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) uses threshold limit values

(TLVs); American Thoracic Society uses permissible exposure limits (PELs); and

Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) are used in some European countries. Table 3 shows

the current permissible exposure levels currently set by organizations in the United States.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Hazard OSHA PEL NIOSH REL ACGIH TLV Animal Confinement Research

Nuisance total


15 mg m


NE 10 mg m


Nuisance hazard

respirable dust

5 mg m


NE 3 mg m


Grain dust 10 mg m


4 mg m


4 mg m


Organic dust NE NE NE 2.4-2.5 mg m


Respirable organic NE NE NE 0.16-0.23 mg m


Endotoxin NE NE NE 640-1000 ng m


Ammnonia 50 ppm 25 ppm 25 ppm 7.5 ppm

Table 3. Recommended maximum exposures in agriculture (Kirkhorn and Garry, 2000)

As far as quartz exposure is considered, refe rence values of respirable dust and quartz

concentrations are 2 mg m


for respirable dust and 100 μ g m


(South African Occupational

Exposure Limit), 50 μ g m


(NIOSH REL), and 25 μ g m


(ACGIH TLV) (Swanepoel et al.,


Grain dust, as defined by HSE (1998), has been assigned a maximum exposure limit (MEL)

of 10 mg m


, 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA). Also the exposure should not exceed 30

mg m


over any 15-minute period. Even then, exposures should still be kept as low as

reasonably practicable. Additionally, grain dust has been given a workplace exposure limit

(WEL) by Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH, 2002). It was

noted that WEL is a maximum concentration value, not a target limit. The exposures should

be reduced far below the WEL if possible (HSE, 1998). In order to advise on indicative limits

in EU, The Health and Safety Directorate of the Directorate-General of Employment,

Industrial Relations, and Soci al Affairs of the Commission of the European Union formed a

Scientific Expert Group. PELs are legal standards, buy they do not apply to farms and most

agricultural field operations. But TLVs are consensus expo sure guidelines.

Scientific data have not been accumulated enough to set threshold limit values for some

specific particulate matters. General nuisance levels are known (Table 2) and may vary

depending on the institution that sets the standard. Threshold limits for mineral or organic

PM concentrations do not exist due to the difficulties to characterize the PMs found in the

soil and in agricultural products since they are made up of different sources. Because of

such complexities exposure limits for soil-implement interactions for PM10 and PM2.5 are

not known yet. Another important difficulty in determining threshold limists for coarse and

fine dust exposure comes from the fact that the combined effects of dusts with toxic gases

and other microorganisms are not known.

Literature has dealth more with PM10 while PM2.5 exposure studies are gaining more

attraction. On the other hand threshold levels for very fine particles (PM1.0) have rarely

been published in agriculture.

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


2.6. PM health effects in agriculture

Exposure to PM has been related to a series of respiratory and cardiovascular health

problems (EPA, 2012a): "The key effects associated with exposure to ambient particulate

matter include: premature mortality, aggravation of respiratory and cardiovascular disease,

aggravated asthma, acute respiratory symptoms, chronic bronchitis, decreased lung

function, and increased risk of myocardial infarction. Recent epidemiologic studies estimate

that exposures to PM may result in tens of thousands of excess deaths per year, and many

more cases of illness among the US population." The exposure to dust in agriculture is a

combination of occupational and environmental exposures with widely varying work

practices. The specific respiratory hazards related to different commodities and related work

practices are given in Table 4 (Kirkhorn and Gary, 2000) and a list of respiratory hazards by

American Thoracic Society is given in Table 5 (Schenker, 1998).

Categories Sources Environment Conditions

Organic dusts Grain, hay,

endotoxin, silage,

cotton, animal feed,

animal byproducts,


Animal confinement

operations, barns,

silos, harvesting and

processing operations

Asthma, asthmalike

syndrome, ODTS,

chronic bronchitis,


pneumonitis (Farmer's


Inorganic dusts Silicates Harvesting/tilling Pulmonory fibrosis,

chronic bronchitis

Gases Ammonia, hydrogen

sulfide, nitrous

oxides, methane, CO

Animal confinement

facilities, silos,


Asthmalike syndrome,

tracheobronchities, silo-

filler's disease,

pulmonary edema








Anhydrous ammonia




Applicators, field


Application in fields,

storage containers

Dairy barns, hog


Pulmonary fibrosis,

pulmonary edema,


Mucous membrane



Respiratory irritant,




Welding fumes



Diesel fuel, pesticed


Nitrous oxides,

ozone, metals


Storage containers

Welding operations

Animal husbandry,

veterinary services

Mucous membrane


Bronchitis, metal-fume

fever, emphysema

Anthrax, Q fever,


Table 4. Agricultural respiratory hazards and diseases (Kirkhorn and Garry, 2000)

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Maximum levels of indoor air contaminant levels, including total dust, ammonia, respirable

dust, and total microbes were determined for workers in swine buildings (Donham, 1995).

The levels given in the last column in Table 3 are for animal confinement research while

Table 6 relates maximum indoor levels for swine building, explaning the slight differences

in the two tables.

Maynard and Howard (1999) cited several literatures regarding PM effect on human health:

"PM10 is currently regarded as the size fraction best representing those particles most likely

to cause ill health (DoE, 1995). PM10 is not as long-lived as PM2.5, with a life-time of some

7±3 days, as the latter is less subject to efficient removal by gravitational settling or

scavenging by rain (DoE, 1993). However, particles have to be < 2.5 μm in order to penetrate

into the gas exchange regions of the lungs. Numerous epidemiological studies have found a

relationship between particulate air pollution and increased cardiorespiratory morbidity

and mortality (Pope et al., 1995), and hospital admissions for asthma and chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease (Schwartz, 1994; Schwartz et al., 1993)".

Respiratory Reqion Principal Exposures Diseases/Syndromes

Nose and


Vegetable dusts





Allergic and nonallergic rhinitis

Organic dust toxid syndrome (ODTS)



Vegetable dusts



Insect antigens



Oxides of nitrogen

Hydrogen sulfides



Asthma-like syndrome



bronchioles and


Vegetable dusts



Bacteria and fungi

Hydrogen sulfide

Oxides of nitrogen


Inorganic dusts (silica,



Pulmonary edema/adult respiratory

distress syndrome

Bronchiolitis obliterans

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis

Interstitial fibrosis

Table 5. Agricultural respiratory disease common exposures and effects (Schenker, 1998)

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


Air contaminant Recommended 8-hour TWA for human health

Total dust (mg m


) 2.40

Respirable dust (mg m


) 0.23

Endotoxin (g m


) 0.08

Ammonia (ppm) 7.00

Total microbes (cfu m


) 4.3 x 10


Table 6. Maximum air contaminant levels for humans in swine buildings (Donham, 1995)

Air pollution has been thought of as an urban phenomenon, but it has been understood

better that urban–rural differences in PM10 are small or even absent in many regions of

Europe, implying that PM exposure is widespread (WHO, 2000). Although most studies

provided data on PM10 exposure, the data on fine particulate matter (PM2.5) has been

increasing and the recent studies show that PM2.5 is a better predictor of health effects

compared to PM10 (WHO, 2000).

Agricultural and food industries introduce various dangers because organic dust in these

sectors is frequently associated with endotoxins, mycotoxins and microorganisms (Zock et

al., 1995). Granular products generate high quantities of particles during conveying, loading

and unloading from hoppers, trailers, and grain silos. Grain dust may also contain mould

spores and if inhaled they can cause a fatal disease called farmer's lung (HSE, 2006).

Farmer's lung caused by intoxicant dusts in the lower respiratory tract may result in labor

loss, increased health costs, and even death in severe cases (Sabancı , 1999). The wide variety

of different exposures may result in numerous respiratory diseases including bronchitis or

asthma that may result from or exacerbated by organic dust (grain dusts, animal dander,

plant dusts), toxic gases, and infectious agents whereas inorganic dusts and other irritants

may exacerbate, if not cause, asthma (Schen ker, 2000). Early studies explained that dust

exposure might cause inflammation of the eyes, lungs, and the skin (Matthews and Knight,

1971), poisoning and allergy in the respiratory system (Witney, 1988), and grain fever (HSE,

2007). While allergic responses, such as asthma, are generally linked with exposure to

organic dust, nonallergic responses, such as bronchitis and chronic obstructive airways

disease, are usually associated with exposure to inorganic dust from agricultural origins

(Baker et al., 2005). Fine particles can pollute the blood by reaching air packets in the lung or

might start various disturbances and diseases. The disease called byssinosis is due to

chronic PM inhalation of high levels of microbial products such as endotoxin from cotton

processing (Lane et al., 2004).

Jimenes (2006) reports detrimental health effects due to both chronic and acute exposures to

biomass smoke (EPA, 2004), which includes both vapor and mostly particulate phase

material with PM2.5 fraction. Reduced lung function, depressed immune system and

increased risk of respiratory diseases were listed as the effects of chronic exposure to

biomass smoke, as cited from Sutherland (2004), Sutherland and Martin (2003), and acute

health effects in susceptible people, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

(COPD) patients, and asthmatic children, as cited from Romieu et al. (1996); Pekkanen et al.

(1997); Peters et al. (1997). It was stated that coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


shortness of breath were among the health effects. Long et al. (1998) conducted a survey in

Winnipeg, Canada and reported that straw burning had more effect on individuals with

asthma or chronic bronchitis. In another study on children, a relationship was found

between PM10 from rice straw burning and increased asthma attacs in Niigata, Japan

(Torigoe et al., 2000). Another effect of PM10 emissions is the visibility impairment (e.g.,

Brown Cloud) (Arizona Air Quality Division, 2008).

According to numerous researchers, as cited by Baker et al. (2005), diseases such as asthma,

pulmonary fibrosis, and lung ca ncer are associated with dust inhalation. Additionally,

organic PM exposure is related with allergic responses, including asthma. Inorganic PM is

generally generated during agricultural field applications and causes non-allergic diseases

such as bronchitis and chronic obstructive airways disease. Fume and dust exposures are

predominant in animal buildings and barns and the main elements related to respiratory

health are dust, bacteria, moulds, endotoxin and ammonia (Omland, 2002).

Farming characteristics were determined through a questionnaire study in 1468 cattle

farmers in Schleswig-Holstein, showing a high correlation between the ventilation systems

in the cattle house and respiratory symptoms (Radon et al., 2002). Other important factors

affecting the symptoms were climatic factors and the size of the animal house. In their

study, the pig farmers were found to be at the highest risk for developing respiratory

symptoms associated with asthma-like syndrome whereas an increased risk of wheezing

was found in poultry farmers. The dose-response relationship was significant between daily

hours inside the animal buildings and symptoms. The study also found that the sheep

producers had excess cough with phlegm.

Schenker (2000), by citing numerous research papers, summarized the types of hazards

arising from agricultural dust as follows: Scientific work generally dealt with dust exposure

as it relates to respiratory diseases in terms of allergic diseases resulting from inorganic

dusts, namely occupational asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. However, inorganic

(mineral) dust exposure may be substantial in the agricultural work force. The frequency of

exposure to mineral dust may be more in dry-climate regions. Soil tillage operations such as

plowing, chiseling, and harrowing disturb the soil, causing operators to be exposed to 1-5

mg m


respirable dust and >20 mg m


total dust in dry regions. The soil composition is

usually reflected by the inorganic dust in the soil. For instance, 20% of particles in the soil

are made up of crystalline silica and 80% is of silicates. Such high levels of inorganic

concentrations possibly explain some of the increase in chronic bronchitis reported in

farmers' studies. A disease called pulmonary fibrosis (mixed dust pneumoconiosis) was

found in agricultural workers. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease morbidity and

mortality have also been observed in farmers living in different geographies. It is likely that

inorganic dust exposure is to some extent related with chronic bronchitis, interstitial fibrosis,

and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease however the individual effect of mineral dusts

beyond the effects of organic dusts is unknown. Some cross-sectional surveys showed

increased prevalence rates of chronic bron chitis among swine confinement farmers and

poultry workers independent of the effects of cigarette smoking. Workers in animal

production are predominantly exposed to organic dusts compared to field workers. In

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


addition to the the physical, chemical and biological properties of particles, the factors

affecting worker's health as a result of PM exposure include concentration level, duration of

exposure, gender, age, weight, smoking habits, etc.

A cross sectional study called the European Farm ers' Project was conducted in two stages to

determine the prevalence and risk factors of respiratory diseases in farmers in seven centers

across the Europe (Radon et al., 2003). About 8000 farmers in Denmark, Germany,

Switzerland, the UK, and Spain were administered a standardized questionnaire to

determine the characteristics and respiratory symptoms of the farmers in the first stage

while the second stage studied the exposure assessment and lung function determination in

four of the seven centers. Among animal production farmers, pig farmers were found to be

at high risk of asthma-like syndrome compared to others. When plant production was

considered, greenhouse workers were found to be at higher risk of asthma-like symptoms.

According to the European Community Respiratory Health Survey, animal farmers had

lower prevalence of allergy symptoms while the prevalence of chronic bronchitis symptoms

was significantly higher in animal farmers. It was found that the ventilation in the animal

production facilities and greenhouses was the ma jor risk factor for respiratory symptoms. It

was shown that the highest median total dust (7.01 mg m


) and endotoxin (257.58 ng m



concentrations occurred in poultry houses in Switzerland. Also, growing vegetables,

tomatoes, fruits or flowers in greenhouses was a secondary risk factor for asthma.

Elci et al. (2002) did not observe any dose-response relationship with asbestos, grain, or

wood dust exposure. They found 958 larnyx cancer stories in 6731 patients diagnosed with

cancer at Okmeydani Hospital, Istanbul. Patients exposed to silica and cotton dusts had

more cancer rates but there was no correlation between larnyx cancer and asbestos, wood or

grain dusts. They found "an excess risk of laryngeal cancer among workers exposed to silica

and cotton dust in a large study in Turkey".

Müller et al. (2006) determined sociodemographic and farming-production parameters of

1379 poultry farmers from Southern Brazil, and determined that workers were exposed to

high levels of organic and mineral dusts. Their findings present the significance of income

level, gender, age, and smoking habits. The low income farmers had higher prevalence of

respiratory symptoms and chronic respiratory disease symptoms were more in poultry

workers. Additionally, woman had significantly (p<0.01) higher (15%) asthma symptoms

compared to men (10%), but the difference was not statistically significant in chronic

respiratory disease symptoms with 24% in women and 20% in men (p=0.09). Mülller et al.

(2006) also found more prevalence among persons over 40 years of age and children under

four years of age. Furthermore, smokers, particularly ex-smokers showed more chronic

respiratory disease. Also, smokers consuming more than 182 packs per year had more

respiratory symptoms.

3. Future research and perspectives

Dust emissions from agriculture and the personal exposure to generated particulates are

two major issues to be addressed for both policy makers and researchers. Dust emission

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


results in outdoor and indoor air pollution threatening public health. Occupational exposure

to dust, on the other hand, is associated with respiratory health in the work environments.

The researchers and health organizations have focused on both aspects in order to reduce air

pollution and occupational health hazards.

One of the most important and challenging issues is differentiating between the effect of

dust components. The management choices in a feed operation, for instance, affect the

compounds in the mixture of emissions and complex mixes of various particles create

difficulties to regulation, given the lack of information on the effect of individual

components (Mitloehner and Calvo, 2008). However, it would be difficult to separate the

individual health effect of a component; also it may be somewhat artificial to separate

inorganic mineral dusts from other respiratory toxins (Schenker, 2000). The combined health

effects of dust components (both mineral and organic) and microorganisms such as

exdotoxins deserve to be further studied thorougly in different sectors and subsectors of

agriculture. The scientific studies regarding the relationships of gaseous and particulate

mixtures in biosystems is still in its infancy (Mitloehner and Calvo, 2008), requiring more

exploration in agricultural operations.

The emissions from agriculture may create local and regional problems in terms of air

quality in Europe and such problems may include PM exposure, eutrophication and

acidification, toxics and contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, causing numerous

environmental impacts and hence PM emissions should be investigated not only for PM10

but PM2.5 with NH3 as precursor (Erisman et al., 2007).

Spatial distribution of contaminants is of importance when sampling locations are to be

determined in confined buildings in agriculture and the same should apply for sampling to

assess the emissions during field operations. The researchers tend to make the sampling

near the center of buildings or at the breathing zone of workers or animals however the

sampling location might be random only if the distribution of the pollutants is homogenous

throughout the sampling volume; otherwise th e spatial distribution across the building

needs to be measured first to accurately determine the best sampling locations (Jerez et al.,


It was suggested that, in Australia, each major animal production industry (pigs, poultry,

dairy, horses and sheep) should be investigated in a range of climate and seasonal

conditions to determine worker exposure to a range of contaminants. Other issues to deal

with are changes in respiratory function before and after exposure, respiratory symptoms

for at least a week after exposure, both exposure and respiratory function and symptoms

over time, long term changes in respiratory fu nction and symptoms, species of bacteria and

fungi to which workers are exposed in the different animal industries, the toxicity, and if

needed developing appropriate approaches to occupational hygiene (Reed et al., 2006).

Further studies were recommended to explore the independent effects on symptoms of

smoking, gender and farm characteristics in Au stralia and was concluded that the relatively

high prevalence of asthma in Australian pig and poultry farmers compared with overseas

farmers also requires further investigation.

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


Dust exposure in and near farm fields is of increasing concern for human health and may

soon be facing new emission regulations. Dust plumes have rarely been documented due to

the unpredictable nature of the dust plumes and the difficulties of accurate sampling of the

plumes, requiring further research on dust dispersion measurements and simulations to

better assess the dust emissions (Wang et al., 2008). Also more focus should be put on the air

quality during agricultural burning and related health effects because few studies have been

conducted on air quality during stubble burning and even fewer studies on characterization

of exposure (Jimenes, 2006).

Kline et al. (2003) discussed that thoroughness and frequency of cleaning enclosed cabins,

the work practices, training, and behavior of operators are important variables in future

studies because these factors have direct effects on the sources of chemical contamination.

The authors emphasized that further studies were needed in carbon bed air filtration

systems in cabin to assess efficiency and specificity of chemical removal, particularly in

relation to bed size and chemical breakthrough trends.

Crystalline silica may make up to 20% of the soil composition, representing a risk for

interstitial fibrosis and other silicates up to 80% may also result in or contribute to mixed-

dust pneumoconiosis (pulmonary fibrosis) (Schenker, 2000). Since the prevalence and

clinical severity of pulmonary fibrosis is unknown, more research is needed in this area

(Schenker, 2000).

It is emphasized that worker exposure studies should be conducted with a link to health

outcomes and similarly health studies should be associated with personal exposure

measurements (Reed et al., 2006). Additionally, when occupati onal exposure studies are

conducted, personal sampling should be preferred because stationary sampling estimates of

airborne allergens are lower (Lee et al., 2006).

Since poultry workers are exposed to high dust concentrations resulting in increased risk of

occupational respiratory symptoms, respir atory protection programs should be

implemented and should include poulty production wo rkers (Müller et al., 2006).

As previously discussed, different institutions have set different threshold or permissible

exposure levels for the same particulates. For instance, ACGIH limits the personal exposure

concentration for PM10 and PM2.5 to be 10000 μ m m


and 3000 μ m m


, respectively

whereas NIOSH recommends 4000 μ m m


concentration for granular dust. However, health

effects might be seen at concentrations just above 2400-2500 μ m m


in pig production

whereas health effects may be observed in poultry at concentrations as low as 1600 μ m m


(Kirkhorn and Garry, 2000). The composition of dust may vary substantially along with

accompanying microorganisms in animal production compared to crop production or agro-

industry since more toxic gasesous particles might be generated in animal confinements.

This could result in adverse health effects in animal production with less concentration

compared to other subsectors in agriculture. Therefore research should continue until health

organizations set more practicable limits for a wide variety of compounds in order to protect

workers from both short term and long term health hazards of occupational dust exposure.

The differences in threshold levels determined by different organizations also imply the

need for further research in organic and mineral dust exposure.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Much research is required to characterize the nature and pathogenicity of exposure to

agricultural dust, particularly on inorganic dusts and actual dose (Schenker, 2000).

Numerous questions raised by Schenker (2000) still seeking answers, to varying degrees in

different countries/geographies/climates/subsectors of agriculture, are as follows: "What is

the composition of mineral dusts to which agricultural workers are exposed? How do

climatic conditions, agricultural operations, soil conditions, and personal characteristics

affect dust exposure? What are average and extreme cumulative exposures to inorganic dust

among agricultural workers, and where do they occur? What cumulative dust exposure

occurs with agricultural work? What is the pulmonary response to inorganic dusts, and

what is the mechanism of that response? What are the critical components and relative

potency of different inorganic dusts? Does chronic exposure cause pulmonary fibrosis? Is

airway inflammation a critical component of the response? If so, by what mediators? Is the

response similar to that seen for organic dusts? How do personal characteristics such as age,

gender, smoking atopy, and genetic factors affect the response to inorganic dusts? Is there a

similar pattern of acute cross-shift change in pulmonary function, and is it predictive of

long-term pulmonary function decline? What are effective measures to reduce exposure and

other control methods suitable for the agricultural setting? This should include educational

strategies, engineering controls, and regulatory interventions. Should the occupational silica

standard be applied to the agricultural workplace? What is the role of the practicing

physician in recognizing, treating, and preventing respiratory disease among agricultural

workers?" The research in air quality and personal health seem to be advanced in industries

such as mining, but more research in agricultur e and related industries is needed to address

all the questions above.

Previous research clearly shows that more scientific studies are needed to accumulate

sufficient data to determine dose-response relationships so as to improve engineering

control systems and personal protective devices or to increase awareness and

implementation of prevention techniques in agriculture.

4. Policies and prevention

The implementation of air quality policies in rural areas usually lags urban settings,

resulting in poor monitoring and weak inspection in agricultural work environments. The

awareness in air quality issues, the effects of personal exposure to dusts, and personal

protective measures hence is generally not strong among farmers and farm workers. An

important cause should be related to the fact that the jobs requiring less than 11 people are

not subjected to routine inspections by OSHA, resulting in poor awareness, lack of

engineering controls and irregular personal protection among agricultural workers in the

US (Kirkhorn and Garry, 2000) and the situation is probably similar in other countries.

Policies to reduce air pollution or work-related exposure to dust and microorganisms are of

utmost importance. Different countries may impose different measures to improve air

quality or may recommend methods to reduce exposure levels. For improved public health

the emissions from all industries should be kept as low as possible but may not be

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


economical or practicable under given conditions. For instance, the contribution of

particulate matter from agriculture was considered a pressing issue in emissions and to

accomplish the objectives on acidification, eutrophication and PM concentrations, much

greater reductions should be targeted in EU (Erisman et al., 2007).

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the US redesignated the Moderate PM10

Nonattainment Area to Serious in 1996 to include unregulated sources including unpaved

roads, unpaved parking lots, vacant lots and agriculture, requiring emission reduction

programs for these areas (Arizona Air Quality Division, 2008). Arizona Legislation required

all farmers to comply with PM10 program by the end of 2007, imposing that farmers with 4

ha of contiguous land located within the Maricopa PM10 Nonattainment Area and

Maricopa County Portion of Area A must comply with the agricultural PM10 general

permit. To aid farmers the Arizona Legislature defined Best Management Practices (BMPs)

and farmers are required to implement at least one of BMPs for each of the three categories

defined, including tillage and harvest, non-cropland and cropland (Arizona Air Quality

Division, 2008).

The personal protection is not common in agriculture mainly due to the fact that they are

hot and uncomfortable, but in dusty and mouldy conditions two-strap dust and mist

respirators approved by NIOSH may be used (Arizona Air Quality Division, 2008).

The use of sixteen types of engineering controls and thirteen types of personal protective

equipment (PPE) was studied using the inform ation obtained from 702 certified pesticide

applicators (Coffman et al., 2009). The results of this study showed that 8 engineering

control devices were used out of 16 by more than 50% of the applicators. The adoption of

engineering control was affected by the crop produced, field size, and type of pesticide

application equipment. Engineering devices were usually adopted on large farms, when

hydraulic sprayers are used. Most respondents used PPE with chemical-resistant gloves

resulting in the highest level of compliance. Appropriate headgear use also increased in

pesticide applicators.

Mitchell and Schenker (2008) surveyed 588 farmers longitudinally from 1993 to 2004 to

determine respiratory protective behaviors and the personal characteristics of farmers. They

identified some characteristics related to sm oking and farm size, and found that about 75%

of the farmers were not "very" concerned about respiratory health risks. Interestingly, the

use of a dust mask or respirator decreased significantly from 54% in 1993 to 37% in 2004,

whereas 20% was consistent in use of respir atory protection. From 1993 to 2004 closed-cabin

useage increased slightly from 14% to 17%. Those who regularly used a dust mask or

respirator were ex-smokers or the ones concerned about the health risks. Also, closed-cabin

tractors were used in larger areas and were related to higher salary and the farmers

preferred using personal protection in small areas. The researchers recommended that

farmers be educated about the long term respiratory health risks.

Some practices in the field can be helpful in reducing dust emissions and hence personal

exposure levels. Some of these practices include no tillage or soil preparation if wind speed

exceeds 40 km h


at 2 m height, adopting reduced tillage including minimum tillage system,

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


mulch tillage system, and reduced tillage system (Arizona Air Quality Division, 2008). These

practices should also incorporate other preventions such as avoiding conditions in which

soil is susceptible to produce PM10, reducing vehicle speed, planting vegetative barriers to

the wind (tree, shrub, or windbreak planting), managing residues to reduce soil erosion and

maintain soil moisture (Arizona Air Quality Division, 2008).

Some of the technical preventive measures may include appropriate technology for drying,

storage, conservation and handling of granular materials and hay; vacuum cleaning; water

sprinkling; mist sprinkling; addition of vegetable oil to flour feed; sprinkling of fine oil

aerosol over the animals; and design and ventilation of the premises however the materials

should be carefully selected and the design of the equipment, process, and the work should

be done properly to reduce dust generation (The Swedish National Board of Occupational

Safety and Health, 1994).

When the dust concentrations are high enough respiratory protective equipment should be

used to avoid upper and lower respiratory disturbances and diseases. HSE (2005) warns that

the use of nuisance dust masks (NDMs) may prevent only from large particles during

handling grain, and are inappropriate since they cannot prevent fine particles from reaching

the lungs. Recommended RPSs are disposable filtering face piece respirator to BS EN 149 or a

half mask respirator to BS EN 140 with particle filters to BS EN 143 (HSE, 2006). Nevertheless,

oxygen sufficiency in the work environment may be an important factor to choose the best

type of mask since the use of a mask could be hazardous when oxygen level is less than 17%

(Hetzel, 2010). Powered filtering equipment (helmets or hoods) should be used when large

quantities of dust are released during agricultural operations. Some examples of such

operations include manual weighing of animals, the transfer of poultry to and from battery

cages, the cleansing of grain hoppers from mouldy grain, and threshing with a cabinless

threshing machine (The Swedish National Board of Occupational Safety and Health, 1994).

The cost effectiveness of engineering solutions might be important in implementing various

methods to reduce emissions and work-related exposures. Technical solutions are usually

poor in developing countries due to low level of technologies used such as cotton sawgins in

Turkey (Aybek et al., 2010). Lahiri et al. (2005) estimated a cost of 5000-10000 $ to eliminate

the risks for silicosis in factories working in three shifts with 5 workers in each shift for stone

grinders in construction sector. In other areas ventilation cost was only 650 $. Lahiri et al.

(2005) suggested that an annual cost of 106 $ would be required to improve ventilation in

these sectors both in developing and developed countries. It was noted that these estimates

were based on reducing silicosis and did not account for the effect of smoking.

In crop production the most advanced technical solution is the use of enclosed cabin with

appropriate filtering sytems. An original cabin might sufficiently filter the air and reduce

PM concentrations from 2000-20000 μ g m


to 100-1100 μ g m


(Kirkhorn and Garry, 2000).

Thus an enclosed cabin is important especially in soil tillage operations generating silica.

Concentration of grain dust may widely vary and can be as high as 72500 μ m m



threshing and cleaning, implying the need for both technical and personal preventions.

However, the masks could feel hot and uncomfortable and are not routinly used in

agriculture (Kirkhorn and Garry, 2000).

Particulate Matter Exposure in Agriculture


Author details

Selçuk Arslan and Ali Aybek

Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam

University, Turkey

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Chapter 4

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Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions

Produced by Tourism Life Cycle: Possible

Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to

Introduce Adaptation Measures

Francisco A. Serrano-Bernardo, Luigi Bruzzi,

Enrique H. Toscano and José L. Rosúa-Campos

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Tourism and Travel (T & T) is a vital contributor to the global economy and considered

particularly important for developing countries. It is regarded as an effective way of

redistributing wealth and, if conducted according to sustainability directions, may promote

cultural heritage conservation and contribute to nature preservation. Tourism industry has

experienced a significant development in the last 50 years and, presently, represents around

260 million jobs worldwide, 100 million of whom work directly in the tourism industry and

the rest in induced activities. Moreover, tourism accounts for about 9% (direct & induced) of

the global GDP [1,2] (more than the automotive industry, 8.5% and slightly less than the

banking sector, 11%). The economic and cultural importance of tourism is now widely


However, negative impacts from tourism may take place, for instance, when the level of

visitor use is greater than the capability of the environment to cope with this use, operating

beyond the acceptable limits of change or regeneration capacity of a given territory, e.g., by

the sheer effect of the number of visitors [3]. A good example is constituted by the

Mediterranean coast, where in a narrow strip (50-100 km) about 130 millions of residential

habitants are incremented seasonally by about 100 million of tourists. In marine areas tourist

activities such as diving or cruising, may cause damage of fragile ecosystems such as coral

reefs, which are also affected by CO

2-emissions due to the change in the pH-value of

seawater (coral bleaching).

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Waste handling and disposal, increment of noise (related mainly to transportation to and at

destinations), increased use of water resources [4], loss of biodiversity and wild life habitats

by tourism leisure activities, represent part of the stresses put on visited areas, beside the

pressure on local resources like energy, food, and other raw materials that might be locally

already in short supply.

One of the most negative impacts of tourism is on climate through so-called Greenhouse

Gases (GHG) emissions, in particular CO

2 [3,5]. In fact, it is now widely recognized that

climate change is a global issue and one of th e most serious threats to society, the economy

and the environment, being by now for decades a constant issue of concern [6]. The Inter-

Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has reported that warming of the global

climate system is unequivocal and that it is likely that anthropogenic GHG production

(mainly from energy conversion) have caused most of the observed global temperature rise

since the middle of the 19


Century. Hence, ambitious emissions reduction targets for

developed countries and an effective framework that addresses the needs of developing

countries has been already adopted (e.g., the objectives 20/20/20 in the European Energy

Program for Recovery).

Relating these two important issues, it is now recognized that T & T constitutes also a vector

of climate change since, according to current estimations, tourism accounts for

approximately five per cent of global carbon dioxide emissions, establishing in this way the

synergy between T & T and climate, which – on the other side - may define the length and

quality of tourism seasons, affect tourism operations, hence attracting or deterring visitors

depending on climate conditions. It can be, then, asserted that tourism is a highly climate

sensitive economical sector, being of paramount importance the assessment of the possible

influence of tourism on climate change thro ugh emissions and on environment in general

through its implementation.

The principal environmental impact of GHG emissions is climate change but many

secondary effects which affect, for instance, coastal areas, have been identified. These are sea

surface temperature and sea level rise, changes in temperature and precipitation, as well as

biodiversity loss mainly in the marine environment. These changes threaten the quality of

destinations, which is at the core of the tourism product. It therefore makes sense for

stakeholders in tourism and tourism mobility, not only environmentally but also from the

point of view of business, to act more sustainably.

In the tourism sector, energy consumption at destinations and the related GHG emissions

strongly depends, e.g., on the infrastructure of the accommodation, particularly installations

for heating, cooling and hot water [7]. On the other hand, by definition tourism is

impossible without transportation. At destinations the impact of the GHG emissions can be

challenged by improving new concepts and/or changing existing infrastructure.

On the other side, for tourism mobility, the type of transport and the distance to be covered

determine the amount of energy consumed and, consequently, the emissions generated.

Transport to and on destinations represents a high percentage of energy consumption

Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


(currently about 30%), and a large fraction of it is represented by travels for tourism. If we

consider that almost all transport vehicles are fuelled by liquid fuels, such as diesel oil,

kerosene and gasoline, it appears clear that travels are certainly responsible of large

quantities of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere. Hence, for transportation the

number of journeys, the distribution over transport modes, total passenger kilometrage

travelled, the efficiency of transport means, etc., are the most important parameters to be

taken into consideration in assessing emissions.

In this chapter the focus is concentrated on the significant contribution to the emissions of

pollutants and greenhouse gases both in the destination and in travels needed to reach the

destination and around the destination itself. The approach followed in this analysis is

based on the Life Cycle Assessment [8], including the effects produced in reaching the

destination, the staying in the destination for a certain number of days and travel back to the

starting point. The quantification of emissions is performed for different distances between

the starting place and the destination, for different period of staying in the destination and

for different means of transportation (car, bus, train, ship and airplane). In addition, Tourism

Indicators [9] are introduced to establish the sustainability level of tourism. Finally, founded

on studies and research on the effects produced by pollutants and GHG emissions into the

atmosphere, changes that T & T should undergo to improve its sustainability are proposed.

2. Tourism market

Motivations for tourism are multiple; they include: travel, leisure, business, cultural,

educational and/or religious purposes. Religion and culture have been key stimulants for

many tourist destinations; religious travel has been popular for decades and has allowed for

scores of people to take pilgrimages. For example, many Roman Catholics visit the Vatican

City annually, while Hindus trek to the Ganges and other spiritual spots across India.

Jerusalem and Israel are also popular spots for Christian pilgrims, as well as the Mecca for

the Muslims. Due to these reasons, the countries benefit from tourist arrivals and, in many

cases, also neighboring countries or cities. Different nations have various histories and

unique cultures and traditions that accomp any them. The cultural distinctiveness and

'unusual' traditions attract curious or interested travelers to certain places. In addition, if

one visits a country for other reasons, the cultural aspects contribute toward a unique

experience. The various art forms (song, dance, sculpture and artwork, drama, opera, etc.)

and festivities have great influence on visitors' experiences. Often overlapping with other

types of tourism, food tourism plays an important part in the industry. Visitors generally

prefer sampling local cuisine and many set off on trips to experience food made by locals.

As a result, local restaurants and food stands thrive off this. Locals benefit from

employment opportunities either directly (servers, cooks and managers for example) or

indirectly (e.g., agriculturists and aquaculturists) and the economy of surrounding

communities, are boosted.

The economic contribution of tourism has two elements: direct and indirect. The direct

contribution is solely concerned with the immediate effect of expenditure made by visitors.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


This, for example, accounts for expenditures in hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops, transport

services and attractions entrance fees. Indirect contributions are often underestimated: they

include, for example, expenditures on fuels for transport and power generation, utility bills

for hotels and guest houses (to maintain the electricity and water supply), purchase or rental

of equipment for various activities (such as diving, hiking and beach sports), among others.

Tourism in its various forms is currently recognized as the world's largest single industry

with a direct worldwide contribution to GDP of about 6% [10]. A world forecasts for the

near future estimates a number of international arrivals by the year 2020 of about 1.6 billion.

Figure 1 shows the contribution to the global tourism activities of different geographical

areas together with the forecasted increase up to 2020.

Figure 1. Evolution of world tourism from 1950, in billions of arrivals. Source: [11]

Tourism is one of the strongest economic sectors in the member states of the European

Union (EU), where it involves around 2 million businesses (mostly small and medium-sized

enterprises) generating up to 12% of the GDP (directly plus indirectly), 6% of employment

(directly) and 30% of external trade. All of these figures are expected to further increase as

tourism demand is expected to experience a substantial growth. An analysis of changes in

tourism in the EU over the past 20 years shows that the numbers of bed-places and

overnight stays have increased by almost 64%.

An important sector of tourism is the coastal [12], based on a unique resource combination

of the appealing of landscape and sea environment: sun, water, beaches, outstanding scenic

views, rich biological diversity (birds, whales, corals, etc.), sea food and good transportation

infrastructure. In the middle of the 20th century coastal tourism in Europe turned into mass

tourism and became affordable for an increasing portion of the population. Today, more

than 60% of the European tourists favor the seashore for vacation. Coastal tourism sector in

Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


Europe is getting increasingly competitive, with tourists expecting increasing quality for

lower price [13]. Nowadays tourists expect more than sun, sea and sand, demanding a wide

variety of associated leisure activities and experiences, including sports, cuisine, culture and

natural attractions. Tourism is becoming more and more important for the economy of the

communities at the destinations; it is also a strong employment generator with a total of

almost 20 million jobs (direct and indirect employment, in Europe).

Mass tourism is the most common aspect of the industry. It is an assembly of standardized

low cost tourism packages appealing to tourism masses traveling to popular geographical

areas. It involves tourists on pilgrimages or visiting places of religious interest, tourists

visiting beaches or coastal areas, visitors to popular nightlife and casino areas, tourists to

popularized landmarks or structural wonders and tourists seeking shopping and leisure in

internationally hyped locations.

The growth in world tourism is related to three main factors: increased personal incomes

and leisure time; improvements in transportation systems and greater public awareness of

other areas of the world due to improved communications. Many destinations have a

wealth of assets to give them a distinctive appeal: combinations of activities (leisure

activities, sports, cultural and natural heritage, cuisine, etc.); at the same time, local people

are increasingly anxious to preserve their own identity, their environment and their natural,

historic and cultural heritage, from the impact of unrestrained tourism. In this context, it has

been acknowledged that the global tourism in dustry is a "massive consumer of energy and

resources" and, since it is expected to cont inue to grow significantly in the future, the

question of its sustainability has been recognized.

3. Tourism sustainability

3.1. Need for tourism to be sustainable

In the last two decades there has been growing recognition of the importance for tourism to

be sustainable. Tourism is one of the oldest industries, it has become integrated into

everyday life for many countries and, as discussed in the previous paragraph, is undeniably

a major contributor to economic and social development. However, increasing tourist

pressure and overexploitation of natural resources endangers the existence of this industry

in many countries. In fact, one of the most diffused types, mass tourism, often leads to

severe degradation of natural landscapes (e.g., through construction of massive

infrastructure), pollution of coastal zones and reduction in water supply. Ecological

development with respect to tourism is known as sustainable tourism and it encompasses

the development of an industry in such a manner that can sustain itself while improving the

quality of life for all concerned stakeholders, such as indigenous populations. Hence,

sustainable tourism entails the search for a more productive and harmonious relationship

between the visitor, the host community and the residents [14]. In addition, tourism to be

sustainable must remain competitive and attract first time as well as reiterate visitors. In this

context, recognize, accept and implement limits on tourism development is one way to

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


counteract the potential overuse and exploitation of destinations natural resources and

cultural heritage.

Sustainable tourism (ST) can be, hence, defined as an industry which attempts to make a

low impact on the environment and local cu lture, while aiming to generate income,

employment, and the conservation of the local environment. ST should be both, ecologically

and culturally sensitive, producing minimum impact on the eco-system and culture of the

host community. According to The World Tourism Organization, sustainable tourism is a

sort of tourism that leads to the management of all resources in such a way that economic,

social and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential

ecological processes, biological diversity and life support systems. The United Nations

Environment Programme (UNEP) refers to the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural

aspects of tourism development, and recommends a suitable balance between these three

dimensions to guarantee its long-term sust ainability [15]. The United Nations World

Tourism Organization (WTO) defines ST as an activity that meets the needs of present

tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. The

objective of ST is, hence, to retain the economic and social advantages of tourism

development while reducing or mitigating any undesirable impacts on the natural, historic,

cultural or social environment. This can be achieved by balancing the needs of tourists with

those of the destination. Summarizing, ST is a tourism that is economically, socio-culturally

and environmentally sustainable, with impacts are neither permanent nor irreversible.

3.2. Difficulties and opportunities in making tourism more sustainable

An increasing number of tourists are aware of the environmental impacts that tourism may

cause particularly in Europe. They expect a high environmental quality in their destination,

usually prefer eco-labeled accommodation services, look for certified products in the travel

catalogues and "green" destinations. The direct local impacts of tourism on people and

environment at destinations are strongly affected by concentration in space and time

(seasonality). There are different quality characteristics requested by tourists, such as clean

beaches and water, cleanness in the resort s and in the surrounding areas, reduce

urbanization of rural areas, nature protection in the destination, low noise pollution from

traffic or discothèques, reduce traffic and good public transport in the destination,

possibility of reaching the destination easily by bus or train, environmentally-friendly

accommodation, etc. Construction of hotels, recreation and other facilities often leads to

increased pressure on sewage facilities, in particular because many destinations have several

times more inhabitants in the high season than in the low season. Waste water treatment

facilities are often not built to cope with the dramatic rise in volume of waste water during

the peak [13]. In some locations, conventional tourism has been accused of failing to

integrate its structures with the natural features and indigenous architecture of the

destination. One of the most difficult challenges tourism is facing is the ability to combine

sound economic development with the protection of natural resources. There will be an

increasing need to analyze the trade-offs between native cultural integrity and the benefits

Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


of employment, and the need to understand the impact of rapid climatic changes on prime

vacations sites, such as coast lines. Nevertheless, looking at the whole picture it can

recognize that tourism can help sustainability. In fact, tourism can facilitate the restoration,

conservation and protection of physical environments; it can provide the incentives and the

income necessary to restore and rejuvenate hi storic buildings and to create and maintain

national parks. Hence, tourism can be a force for the development of better infrastructure

such as improvements to roads, water supply and treatment and waste management

systems which can improve environmental quality, facilitating the development of

attractions through restoration and protection of natural and built heritage.

3.3. Mobility and sustainability of tourism

The knowledge and proper management of all adverse impacts are extremely important to

make tourism sustainable. Generally, they are factors contributing to create environmental

pressure exerted locally but not only. For instance, it can be surely asserted that that fuel

and electricity consumption in tourism are usually very high, but – as will be discussed

below - the travel to reach the destination is the most important contributor to GHG

emissions [14]. The approach to sustainability of tourism has been so far concentrated

mainly on destination, ignoring that tourism, increasingly oriented toward destinations far

away (many thousands km). Therefore fuel consumption and GHG emissions due to

mobility have become the most important factors for sustainability assessment.

4. Tourism life cycle

The evaluation or assessment of the "life cycle" of a product or a service in general can be

defined as the technique to assess the environmental impact associated with all the phases

of the product manufacturing or service provision. The assessment includes all the stages

needed to manufacture the product (or delivering the service): extraction of the raw

materials, processing, manufacturing of the product itself (or service delivery), distribution,

use, maintenances and repair, and – most important – perform its safe disposal or recycling

at the end of life. To accomplish the evaluation , the compilation of an inventory of relevant

energy and material inputs and environmental releases in each phase has to be performed.

Then, the impacts associated with the inputs and releases have to be evaluated and, finally,

an interpretation of the results has to be performed with the goal of allowing the decision

makers and stakeholders in general to adopt an informed decision [16]. This important

process is sometimes also called "Eco balance" and it is also described using the illustrative

expression "from the cradle-to-grave".

The assessment process has been internationally standardized (ISO 14040 and 14044) by

including four main phases: goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, assessment of the

impacts and, finally, interpretation of the results of the previous phases, as schematically

illustrated in Figures 2 and 3.

In order to assess tourism activities in terms of environmental effects, the possibility to

adopt the LCA process is analyzed. According to the scheme in Figure 2 , goal definition and

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


scope could be interpreted as: the goal is the assessment of the environmental impacts of a

tourism activity (e.g., a vacation in a destination), whereas the scope is the ideal space in

which the touristic activities (travel, permanence, etc.) are performed.

Figure 2. Schematic view of LCA analysis. Source: [16]

Figure 3. Inventory energy and material. Source: [16]

Before continuing into what would be a life cycle analysis adequate for tourism, it is

worthwhile to remember that the concept of tourism life cycle has been already defined in

some previous papers. According to [8], tourism life cycle is a six stage model to be

performed for the assessment of a destination. It includes the exploration, involvement of

the local people, the development of a tourism resort in a given country, the consolidation

through the integration of the resort into the local economy, the stagnation (e.g., competition

from other resorts, saturation, etc.), and, finally, either the declination or the rejuvenation of

the tourism site. This approach, being essentia lly correct, takes into account only the life

cycle of a destination (in this sense, it should be called, tourism area life cycle), without

Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


considering the whole cycle of the most classi cal tourism activity, the seasonal vacation

(reaching the destination, staying and traveling back).

The Butler model is strictly connected to the concept of carrying capacity (CC) of a site; it

represents the maximum burden that can be accepted by a territory without producing a

crisis of the local ecosystem. WTO has provided a specific definition of tourism CC [17]. [18]

defined Tourism Carrying Capacity (TCC) as "…the level of human activity an area can

accommodate without the area deteriorating, the resident community being adversely

affected or the quality of visitors experience declining". Looking at this definition it appears

clear the connection with the Butler model: the stagnation of the area where the tourism is

taking place starts when the TCC is reached and the further development is not possible

without intervention addressed to a rejuvenation process.

The model proposed in the present paper does not completely fit into the concept contained in

the LCA, but has as its ultimate goal the purpose to quantify one of the most important factor,

consumption of fossil fuel and related CO

2 and other emissions, mostly produced during

travels to reach the destination. The approach implemented in the present paper is an attempt

to adopt a methodology able to include all the aspects of a very common type of tourism

which consist in a vacation in a destination that can be reached by a traveling round trip.

To make the model operative, identification of the different phases in which pollutant

emissions are taking place have to be identified. This type of analysis can be done for

different destination and for given data characterizing the period spent in the destination.

One valuable approach is the comparison of different ways to spend vacations, trying to

select the solution which minimizes the CO

2 emissions. To make the comparison meaningful

a functional unit has to be introduced, e.g. the amount of CO

2 emitted for one day spent in

vacation (per person in a given place and for a given distance).

On the basis of what has been discussed hitherto, the concept of a vacation life cycle can be

schematically defined by the following parameters:

Number of visitors arriving at a destination and from where.

Distance from the tourist home to the destination.

Diffe5rent scenarios for reaching the final destination (airplane, car, train, bus, ship, etc.).

Differ5ent types of accommodation ranging from camping places, rented homes, mobile

homes, mountain huts to five star hotels, if present.

Number of days staying in the destination.

Different types of activities that can be performed at the destination, such as diving,

sailing, cruises, mobile homes or visiting zoos, cinemas, indoor pools, museums or


Mobility in the destination (private car, public transportation, sightseeing tours, etc.).

Other issues related to the holidays (such as the practice of "zero km" food for


To assess the impacts of all these activities the classical LCA requests the assessment of all

the impacts related to the inputs and outputs of the mentioned items. Impacts are

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


calculated by dividing them into different categories: greenhouse effect (potential global

warming), stratospheric ozone depletion, acidification, eutrophication, summer smog,

natural resource depletion, aquatic toxicity, etc. The phases of classification,

characterization, and interpretation of the resu lts and identification of significant issues

are very complicated and it is beyond the scope of this chapter (being its specific purpose

the assessment of the GHG emissions) to discuss all the impacts from tourism activities.

On the other hand, it is worthwhile to notice that tourism and vacations are often spent in

remote destinations and, therefore, large amount of fossil fuels for transportation are

requested, hence, to assess, e.g., the contribution of transport on the total impact

produced by GHG, the proposed model appears adequate and, hence, considered a

valuable approach, able to compare different types of vacation by quantifying the

parameters above.

To this goal, the different phases of tourisms related activities generating emissions have to

be identified. In the present chapter inventory analysis is limited to the amount of fuel

supplied to transportation means, the related CO

2 emissions, neglecting other

environmental impacts due to, e.g., maintenance of the carriers.

The evaluation of potential impacts associated with the inputs of tourism life cycle and their

related impacts constitutes important information needed for the analysis of the observed

and predicted future climate change. In evaluating impact sources it appears clear the

paramount influence of the type of transportation means selected. For instance, aviation

emissions have a greater climate impact that the same emissions at ground level due to the

fact that, at altitude, they can activate a series of chemical and physical processes that can

have enhanced consequences on the climate change and have to be taken into account

through multiplying factors. By the same token, for automobiles not only their number but

also their age and technology, play a paramount role in evaluating emissions.

The outcome of this form of analysis appears useful for a better global managing of tourism

and, in general, for making sustainable choices towards a reduction of the atmospheric

pollution, limiting CO

2 and other greenhouse gases emissions.

5. Tourism sustainability indicators

In the context of the present chapter it has to be mentioned that indicators are commonly

used by organizations to evaluate their success or the success of a particular activity in

which they are engaged. Because of their integrative and forward-looking features,

Sustainability Indicators (SI) are suitable to measure and evaluate human activities, and

more and more businesses, willing to align their activities with the principles of sustainable

development, are adopting SI as a powerful tool in addressing a satisfactory development in

relationship to the environment.

Some useful indicators to express the level of sustainability of tourism are: carrying capacity,

ecological footprint and carbon footprint. The carrying capacity has been already introduced

in the previous paragraph.

Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


5.1. Tourism ecological footprint

The Ecological Footprint is a measure of the 'load' imposed by a given population on nature.

It represents the land area necessary to sustain a tourism activity in terms of resource

depletion and waste discharge by that population [19]. It represents the total area necessary

to satisfy all the needs of the population involved in terms of food, water, land, etc. It also

includes the large amount of the area necessary to neutralize the effects all the GHGs, e.g.,

by photosynthesis of plants. This area, (representing the carbon footprint in terms of area,

instead in terms of kg of CO

2) results usually very large: the global average amounts at

about 50% of the ecological footprint. In the case of long distance tourism the fraction is

even more. It is worth to put into evidence that EF can be calculated both for the population

of a community and for a single individual. To measure the level of sustainability of

tourism it is worth to introduce another indicator able to express the role of GHG emission:

the carbon footprint.

5.2. The carbon footprint

The carbon footprint (CF) is usually measured in kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent; in

the case of tourism the unit for this indicator could be kilograms of carbon dioxide

equivalent/ person [20]. Tourism, as any other human activity, has either direct or indirect

effects on the carbon footprint. The primary CF is the direct measure of carbon dioxide

emissions from burning of fossil fuels (such as energy consumption at the destination and

transportation). The secondary CF is a measure of the indirect carbon emissions from the

entire life cycle of commonly used products (related to their manufacture and eventual


In assessing the CF it should be kept in mind that electricity is an essential part of the

tourism industry. Hotels and accommodation for guests must be fully equipped for their

comfort; this includes proper lighting, water heaters, basic electronics, elevators, pool

pumps, etc. Restaurants are generally run on electric stoves and in some cases, electric

dishwashers (both currently considered negative for sustainability). For these reasons and

many more, high amounts of electricity is needed hence a readily available, efficient supply

is crucial. For electricity generation the CO

2 specific production for different fuels is shown

in Table 1 .



(Carbon Fraction

in fuel)

Heat of Combustion



[kgCO2 /kWh]



[kgCO2 /kWh]


Natural gas 0.75 11900 0.20 0.5

Petrol 0.87 10000 0.27 0.67

Coal 0.85 8500 0.31 0.77

Table 1. Specific CO2 emissions for different fuels.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


It is, hence, evident that the specific emissions will depend on the relative amount of the

different fuel used for the electricity production (energy mix). In Table 2 , the specific

production of CO

2 per kilowatt-hour for some European countries is reported.

The analysis of the carbon footprint of tourism worldwide shows that the greenhouse

emissions are due to: transport (particularly air and motor vehicle) 82%, accommodation

4.5%; other activities 8.6% retail 3.4% [21]. Th e transportation of visitors to the destination

plays an important role in contributing to the carbon footprint. However it should not be

forgotten that transport is a promoter for the rest of the industry: if the number of trips

declines significantly then all businesses will be affected.


Emissions [kgCO2/kWh]

Coal Petrol Natural Gas TOTAL

Italy 0.118 0.130 0.178 0.426

Austria 0.097 0.019 0.076 0.192

Germany 0.382 0.011 0.046 0.439

Spain 0.223 0.057 0.081 0.361

France 0.036 0.007 0.015 0.057

Sweden 0.005 0.009 0.004 0.018

Table 2. Specific emissions of CO 2 for some EU countries.

6. Role of transportation in tourism

In modern societies mobility plays a fundamental and increasing role in shaping our daily

life: the way people interact, work, play, manufacture, and get access to services, leisure

amenities and goods, is inextricably linked wi th transport. Mobility lies at the heart of

tourism and, noticeably, there are synergies between transportation and tourism [22], with

technological developments and lower prices for the mobility promoting tourism and,

conversely, tourism encouraging the expansion of new transportation possibilities.

Furthermore, transportation is the link between home, destination, accommodation,

attraction, and all other stages of a tourist journey. Its efficiency, comfort and safety

determine to a large extent the quality of the to urist's experience and in many cases its cost

comprises the largest portion of a tourist's total expenses. Tourism represents a strong sector

for the demand of transportation and prospective studies foresee a further increase and,

consequently, in the request for mobility to reach the termini and even at the destination

itself. The trend to select far destinations has made the travel phase the prevalent part of the

total economic and environmental cost.

On the other side, in evaluating emissions - as will be discussed in detail in the next

paragraph - there is no doubt that tourism is an important contributor to the emission in

general and of GHG in particular. Indeed, data from the WTO Climate Report shows that

total CO

2 from tourist activities amounts to 4.9% of total world emissions, with mobility

Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


playing a relevant role. A recent study made by the Direction des Études Économiques et de

l'Évaluation Environnementale (D4E), revealed that mobility of French tourists gives a

contribution to the GHG emissions of about 6% of the total amount (2006) [23]. Moreover,

this study concluded, analysing the duration of the permanence in the destination in the last

40 years, that the average duration has changed from 20 to 12 days and that the portion of

tourists spending vacation abroad changed from 12 to 19%, implying more frequent

travelling and increased use of the airplane to reach abroad destinations.

Transportation is accomplished by different means, such as car, train, bus, ship, or aircraft.

According to a study by [24], out of the total car transport, 20%-30% are used for tourism

mobility. Similarly, 20%-40% of rail travel serves tourism purposes, whereas 60%-90% of air

travelling passenger accounts for tourism mobility. At global level, tourism mobility causes

around 75% of total CO

2 emissions out of all emissions from touristic activities, with

aviation representing the bulk of it (40%). According to a research performed by [25] GHG

emissions from international aviation grew by 87% between 1990 and 2004 (73% increase for

1990-2003), while total GHG emissions decreased by 5.5% between 1990 and 2003. Air traffic

is furthermore expected to double in the next 15 years and is anticipated to counteract the

reduction of CO

2 emissions achieved in other sectors.

Actually, the development of the air travel industry, especially low-cost airlines, has made

affordable and thereby increased the utilization of this type of mobility, making travelling

accessible to a growing number of the world's population. The air-travel industry has

substantially reduced travel time and travel costs as compared to other transport modes. The

most popular air-travel models are the Low Cost Carriers (LCCs) focusing on sea, sand and

sun tourism, short stay city trips and cultural destinations [26]. To make flights to a destination

cheaper, it is important flying non-stop. The contribution to emission given by the flights used

for tourism is the highest (if expressed in terms of kg CO 2/person and km), even if it is not the

most selected way to reach destinations for vacations: In France (2006) only 6% of tourists have

selected the airplane to reach the destination, usually located very far away. Nevertheless,

automobiles are still the most common way used for tourism travels (75%).

Energy consumption for transportation depends on two factors: the type of transport used

and the distance to be covered. Due to the overwhelming use of fossil fuels, mobility

generates GHG emissions which can cause climate change and engender impacts that harm

the environment and is believed to be a primary cause of climate change. Hence, it can be

concluded that transport represents an important phase of tourism but is, on the other hand,

responsible of a outstanding amount of emissions. Nevertheless, when looking at tourism

mobility we have to keep in mind that transport for tourism only accounts for a fraction of

all transport. A large portion of general transport serves for moving freight and non-tourist

passengers [27].

7. Emissions produced in tourism

Tourism activities, besides the necessary mobility to reach the destination briefly discussed

in the previous paragraph, generate emissions also in other phases of its development such

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


as of residing at a destination as a result of the use of energy for heating or air conditioning,

illumination, and other services (cooking, cleaning, office, etc.). All these aspects have to be

considered to assess the energy consumption and related emissions during the tourism life

cycle. In Figure 4 , the different phases of tourism and its associated fuel and energy

consumption are schematically depicted, substantiating that a touristic activity generates

emissions in all the phases of its development. The figure evidences that energy

consumption is partly due to travel (to the destination and back home) and partly to the

activities performed in the destination. It has been determined that, if the distance from the

departure location and the destination are relatively short (less than 1000 km) the preferred

way for transport is the private car whereas, for long distances, air transportation is

preferred. In the last years the relatively low costs of flights for long distance have

encouraged journeys to destinations far away.

As already stated, energy consumption and its associated emissions in tourism depends on

the type of services offered, the type of accommodation and the energy management

approach. For instance, hot water supply, heating and air conditioning, account for a large

part of hotels total energy consumption. As will be discussed later, appliances and utilities

represent an area where large savings can be made through efficiency improvements.

Accommodation providers should have a particularly strong interest in reducing energy

consumption in order to save costs and ensure the sustainable future of the destination.

Although there are different ways to provide energy to tourism activities, large amounts of


2 are produced mainly due to the fact that energy is largely converted by burning fossil

fuels. In Figure 5 , the global GHG emissions per economic sector and particularly those due

to the mobility, discussed in what follows, are shown.

Figure 4. Schematic representation of fuel and energy consumption in the different tourism phases.

Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


Figure 5. Global and sectorial emissions. Source: [28]

In Table 3, the amount of CO


emissions (in millions of metric tons) and the share of tourism

in the different phases (in percentage of the total), is presented.





Air transport 515 40

Car 420 32

Other transport 45 3

Accommodation 274 21

Other activities 48 4

Total tourism 1302 100

Total world 26400 -

Share of tourism in total world (%) 4.9

Table 3. Emissions of the different sectors, according to the WTO. Source: [29]

7.1. Emissions due to mobility

Transportation means emit large quantities of carbon dioxide (CO


), carbon monoxide (CO),

hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides (NO


), particulate matter (PM), and very dangerous

substances such as benzene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, 1,3-butadiene, and lead (where

leaded gasoline is still in use). Each of these pollutants, along with secondary by-products

(such as ozone), can cause adverse effects on health and the environment. Recognizing the

danger the atmospheric pollutants can generate, many developed countries have issued

strict emissions controls especially for particulate matter produced by road dust, tire wear,

brake wear etc. In recent times much attention has been devoted to non-combustion

substances and the so-called Particulate Matter (PM), both of which appear to be dangerous

for the human health.

Transportation is a typical system belonging to the so called mobile sources: pollutants

emitted are spread out along the pathway followed by the source. For part of the emissions

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


this might represent an advantage since they are diffused in the envi ronment and pollutants

undergo to a dilution process (e.g., particulate matter). This is not the case for GHG due to

the fact that their effect belongs to the category of global impacts.

7.1.1. Emissions from air transport

Air traffic in the world is growing, and will likely continue to grow. A large part of the

expansion of the number of flights is due to tourism, especially to far destinations (more

than 1000 km). The majority (60 to 90%, depending on different studies) of air travelling

passengers are ascribed to tourism mobility. The total contribution of aircraft emissions to

total anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO

2) emissions was considered to be about 2 percent in

the IPCC 4


Assessment Report [28].

Although the contribution of aviation operations to total global CO2 emissions is relatively

small, forecasted traffic growth (4.7% per year) raises questions on the future contribution of

aviation activity to emissions and, hence, to climate change, and on the most effective way

to address CO

2 releases from the sector.

The effect of emissions from aircraft at high altitudes (especially nitrogen oxides (NO

x) and

water vapor) is of particular concern. CO

2 and H2O are the main combustion products but

also products such methane, nitrous oxide and other gases have an important effect on the

climate change. The fuel consumption and emissions will be dependent on the fuel type,

aircraft type, engine type, engine load and flying altitude.

Emissions from aircraft originate from fuel burned in aircraft engines with two types of

fuels used. Gasoline is used in small piston aircraft engine only. Most aircraft run on

kerosene, and the bulk of fuel used for aviation is this type of fuel. In an effort to improve

efficiency, part of the energy contained in the hot discharged gas is used to drive the turbine

that in turn drives the compressor.

GHG emissions of the airplane strongly depend on the type of aircraft and on the distance

covered. In analyzing the emissions due to air transport, it is usual to distinguish between

the different phases of a flight. The cycle is named Landing/Take-Off (LTO); it includes

phases located below 1000 meter (taxi/idle, take -off and landing). The phases of a flight

cycle are shown schematically in Figure 6 .

In short travels the contribution of LTO to fuel consumption and of CO

2 emissions is very

high. This is the reason why flights covering long distance become more convenient in terms

of amount of CO2 emitted per km. In fact, an analysis conducted for many types of aircraft

show the indicative data for LTO cycle gathered in Table 4 .

In order to understand better the effect of LTO on the fuel total consumption in covering the

distance and the related CO

2 emissions, a modern airplane, traveling a distance of 2000 km

with a number of passengers of 200 people is taken as reference. For such a plane, a specific

emission of 5 kg/km passenger and a LTO emission of 2000 kg can be assumed. If the travel is

performed non-stop 2000 km total emissions will be 10000 (cruise flight) + 2000 for LTO, this

means that LTO weight 20%. Obviously, if the number of km is increased to 4000, the

Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


percentage of LTO will become only 10%. It appears clear that for short distances the choice of

airplane is not favored in comparison with train, bus and car both from economical neither

ecological point of view. Obviously, for a long haul a non-stop trip is strongly recommended.

Figure 6. Standard flying cycle. Source: [30]


CO2 3000 – 10000

CH4 0.1 - 4

N2 O 0.1 – 0.3

NOx 5 - 15

CO 10 - 50

NMVOC 10 - 50

SO2 1 - 3

Fuel 1000 – 3000

Source: [30]

Table 4. Indicative pollutants and related fuel consumption ranges for different aircraft

Concerning the fuel consumption, passenger airplanes in the year 1998 averaged 4.8 l/100

km per passenger (1.4 MJ/passenger-km). In this context it has to be mentioned that, on

average, 20% of seats are left unoccupied. Jet aircraft efficiencies are improving: between

1960 and 2000 there was a 55% overall fuel efficiency gain. Companies using Airbus state a

fuel rate consumption of their A380 at less than 3 l/100 km per passenger.

7.1.2. Car transportation

In particular, in developed countries people rely heavily and increasingly on private mobility

and the vehicles are expected to become safer but, disappointingly, also more luxurious and

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


powerful. In addition, automobiles and other means of transportation are driven and used

progressively more frequently. This individual and collective attitude often does not take into

account the resulting consequences: increased traffic congestion land occupation for parking

lots in urban areas, increased fuel consumption, greater emissions of air pollutants and greater

exposure of people to hazardous contaminations that might cause serious health problems.

As awareness concerning the potential health effects of air pollutants has grown, many

countries have implemented more stringent emissions controls and made steady progress in

reducing the emissions from cars, buses, airplanes in a perspective of improving air quality

and limiting GHG emissions. However, the rapid growth of the world's transportation fleet

due to population and economic growth, the expansion of metropolitan areas, and the

increasing dependence on motor vehicles because of changes in land use, has resulted in an

increase in the fraction of the population living and working in close proximity to busy

highways and roads, counteracting to some extent the expected benefits of pollution control

regulations and technologies. Pollution produced by cars, buses and ships in tourism

activities are giving a great contribution to total GHG emissions. According to a study by

[24] out of total car transport, 20%-30% are used for tourism mobility.

Pollutants from vehicle releases are related to vehicle type (e.g., light- or heavy-duty

vehicles) and age, operating and maintenance conditions, exhaust treatment, type and

quality of fuel, wear of parts (e.g., tires and brakes), and engine lubricants used. Concerns

about the health effects of motor-vehicle combustion emissions have le d to the introduction

of regulations and innovative pollution control approaches throughout the world that have

resulted in a considerable reduction of exhaust emissions, particularly in developed

countries. These reductions have been achieved through a comprehensive strategy that

typically involves emissions standards, leadin g to the introduction of cleaner fuels and

accurate vehicle inspection programs.

The European Union has introduced stricter limits on pollutant emissions from light road

vehicles, particularly for emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulates. In order to limit

pollution caused by road vehicles, specific regulations have been introduced for emissions

from motor vehicles. The European Regulation No 715/2007 deals with vehicles with a mass

not exceeding 2610 kg. It includes both positive-ignition engines (petrol, natural gas) and

compressed ignition (diesel engines). In order to limit as much as possible the negative

impact of road vehicles on the environment and health, the regulation covers a wide range

of pollutant emissions: carbon monoxide (CO), non-methane hydrocarbons and total

hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides (NO

x) and particulates (PM). It covers tailpipe emissions,

evaporative emissions and crankcase emissions. For each category of pollutant and for the

different types of vehicle limits are given. In Table 5 the limits (Euro 5 Standard ) fixed for

light road vehicles are shown. The regulation in force for European cars requires the respect

of the limits.

An important figure for all transportation means is the CO

2 emission directly connected to the

chemical composition (carbon %) of the fuel and to the efficiency of the engine. If a car needs 5

liter of gasoline to travel 100 km this means that emissions are 5*0.86*(44/12) = 15.8 kg CO2 per

Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


100 km, or 158 g CO2 /km. Usually CO2 specific emissions are expressed in g/km, so our car

would have emissions not particularly good i.e. 158 g CO

2/km. Designer of modern cars are

giving utmost attention to this performance of cars, advertising of new models with specific

emissions of less than 100 g CO2 /km. If this target will be reached for a large portion of car

park, the global problem of climate change would be strongly reduced. Emission less than 100

g/km are considered acceptable for the environment and above 200 g/km have to be

considered too high. Obviously, the lower the CO

2 output, the lower environmental impact. In

the following some characteristic of small cars with low specific emissions are shown. In Table

6, the advertised CO 2 -emissions for some commercial small cars are gathered.



LIMIT (mg/km)


Carbon Monoxide (CO) 500

Particulate Matter (PM)


(80% reduction of

emissions in

comparison to the

Euro 4 standard)

Oxides of Nitrogen




(20% reduction of

emissions in

comparison to the

Euro 4 standard)

Combined emissions of

Hydrocarbons and

nitrogen oxides







Carbon Monoxide (CO) 1000


Hydrocarbons (NMHC)


Total Hydrocarbons



Oxides of Nitrogen




(25% reduction of

emissions in

comparison to the

Euro 4 standard

Particulates (solely for

lean burn direct-

injection petrol vehicles)


Table 5. Limits for diesel and petrol vehicles. Source: [31]

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


MODEL CAR (STANDARD) emissions (CO2 ) range (g/km)

Italian small car 109-113

French small car 87-153

Japanese small car 95-125

Table 6. Specific emissions of modern small cars according to the advertising

7.1.3. Other transportation means

Among the carriers used for tourism also cruise ships, able to transport several thousands of

people, have to be included.

Apart from aviation, the worldwide booming cruise ship industry has also come under

increased criticisms. Cruise ships that can carry up to 5000 tourists are not only notorious for

creating tremendous amounts of waste and sewage but also belong to the biggest

contributors to greenhouse gas emissions within the travel and tourism industry. A single

cruise ship can generate emissions equivalent to more than 12400 cars. The ship smokestacks

release toxic emissions that lead to acid rain, global climate change, and damaging health

effects to communities situated near ports. Despite the fact that ocean cruise liners are more

energy efficient than other forms of commercial transportation, marine engines operate on

extremely dirty fuels, known as 'bunker oil'. To compound the problem, engines on these

ocean-going ships are currently not required to meet the same strict air pollution controls, as

cars and trucks are required to do.

Referring to the fuel consumption per single passenger and unit of distance covered (Table

7), it is found out that the specific consumption and the related CO

2 emissions are greater

than the emissions of an airplane. Rough estimates indicate for cruise liner emissions of

about 0.27 kg of CO2 per passenger and kilometer, as compared to 0.16 kg for a long-haul

flight. The cruise industry is the fastest growing sector of the travel industry. In 2003, 9.3

million passengers took a cruise. These figures indicate that if not enough attention is paid

to carbon emissions, due to the increased popularity of this type of vacation, the

contribution will become not negligible without appropriate improvements in the design of

cruise liners.

Concerning railway transportation, it has been estimated that 20%-40% of rail travels serve

tourism purposes. Taking into account that most of the rail traces are electrified, rail

transportation seems good for the environment. Nevertheless, taking into account the whole

cycle, the source of electricity has to be considered, then, if fossil fuels are used, the

emissions at the basis has to be included.

The impact of air transportation on climate is exacerbated by the fact that the emissions

happen largely during cruise phase and, hence, mainly in the higher layers of atmosphere.

Here the impact is due not only to CO

2 but also to other emissions, such as water vapour

and nitrogen oxides. The increase of the effect on climate is usually given through a

coefficient called radiative forcing, defined as the change in the net irradiance in the

Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


different layers of the atmosphere. The Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change

estimates that the warming effect of aircraft emissions is about 1.9 times that of carbon

dioxide alone, due to the other gases produced by planes.

The contribution of tourism to global climate change through GHG emissions from the

transportation of millions of tourists was first discussed in the middle of 90's. Subsequently,

a direct interest by the IPCC has started, devoting attention to tourism in the some regional

such as Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Europe and small island states. Later on, a

tourism-focused climate change assessment was commissioned by some international

organizations to evaluate the relative regional vulnerability of tourism destinations,

discussing the state of adaptation within the sector and providing the first quantitative

estimate of the contribution of the global tourism sector to climate change, aiming to set out

options for decoupling future growth in the tourism sector from GHG emissions. Although

recent events such as seismic incidents, hurricanes and tornadoes, the Asian tsunami, and

even terrorism attacks, suggest a relatively high adaptive capacity of the sector, whether the

touristic sector will be able to cope successfully with future climate regimes and the broader

environmental impacts, remains relatively unknown.






[g CO2 /km passenger]

Car - the most efficient 18-23 130-100

Car - average models 9–16 260-145

Car large models, SUVs, etc. 3-9 500-250

Rail - normal suburban 18-52 130-145

Rail - high speed, few stops 14-28 165-180

Bus - well used service 28-50 80-145

Airplane - (below 500 miles) 4–8* 460-330

Airplane - (long journeys) 8–12* 330- 210

* including radiative forcing index at 1.9

Table 7. Summarizes the present situation concerning mobility. Source: [32]

7.2. Accommodation

The emissions due to the consumption of energy in the destination can be expressed in

terms of heat and electricity consumption in the period of staying (number of days). The

electricity consumption in the destination can be safely assumed equivalent to the typical

consumption of a user at home, which amounts 3 kWh per person and per day. This figure

changes with the type of hotel or resort and de pends also from the existing degree of energy

saving of the accommodation. Heating consumption can also be estimated taking into

account meteorological conditions and the thermal isolation provisions isolation of the

building. Sound figures for modern building range between 70 to 100 kWh per m


per year.

Data in kg of CO

2 can be obtained by conversion factors.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Pollutants produced in tourism destinations have a limited importance if we consider only

the impact produced in the accommodation structures. Pollution produced by electricity is

not a local problem since its effect takes place directly on the site where the power stations

are located; the small amounts of pollutants produced locally can be controlled by adequate

systems based on high efficiency and right behavior. Moreover, a complete analysis of local

air pollution should take into account the contribu tion given by cars of tourists circulating in

the destination determining an overburden of air pollution, noise and traffic jams.

8. Sensitivity of tourism to climate change

From what we have discussed in the previous paragraphs, the synergy between tourism and

environment results evident, particularly due to the interrelation between energy

consumption for tourism in all its phases and the emissions produced in the process of

energy conversion, believed to be the cause for climate change. In fact, the previous

paragraphs demonstrated that tourism activities produce a significant amount of

greenhouse gases, contributing thereby to global warming which, in turns, may affect the

local climate. Moreover, it is now widely recognized that, among the different causes of

greenhouse gases emissions due to tourism activities, travels to long distance destinations

(which are increasingly requested in the current tourism market) generate most greenhouse

gas emissions and are, thus, supposed to contribute strongly to climate change.

Many research studies consider climate as an essential resource for tourism, and especially

for beach, nature and winter sport tourism, and the phenomenon of global warming already

severely affects the sector in an increasing number of destinations. It is thereby recognized

that the impacts of global warming pose a seriou s threat to tourism, which constitutes one of

the world's largest and fastest growing economic sector [1], according to the World Travel

and Tourism Council (WTTC) [33]. As already stated, the relationship between climate

change and tourism is two-fold. Not only is tourism affected by a changing climate, at the

same time it contributes to climate change by the consumption of fossil fuels and the

resulting emissions. Hence, additional efforts are underway to develop environmental

policies for the tourism sector that can offer adaptation and, where possible, mitigation.

The predicted modifications caused by the climate change in the tourism destinations due to

global warming, are anticipated to be predominantly strong for coastal areas, whose

environmental conditions appear particularly sensitive. It has been estimated that about

25% of the CO

2 emitted from all anthropogenic sources currently enters the ocean, where it

reacts with water to produce carbonic acid. Carbonic acid dissociates to form bicarbonate

ions and protons (see Figure 7A ).

The protons react with carbonate ions to produce more bicarbonate ions, reducing thereby

the availability of carbonate to biological systems (e.g., corals). This decalcification

phenomenon might affect both skeletal growth and density, with consequences on the

extension of the coral reefs and their mechanical endurance (less resistance to storms and

erosion). This phenomenon is evident in many coastal zones, particularly in the Australian

coralline barrier, manifesting itself through the so-called coral bleaching (Figure 7B ).

Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


Figure 7. Ocean acidification process (A) and the resulting coral bleaching (B). Source: [34, 35]

Since sea-coast tourism remains one of the dominating market segments, giving a high

contribution to the economy of many developing countries, the vulnerability of coastal

destinations becomes of paramount importance [1]. In addition to the particular example

discussed, it is expected that local effects of global warming, such as the increase of local

extreme events (storms, coastal erosion, sea level rise, flooding, water shortages and water

contamination), can put in danger beach destinations. As already mentioned, the enhanced

vulnerability is often accompanied by a low adaptive capacity, which is particularly true for

coastal destinations of developing countries. The seasonality of coastal tourism is an

additional facet to be taken into account in the panoply of problems created by the climate

change. Generally, coastal areas tourism is concentrated in few months, coinciding e.g., with

low water availability, high consumption of fuels, electricity, etc. In some expected

conditions global warming could also play a positive role; this could be the case for

Mediterranean destinations where the season could be enlarged and the winter period

might be more appealing to tourists, providing opportunities to reduce seasonality and

expand the tourism product. In addition to the absolute amount of change, the rate at which

change occurs is critical to whether organisms and the ecosystem in general will be able to

adapt or accommodate to the new conditions.

On the basis of the few examples discussed, it is evident that the interaction between

tourism and climate is very complex and has only recently been established as the subject of

scientific studies and recognized as the cause of growing contribution to climate change and,

hence, the main reason for regional vulnerabilities. In this sense, a recently declaration of

UNWTO-UNEP-WMO stated that "climate change must be considered the greatest challenge to

the sustainability of tourism in the twenty-first century" [29]. Although the interaction between

tourism and climate change has been studied to some extent in the last 20 years, there are

only few recommendations in specific issues and a real strategy of approach is not yet


Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


9. Making tourism more sustainable

Tourists' increasing concerns for environmental issues have also stimulated operators in the

sector to adopt sustainability strategies. It is now widely recognized that tourism is in many

cases not sustainable, even if some sorts of sustainable tourism and ecotourism are making

efforts to enhance and promote local development while simultaneously protecting the

natural environment, maintaining traditional and cultural heritage. In fact, many tour

operators cooperate with local tourism authorities and environmental agencies to promote

ecotourism and other forms of sustainable tourism. Making tourism more sustainable is not

just about controlling and managing the negative impacts of the industry; tourism is in a

very special position to benefit local communities, economically and socially, and to raise

awareness and support for conservation of the environment and cultural heritage, even

providing in some cases the basis for scientific research.

Tourism was once viewed as an independent activity, having no impact on environmental

resources but in reality, this seldom occurs. Therefore, it is urgent that civic movements

concerned with environmental and climate change issues, monitor and respond to these

type of activities, since T & T is, for many countries one of the most important industries,

not only because of its size and foreseeable growth but also due to the fact that it is

considered a driver of globalization and trade liberalization. Nevertheless, in this context,

the argument of tourism as a poverty alleviation strategy is doubtful in view of the

increasing foreign take-overs of tourism businesses as a result of globalization and


In general, the main requirements for improving sustainability in tourism are: to limit

resource depletion and degradation including loss of biological diversity, loss of habitat and

resources, loss of water resources; fisheries; forests and timber; energy resources; mineral

resources. Moreover, improvement of sustainability could be pursued by reducing pollution

and wastes production. The process of enhancing sustainability also includes actions

addressed at improving the quality of life of host communities, at preserving

intergenerational and intra-generational equity and ensuring the cultural integrity and

social cohesion of communities, giving at the same time the opportunity to provide a high

quality experience for visitors. Other interventions to improve sustainability deal with the

promotion of the economic growth connected to tourism activities (hotels, restaurants, beach

facilities, entertainment initiatives, etc.).

The measures proposed to reduce environmental impacts at destinations include: avoiding

exhaustion and degradation of water resources; deterioration/loss of habitats (i.e. sand

dunes), deterioration of terrestrial ecosystems; abandonment of agricultural land,

urbanization with loss of urban landscape character, landscape deterioration, soil erosion,

desertification, depletion/ significant decrease of fish stock, loss of historic settlements,

depletion of low-commercial-value sectors, replacement of pre-existing architecture,

concentration of vehicles in the urbanized areas, high level of noise pollution during the day

and at night, degradation and fragmentation of natural spaces, loss of open spaces,

oversized public services and infrastructures; increased production of waste; deterioration

Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


of the shoreline marine environment, bad relations between local population and tourists,

depletion of pre-existing economic activities, high human density in the areas generally

used by the tourists.

It is evident from what reported in the previous paragraphs that, evaluating the

sustainability of tourisms, a major problem is represented by the quantification of tourism

GHG emissions. One of the recommendations, suggested in some analysis of the sector, is

the possibility to apply the indicator "carbon footprint" (discussed in paragraph 4) to

tourism activities to make more comprehensible the role of tourism on GHG emissions. This

parameter could be useful to improve the be havior of tourists and tourism operators,

guiding them toward "greener forms" of tourism and mobility, such as "slow tourism

travel" and different types of ecotourism. Among the different solution to reduce GHG

emissions there are some oriented toward a specific goal, the so called carbon neutrality for

tourism, proposed by the administration of some famous tourism destinations: carbon

neutral tourism implies the offsetting of a destination's carbon footprint by means of processes

balancing carbon emissions, such as planting trees or investing in new, rene wable, energy sources.

10. How to reduce emissions and the environmental impact of tourism

Aiming to reduce air pollution and GHG emission, the tourism industry is usually divided

into different sectors: accommodation, catering services, recreation and entertainment,

transportation and travel services, etc. In all these sectors actions to reduce the carbon

footprint are possible. However, it is widely recognized that two these phases are the main

responsible for emissions of pollutants: energy consumption and related emissions at the

destination and fuel consumption and related emissions during traveling [36].

10.1. Reduced emissions and environmental impacts at the destination

To diminish emissions at the destination, reduction can be achieved by simple interventions

that can be very valuable also from an economic point of view, reducing costs. To this goal,

better use of electricity, water and handling of waste can greatly contribute in terms of

sustainability and economy, as well as reducing emissions. Some examples for electricity

saving are to turn off power of lights and equipment when not in use; install energy efficient

fluorescent bulbs; use natural ventilation and fans where possible and when using air

conditioning, set it to between 24°C and 28°C in summer. Appreciable amount of heat flow

can be reduced by controlling the temperature in the inner spaces, and by an efficient

thermal insulation of the wall, doors and windows. An important contribution to the

reduction of air pollution and GHG emission can be obtained by limiting the private

transport in the destination both for tourist's mobility and freight. An additional important

measure is to eat food produced in the destination itself, what it is called "zero km". Other

recommendations are concerned with the use of public transport and car-pooling, use of low

consumption cars such as hybrid or electric vehicle, encourage cycling and walking where

possible, use phone/video conferencing to redu ce travel requirements. A further measure to

reduce emissions is to change the fuel used for energy conversion from fossil fuels to the

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


adoption of renewable sources such as biomass, eolic and photovoltaic systems. When

staying in a hotel turn the lights and air-co nditioning off when leaving the room, ask for

room towels not to be washed every day which increasingly proposed in many hotels. Main

factors taken into account for low consumption energy are the supply devices used for

electric lamps, motor-driven appliances and electronic devices as well as heating systems.

To these goals, a new kind of eco-tourism is developing with specific requirements in terms

of reduced energy consumption dictated by an extremely high contact with nature in remote

destinations. Accommodation is made by the so-called eco-lodges, typical structures

designed to have the least possible impact on the natural environment in which it is

situated. Since there is no connection with the electricity grid, the eco-lodges are equipped

with renewable and non-renewable energy sources and technologies for off-grid facilities.

Energy consumed in eco-lodges is very low if compared with the specific consumption of

hotels (25 kWh per guest and night in hotel vs. 0.5 kWh per guest and night in eco-lodge).

10.2. Reduce emissions due to mobility

The most advanced program to reduce GHG emissions in tourism have been done in the

aviation sector. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has advanced a range of

very ambitious goals [37], including an average annual aviation fuel efficiency improvement

of 1.5%, carbon-neutral growth from 2020 and the reduction of emissions from aviation by

50% by 2050 (compared with 2005 levels).

A reduction of flights would limit the profit ability and growth of the tourism sector.

However less drastic measures are possible, such as avoiding stops between the starting

point and the destination. The question thus arises if it is possible to reduce the fuel

consumption of airplanes with technological innovations. The gains reached and expected

by technological innovation are represented in Figure 8 [41] showing a reduction in fuel

consumption of about 70% in the period 1960 – 2010. Further improvements are expected in

the coming years but with a decreasing steepness of the slope of the curve.

Comparing the fuel consumption of a modern airplane (Airbus A380) with that of an

efficient car offers interesting conclusions abou t the technological improvements in airplane

design. The Airbus A380 is a four-engine airliner manufactured by the European

corporation Airbus and the largest passenger airliner in the world. It provides seating for

525 people in a typical three-class configuration or up to 853 people in all-economy class

configurations. Airbus A380, known under the nickname Superjumbo, is the first aircraft to

surpass the 3 liter per 100 seat-km barrier. Taking into account a typical occupancy rate of

70% this translates into 4 liter per 100 km per passenger, about the same as a small car with

an average load of 1.25 passengers.

A recent study made in France has analyzed the different ways to reduce fuel consumption

[39] arriving to the conclusion that a reduction of 50% can be achieved in the year 2020.

Measures that should be adopted to reach this goal are:

- Use of composite materials and ameliorate the aerodynamic design (5 to 15% efficiency


Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


- Better motors or turbines, such open rotor turbines (15 to 25% efficiency improvement)

- Green taxi of planes (using electrical motors), optimize the traffic management and

navigation system (10 to 25% efficiency improvement)

Figure 8. Long haul aircraft fuel efficiency gains since 1950 as an index (100) of De Havilland DH106

Comet 4. Source: based on Peeters et al. (2005) [38]

In Europe the air transportation cost is due for one third to th e kerosene, but if the price of

oil continues to increase at the present pace, the contribution of fuel could become 50%. A

typical aircraft A320 consumes about 15000 litres for a travel of 2000 km. As already

mentioned, a considerable saving of energy for the airplane sectors could be obtained by the

use of systems operated with electricity instead of using the engines of the aircraft for

displacing the airplanes on the taxiway. Further saving can be expected from the reduction

of the weight of the aircraft by employing lighter materials and aerodynamic shapes.

Other possibilities to reduce energy consumption from tourism mobility are related to a

marginal portion of the tourism market: these include the idea of "slow tourism" or other

forms of responsible tourism. In some cases, the use of bus or a train rather than private cars

or domestic flights can be advantageous. To fuel cars, airplanes and buses liquid biofuels

such as bioethanol and biodiesel can be used.

In tourism activities a further contribution can be obtained with the so called carbon offsets,

a process able to reduce a corresponding amount of carbon in the atmosphere by planting

trees. If the destination is not far away the contribution to the total emissions can be limited,

the production of CO

2 being done in the destination. If the distance is far away, the major

part of the emissions are due to transportation, particularly if the travel is by flying.

A comparison of the emissions from different transportation means can be performed by

introducing the relationship existing between the specific consumption (X) in km per liter of

fuel and passenger and the specific amount of CO2 in kg per km and passenger (Y); the

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


calculation of the CO2 emissions from different means of transportation can be performed as


XY k

Where k is constant that can be expressed for 1000 grams of fuel as:

1000 / kCDMWAW



C is the fraction of carbon in the fuel, D the density of the fuel, MW is the molecular

weight of CO

2 and AW the atomic weight of carbon, respectively.

Representative values for three different fuels: gasoline (cars), kerosene (airplanes) and

diesel (cars) are gathered in Table 8 , and presented together with the calculated specific

constant k and the typical range and average CO












[g CO2




[g CO2/km·passenger]









0.752 0.86 15 - 25 12 - 20 2371 110 - 183 146



0.795 0.86 - 4 - 12 2507 210 - 460 335

diesel fuel


0.850 0.86 15 - 25 12 - 20 2680 86 - 95 90

Table 8. Typical values of CO 2 emissions for the three different fuels.

The relationship just introduced can be graphically represented in a series of parametric

curves (see Figure 9 ), where the points represent the average values for cars and airplanes

and are solely indicative of typical conditions. More accurate figures have to be referred to

specific conditions, which will depend on the number on passengers, the length of the

travel, the stops in between (for air transportation), the percentage of the seats occupied, etc.

For instance, if for cars traveling long distance an average of 1.25 passengers per automobile

is assumed, for distances below 1000 km, the best choice seems to be diesel car (due to the

more efficient diesel engine) followed by gasoline car and finally by air transportation.

Furthermore, the curves indicated in the graphic can be used to assess the energy

requirement for different vacation scenario, assuming a hypothetical destination 1000 km

away from the starting point and a resident time for a single tourist of 7 days. According to

the data gathered in Table 9 and Figure 10 , the way to make a vacation more sustainable from

the point of view of emissions is to combine a limited CO

2 emission in the phase of staying

at the destination and to travel with a high efficient transportation means such a diesel car.

The use of airplane is usually the worst choice from an environmental point of view, since it

produces more than three times the emissions of a medium size car.

Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


Figure 9. Specific CO2 emissions for different type of fuel and transportation means.

** Energy consumed at hotels. Source: [40]

Table 9. Specific CO2 emissions different vacation scenarios.












D ifferent scen ario of vacation cycle

kg/person emitted for various means



Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 10. CO2 emissions from vacation cycle (according to Table 9 ).

It appears that the best way to make sustainable T & T, from the point of view of climate

change is to combine a limited CO

2 emission in the phase of staying and to travel with a

high efficient transportation means such a diesel car. The use of airplane is usually the worst

from an environmental point of view, even if it is more comfortable having a lower duration

of the travel, but it produces more than 3 times the production of a medium size car.

11. Conclusions

T & T is a vector of climate change due to the GHG-emissions during the different phases of

its development. On the other hand, the resulting climate change can compromise the

environmental quality of a tourist destination, since climate conditions co-determines the

suitability of locations for a wide range of tourist activities (sun, sea, snow, etc.). Hence,

reduction of emissions constitute an essential component of T & T sustainability,

particularly in the phase of mobility.

The analysis presented in this chapter shows that the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

from tourism mobility is economically unsustainable. The conclusion that air travel is the

main cause of carbon footprint of tourism could bring to a reduction of this kind of

transportation but a reduction of flights, would probably limit the profitability and

growth of the tourism sector. Such a position would negatively affect the air

transportation sector and would also produce a significant negative impact on tourism.

However less drastic measures are possible, such as avoiding stops between the starting

point and the destination. In addition, in or der to reduce the threat of emissions, the

aviation sector has already responded with a range of measures able to reduce fuel

consumption such as fleet upgrades and changes in environmental practices. The

question, thus, arises if it is possible to reduce the fuel consumption of airplanes with

technological innovations.

kg/person emitted for various means

Different scenario of vacation cycle



Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Produced by Tourism Life Cycle:

Possible Solutions to Reduce Emissions and to Introduce Adaptation Measures


At the destination, the application of different policies and measures to increase the

sustainability of the T&T supplies to the consumers solutions that can be easily

implemented, with the additional advantage of economic rewards. From a more general

point of view, helping local communities to adopt practical strategies to deal with impacts

of a changing climate, approach to a holistic, sustainable management through

programmes for local development, e.g., protecting children, combating epidemics and

promoting healthy eating, and adopting measures that include reduction of water and

energy consumption, improvement of waste sorting, recycling and disposal, measures to

preserve biodiversity, etc., can significantly improve T & T sustainability.

Author details

Francisco A. Serrano-Bernardo


and José L. Rosúa-Campos

Department of Civil Engineering. University of Granada, Spain

Luigi Bruzzi

Department of Physics. University of Bologna, Italy

Enrique H. Toscano

Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission, Karlsruhe, Germany

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Section 2

Air Pollution Monitoring and Health Effects

Chapter 5

© 2012 Ismail et al., licensee InTech. This is an ope n access chapter distributed under the terms of the

Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits

unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Time Series Analysis of Surface Ozone

Monitoring Records in Kemaman, Malaysia

Marzuki Ismail, Azrin Suroto and Nurul Ain Ismail

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Tropospheric ozone is known as environmental air pollutants that arise from photochemical

reaction among various natural and anthropogenic precursors that are volatile organic

compounds (VOCs) and organic nitrogen (NOx ). Accumulation of the ozone may highly

happen under favorable meteorological conditions and will have an adverse effect on human

health and ecosystem [1]. Chan & Chan, 2001 conc luded that people in Asia also cannot escape

from the adversely impact ozone pollution as there were elevated ozone level being detected.

Nevertheless, the long-term ozone trend has been less researched, especially in Malaysia.

The time series analysis is one of the best tool in understanding cause and effect relationship

of environmental pollution [3, 4,5]. Its applications in many studies were done to describe

the past movement of particular variable with respect to time. However, there were several

different techniques applied by researcher so that the change of air pollution behavior

through time period can be determined [6, 7]. A study by Kuang-Jung Hsu,2003 was done

by using autoregression variation (VAR) in order to establish interdependence between

primary and secondary air pollutants in area of Taipei. Besides, Omidravi et al., 2008 had

applied the time series analysis in their investigation in order to find the answer that relate

to extreme high ozone concentrations for each season in Ishafan by using Fast Fourier

Transform. Therefore, this study aims to determine qualitative and quantitative aspect of the

tropospheric ozone concentrations so that prediction on future concentration of the

anthropogenic air pollutant can be achieved in the study area, i.e. Kemaman, Malaysia.

2. Material and method

This study was conducted in Kemaman (04°12'N, 103°18'E), a developing Malaysian town

located in between the industrializing of Kertih Petrochemical Industrial Area in the north

and industrializing and urbanizing of Gabeng Industrial Area in the South (Figure 1). In this

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


area, there are dominant sources of ozone precursors related to industrial activities and road


Figure 1. Locations of air monitoring station in Kemaman

In this study, ozone trend was examined using ozone data consisting of 144 monthly

observations from January 1996 to December 2007 acquired from the Air Quality Division of

ASMA for Sekolah Rendah Bukit Kuang station located in Kemaman district; one of the

earliest operational stations in Malaysia. The monitoring network was installed, operated

and maintained by Alam Sekitar Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (ASMA) under concession by the

Department of Environment Malaysia [10]. Tropospheric ozone concentrations data was

recorded using a system based on the Beer-Lambert law for measuring low ranges of ozone

in ambient air manufactured by Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (Model 400E). A 254

nm UV light signal is passed through the sample cell where it is absorbed in proportion to

the amount of ozone present. Every three seconds, a switching valve alternates

measurement between the sample stream and a sample that has been scrubbed of ozone.

The result is a true, stable ozone measurement [11].

Time series analysis was implemented using STATGRAPHICS® statistical software

package. A time series consists of a set of sequential numeric data taken at equally spaced

intervals, usually over a period of time or space. This study provides statistical models for

two time series methods: trend analysis and seasonal component which are both in time


Time Series Analysis of Surface Ozone Monitoring Records in Kemaman, Malaysia


The seasonal decomposition was used to decompose the seasonal series into a seasonal

component, a combined trend and cycle compon ent, and a short-term variation component,



t = Tt x St x It (1)

where O

t is the original ozone time series, T t is the long term trend component, S t is the

seasonal variation, and I

t is the short-term variation component or called the error

component. As the seasonality increase with the level of the series, a multiplicative model

was used to estimate the seasonal index. Under this model, the trend has the same units as

the original series, but the seasonal and irregular components are unitless factors,

distributed around 1. As the underlying level of the series changes, the magnitude of the

seasonal fluctuations varies as well. The seasonal index was the average deviation of each

month's ozone value from the ozone level that was due to the other components in that


In trend analysis, Box-Jenkins Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model

was applied to model the time series behavior in generating the forecasting trend. The

methodology consisting of a four-step iterative procedure was used in this study. The first

step is model identification, where the historical data are used to tentatively identify an

appropriate Box-Jenkins model followed by estimation of the parameters of the tentatively

identified model. Subsequently, the diagnostic checking step must be executed to check the

adequacy of the identified model in order to choose the best model. A better model ought to

be identified if the model is inadequate. Finally, the best model is used to establish the time

series forecasting value.

In model identification (step 1), the data was examined to check for the most appropriate

class of ARIMA processes through selecting the order of the consecutive and seasonal

differencing required to make series stationary, as well as specifying the order of the regular

and seasonal auto regressive and moving average polynomials necessary to adequately

represent the time series model. The Autocorrelation Function (ACF) and the Partial

Autocorrelation Function (PACF) are the most important elements of time series analysis

and forecasting. The ACF measures the amount of linear dependence between observations

in a time series that are separated by a lag k. The PACF plot helps to determine how many

auto regressive terms are necessary to reveal one or more of the following characteristics:

time lags where high correlations appear, seasonality of the series, trend either in the mean

level or in the variance of the series. The general model introduced by Box and Jenkins

includes autoregressive and moving average parameters as well as differencing in the

formulation of the model.

The three types of parameters in the model are: the autoregressive parameters (p), the

number of differencing passes (d) and moving average parameters (q). Box-Jenkins model

are summarized as ARIMA (p, d, q). For example, a model described as ARIMA (1,1,1)

means that this contains 1 autoregressive (p) parameter and 1 moving average (q) parameter

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


for the time series data after it was differenced once to attain stationary. In addition to the

non-seasonal ARIMA (p, d, q) model, introduced above, we could identify seasonal ARIMA

(P, D, Q) parameters for our data. These parameters are: seasonal autoregressive (P),

seasonal differencing (D) and seasonal moving average (Q). Seasonality is defined as a

pattern that repeats itself over fixed interval of time. In general, seasonality can be found by

identifying a large autocorrelation coefficient or large partial autocorrelation coefficient at a

seasonal lag. For example, ARIMA (1,1,1)(1,1,1)


describes a model that includes 1

autoregressive parameter, 1 moving average parameter, 1 seasonal autoregressive

parameter and 1 seasonal moving average parameter. These parameters were computed

after the series was differenced once at lag 1 and differenced once at lag 12.

The general form of the above model describing the current value Z

t of a time series by its

own past is:




12 12 12

11 1 1

11 11 1 1




 (2)



= non seasonal autoregressive of order 1




= seasonal autoregressive of order 1


t = the current value of the time series examined

B = the backward shift operator BZ

t = Z t-1 and B


Zt = Z t-12

1-B = 1st order non-seasonal difference



= seasonal difference of order 1


= non seasonal moving average of order 1



= seasonal moving average of order 1

For the seasonal model, we used the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) for model selection.

The AIC is a combination of two conflicting factors: the mean square error and the number

of estimated parameters of a model. Generally, the model with smallest value of AIC is

chosen as the best model [12].

After choosing the most appropriate model, the model parameters are estimated (step 2) -

the plot of the ACF and PACF of the stationary data was examined to identify what

autoregressive or moving average terms are suggested. Here, values of the parameters are

chosen using the least square method to make the Sum of the Squared Residuals (SSR)

between the real data and the estimated values as small as possible. In most cases, nonlinear

estimation method is used to estimate the above identified parameters to maximize the

likelihood (probability) of the observed series given the parameter values [13].

In diagnose checking step (step 3), the residuals from the fitted model is examined against

adequacy. This is usually done by correlation analysis through the residual ACF plots and

the goodness-of-fit test by means of Chi-square statistics

. If the residuals are correlated,

then the model should be refined as in step one above. Otherwise, the autocorrelations are

white noise and the model is adequate to represent our time series.

Time Series Analysis of Surface Ozone Monitoring Records in Kemaman, Malaysia


The final stage for the modeling process (step 4) is forecasting, which gives results as three

different options: - forecasted values, upper, and lower limits that provide a confidence

interval of 95%. Any forecasted values within the confidence limit are satisfactory. Finally,

the accuracy of the model is checked with th e Mean-Square error (MS) to compare fits of

different ARIMA models. A lower MS value corresponds to a better fitting model.

3. Results and discussion

The first step in time series analysis is to draw time series plot which provide a preliminary

understanding of time behavior of the series as shown in Figure 2. Trend of the original

series appear to be slightly increasing. Nonetheless, this needs to be tested and conformed

through descriptive analysis and trend modeling.

Figure 2. Original monthly ozone concentration for Kemaman

In seasonality of ozone, a well-defined annual cycle was consistent with the highest ozone

means occurring in August, and the lowest ozone means in November (Figure 3). Table 1

show the seasonal indices range from a low of 80.047 in November to a high of 122.058 in

August. This indicates that there is a seasonal swing from 80.047% of average to 122.058% of

average throughout the course of one complete cycle i.e. one year. The seasonal variation

pattern in Kemaman differed from other countries, such as United States, United Kingdom,

Italy, Canada, and Japan, in that the peak ozone concentration did not correspond to

maximum photochemical activity in summer [14,15,16].

For the purpose of forecasting the trend in this study, the first 132 observations (January

1996 to December 2006) were used to fit the ARIMA models while the subsequent 12

observations (from January 2007 to December 2007) were kept for the post sample forecast

accuracy check. Ozone concentrations data has been adjusted in the following way before

the model was fit: - simple differences of order 1 and seasonal differences of order 1 were

taken. The model with the lowest value (-11.8601) of the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 3. Annual variation of monthly ozone means

Month Seasonal Index

January 107.199

February 90.8259

March 84.7179

April 80.7204

May 101.135

June 105.618

July 115.073

August 122.058

September 117.771

October 93.0941

November 80.0473

December 101.741

Table 1. Seasonal Index of Ozone

Time Series Analysis of Surface Ozone Monitoring Records in Kemaman, Malaysia


is (ARIMA) (0, 1, 1) x (1, 1, 2)


was selected and has been used to generate the forecasts

(Figure 4). This model assumes that the best fore cast for future data is given by a parametric

model relating the most recent data value to previous data values and previous noise. As

shown in Table 2, The P-value for the MA (1) term, SAR (1) term, SMA (1) term and SMA (2)

term, respectively are less than 0.05, so they are significantly different from 0. Meanwhile,

the estimated standard deviation of the input white noise equals 0.00277984. Since no tests

are statistically significant at the 95% or higher confidence level, the current model is

adequate to represent the data and could be used to forecast the upcoming ozone

concentration. Therefore, we can assume that the best model for ground level ozone in

Kemaman is the mathematical expression:

Z(t) a(t) 0.53a(t 12) 0.82(t 1) 1.67a(t 12) 0.73a(t 24)

0.82(1.67)a(t 13) 0.82(0.73)a(t 25)

 



Figure 4. Model predicted plot of ozone concentration with actual and 95% confidence band

Parameter Estimate Stnd. Error T P-value

MA(1) 0.818786 0.0478133 17.1246 0.000000

SAR(1) 0.531745 0.146213 3.63678 0.000400

SMA(1) 1.67374 0.092474 18.0996 0.000000

SMA(2) -0.728689 0.081741 -8.91461 0.000000

Table 2. ARIMA (0, 1, 1) x (1, 1, 2)


model parameter characteristics

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective



(A) 0.00337 0.00249 13.526 0.000004 -1.5017 -11.2253

(B) 0.00271 0.00206 11.086 0.000002 -1.8498 -11.6431

(C) 0.00269 0.00201 10.786 0.000002 -1.8157 -11.6409

(H) 0.00267 0.00198 10.707 0.000003 -1.7185 -11.6712

(I) 0.00271 0.00201 10.870 -0.000050 -1.9817 -11.6423

(J) 0.00270 0.00199 10.671 0.000206 -0.5469 -11.6286

(M) 0.00258 0.00206 11.250 0.000031 -1.5638 -11.8601

(N) 0.00257 0.00204 11.192 -0.00009 -2.0636 -11.8478

(O) 0.00258 0.00206 11.298 -0.000053 -1.9673 -11.8392

(P) 0.00259 0.00207 11.260 -1.7473 -11.8382

(Q) 0.00259 0.00207 11.267 0.000030 -1.5789 -11.8335


(A) Random walk; (B) Constant mean = 0.0190056; (C) Linear trend = 0.0184806 + 0.00000789502 t

(H) Simple exponential smoothing with α = 0.109; (I) Brown's linear exp. smoothing with α = 0.0572

(J) Holt's linear exp. smoothing with α = 0.1291 and β = 0.0301; (M) ARIMA(0,1,1)x(1,1,2)12

(N) ARIMA(1,0,1)x(1,1,2)12; (O) ARIMA(0,1,1)x(1,1,2)12 with constant

(P) ARIMA(0,1,1)x(2,1,2)12; (Q) ARIMA(0,1,2)x(1,1,2)12

Table 3. Model Comparison

According to plots of residual ACF (Figure 5) and PACF (Figure 6), residuals are white noise

and not-auto correlated. Furthermore, as shown in Figure 7 of normal probability plot,

residuals of the model are normal.

Figure 5. Residual autocorrelation functions (ACF) plot

Time Series Analysis of Surface Ozone Monitoring Records in Kemaman, Malaysia


Figure 6. Residual partial autocorrelation (PACF) functions plot

Figure 7. Residual normal probability plot

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Based on the prediction for ozone concentration (Figure 4), there is a statistical significant

upward trend at Kemaman station. The detection of a steady statistical significant upward

trend for ozone concentration in Kemaman is quite alarming. This is likely due to sources of

ozone precursors related to industrial activities from nearby areas and the increase in road

traffic volume.

4. Conclusion

Time series analysis is an important tool in modeling and forecasting air pollutants.

Although, this piece of information was not appropriate to predict the exact monthly ozone

concentration, ARIMA (0, 1, 1) x (1, 1, 2)


model give us information that can help the

decision makers establish strategies, priorities and proper use of fossil fuel resources in

Kemaman. This is very important because ground level ozone (O

3) is formed from NOx and

VOCs brought about by human activities (largely the combustion of fossil fuel). In

summary, the ozone level increased steadily in Kemaman area and is predicted to exceed 40

ppb by 2019 if no effective countermeasures are introduced.

Author details

Marzuki Ismail


, Azrin Suroto and Nurul Ain Ismail

Department of Engineering Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia

Terengganu, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia


The researchers would like to thank DOE Malaysia for providing pollutants data from 1996-

2007 and the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) for allocating a research grant to

accomplish this study.

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Time Series Analysis of Surface Ozone Monitoring Records in Kemaman, Malaysia


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Chapter 6

© 2012 Jang, licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative

Commons Attribution License (, which permi ts unrestricted use,

distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Particulate Air Pollutants

and Respiratory Diseases

An-Soo Jang

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Air pollution is composed of a mixture of toxins, consisting of particles and gases emitted in

large quantities from many different combustion sources, including cars and industries. A

variety of anthropogenic and natural particle sources are present in ambient air. Throughout

the past decade, the composition of air pollution has changed in developed countries from

classical type 1 pollution, consisting of sulfur dioxide and large dust particles, to modern

type II pollution, characterized by nitrogen oxides, organic compounds, ozone, and ultra-

fine particles (Schäfer & Ring, 1997).

Particulate matter (PM) is the principal component of indoor and outdoor air pollution. PM

is a complex, multi-pollutant mixture of solid and liquid particles suspended in gas

(Ristovski et al., 2011). PM originates from a variety of manmade and natural sources.

Natural sources include pollen, spores, bacteria, plant and animal debris, and suspended

materials. Human-made sources include industrial emissions and combustion byproducts

from incinerators, motor vehicles, and power plants. Indoor sources include cigarette

smoking, cooking, wood and other materials burned in stoves and fireplaces, cleaning

activities that resuspend dust particles, and the infiltration of outdoor particles into the

indoor environment (2003, McCormack et al., 2008).

Vehicle emissions are the predominant source of fine PM (2.5  PM with an aerodynamic

diameter <2.5 m) in urban areas, where most people live globally (Ristovski et al., 2011).

Airborne PM less than 10 m in aerodynamic diameter (PM 10) is a complex mixture of

materials with a carbonaceous core and associated materials such as organic compounds,

acids, and fine metal particles (Pagan et al., 2003).

The physical properties of PM including the mass, surface area, and number/size/

distribution of particles, as well as their physical state, influence respiratory health in

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


different ways (Ristovski et al., 2011). The pr imary exposure mechanism to PM and other

particle sources is by inhalation (Ristovski et al., 2011).

Growing epidemiologic evidence indicates th at inhalation of airborne PM increases

respiratory and cardiac mortality and morbidity, and produces a range of adverse

respiratory health outcomes such as asthma, lung function decline, lung cancer, and chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (Ayres et al., 2008, Ristovski et al., 2011).

Epidemiologic data indicate that air pollution also aggravates asthma, with the exacerbation

correlating with levels of environmental particles (Schwartz et al. 1993). Likewise, the rate of

decline seen in COPD patients correlates with the level of air pollution where the patients

live (Pope & Kanner, 1993).

PM induces inflammation, innate and acquired immunity, and oxidative stress. It also

increases innate and adaptive immune responses in both animals and humans. That derived

from traffic and various industries is associat ed with allergic airway disorders, including

asthma. Understanding the mechanisms of lung injury from PM will enhance efforts to

protect at-risk individuals from the harmful respiratory effects of air pollutants. PM

functions as an adjuvant inducing lung inflammation to allergens or respiratory viruses.

Inhalation of PM aggravates respiratory symptoms in patients with chronic airway diseases,

but the mechanisms underlying this response remain poorly understood. This review

focuses on the adverse effects of exposure to ambient PM air pollution on the exacerbation,

progression, and development of asthma, COPD, and respiratory diseases. It also attempts

to offer insights into the mechanisms by which particles may influence airway

inflammation, and several mechanisms that may explain the relationship between

particulate air pollutants and respiratory diseases are discussed.

2. Adverse effects of PM on respiratory diseases identified in

epidemiologic studies (Figure 1)

PM is a mixture of organic and inorganic solid and liquid particles of different origins, size,

and composition. It is a major component of urban air pollution and greatly effects health.

Penetration of the tracheobronchial tract is related to particle size and the efficiency of

airway defense mechanisms (D'Amato et al., 2010). Particles smaller than 10 m can get into

the large upper branches, just below the throat, where they are caught and removed (by

coughing and spitting or swallowing). Particles smaller than 5 m can get into the bronchial

tubes at the top of the lungs, while particles smaller than 2.5 m in diameter can penetrate

the deepest (alveolar) portions of the lung. If these particles are soluble in water, they pass

directly into the blood in the alveolar capillaries. If they are insoluble in water, they are

retained deep within the lungs for extensive periods of time. About 60% of PM10 particles

(by weight) have a diameter of 2.5 m or less.

According to the World Health Organization, 24% of the global disease burden and 23% of

all deaths are attributable to environmental factors (Pruss-Ustun & Corvalan, 2006). The

cause of, and route of exposure that lead to, disease and death is often complex and poorly

Particulate Air Pollutants and Respiratory Diseases


Figure 1. Particulate matter effect on respiratory diseases.

understood. The increased air pollution emanating from traffic and various industries has

caused an increase in the incidence of allergic diseases. In children, acute exposure to air

pollution is associated with increased respiratory symptoms and decreased lung function.

Chronic exposure to increased levels of inhalable particles is associated with up to a

threefold increase in non-specific respiratory symptoms, such as chronic cough, asthma, and

chronic airway diseases (Nicolai, 1989). Exposure to heavy traffic leads to significant

increases in respiratory symptoms, while a direct effect of traffic on asthma initiation has

been documented (Nicolai, 1989). Indeed, outdoor air pollution levels have been associated

with adverse health in asthma subjects (Nicolai, 1989). Exposure to traffic-related air

pollution, in particular diesel exhaust particles (DEP), may lead to reduced lung function in

children living near major motorways (Brunekreef et al., 1997). The prevalence of airway

hyper-responsiveness (AHR) has increased over the last few decades, potentially because of

environmental factors. Air pollution is convincingly associated with many signs of asthma

aggravation, including pulmonary function decrease, increased AHR, additional visits to

emergency departments, increased hospital admissions, increased medication use, and more

reported symptoms. It is also associated with inflammatory changes, interactions between

air pollution and allergen challenges, and changes in immune response (Koenig, 1999).

There is a significant association between traffic-related air pollution and wheezing in

children (Hisch et al., 1999), and exposure to DEPs may reduce lung function in children

living near motorways. DEPs account for most airborne PM in the world's largest cities

(Rield & Diaz-Sanchez, 2005), and are composed of fine (2.5–0.1 m) and ultra-fine (<0.1m)

particles, although primary DEPs can coalesce to form aggregates of varying sizes. Acute

exposure to DEPs causes irritation of the nose and eyes, headache, lung function

abnormalities, fatigue, and nausea, while chronic exposure is associated with cough, sputum

production, and diminished lung function (McCreanor et al., 2007).

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


There is strong evidence that episodes of air pollution aggravate respiratory disease,

especially asthma. A study of the relationship between fine PM and emergency room visits

for asthma in the metropolitan Seattle area was designed to substantiate that air pollution

was a risk factor for asthma (Mortimer et al., 2002). Using Poisson regression analyses that

controlled for weather, season, time trends, age, hospital, and day of the week, a significant

association was found between fine particles measured at the monitoring station and visits

to emergency departments in eight nearby participating hospitals (Mortimer et al., 2002).

There are relatively few studies on the correlation between indoor PM and asthma. A sub-

group of 10 children not using inhaled corticosteroids in Seattle were found to have

decreased pulmonary function associated with indoor PM2.5 exposure (Koenig et al., 2005).

Moreover, PM2.5 originating from indoor sources was more potent in decreasing lung

function than was PM exposure outdoors (Koenig et al., 2005). A California study of 19

predominantly white children found significant decreases in lung function (FEV1)

associated with indoor PM. While this study found associations between ambient PM and

lung function, a stronger association was found with indoor central site PM concentrations

than outdoor PM (McConnellet et al., 2003). Significant determinants of indoor PM

concentrations include smoking, sweeping, and stove use (McCormack et al., 2008),

activities that are modifiable and provide opportunities for exposure reduction. Smoking

has been a major source of indoor particulates over the last several decades, with more than

30% of all U.S. children exposed to secondhand smoke (Winickoff et al., 2005).

Asthma symptoms are associated with indoor coarse PM. For example, in a previous study,

every 10 mg/m


increase in indoor PM 2.5–10 concentration led to a 6% increase in the number

of days of coughing, wheezing, or chest tightness, after adjusting for age, race, sex,

socioeconomic status, season, indoor fine PM, and ambient fine and coarse PM concentrations

(Breysse et al., 2010). This study also found that higher indoor coarse PM concentrations were

also associated with increased incidences of symptoms severe enough to slow a child's

activity, cause wheezing that limited speaking ability, nocturnal symptoms, and rescue

medication use; and although outdoor coarse PM was not associated with increased asthma

symptoms or rescue medication use, fine PM was positively associated with respiratory

symptoms and rescue medication use (Breysse et al., 2010). These findings demonstrate that

both indoor coarse and fine PM distinctly affect respiratory health in children with asthma.

Although fine PM may be capable of reaching the alveoli, the regions responsible for gas

exchange, the deposition of coarse PM in upper airways and subsequent bronchial hyper-

reactivity may be responsible for the symptomatic response measured in preschool children

(Breysse et al., 2010).

In asthmatic children attending school in urban Amsterdam, black smoke was the most

important air pollution indicator associated with acute changes in lung function, respiratory

symptoms, and medication use (Gielen et al., 1997). In one polluted area (Jang et al., 2003),

670 schoolchildren (100%) had normal pulmonary function, while 257 (38.3%) had AHR. A

significantly greater proportion of children had AHR in the polluted area (45.0% [138/306],

6.50±0.48) than in rural (31.9% [52/163], 9.84±0.83) or coastal (33.3% [67/201], 7.17±0.68) areas.

Particulate Air Pollutants and Respiratory Diseases


Schoolchildren with atopy had lower PC20 levels than those without (5.98± 0.60 vs.

8.15±0.45, p < 0.001). In a multiple logistic regression model, a positive allergy skin test and

living in the polluted area near a chemical factory were independently associated with AHR

(odds ratio for location=2.4875, CI 1.6542-3.7406, P < 0.01; odds ratio for allergy skin

test=1.5782, CI 1.1130 - 2.2379, p < 0.05), when adjusted for sex, parents' smoking habits, age,

body mass index, nose symptoms, and lung symptoms. This suggests that air quality near

the polluted area contributes to the development of AHR, and that controlling air pollution

is important for preventing the development of asthma. Asthma, a complex disease

influenced by both environmental and genetic factors, is common and the prevalence is

increasing worldwide (Holgate, 1999). Indoor environmental factors thought to modify

asthma severity include pollutants such as PM, nitrogen oxides, secondhand smoke, and

allergens from pests, pets, and molds (Diette, 2008). In contrast to the outdoors, individuals

have a greater ability to modify indoor environmental exposure risks, making indoor air

pollution an attractive target for dise ase prevention (Breysse et al., 2010).

DEP plays a role in increasing asthma prevalence, although a causal relationship has yet to

be established. In a modification of the classical ovalbumin sensitization and challenge

model, mice were exposed to intranasal DEP and challenged with aerosolized DEP on days

6–8 (Song et al., 2008). Delivery of aerosolized DEP, following exposure with intranasal

DEP, induced a significant increase in methacholine-induced airway hyper-responsiveness.

Pope and Dockery (Pope & Dockery, 2006) suggested that there is a 0.6–2.2% increase in

respiratory mortality risk for a 10 g/m


increase in ambient PM. Indeed, many cohort

studies have demonstrated that airborne PM, of which PM is a major contributor (Robinson

et al., 2010), causes respiratory mortality and morbidity (Pope & Dockery, 2006).

A cross-sectional study of 20,000 children between 6 and 12 years old found a weak association

between decreased pediatric lung function and secondhand smoking (Moshammer et al.,

2006). Also, children living in homes that use or ganic fuels for cooking, heating, and lighting

are exposed to much higher levels of PM than children living in homes where parents smoke

and use clean fuels (e.g., a mean indoor level of 200 mg/m


PM per 24 h; Jiang & Bell, 2008).

There are many sources of air pollution in the home environment. Air pollution inside

homes consists of a complex mixture of agents penetrating from ambient outdoor air, and

agents generated by indoor sources. Indoor pollutants can vary in their potential health

hazard and intensity, as well as in their distribution across geographic areas, cultural

backgrounds, and socioeconomic status (Breysse et al., 2010).

In a British cohort of 4,400 preschool children, a significant association was found between

exposure to primary PM10 at the home address and prevalence of coughing without a cold

(Pierse et al, 2006). Data from the Third U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

(1988–1994) found that exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is associated with increased

prevalence of pediatric asthma, wheezing, and chronic bronchitis (Gergen et al., 1998).

Entering adulthood with impaired lung function is a non-specific risk factor for respiratory

disease in adulthood. Lower lung function predisposes children to further structural

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


damage to the developing lung (Grigg, 2009). COPD is the non-specific terminology

commonly used to describe the spectrum of diseases limiting respiratory airflow, e.g.,

asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema (Matthay, 1992). There are several reasons why

environmental exposures in childhood are relevant to the pathogenesis of COPD (Grigg,

2009). First, attenuation of lung growth due to air pollution in childhood is a risk factor for

adult-onset respiratory disease. Second, there may be common cellular and molecular

mechanisms underlying impaired pulmonary innate host defenses in children exposed to air

pollution, and susceptibility to infection in COPD. Third, lung damage initiated in

childhood may contribute to an emerging global health issue, namely, COPD due to smoke


Studies showing an association between lifelong organic smoke and the development of

COPD in nonsmoking women provides a direct link between exposure of children to PM

and increased vulnerability to respiratory disease in adulthood (Grigg, 2009). Chronic

exposure to PM (Grigg, 2009) likely interferes with maximal lung function attainment in

childhood, accelerates lung function declin e in adulthood, stimulates airway mucus

production, and impairs pulmonary innate immunity. Similar associations between air

particulate pollution (PM10 or PM2.5) and hospital admissions for COPD have been

reported for a variety of urban areas (Yang et al., 2005). The strong association between

respiratory hospital admissions and PM10 pollution (Pope, 1991) supports the role of PM10

in the incidence and severity of respiratory disease.

Long-term studies usually use a cohort design when comparing mortality across

populations, and vary in their long-term exposure to air pollution. An overall reduction in

PM 2.5 levels over time results in reduced long-term risk of death due to cardiovascular

and/or respiratory disease (Laden et al., 2006). A large European cohort study of mortality

and air pollution showed smaller effective estimates, which were significant only for all-

cause and respiratory mortality (Beelen et al., 2008). Epidemiological studies from controlled

human exposure to toxins have identified characteristics of populations that may be more

susceptible to PM-related health issues (Sacks et al., 2011): children and older adults with

preexisting cardiovascular and respiratory diseas es, populations with lower income and less

education, and the presence of genetic polymorphisms. In addition, PM-related health

effects are sometimes observed in individual s with diabetes, COPD, and increased body

mass index. A cohort study of Swiss adults demonstrated that a decrease in ambient PM10

was associated with reduced respiratory symptoms (Schindler et al., 2009).

Given the increasing evidence that air pollution has both short- and long-term effects on

health, the public health impact of reducing pollutant levels has gained attention. A large

study across 211 U.S. counties demonstrated significant improvements in life expectancy

related to reductions in PM2.5 concentrations (Pope et al., 2009).

3. Molecular mechanisms in in vitro and in vivo studies (Figure 2)

Because the lung interfaces with the external environment and is frequently exposed to air

pollutants, such as PM, it is prone to oxidant-mediated cellular damage (Nel et al., 2006).

Particulate Air Pollutants and Respiratory Diseases


The adverse health effects of particulate pollutants may be explained by several

mechanisms, including innate immunity, adaptive immunity, and the production of reactive

oxygen species (Nel et al., 2006).

Figure 2. Proposed mechanism of lung diseases by PM.

Innate immunity

The pathways associated with acute inflammation in response to particle exposure involve

an orchestrated sequence of events, mediated in part by chemokines and cytokines

(Seagrave, 2008). Particles larger than 10 m generally get caught in the nose and throat, and

never enter the lungs (Yang & Omaye, 2009). After inhalation of PM, phagocytic cells

including neutrophils and macrophages are recruited to the foreign particle by cytokines

and chemokines, and transported by the mucociliary escalator for removal (Donaldson and

Tran, 2002). PM induces the release of inflammato ry cytokines, such as IL-6, IL-8, GM-CSF,

and TNF- (Stone et al., 2007) from immune cells (e.g., macrophages) as well as structural

airway cells (Totlandsdal et al., 2010).

DEPs exert their effect through agents such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The

particles are deposited on the airway mucosa; their hydrophobic nature allows them to

diffuse easily through cell membranes and to bind to cytosolic receptor complexes. Through

subsequent nuclear activity, PAHs can modify both cell growth and cell differentiation


Experimental studies have shown that DEP-PAHs can modify the immune response in

animals and humans and modulate airway inflammatory processes. In other words, DEPs

exert an adjuvant immunological effect on IgE synthesis in atopic subjects, thereby causing

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


sensitization to airborne allergens (Diaz Sanchez et al., 1997). They also cause respiratory

symptoms and modify the immune response in atopic subjects (Rield & Diaz-Sanchez, 2005,

Diaz Sanchez et al., 1997), and can interact with aeroallergens to enhance antigen-induced

responses, with the result that allergen-specific IgE levels are up to 50-fold greater in allergic

patients stimulated with DEPs and allergens than in patients treated with allergen alone

(Diaz Sanchez et al., 1997). A combined challenge of DEPs and ragweed allergen markedly

increases the expression of human nasal ragweed-specific IgE in vivo and skews cytokine

production to a type 2 helper T-cell pattern (Diaz Sanchez et al., 1997).

Chitin is commonly found in organisms including parasites, fungi, and bacteria, but does

not occur in mammalian tissues (Guo et al., 2000), allowing for selective antimicrobial

activity of chitinase. Macrophage-synthesized Ym1 and Ym2 are homologous to chitinase,

and have chitinase activity (Sun et al., 2001, Jin et al., 1998). Through the IL-4/STAT 6 signal

transduction pathway, Ym1 was implicated in allergic peritonitis (Welch et al., 2002). Acid

mammalian chitinase may also be an important mediator of IL13-induced responses in Th2

disorders, such as asthma (Zhu et al., 2004). Indeed, polymorphisms in acid mammalian

chitinase are associated with asthma, further supporting the involvement of acid

mammalian chitinase in asthma development (Bierbaum et al., 2005). DEP induces airway

hyper-responsiveness as well as Ym mRNA expression, a Th2 cell-biased response by

activated macrophages. The chitinase Ym1 is expressed in the spleen and lungs, with lower

expression in the thymus, intestine, and kidney, whereas Ym2 is expressed at high levels in

the stomach, with lower levels in the thymus and kidney (Ward et al., 2001). Conserved

STAT6 sites probably account for the similar, striking induction of Ym1 and Ym2 expression

in Th2-type environments. In a murine model of DEP exposure, with BALB/c mice exposed

intranasally to DEP followed by a DEP challenge, upregulation of lung-specific expression

of Ym1 and Ym2 transcripts was seen relative to mice that were not exposed nor similarly

challenged (Song et al., 2008). Alveolar macrophages play an important role in particle-

induced airway and lung inflammation via direct production of IL-13. Treatment of

epithelial cells with bovine serum albumin-coated titanium dioxide particles led to 20

altered proteins on two-dimensional gels, which were further analyzed by nano-LC-MS/MS.

These proteins included defense-related, cell-activating, and cytoskeletal proteins implicated

in responses to oxidative stress (Kang et al., 2005). Titanum dioxide (TiO2) treatment

increased macrophage migration-inhibitory factor (MIF) mRNA levels. MIF was expressed

primarily in the epithelium and was elevated in lung tissues and bronchoalveolar lavage

(BAL) fluids of TiO2-treated rats, compared to sham-treated rats. Carbon and DEPs also

induce the expression of MIF protein in epithelial cells. The regulation and function of

chitinase has not been well explored in air pollution asthma models. However, in one study,

Ym1 was one of the most highly induced IL-4 target genes, exhibiting at least a 70-fold

increase in macrophage populations (Kang et al., 2005). Nitric oxide (NO) was shown to be a

short-lived molecule that causes vasodilation and bronchodilation (Moncada et al., 1991). In

that study, the nitrite concentration in BAL fluids, indicative of the in vivo generation of NO

in the airways, was significantly greater in DEP-exposed animals than in the control group.

In another study, alveolar macrophages produced nitrite during in vitro exposure to DEP

Particulate Air Pollutants and Respiratory Diseases


particles (50 g/ml), with maximal induction 4 h after exposure (Song et al., 2008). The

inflammatory effects of PM 10 were demonstrated in experimental animal studies following

direct instillation into the lung, prior to human studies that showed the pulmonary effects

after experimental exposure to PM (Ghio & Devlin, 2001). Clinically, PM 10 particles likely

provoke airway inflammation via the release of mediators that exacerbate lung disease in

susceptible individuals (Seaton et al., 1995); even a single exposure compromises a host's

ability to handle ongoing pulmonary infections (Zelikoff et al., 2003). Fine and ultra-fine

particles directly stimulate macrophages and epithelial cells to produce inflammatory

cytokines such as TNF- , TGF- 1, GM-CSF, PDGF, IL-6, and IL-8 (Fugii et al., 2001), and

reactive oxygen species are responsible for acute and chronic lung inflammation (Li et al.,


Adaptive immunity

PM induces a Th2-like environment, with the overproduction of IL-4 and IL-13 (Kang et al.,

2005). We found that IL-13 mRNA levels in lung tissue extracts were significantly increased

24 h after treatment with TiO2 particles, compared to sham-treated rats (Kang et al., 2005).

IL-13 levels were also significantly increased in the BAL fluids of TiO2-treated rats 72 h after

treatment (n=8), relative to sham-treated rats (n=8). To investigate the time- and dose-

dependency of macrophage IL-13 production, purified alveolar macrophages were

stimulated with 1, 10, and 40 g/ml TiO2 for 24, 48, and 72 h (n=6 in each experiment). The

control group (n=6) consisted of untreated alveolar macrophages. IL-13 levels in the

supernatants of the macrophage cultures were measured by ELISA. Macrophages that were

cultured for 48 h with TiO2 produced IL-13 in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, 10

g/ml TiO2 significantly enhanced IL-13 production relative to controls. IL-13 protein

production increased in a time-dependent manner, and peaked 48 h after TiO2 exposure.

Using immunohistochemical staining, we also found that TiO2-engulfing macrophages were

the main source of IL-13 in TiO2-particle-in duced lung inflammation. Taken together, our

results suggest that alveolar macrophages may be major effectors of innate immunity by

modulating inflammatory responses towards a Th2-phenotype by producing IL-13, as seen

in the adaptive immune response (Figure 3). Proteomics offers a unique means of analyzing

expressed proteins, and was successfully used to examine the effects of oxidative stress at

the cellular level. In addition to revealing protein modifications, this approach can also be

used to look at changes in protein expression levels (Blackford et al., 1997). In a previous

study, 20 proteins were identified (Table 1) whose expression levels in the human bronchial

epithelial cell line BEAS-2B changed in response to TiO2 particle exposure (Cha et al., 2007).

These proteins included defense-related, cell-activating, and cytoskeletal proteins implicated

in the response to oxidative stress, and can be classified into four groups according to the

pattern of their TiO2-induced change in expression over time (Figure 4). One protein, MIF,

was induced at the transcriptional level by stimulation of cells with any of three different

particulate molecules; expression of MIF increased in lungs of TiO2-instilled rats. These

results indicate that some of these proteins may serve as mediators of, or markers for,

airway disease caused by exposure to PM.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 3. Time and dose responses of IL-13 production by macrophages exposed to TiO2 particles.

Purified alveolar macrophages stimulated with 1, 10, and 40 g/ml TiO2 for 24, 48, and 72 h (n=6 in each

experiment). The control group (n=6) consisted of unstimulated alveolar macrophages. The IL-13 in the

48-h culture supernatants is produced in a dosedependent manner after TiO2 treatment (A). TiO2

concentrations 10 g/ml significantly enhance IL-13 production when compared with the control group.

The production of IL-13 protein is increased in a time-dependent manner and peaks 48 h after TiO2

stimulation (B). The results are expressed as means ± SEM. * Significant difference (P< 0.05) when

compared with the control group.

Table 1. List of proteins identified by LC-MS/MS analysis

Particulate Air Pollutants and Respiratory Diseases


Figure 4. Cluster analysis of 20 proteins with significant differential expression (>2-fold change) at 8 or

48 h caused by TiO2 treatment of BEAS-2B epithelial cells. The expression profiles of the individual

proteins were classified by cluster analysis. Protein names (National Center for Biotechnology

Information (NCBI)) are displayed for each cluster.

However, there is a lack of evidence showing a direct relationship between particulates and

the induction of Th2-like cytokines, including IL-4 and IL-13. TiO2 particles are a

component of PM 10 found in dusty workplaces in industries involved in the crushing and

grinding of the mineral ore rutile (Templeton, 1994). Garabrant et al. (1987) reported that

50% of TiO2-exposed workers have respiratory symptoms accompanied by reduced

pulmonary function. Because acute and chronic exposures to TiO2 particles also induce

inflammatory responses in the airways and alveolar spaces of rats (Ahn et al., 2005, Kang et

al., 2005, Schapira et al., 1995, Waheit et al., 1997), TiO2-treated rats are good models for

studying epithelial responses to PM10 particles. Proteomics has been successfully used to

examine oxidative stress at the cellular level (Xiao et al., 2003). PM10 or DEP increase lung

inflammation by inhalant allergens or respiratory viral infection by acting as adjuvants. The

response may enhance already existing allergies or IgE responses to neo-allergens and

susceptibility to respiratory infection. This adjuvant effect is exerted by the enhanced

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


production of inflammatory Th2 and/or Th1 cytokines (Diaz-Sanchez et al., 1997). In animal

experiments and human studies, several cytokines and CC chemokines including IL-4, IL-5,

IL-13, GM-CSF, RANTES, MCP-3, MIP-1 were increased when lymphocytes and

macrophages/monocytes were co-stimulated with particulates in the presence of specific

allergens (Hamilton et al., 2004). The immune system responds in different ways depending

on the type of particulate. DEP favors a Th 2 response, while asbestos fiber and carbon

particles upregulate both Th1 and Th2 cytokines produced by autologous lymphocyte

stimulated by antigen (Hamilton et al., 2004). In addition to the adjuvant effects, inhaled

inert particles cause a spectrum of pulmonary responses, ranging from minimal changes to

marked acute and chronic inflammation.

Oxidative stress

ROS production and the generation of oxidative stress are relevant to lung diseases. Oxygen

is readily reduced with an electron to form oxygen free radicals, such as superoxide (Bast, et

al., 2010, Finkel, 2011, Comhair & Erzyrum, 2010). Superoxide takes up a second electron,

leading to hydrogen peroxide, which will generate the extremely reactive hydroxyl radical

in the presence of iron ions. Hydroxyl radicals react very quickly with biomolecules, such as

proteins, fatty acids, and DNA (Bast, et al., 2010, Finkel, 2011, Comhair & Erzyrum, 2010).

All molecules in the direct vicinity of the hydroxyl radical will react with this reactive form

of oxygen (Bast, et al., 2010, Finkel, 2011, Comhair & Erzyrum, 2010). The various forms of

oxygen are called ROS (Bast, et al., 2010). Formation of ROS takes place constantly in every

cell during normal metabolic processes (Bast, et al., 2010, Finkel, 2011, Ballaban, et al., 2005,

Comhair & Erzyrum, 2010). Cellular sites for production of ROS include mitochondria,

microsomes, and enzymes (e.g., xanthine oxidase, P450 monooxygenase, cyclooxygenase,

lipoxygenase, indole amine dioxygenase, monoamine oxidase) (Nadeem, et al., 2008). One of

the most dangerous forms of PM pollution is diesel exhaust particles. Diesel exhaust

particles consist of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, hydrophobic molecules that can diffuse

easily through cell membranes. As free radicals cause oxidative damage to biological

macromolecules, such as DNA, lipids, and protein, they are believed to be involved in the

pathogenesis of many diseases (Tredaniel, et al., 1994). The particles are able to induce the

generation of free radicals, which may lead to an increase in oxidative stress, exacerbating

some respiratory symptoms. Metals present on the particle surface, including Fe, Co, Cr,

and V, undergo redox cycling, while Cd, Hg, and Ni, as well as Pb, deplete glutathione and

protein-bound sulfhydryl groups resulting in ROS production (Stohs, et al., 2001, Valko, et

al., 2005). Metal-induced oxidative stress has been shown to subsequently affect the immune

system, by causing neutrophilic lung injury and release of inflammatory mediators by

several lung cell types (Ghio & Delvin, 2001), and to act as the cornerstone for subsequent

particle-induced inflammation (Dye et al., 1999). Another mechanism involves phagocytosis,

characterized by the removal of microorganisms and pollutant particles (Forman & Toress,

2001), and an essential element of the immune defense system, which may mediate alveolar

macrophage binding of certain inert and environmental particulate matter, such as Fe


silicates, TiO

2, quartz, and iron oxide (Cha et al., 2007). Redox reactions regulate signal

transduction as important chemical processes. The response of a cell to a reactive oxygen-

Particulate Air Pollutants and Respiratory Diseases


rich environment often involves the activation of numerous intracellular signaling

pathways, which can cause transcriptional changes and allow the cells to respond

appropriately to the perceived oxidative stress (Finkel, 2011, Comhair & Erzyrum, 2010).

Nuclear factor-κ B (NF-κ B) and activation protein-1 (AP-1) are regulated and influenced by

the redox status and have been implicated in the transcriptional regulation of a wide range

of genes involved in oxidant stress and cellular response mechanisms (Beamer & Holian,

2005). In the nucleus, redox affects histone acetylation and deacetylation status, which at

least partly regulates inflammatory gene expression by activation of redox-sensitive

transcription factors (Liu, et al., 2005). NF-κ B is activated in epithelial cells and

inflammatory cells during oxidative stress, leading to the upregulation of a number of

proinflammatory genes (Beamer & Holian, 2005). NF-κ B is a protein heterodimer made up

of p65 and p50 subunits. There is evidence of activation of NF-κ B in bronchial mucosa and

sputum inflammatory cells in asthmatic patients (Rhaman, et al., 1996). Many of the

inflammatory genes responsible for the pathogenesis of asthma are regulated by NF-kB. AP-

1 is a protein dimer composed of a heterodimer of Fos and Jun proteins. AP-1 regulates

many of the inflammatory and immune genes in oxidant-mediated diseases. Gene

expression of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase, the rate-limiting enzyme for GSH

synthesis, is induced by the activation of AP-1. In addition, the family of mitogen-activated

protein kinases (MAPKs) is directly or indirectly altered by redox changes (Ciencewicki, et

al., 2008). Oxidative stress and other stimuli, su ch as cytokines, activate various signal

transduction pathways leading to activation of transcription factors, such as NF-kB and AP-

1 (Rahman & Adcock, 2006). Binding of transcription factors to DNA elements leads to

recruitment of CREB-binding protein (CBP) and/or other co-activators to the transcriptional

initiation complex on the promoter regions of various genes (Rahman & Adcock, 2006).

Activation of CBP leads to acetylation of specific core histone lysine residues by an intrinsic

histone acetyltransferase activity (Rahman & Adcock, 2006). Redox changes also can activate

members of the MAPK, such as extracellular signal-regulated kinase, c-jun N-terminal

kinase, p38 kinase, and phosphoinositol-3 kinase, all of which may ultimately promote

inflammation (Carvalho, et al., 2004). Both STAT1 and STAT3 activation are regulated by

redox (Carvalho, et al., 2004). NF-E2-related factor 2, a basic leucine zipper transcription

factor, involved in induction of the antiox idant element (ARE)-mediated transcriptional

response is known to play an important role and binds to the ARE and upregulates the

expression of several antioxidant genes in response to a variety of stimuli (Nguyen, et al.,

2003). ROS (Nadeem, et al., 2008) can influence airway cells and reproduce many of the

pathophysiological features associated with asthma by initiating lipid peroxidation, altering

protein structure, enhancing release of arachidonic acid from cell membranes, contracting

airway smooth muscle, increasing airway reactivity and airway secretions, increasing

vascular permeability, increasing the synthesis and release of chemoattractants, inducing the

release of tachykinins and neurokinins, decreasing cholinesterase and neutral

endopeptidase activities, and impairing the responsiveness of ß-adrenergic receptors

(Barnes, et al., 1998). Asthma attacks and experimental allergen challenge are associated

with immediate formation of superoxide

that persists throughout the late asthmatic

response (Calhoun, et al., 1992). Allergen challenge in the airways of atopic individuals

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


caused a twofold increase in superoxide generation (Calhoun, et al., 1992). Spontaneous and

experimental allergen-induced asthma attacks lead to eosinophil and neutrophil activation,

during which NADPH oxidase is activated and ROS such as superoxide and its dismutation

product H

2O2 are rapidly formed (Klebanoff, 1980). ROS production by asthmatics correlates

with the severity of airway reactivity (Calhoun, et al., 1992). Asthma is characterized by

oxidative modifications (Sansers, et al., 1995). Increased levels of EPO and MPO parallel the

numbers of eosinophils and neutrophils, respectively, and are found at higher than normal

levels in asthmatic peripheral blood, induced sputum, and BAL fluid (Sansers, et al., 1995).

Malondialdehyde and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances have also been detected in

urine, plasma, sputum, and BAL fluid in relation to the severity of asthma (Mondino, et al.,

2004, Wood, et al., 2005) In addition, 8-isoprostane, a biomarker of lipid peroxidation, is also

elevated in exhaled breath condensate from adults and children with asthma (Mondino, et

al., 2004, Wood et al, 2005). Generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species is markedly

increased during acute asthma attacks (MacPherson, et al., 2001, Wu, et al., 2000). The loss of

SOD contributes to oxidative stress during acute episodes of asthma exacerbation

(MacPherson et al, 2001, Wu et al, 2000). Oxidative modification of MnSOD is present in

asthmatic airway epithelial cells (Malik & Storey, 2011).The loss of SOD activity reflects the

increased oxidative and nitrative stress in asthmatic patients, suggesting that SOD may

serve as a surrogate marker of oxidant stress and asthma severity (Takaku, et al., 2011). ROS,

such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, enhance vascular endothelial growth factor

(VEGF) expression (Kuroki, et al., 1996), while exogenous SOD prevents VEGF expression

(Kuroki, et al., 1996), suggesting that the increased vascularization found in asthma may be

due to the involvement of oxidative stress via effects on hypoxia-inducible factors (Ghosh, et

al., 2003). The catalase activity was found to be 50% lower in BAL fluid of asthmatic lungs

than that in healthy controls (Ghosh, et al., 2003). Tyrosine oxidant modifications of catalase

occur in asthma, such as chlorination of tyrosine by peroxidase-catalyzed halogenation, and

oxidative cross-linking of tyrosine as monitored by dityrosine, a product of tyrosyl radicals

(Ghosh, et al., 2003). The most extensive modification found in asthmatic lungs is tyrosine

chlorination, which is 20-fold more extensive than tyrosine nitration (Ghosh, et al., 2003). In

contrast to SODs and catalase, extracellular GPx is present at higher than normal levels in

the lungs of individuals with asthma (Comhair, et al., 2002). This increase is due to

induction of GPx mRNA and protein expression by bronchial epithelial cells in response to

increased intracellular or extracellular ROS [94]. During asthma exacerbation in humans, the

levels of serum TRX1 increase and are inversely correlated with airflow (Yamada, et al.,

2003). Cigarette smoke can induce increased oxidant burden

and cause irreversible changes

to the antioxidant protective effects in the airways (van Der Troorn, et al., 2007). The smoke-

derived oxidants damage airway epithelial cells inducing direct injury to membrane lipids,

proteins, carbohydrates, and DNA, leading to chronic inflammation (Foronjy, et al., 2008).

Cigarette smoking delivers and generates oxidative stress within the lungs (Lin & Thoma,

2010) These imbalances of oxidant burden and antioxidant capacity have been implicated as

important contributing factors in the pathogenesis of COPD (Lin & Thoma, 2010) However,

smoking also causes the depletion of antioxidants, which further contributes to oxidative

tissue damage (Lin & Thoma, 2010) The downregulation of antioxidant pathways has also

Particulate Air Pollutants and Respiratory Diseases


been associated with acute exacerbations of COPD (Lin & Thoma, 2010). Disruption of the

oxidant/antioxidant balance is important in the pathogenesis of acute lung injury and acute

respiratory distress syndrome. Different cytokines and growth factors play a role in the

pathogenesis of lung fibrosis (Hecker, et al., 2009). ROS mediate the formation of TGF-β in

lung epithelial cells (Hecker, et al., 2009). Fibroblasts of patients with idiopathic pulmonary

fibrosis produce H

2O2 upon stimulation with TGF- β. This interplay between H 2O2 and TGF-

β leads to deterioration of re-epithelialization and fibrosis (Hecker, et al., 2009).

4. Conclusions

Epidemiological surveys and animal studies together suggest that air pollutants are

involved in the pathogenesis of airway inflammation and aggravate respiratory symptoms.

Avoidance of harmful exposures is a key component of national and international guideline

recommendations for the management of respiratory diseases. Controlling air pollution is

important for the prevention of airway diseases. Finally, in vitro and in vivo studies are

needed to further delineate the role of particulate air pollutants in airway diseases and the

molecular mechanisms involved.

Author details

An-Soo Jang

Division of Allergy and Respiratory Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhayg

University Hospital, Bucheon, Korea


This subject is supported by Korea Ministry of Environment (2012001360001) as "The

Environmental Health Action Program".

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Chapter 7

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Air Pollution and Death Due to Cardiovascular

Diseases (Case Study: Isfahan Province of Iran)

Masoumeh Rashidi, Mohammad Hossein Rameshat and Hadi Gharib

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Complex interaction between anthropogenic activities, air quality and human health in

urban areas, sustains the need for the development of an interdisciplinary and integrated

risk-assessment methodology. Such study would help for the establishment of a sustainable

development in urban areas that can maintain the integrity of air quality and preserve

human health. For the last century, the worldwide development of anthropogenic activities

as well as modifications of spatial management and occupational uses in urban areas have

lead to considerable degradation of air quality through the production of a large number of

pollutants(1). Sustainable development introduced during the 1980 represents a sure mean

to withstand deleterious effects of pollutants observed in most large cities. However,

making effective such concept in urban areas requires the validation of a risk-assessment

methodology that can integrate and connect anthropogenic uses of urban areas, air pollution

and the occurrence of some pathologies. One actual and major challenge is how to

apprehend complexity of systems due to the interaction of multiple parameters at each level

of organization (anthropogenic or biological, individual or population) and scale (regional

or local). Such challenge can be facilitated by the development of a multidisciplinary and

integrative approach using tools from biology and geography that can allow the analysis of

complex systems For example, the introduction of biomarkers at the cellular and molecular

levels in the detection of early biological events induced by pollutants constitutes promising

tools in estimating exposure of human population. Cardiovascular disease is one of the most

prevalent diseases in the world and it is expected to be the main cause of death by 2020(2).

Nowadays, the cardiovascular diseases are one of the important issues in health care. The

prevalence of this disease in more countries has been rising as the third leading cause of

death and the first group of chronic diseases and concerns the health and treatment in the

Iran. New eating habits, increased smoking, increasing air population, and the older

demographic composition are the predisposing factors in increasing the cases of

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


cardiovascular diseases. It is estimated that one third of cases of cardiovascular disease is

preventable and a third contingent on early diagnosis, are potentially treatable. Scientific

advances and progress in many cases of cardiovascular diseases have been caused to disease

containment and control of its causes and have provided the increase long-term survival for

patients with a wide range of types of invasive diseases(3). Despite the lack of attention to

air pollution, one of the main reasons is the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases (4). For

example, nearly one million ton of Plumb is added to the globe soils annually in which large

quantities of atmospheric dust, scattering ash, and chemical fertilizers used in agriculture,

industry and urban wastes are included. In many cases, air pollution factors affecting

disease is less under consideration (5). Isfahan province, with an area of about 107,045

square kilometers, equivalent to 6.3% of the total area of Iran is located between 30 degrees

43 minutes and 34 degrees 27 minutes north latitude and 49 degrees 38 minutes and 55

degrees 32 minutes east of the Greenwich meridian(6,7). The province is 1550 meters above

the sea level altitude (Figure1). This study aimed at mapping the distribution of death due

to Cardiovascular Diseases and its relationship with Air Pollution in this province.

Figure 1. Geographical situation of Isfahan province

2. Method used

The software of geographic information system (GIS) was used after entering data in the

mapping information table; spatial distribution was mapped and distribution of

Geographical Epidemiology of Death Due to Cardiovascular Diseases in the was determined

this case study, the rate of all the deaths in Isfahan province (Iran) within 2005 to 2009 was

Air Pollution and Death Due to Cardiovascular Diseases (Case Study: Isfahan Province of Iran)


provided. The collected data was used to find out the rate of deaths due to cardiovascular

diseases and preparing geographical distribution maps. Then, by putting down the death

rates for different sexes (men and women), the geographical distribution map for deaths

with regards to cardiovascular diseases was drawn.

3. Air pollution

Any visible or invisible particle or gas found in the air that is not part of the original,

normal composition. Generally any substance that people introduce into the atmosphere

that has damaging effects on living things and the environment is considered air pollution.

Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. Though

living things emit carbon dioxide when they breathe, carbon dioxide is widely considered

to be a pollutant when associated with cars, planes, power plants, and other human

activities that involve the burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas. In the

past 150 years, such activities have pumped enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to

raise its levels higher than they have been for hundreds of thousands of years. Other

greenhouse gases include methane—which comes from such sources as swamps and gas

emitted by livestock—and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which were used in refrigerants

and aerosol propellants until they were banned because of their deteriorating effect on

Earth's ozone layer. Another pollutant associated with climate change is sulfur dioxide, a

component of smog (9). Sulfur dioxide and closely related chemicals are known primarily

as a cause of acid rain. But they also reflect light when released in the atmosphere, which

keeps sunlight out and causes Earth to cool. Volcanic eruptions can spew massive amounts

of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, sometimes causing cooling that lasts for years. In

fact, volcanoes used to be the main source of atmospheric sulfur dioxide; today people

are(10). Industrialized countries have worked to reduce levels of sulfur dioxide, smog, and

smoke in order to improve people's health. But a result, not predicted until recently, is that

the lower sulfur dioxide levels may actually make global warming worse. Just as sulfur

dioxide from volcanoes can cool the planet by blocking sunlight, cutting the amount of the

compound in the atmosphere lets more sunlight through, warming the Earth. This effect is

exaggerated when elevated levels of other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap the

additional heat.

3.1. Major classes of air pollution

Carbon Oxides (CO and CO2)

Sulfur Oxides (SO2)

Nitrogen Oxides (NO and NO2)

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs – CFCs)

Suspended Particulate Matter (soot, dust, asbestos, lead etc).

Photochemical Oxidants (ozone O3)

Radioactive Substances (Radon)

Hazardous Air Pollutants (carcinogens, etc) (11).

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


3.2. Where do these pollutants come from?

Figure 2. Source of Air Pollution (12)

Health and Effects of Air Pollution

Pollutant Health Effects

Ozone (O3)

Decreases lung function and causes respiratory symptoms, such as coughing

and shortness of breath; aggravates asthma and other lung diseases leading to

increased medication use, hospital admissions, emergency department (ED)

visits, and premature mortality.


Matter (PM)

Short-term exposures can aggravate heart or lung diseases leading to

symptoms, increased medication use, hospital admissions, ED visits, and

premature mortality; long-term exposures can lead to the development of

heart or lung disease and premature mortality.

Lead (Pb)

Damages the developing nervous system, resulting in IQ loss and impacts on

learning, memory, and behavior in children. Cardiovascular and renal effects

in adults and early effects related to anemia.









Non- road




on- road



Air Pollution and Death Due to Cardiovascular Diseases (Case Study: Isfahan Province of Iran)


Oxides o

Sulfur (SOx)

Aggravate asthma, leading to wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of

breath, increased medication use, hospital admissions, and ED visits; very

high levels can cause respiratory symptoms in people without lung disease.

Oxides o



Aggravate lung diseases leading to respiratory symptoms, hospital

admissions, and ED visits; increase susceptibility to respiratory infection.




Reduces the amount of oxygen reaching the body's organs and tissues;

aggravates heart disease, resulting in chest pain and other symptoms leading

to hospital admissions and ED visits.



Contributes to particle formation with associated health effects.





Some are toxic air pollutants that cause cancer and other serious health

problems. Contribute to ozone formation with associated health effects.



Causes liver, kidney, and brain damage and neurological and developmental


Other Toxic



Cause cancer; immune system damage; and neurological, reproductive,

developmental, respiratory, and other health problems. Some toxic air

pollutants contribute to ozone and particle pollution with associated health


Table 1. Effects of air pollution on human health (13)

4. Cardiovascular disease and air pollution

Diseases of the heart or blood vessels, or cardiovascular disease, and in particular coronary

heart disease (harm to the heart resulting from an insufficient supply of oxygenated blood)

are leading causes of death in the Iran (14). Prevention of these killers has traditionally

focused on controlling hypertension, cholesterol levels, and smoking and making healthy

choices in regard to diet, exercise, and avoiding second-hand smoke. However,

accumulating evidence indicates that air pollutants contribute to serious, even fatal damage

to the cardiovascular system – and air pollution is a factor that you can't control just

through healthy lifestyle. Harmful air pollutants lead to cardiovascular diseases such as

artery blockages leading to heart attacks (arterial occlusion) and death of heart tissue due to

oxygen deprivation, leading to permanent heart damage (infarct formation). The

mechanisms by which air pollution causes cardio vascular disease are thought to be the same

as those responsible for respiratory disease: pulmonary inflammation and oxidative stress.

5. Finding in case study

The population includes 35273 records from death due to Cardiovascular Diseases in the

province. The period studied, according to the number of samples is sufficiently reliable and,

over 5 years (from 2005 until early 2009) was considered .Impaired synthesis of hemoglobin

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


and anemia, Cardiovascular Diseases, Respiratory Diseases, malignant disease, hypertension,

kidney damage, miscarriages and premature infants, nervous syst em disorders, brain damage,

male infertility, loss of learning and behavioral disorders in children are from the negative

effects of high concentrations of the Air Pollution in the body. Air Pollution exists naturally in

the environment, but in most cases the increase in quantity, is the result of human activities.

There were 19614 men (i.e. 56%) and 15659 women (44%) regarding the mentioned mortality

rate, showing more men than women. Analysis of the mortality conforming rate of

cardiovascular diseases in men shower to be highest in Isfahan, Najafabad, Borkhar&Meimeh,

Fereidan, Natanz, Ardestan, Mobarakeh, Lenjan&Naein, respectively and the lowest rates

were in Golpayegan, Tiran &Karvand, Falavarjan&Chadegan, that means that mortality rates

were higher in central counties of the province.This is observed for the total population, and

men and women separately. It was significant in most of the central counties of the province.

Figure 3. Graph of statistical comparison death due to cardiovascular diseases in Men& Women

After drafting the diagram for distribution of death due to cardiovascular diseases in Men&

Women (Figure 3). Death rate was higher in men than women.

6. Cities with higher air pollution

Cities such as Isfahan, Najafabadf, Borkhar&Meimeh, Ardestan and Natanz,… are

Population centers and air pollution in these cities, according to survey is more than the

other cities because human activity is higher in these cities, The following map shows the

cities with high pollution in Isfahan province(Figure4).

Air pollution levels in the study province are increased and with increased air pollution also

death due to cardiovascular disease has gone up (Figure5, 6).

Most of the mortality rates with regards to cardiovascular diseases in women was in Isfahan,

Najafabadf, Borkhar&Meimeh, Ardestan and Natanz that is much less in comparison to men

(Figure7, 8). This means that men have gone ahead of women in this respect. The role of

weather pollution in emergence of cardiovascular diseases in urban communities is

considered as an effective factor that could not be modified, such that comforting

environmental pollution has been considered relative to different cardiovascular effects

including angina, heart stroke and hearty failures. Heart disease is the bitter achievement of

advance technology. The useful role of technology somewhat allows people to have longer

life and the harmful role of technology provides the change in life style and immobility.

Air Pollution and Death Due to Cardiovascular Diseases (Case Study: Isfahan Province of Iran)


Figure 4. Levels of Air Pollution in Isfahan province

Figure 5. A comparison chart increase air pollution in the years 2005-2009

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 6. A comparison chart increase death due to cardiovascular disease in the years 2005-2009

Figure 7. Spatial distribution of death due to cardiovascular diseases in Men

Air Pollution and Death Due to Cardiovascular Diseases (Case Study: Isfahan Province of Iran)


Figure 8. Spatial distribution of death due to cardiovascular diseases in Women

7. Conclusion

By drawing the geographical distribution of mortality due to cardiovascular reasons (by the

use of GIS software), it was observed that the rate of mortality I higher in control and main

counties of the province, which could be due to two reasons: 1) Due to existence Air pollution

in the main cities of the province including Isfahan, Najafabad, Borkhar&Meimeh, More

vehicles are movement, in these cities than the other places in the province. 2) Improper diet

including saturated fat due to mechanized life and better welfare in these regions and

immobility, use of new technologies, and environmental pollutions including the existence of

some specific elements & hard urban life all express the verification of the hypothesis. Also, it

was observed that mortality in men is higher in the province than women and there could be

different reasons for that, which may include Most men work outside the home in , male

hormones, some social factors, increasing fat around stomach in men, stimulating behaviors

and sometimes offensive behavior, not observing the weight, stress in work places and

smoking. Since the basis for campaign against non-epidemic diseases, including

cardiovascular disease is changing the people's life style, it seems that it can be achieved by

instructions and training people, making required polices and enacting laws and necessary

regulations to provide on environment that is suitable for promoting healthy behaviors in

life. By proper intervention in the society the effects of risk factors could be totally eliminated

or reduced. Even partial changes could be very useful. Prevention is possible by intervening

the risk factors in cardiovascular diseases such as identification of some elements in the

environment and finding the place of their distribution, avoiding the use of air pollutants or

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


using them as little as possible, proper use of technology, changing diets, behaviors, physical

habits, reducing anxieties and mental stresses and other environmental diseases.

Author details

Masoumeh Rashidi

Department of Geography, and Medicine Geography Researchers, the University of Isfahan, Iran

Mohammad Hossein Rameshat

Department of Geography, Isfahan University, Iran

Hadi Gharib

Iran Space Agency, Iran

8. References

Azizi, F, (2001), "Epidemiology and control of common diseases in Iran" , Volume II, Tehran

University Press, 2001.

Braunwald E. (2005), Approach to the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease . In: Kasper DL,

Branwald E, Favci AS, Havser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL. Harrison's Principles of

Internal Medicine. McGraw-Hill. New York, 1301-4.

Reddy KS, (2004), Cardiovascular Disease in Non-Western Countries Engl J Med. 350: 2438-40.

Nagavi, M. (2005), the pattern of mortality within 23 provinces of Iran in 2003, Health

Deputy, Iranian Ministry of Health. Tehran.

Rezaeian M, Dunn G. St. Leger, S. Appleby L. (2007), Geographical epidemiology, spatial

analysis and geographical information systems: a multidisciplinary glossary. J Epidemiol

Community Health; 61: 98-102.

Rezaeian, M. Dunn, G. St. Leger, S. Appleby L. (2004), the production and interpretation of

disease maps: A methodological case study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol.; 39: 947-54.

Rezaeian, M. (2004), an introduction to the practical methods for mapping the geographical

morbidity and mortality rates.Tollo-e-behdasht. 2: 41-51.

Isfahan Health Center, Center for death Statistics , 2009.

Samet, J. M., Zeger, S. L., Kelsall, J., Xu, J., and Kalkstein, L. (1997), "Air Pollution, Weathera

nd Mortalityi n Philadelphia,"in ParticulateA ir Pollution and Daily Mortality: Analyses of the

Effects of Weather and Multiple Air Pollutants, The Phase IB report of the Particle

Epidemiology Evaluation Project, Cambridge, MA: Health Effects Institute.

Schwartz, J. (1994), "Air Pollution and Daily Mortality: A Review and Meta Analysis,"

EnvironmentaRl esearch, 64, 36-52.

Zeger, S. L., Dominici, F., and Samet, J. M. (1999), "Harvesting-Resistant Estimates of Pollution

Effects on Mortality,"E pidemiology, 8 9, 171-175.

Research Centre for Atmospheric Chemistry, Ozone and Air Pollution in Isfahan province.

WHO (2007). Health risks of heavy metals from long-range transboundary air pollution.

Copenhagen, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.

Rashidi M, Ramehsat M.H, Ghias, M(2011), Geographical Epidemiology of Death Due to

Cardiovascular Diseases in Isfahan Povince, Iran; Journal of Isfahan Medical School, Vol 29,

No 125, 1st week, April.

Chapter 8

© 2012 Nugroho et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the

Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits

unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Ozone

in Urban Area: A Multilevel and Structural

Equation Model Approach

S. B. Nugroho, A. Fujiwara and J. Zhang

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Photochemical smog, first identified in Los Angeles in the late 1940s, nowadays is a widespread

phenomenon in many of the world's population centers (Jenkin & Chemitshaw, 2000).

Photochemical smog occurs when primary pollutants (nitrogen oxides - NOx and volatile

organic compound – VOC created from burning of fossil fuel and biomass) interact in the

presence of sunlight to produce a mixture of hazardous secondary pollutants (Stern, 1973). Major

constituent of photochemical smog is surface (ground-level) O

3, which is not emitted directly into

the atmosphere but formed as the product of photochemical reactions of its precursors, NOx and

VOC (Seindfeld & Pandis, 1998). At the same time, pollutants also interacts each other to form

other secondary pollutants as like acidifying substance and also particulates.

Concentration of atmospheric gases involved in forming O

3 and nitrogen oxides (NOx)

changes rapidly with wind speed and direction, ambient air temperature, humidity and

solar radiation. Chemical reactions of O

3 production and destruction progresses take place

at the same time. O

3 concentrations are affected mainly by photochemical reactions,

transport and diffusion process. The photochemical reactions are related to meteorological

factors such as solar radiation, temperature and concentration of pollutants. In general, O

3 is

closely related to the pollutants like NO

2, NO and NOx according to photochemical oxide

interaction in local environment (Wang, 2003). The relationship between precursor

pollutants and O3, thus differ from one place to another due to the emission distribution and

meteorology (Zhang & Kim, 2002). It is critical to understand the variability of ozone

concentration across location and time.

In a spatial and temporal analysis, it is noteworthy to first clarify several technical

terms: heterogeneity, variability, variation and variance. Heterogeneity refers to

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


phenomenon that actual concentration measured at monitoring station changes across

individual measurement. This study especially deals with the unobserved

heterogeneity. It is well known that variance is a statistical term, representing the

degree of variation. The variability means the fact that something being likely to vary.

In this study, the later three terms are especially an aggregate of measurement` (or

monitoring station`) heterogeneity. To quantitatively assess the properties of

unobserved heterogeneity at various situations, we focus on various components, which

correspond to the degree of variation caused by unobserved heterogeneity within

monitoring station and also among locations by using monitoring data. We use

regression-based method a multilevel model to capture temporal variations and spatial

heterogeneity caused by land-use characteristics surrounding monitoring stations and

its impact on surface ozone. A multilevel analysis was applied to analyze (a) daily event

when peak concentration of ozone occurred, (b) daily average concentration of ozone

and (c) possibility of phenomena of ozone weekend effect in Jakarta city represented by

systematically day-to-day variation of event of peak ozone and daily average

concentration of ozone.

In tropical regions, high O

3 level may be expected due to high rate of precursor emissions

from anthropogenic and biogenic sources coupled with high sunlight intensity. Yet, there is

only a limited research about tropical tropospheric O

3 focusing on Asian cities. The lack of

systematic monitoring data of O

3 and its precursors is one of the barriers to scientific

research for photochemical smog in most of the developing Asian countries (Zhang & Kim,

2002). In the context of urban areas, NO

2, NO and NOx , which are generally highly

associated with primary sources of air pollution, come from both mobile sources

(automobiles) and stationary sources (e.g., household sector and industrial sector). An

understanding of ozone (O

3) behavior near surface layer is essential for a study of pollution

oxidation processes in urban area (Monoura, 1999). Ground level O

3 is formed from its

precursors by complex and non-linear photochemical reaction in presence of sunlight. O


concentrations are very difficult to model because of the different interactions between

pollutants and meteorological variables (Sousa, 2007).

Concerning the methods of analysis, although several multiple regression models are

available to analyze urban air pollution especially surface O

3. It is however difficult to

apply these models to deal with the complex cause-effect relationships among

meteorological factors, primary pollutants under different wind conditions, and their

influences on surface O

3. Therefore, our proposed structural equation model can flexibly

represent the aforementioned causal interactions aspects. The development of such models

usually involves the choice of appropriate model structures and nonlinear data

transformation methods. Then, a spatial and temporal analysis was performed based on

our structural equation model with latent variables. A spatial analysis based on spatial

pattern is also carried out at two major land use types (i.e., suburban area-SU and central

urban area (CA), and a roadside area-RA in central business district in Jakarta City. A

temporal analysis was done at roadside station in central Jakarta by considering seasonal

and weekly variations.

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Ozone in

Urban Area: A Multilevel and Structural Equation Model Approach


2. Literature review and methodology

2.1. Relationships between surface ozone and its precursors

In the O3 -NOx system, the dominant chemical reactions in the atmosphere are described

below :

NO2 + hv NO + O (1)

O + O2 + M O3 + M (2)

NO + O

3 NO 2 + O2 (3)

M represents N2 or O2 or another third molecule that absorbs excess energy and

consequently stabilizes the O

3 molecule formed (3). The time scale of reaction (2) is very

small (~10-6s) relative to the scales of reactions (1) and (3) (~100s and 30s, respectively)

(Monoura, 1999). This is the result of O

3 destruction by NO in the nitrogen dioxide

photolytic cycle, which is effective at a close distance to NO source due to its short cycle

time (about several minutes) (Jenkin, 2000). Since the conversion from NO to NO2 involving

reactive hydrocarbons and the OH radical usually takes several hours, the higher

concentration of O

3 is observed in both weekdays an d weekend in dry season (Seinfeld &

Pandis, 1998).

It is known that O3 concentration and NO concentration show a logarithmic relationship,

and the relationship between O3 and NO2 observed at the same time shows a typical linear

function. A power function relation ship is found between NO and NO

2 observed at the

same time (Monoura, 1999). O 3 levels are negatively relevant to nitric oxide and positively

to nitrogen dioxide, weakly affected by carbon monoxide (CO) and hardly affected by

sulphur dioxide (SO

2) and respirable suspend particles (RSP). A case study in Hong Kong

confirms a strong linear relationship between O

3 and NO2/NO concentration in 1999 and

2000 (Wang, 2003).

High emission of NO from automobile traffic should be the major reason for low O

3 at the

curbside (roadside) and lower O

3 at ambient monitoring station. In a city like Bangkok

where the emission of NO from traffic is rather uniformly spread over a large area, the

processes of O3 destruction (by NO) and formation should be competing at any locations.

Therefore O

3 level is found to be high over the city except for the very heavy traffic center

and curbside where the O

3 destruction by NO is significant (Zhang & Kim, 2002).

2.2. Meteorological factors influencing surface ozone

The meteorological conditions of a region (e.g., sunlight, temperature, wind speed, and

other factors) also directly affect the formation of O

3. In general, episodes of high O 3

concentration are associated with slow-moving, high barometer pressure weather system.

Clear skies, sunshine, and warm conditions usually accompany high-pressure system,

accelerating the photochemical formation of O

3 (Rubin, 2001). The relationship between the

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


meteorological variation and daily maximum O3 concentration can be well represented by a

linear function (Gardner & Dorling, 1998).

Solar radiation

O3 production is dependent on solar radiation, and consequently solar radiation intensity

and O

3 concentration usually show positive correlation (Monoura, 1999).

Ambient air temperature

Meteorologically, high temperature is frequently associated with high pressure, stagnant

conditions that lead to high O

3 concentration at vertical level (Seinfeld & Pandis, 1998). The

rate of photochemical reaction increases as air temperature rises. In many O3 prediction

models, air temperature was found to be the strongest single predictor of O3 concentration

(Boriboonsomsin & Uddin, 2005). In urban and metropolitan areas, paved surface, high-rise

building and other constructed surfaces cause air temperature to be higher due to the heat

transfer of these surfaces.

Wind speed and direction

Wind speed associated with high-pressure system is typically low. Therefore pollutants stay

longer over urban areas and accumulate in the atmosphere (Rubin, 2001). Calm or light

winds allow more emissions to accumulate over large area, which result in higher

concentration of O

3 precursors. O3 formation and transport is a complex phenomenon, and


3 concentration depends on wind speed and direction among others (Hubbard & Cobourn,

1998). The dispersion of air pollutants is roughly inversely related to wind speed (Zhang,

2002). Higher wind speeds promote the dispersion of O

3 concentrations (Sanchez-ccoyllo,

2006). Wind direction is also highly related to O3 level, for example, downwind locations of

precursor emission sources are strongly inclined to high concentration of surface O



Precipitation is one of O3 destruction mechanisms due to a wet deposition. In this study,

precipitation is expressed as relative humidity level. Most tropical rain forest countries such

as Indonesia have high relative humidity, especially during night time and wet season.

2.3. Development of surface ozone model in urban areas

2.3.1. Existing model

Various models have been developed to describe the relationship among factors to surface

ozone. These models include simple contingency tables, multiple linear and non-linear

regression models, time series techniques (Benarie, 1980), artificial neural network

approaches and fuzzy logic based methods (Wang, 2003). Linear regression model is a

classical and easily applied method. It uses a linear combination of factors to explain the

ozone behavior. Artificial neural network approach is capable of modeling complex

nonlinear phenomena, but its main drawback is that it results in a 'black box' model which

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Ozone in

Urban Area: A Multilevel and Structural Equation Model Approach


it isn't easy to interpret or justify. Fuzzy logic also allows one to model complex nonlinear

phenomena (Peton, 2000). Since fuzzy logic is based on a set of empirical rules, the inherent

cause-effect relationships and interactions among factors of the ozone cannot be flexibly

incorporated. Time series technique is suitab le to capture the temporal change of ozone

itself, but they are not capable of incorporating the influential factors into the models.

Multiple regression models have been commonly used for describing the ozone in the last

few decades (Boriboonsomsin, 2005). Gardner and Dorling (2000) found that the

relationship between meteorological variables analyzed and the daily maximum ozone

concentration could be well represented by a linear model. Linear regression gives a first-

order approximation of a non-linear function, is easy to calculate and very robust (Geladi,

1999). However, it is quite difficult to apply such linear regression models to properly

capture the nonlinear relationships among variables, and to represent the inherent cause-

effect relationships and interactions in the model structure. Therefore, it is required to

establish an alternative surface ozone model.

2.3.2. Multilevel analysis

Multilevel models are the expansion of classical regression model which data were classified

in groups, thus allow coefficients to vary for each group. This has been a popular approach

applied in many fields, such as properties and its relation to PM10 (Pattenden et al., 2000),

pure properties aspect (Gelfanda et al., 2007), and land use fields for crops (Overmars K.P.,

and Verburg P.H. 2006). The benefits of multilevel models are allows random variations and

explanatory variables to be incorporated inside the model at different levels.

Multilevel models are considered as a regression model in which the ultimate power lays

on the regression coefficients that are given a probability model (Gelman and Hill, 2007).

The second-level has parameters of its own which are estimated from data. Varying

coefficients across different levels are a critical difference from classical regression

models. Also, those varying coefficients serve as a model as well. Although classical

regression models sometimes are also able to accommodate varying coefficients by using

explanatory variables, however multilevel models has one ultimate attractive feature that

it allows for modeling of the variation between groups, which classical regression is

incapable off.

The multilevel model essentially treats multiple hierarchical and cross-classifications

unobserved heterogeneities by introducing corresponding variation components. To

describe the variations concentration pollutant i , in multilevel analysis, the model

buildings strategies can be either top-down and bottom-up (J.J Hox, 2010). In this study, we

select bottom-up approach in which analysis starts with a simplest model and proceed by

adding parameters. Concretely speaking, first, we start with model without explanatory

variables (called Null model). This model, the intercep t-only model, can be defined as



ij = γ 00 + μ oj + ε ij (4)

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


where γ00 is regression intercept and μ oj and ε ij are residuals at group-level and individual-

level (Here, "group level" means monitoring sites, and "individual level" means

measurements within the same station), following the normal distribution with mean 0 and

variances σ



and σe


, respectively. Using Null model, it possible to clarify reason of "why

the concentrations are fluctuates?" based on the component of variance. It is also gives

estimate of interclass correlation (ρ ) among measurements in stations. The interclass

correlation (ICC, δ ) is estimated as follows:







+ σ e


) (5)

Second, we analyze a model with all explanatory variables (called as the Full model). This

model is expressed as follows:


ijk = γ 00 + γ l0 X ijk + μ oj + ε ij (6)

Where Y

ijk is dependent variable concentration of pollutant i at monitoring station j of

measurement k. γ

00 and γλ 0 are unknown parameters, X ijk indicates explanatory variables

including monitoring station` j attributes (e.g., emission intensity which reflected by

systematically day-to-day variation, open space area nearby station, etc), atmospheric

situations (e.g., presence or concentration of other pollutants), temporal attributes (e.g.,

annual variation and seasonal variation). Parameters μ

oj and ε ij represent random

components which indicate inter- monitoring location variation and inter-measurement

variation within same location respectively. In this step, we assess the contribution of

explanatory variables. The significance of each predictor can be tested and also possible to

assess what changes occur in the first-level and second-level variance terms. We use chi-

square test based on the deviances of Null and Full models to test the assumption whether

variation across group is significant. Whenever explanatory variables introduced, we expect

the variance σ



and σe


to go down or in other words the introduced explanatory variables

explain part of measurements and part of monitoring station variances.

2.3.3. Structural equation model with latent variables

This paper also proposes to apply a structural equation model with latent variables to

capture the complex cause-effect relationships and interactions in photochemical process.

Structural equation model (SEM) is a modeling technique that can handle a large number of

the observed endogenous and exogenous variables, as well as (unobserved) latent variables

specified as linear combinations (weighted averages) of the observed variables (Golob,

2003). The models play many roles, including simultaneous equation systems, linear causal

analysis, path analysis, structural equation models, dependence analysis, and cross-legged

panel correlation technique (Joreskoq, 1989). It is a confirmatory, rather than explanatory

method, because the modeler is required to construct a model in term of a system of

unidirectional effects of one variable on another. SEM is used to specify the phenomenon

under study in terms of putative cause-effect variables and their indicators. Following the

descriptions by Jöreskog and Sörbom (1989), the full model structure can be summarized by

the following three equations.

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Ozone in

Urban Area: A Multilevel and Structural Equation Model Approach


Structural Equation Model:




Measurement Model for y:





Measurement Model for x:







( , ,..., )






( , ,..., )




are latent dependent and independent

variables, respectively. Vectors η and ξ are not observed, but instead


( , ,..., )

yy y'





xx x x'

are observed dependent and independent variables.

ζ, ε, δ

are the vectors

of error terms, and

,, ,



are the unknown parameters.

An important feature of SEM is that it can calculate not only direct effects, but also total

effect (Golob, 2003). Direct effect is the link between a productive variable and the variable

that is the target of the effect, which corresponds to an arrow in a path diagram. These direct

effects embody the causal modeling aspect of SEM. Total effects are defined to be the sum of

direct effects and indirect effects, where the indirect effects represent the sum of all the

effects along paths between two variables that involve intervening variables. Advantages of

SEM compared to most other linear-in-parameter statistical methods include the following

capabilities: (1) treatment of both endogenous and exogenous variables as random variables

with error of measurement, (2) latent variables with multiple indicators, (3) test of a model

overall rather than coefficients individually, (4) modeling of mediating variables, (5)

modeling of dynamic phenomena such as habit and inertia (Golob, 2003). One can see that

SEM has a very flexible model structure to simultaneously represent various interdependent

variables. Therefore, in this study, we adopt the SEM to model and analyze surface ozone in

Jakarta City.

The model was built using 11 observed variables that consisted of three meteorological

factors (SR, T and RH), two wind factors (W S and WD), five primary pollutants (NO, NO



2 and PM10) and a surface O3. The four latent variables




as shown in

Figure 1 represents these four groups of variables respectively.


indicates an exogenous

latent variable, and




are the endogenous latent variables. The latent variable



which is defined by using both O

3 and its precursor NO, describes the photochemical

matters in this study.

Since the SEM still possesses a linear model structure, to capture the non-linear relationship

between some variables, here several observed variables need to be properly transformed.

The empirical observations results of Jakarta air quality data indicates that the relationship

between O

3 concentration and NO concentration may be explained by a negative logarithm

function and the relationship between NO and NO

2 by a logarithm function. In addition, the

existing research (Monoura, 1999) suggests that the relationship between O

3 and NO2 is best

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


described by a linear function. The non-linear phenomena is represented by a natural

logarithm (LN) function, therefore the pollutant NO is transformed into a new variable


2, CO, SO2 and PM10 are specified in one-to-one relationships with the

latent variables "Primary Pollutants" (


). This latent variable


is specified to represent

the influence of primary pollutants emitted from both gasoline and diesel vehicles. The

latent variable "Photochemical" (


) corresponds to several chemical reactions in

photochemical process (Seinfeld & Pandis, 1998).

For the structural equation model with multiple endogenous variables, especially with

latent variables, model estimation becomes more challenging, and quite a few different

methods have been developed (Golob, 2003) . The most commonly used estimation methods

are maximum likelihood (ML), general least squares (GLS), weighted least squares (WLS),

asymptotically distribution free weighted least squares (ADF or ADF-WLS) and elliptical re-

weighted least squares (EGLS or ELS). The most often used estimation method is ML, which

maximizes joint probabilities that the observed covariance are drawn from a population that

has its variance-covariance generated by the process implied by the model, assuming a

multivariate normal distribution.

Figure 1. Air Pollutants Interactions Model for Jakarta City

Several criteria have been developed for assessing overall goodness-of-fit of a structural

equation model and are used to determine how well one model performs than others. Such

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Ozone in

Urban Area: A Multilevel and Structural Equation Model Approach


model accuracy indices includes: (a) root mean square residual (RMR), (b) standardized

RMR (SRMR), (c) the goodness-of-fit index (GFI), (d) adjusted goodness-of-fit index (AGFI)

which adjusts GFI for the degree of freedom in the model, and (e) the parsimony-adjusted

goodness-of-fit index (PGFI). In this study, the GFI and AGFI are used to assess the models

and to compare model results for different areas. Nowadays, there are several software that

can estimate the structural equation models. The Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS)

software, which has a very attractive and user -friendly interface is used for this study.

In the work by Boriboonsomsin and Uddin (2005), they incorporated precursor emissions

(mobile sources and stationery sources) into the model and found that traffic is highly

associated with the change of O

3 concentration. The traffic behaviors are strongly influenced

by land use type, which in the behavior of pollutant species are reflected as spatial and

temporal variables such as location of stations and systematically day-to-day variation. It

assumed that day-to-day variation has linear relationship with traffic data and it is expected

lower emission intensity occurs on weekend as result of decreasing vehicle usage on

weekend days. Furthermore, we also assumed that variation of emission intensity especially

in weekend days will affect simultaneously on concentration of primary pollutants in

weekend days. Then, this study examines those impact on secondary pollutants ozone.

3. Study area and data

3.1. Description of study area

Jakarta is comprised of 664 km


land area and stretchs along the coast of the Java Sea. The

topography is very flat with a mean elevation of seven meters above sea level. Jakarta is a

part of the greater Metropolitan Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi)

area. Jakarta's climate is generally tropical. The 'rainy/wet' season starts from November to

March and 'dry' season from May to September. A few weeks in April and October are the

transition period between dry and wet seasons, respectively.

The Jakarta Office of Environment (Bapedalda DKI Jakarta and later BPLHD DKI Jakarta)

has regularly monitored the air pollution in Jakarta since 1985. At the beginning, twelve

manual monitoring stations that are located at housing, industrial, recreation and mixed

areas measures sulphur dioxide (SO

2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and total suspended

particulate (TSP) (Haq, 2002). Those stations are operated on a rotational basis, and the

parameters are measured for twenty-four hours every eight days at each manual

monitoring station (Syahril, 2002). Since 1992, Jakarta has another six continuous

monitoring stations which consist of four ambient fix stations and two roadside fix stations.

The fix monitoring stations records air quality every 10 minutes. At the end of 2001,

another six new monitoring stations were activated which consist of five ambient fix

stations and one mobile roadside station. These stations equipped with measurement

analyzers to monitor NO, NO

2, NOx, SO2, CO, O3 and PM10 every 30 second. The fix

stations are centrally connected to data computer at Jakarta Office of Environment and the

data are transferred every half an hour.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


No Monitoring Stations Location Land-use

A Ambient Stations (Fixed Station)

1 Gelora Bung Karno (Senayan) Central Jakarta

City center-commercial

area (CBD)-

2 Kemayoran North Jakarta

Commercial & Industry-

Urban Fringe

3 Kantor Walikota Jakarta Timur East Jakarta Residential – Sub urban

4 Pondok Indah South Jakarta Residential – Urban fringe

5 Kantor Walikota Jakarta Barat West Jakarta

Commercial and

residential area-Sub Urban

B Roadside (Mobile) Station

1 Casablanca Central Jakarta

Central business district


Table 1. Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Jakarta City

Figure 2. Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Jakarta city

Nowadays, only the latest five fix stations that remains to provide air quality data on daily

basis for parameters CO, NO, NO

2, SO2, PM10, and O3 . The data are used to calculate the

Pollutants Standard Index (PSI), which are subsequently published on data displays to the

public. In-situ meteorological data i.e. solar radiation (SR), temperature (T), relative

humidity (RH), wind speed (WS) and direction (WD) are also recorded using the basic

meteorological sensors, which are installed at 10 meter height above the ground. Four data

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Ozone in

Urban Area: A Multilevel and Structural Equation Model Approach


displays are located at Gambir (central Jakarta), Kelapa Gading (east Jakarta), Pondok Indah

(south Jakarta) and Grogol (west Jakarta). Figure 2 and Table 1 provides detail information

on the stations location.

This study used air quality data for weekday and weekend at wet and dry season in 2001-

2003 from five fixed ambient monitoring stations and the roadside street-level ambient

monitoring station. The general ambient air quality monitoring stations are located more

than 100 meters away from main roads and the roadside street-level ambient air quality

monitoring station is located 5-10 meter from the main road. The five of monitoring stations

are Senayan (Central Jakarta), Kemayoran (North), Pondok Indah (South Jakarta), Walikota

Jakarta Barat and Walikota Jakarta Timur (East station). The West Station (SUW) is located

20 km from city center and represents suburban area at western part of Jakarta. The East

Station (SUE) is located 25 km from city center and represents suburban area in eastern part

of Jakarta. The Senayan Station (CA) is located at city sport facilities in Jakarta's central

business district area. This station is nearby the heaviest traffic roads in Jakarta (Jl Sudirman

and Jl Gatot Subroto). The North Station (NUF) and South Station (SUF) are represents

urban fringe area non-CBD in north and south Jakarta. Finally, the Roadside Station (RA) is

located at the Jakarta Office of Environment on Jl Casablanca, which is also located in

central business district area.

These all stations were selected to make a spatial and temporal analysis of the surface O


behavior in Jakarta city. Analysis was performed for several set situations as provided in

table 2.

No Type of Analysis Approach Data


Spatial and temporal

variations of daily peak

concentration of ozone

(analysis of events)



Events of peak concentration

of ozone at five six stations on

2001 to 2003.


Spatial and temporal

variations of daily average

concentration of



Daily average concentration at

five fixed station in 2001-2003.

Parameter: PM



3,NO2, and NO


Spatial and temporal Analysis

of causal interaction among





Spatial Analysis: Three

stations at West Jakarta (SA),

Central Jakarta (DA) and

mobile station (RA) in Dry

season 2003

Temporal Analysis: Seasonal

variation and weekly variation

at Roadside station (RA) in


Table 2. Distribution of data in Spatio-Temporal Analysis

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


3.2. Ambient air quality monitoring data in Jakarta city

Table 3 summarizes the data availability for diurnal analysis from six current monitoring

stations in Jakarta. Due to technical failure, the data from North and South Stations were

incomplete, therefore only the data from the four remaining stations were used in this diurnal

analysis. The weekly variation for dry and wet seasons in year 2003 that start from 00.30 a.m.

on Monday and end at 24.00 on Sunday were identified. The data time interval is 30 minutes,

therefore 336 average concentration data should be available in a week for each corresponding

hour and day in a week. The results of analysis for pollutants O

3 is discussed below.


Weekdays Weekend Weekdays Weekend

East 5520 2208 6240 2496

West 3648 2496 3456 2496

Central 5568 2160 4128 1632

Roadside (Central) 5760 2352 5520 2208

North NA








South NA








Data Avialability

Dry Season Wet Season

Note: NA


: Not available for NO and NO2



: Limited data for NO and NO2

Table 3. Data availability for diurnal analysis

Figures 3 and 4 show weekly variations of average O3 concentrations at each station during

wet and dry seasons in year 2003, respectively. The concentrations of O

3 increased after the

sunrise and reached the highest level at around 10:00-12:00 a.m. in all the locations. We found

only a single peak of O

3 occurs in a day. It is obvious that the formation of O3 was coincided

with the abrupt dropped of NO concentrations after sunrise. During the daytime, the O


production was faster than the O

3 consumption. During this period, some O3 might be

transported from the upper atmosphere to the ground level accompanied by convection in

the mixing layer (Monoura, 1999). The highest average concentration for dry season was

identified at the Central Station (CA), but not for wet season. The average concentration of O


showed a seasonal variation, which average concentrations for dry season were slightly high.

Although the highest daytime O

3 concentration during wet and dry season is measured at the

East Station, the lowest concentrations were also measured at the same location.

The findings for O

3 concentration variation seems in agreement with the Hubbard &

Cobourn (1998) finding that indicates that unlike primary pollutants, the O

3 concentration

does not show obvious weekly cycles. Unlike CO and SO

2 which showed a weekly cycle

with lower concentration during the weekend at the Roadside Station (RA), the O


concentration remained stable. The findings reveal that the ambient air quality standard for

1-hour O

3 (200 ug/m


-1hr, Governor Decree of DKI Jakarta no 551/2001) was exceeded

several times at all the locations.

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Ozone in

Urban Area: A Multilevel and Structural Equation Model Approach


Figure 3. Weekly variations of average O 3 concentrations during wet season in 2003

Figure 4. Weekly variations of average O 3 concentrations during dry season in 2003

3.3. Observed causal interaction among pollutants

In order to enhance understanding of the surface O3 behavior in Jakarta, it is necessary to

examine the relationships among O

3 precursors and meteorological factors. Figure 5 shows

the relationship between NO and O

3 at the Roadside Station., A logarithmic relationship is

observed between O

3 concentration and NO concentration as indicated in solid lines. The









0 48 96 144 192 240 288 336

Concentration (ug/m3)

time (30 minutes)

Average Weekly Diurnal Concentration of Ozone

(SA-DA-RA-EA in Jakarta, wet season- 2003)
















0 48 96 144 192 240 288 336

Concentration (ug/m3)

time (30 minutes)

Average Weekly Diurnal Concentration of Ozone

(SA-DA-RA-EA in Jakarta, dry

season- 2003)





Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


highest R


0.1319 is obtained for weekday-wet season. O3 formation is solar radiation (SR)

dependent. Figure 6 shows the relationships between O

3 and SR that are linear at three

different areas. The highest R


value is found for weekday-dry season. Some observed

relationships between O

3-NO, NO2-NO and O3-SR might be derived from the reactions (1) ~

(3) as mentioned earlier in the paper and follow the basic photochemical cycle of NO, NO



3 and SR (Seinfeld & Pandis). These observations are helpful to develop and

understand the structure of surface O

3 model for urban roadside in Jakarta city.

Figure 5. Relationships between O 3 – NO at roadside station in 2003

(a) Relationships between O3 – NO for Weekday Situations

(b) Relationships between O


NO for Weekend Situations

Relationship between NO-O



y(weekdays-wet) = -11.072Ln(x) + 95.163



= 0.1319









0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

NO (ug/m3)

O3 (ug/m3

Weekdays-Dry Weekdays-Wet Log. (Weekdays-Wet)

Relationship between NO-O



y (weekend-dry)= -5.5458Ln(x) + 63.931



= 0.0833

y (weekend-wet)= -6.6501Ln(x) + 85.77



= 0.0908








0 50 100 150 200 250

NO (ug/m3)

O3 (ug/m3

week end- dry weekend-wet Log. (weekend-dry) Log. (weekend-wet)

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Ozone in

Urban Area: A Multilevel and Structural Equation Model Approach


Figure 6. Relationships between O 3 – SR at roadside station in 2003

4. Result and discussion

This section discuss about estimation results for several issues mentioned in above. It is

organized as follows. First part discuss about spatial and temporal analysis by multilevel

approach and secondly spatial and temporal analysis of causal interaction among factors in

(a) Relationships between O


SR for Weekday Situations

(b) Relationships between O


SR for Weekend Situations

Relationship between Solar radiation -O



y(weekday s -dry) = 0.137x + 37.907



= 0.5775

y(weekday s -wet) = 0.1505x + 50.736



= 0.5084









0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Solar Radiation (watt/m



O3 (ug/m3

Weekdays-Dry Weekdays-Wet Linear (Weekdays-Dry) Linear (Weekdays-Wet)

Relationship between Solar radiation -O



y(weekend-wet) = 0.1392x + 54.379



= 0.4378

y(weeken d-dry ) = 0.1189x + 37.615



= 0.4616








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Solar Radiation (watt/m



O3 (ug/m3

weekend-dry weekend-wet Linear (weekend-wet) Linear (weekend-dry)

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


urban ambient air pollution. In the first part, there are two main topics to be analyzed which

are (a) daily event of peak concentration of ozone, when it happened and (b) analysis of

daily average ozone concentration. In the second part, spatial and temporal analysis was

done by using the proposed structural equation model.

4.1. Spatial and temporal analysis by multilevel approach

4.1.1. Spatial and temporal variation of Events of Daily Peak Concentration of ozone

The dependent variable, time of daily peak concentration of surface ozone is expressed in

minute counted from midnight as zero. First, the Null model is estimated for intercept (location)

only and the result is presented in Table 4. Estimation result show only small variation (1.7%) of

event of daily peak concentration due to different location in Jakarta city. Next step, it is

necessary to examine how much of unobserved variance of random component can be

explained by observed information. We use half model (spatial and temporal information) and

full model (spatial, temporal and systematic day-to-day variation) to examine unobserved

variance. Both two models show zero random component of inter-monitoring which means

there is no variation among locations. The selected variable of observed information

successfully explained all unobserved vari ance of random component (1.7%) of the Null model.

Comparing the Null, Half and Full models as shown in table 4, we could conclude that variation

of event when peak concentration of ozone happened mostly caused by locations. The dummy

variable of Sub-urban and Urban-fringe show the event of peak concentration ozone in Sub-

urban and Urban Fringe usually 38 and 40 minutes later than Central Business District (urban

core/central Jakarta) around 688 minutes from midnight or 11:28 am. The temporal variations

are insignificant in all temporal variables which are long-term (annual), seasonal and weekly

(day-to-day variation). Looking at systematically day-to-day variation, by using event peak on

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as the references, we could see there are insignificant

different among other days. This result support the findings for O

3 concentration variation

seems in agreement with the Hubbard & Cobourn (1998) finding that indicates that unlike

primary pollutants, the O

3 concentration does not show obvious weekly cycles.

4.1.2. Spatial and temporal variation of Daily Average Concentration of ozone

The dependent variable, daily average concentr ation of surface ozone is expressed in ug/m


as also measured by automatic ambient air monitoring stations. First, the Null model is

estimated for intercept (location) only and the result is presented in Table 5. Estimation

result shows variation around 22.6% due to different specific characteristic among

monitoring station which contribute to the variation of daily average concentration. The rest

parts are due to variations inside the boundary nearby stations which influence on ambient

air pollution measured at the stations. Next step, it is necessary to examine how much of

unobserved variance of random component can be explained by observed information. We

use half model (spatial and temporal information) and full model (spatial, temporal and

interaction with other pollutants in ambient air) to examine unobserved variance. In the Half

model we could found there is no significant different among location (spatial impact). The

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Ozone in

Urban Area: A Multilevel and Structural Equation Model Approach


estimation results of dummy variable Sub-urban and Urban fringe are insignificant. As for

temporal aspect, long-term aspect (annual impact) shows positive and significant which

mean daily average concentration of ozone increase year by year significantly. It shows

consistent result (positive and significant) in the Full model. In the full model, we also found

the positive significant impact of dummy variable wet season on surface ozone


No Description Null Model

Half model:

Spatial &


Full Model:


systematic day-


I Fixed Part

A Intercept (Location)

706.243(84.95) 688.521(112.17) 687.298(104.22)

B Spatial

1 Sub-Urban (Dummy) 38.111(6.47) 38.147(6.48)

2 Urban Fringe(Dummy) 40.553(6.34) 40.614(6.35)

C Temporal

1 Long-term (Year) -3.013(-1.28) -3.007(-1.28)

2 Seasonal

(Dummy wet season)

-7.862(-1.55) -7.894(-1.56)

3 Weekly

Weekend (Dummy)


D Systematic day-to-day


1 Monday -6.660(-0.86)

2 Friday 12.450(1.62)

3 Saturday -6.644(-0.86)

4 Sunday 10.316(1.33)

II Random Part

σ e


(Within monitoring) 21527.55 21518 21489



(Inter-monitoring) 374.16 0 0

III Model Performance

AIC 43456 16060 14499

BIC 43474 16104 14570

-2*Log likelihood 43450 43406 43382

Degree of freedom 3 8 11

No of Samples 3390 3390 3390

Note: ( ) t-statistic

Table 4. Model of Daily Event of Peak Concentration of Ozone (Peak O 3)

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Looking at Full model, the model performance is increase based on some indicators such as

AIC, BIC and log likelihood estimation. The inter-monitoring location` variances also

decrease from 22.5 % (Null model) to 8.2% in the Full model and selected observed variables

show meaningful information to explain unobserved variance properties. Instead of spatial

and temporal variables, the interaction effect of pollutants on surface ozone is also

significant. By using Full model, we successfully explore the significant impact of ozone

precursors (NO

2 and NO) and PM 10. We leave other two parameters (SO2 and CO) since the

estimation results show insignificant effects of these two parameters on daily average

concentration of ozone. Daily average concentration of PM

10 slightly increase ozone

concentration while in contrast, NO

2 will decrease ozone concentration. The ratio between

NO and NO

2 is crucial factor since it give a negative and significant impact on ozone. This

result leads to policy maker to manage the ratio NO and NO

2 to decrease ozone

concentration in urban area. Finally, we also found accumulation impact on surface ozone

concentration. By using dummy variable of prior day concentration (t-1), this dummy

variable significantly shows a positive sign which mean today`s average concentration of

ozone is significantly affected by yesterday` concentration, a time series dependent

concentration phenomena. We leave systematic day-to-day variation in Half and Full model

since this variables are insignificant. This result also support the findings for O


concentration variation seems in agreement with the Hubbard & Cobourn (1998) finding

that indicates that unlike primary pollutants, the O

3 concentration does not show obvious

weekly cycles. We can preliminary conclude that there is no ozone weekend effect

phenomena in Jakarta city.

4.2. Spatial analysis on causal interaction by structural equation model

4.2.1. Spatial analysis

The model for the Sub-urban west (SUW) shows the highest GFI (AGFI) value of 0.787

(0.629), followed by that for the RA with the value of GFI (AGFI) 0.770 (0.600). The model

for the CA has the lowest GFI (AGFI) of 0.731 (0.533). Peton (2000) highlights that

environmental data usually have some measurement and sampling errors. These errors may

due to the disordered operation of measurement equipments, some missing observations,

and some very small observed data that fluctuated around the detection limit of monitoring

equipments and also sometimes irrelevant measurements. Thus, this kind of measurement

issues might influence model performance. Indeed, the calculated GFI and AGFI values for

this model imply that the model is statistically acceptable. Among the three models, the sub-

urban model performance is the best.

For all of the structural equation models and measurement models, it is found that all the

parameters are statistically significant at the 1% or 5% level. This finding indicate the

validity of the postulated model structure in this case study. The log-transformed variable

LN_NO is also statistically a meaningful parameter. All the signs of the estimated

parameters are intuitive and consistent with expectations. It can be imagined that positive

parameter indicating the influence of "Primary Pollutants" on "Photochemical" might be

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Ozone in

Urban Area: A Multilevel and Structural Equation Model Approach


also logical, considering that at the SUW, other than the pollutants from mobile sources,

stationary sources (e.g., household and industrial emissions) also contribute to the air

pollutants. Indeed, this findings need to be further explored when the data is available.

No Description Null Model

Half model:

Spatial &


Full Model:




I Fixed Part

A Intercept (Location)

50.125(10.12) 42.627(3.848) 8.722(1.97)

B Spatial

1 Sub-Urban (Dummy) -13.255(-0.992) -4.513(-0.96)

2 Urban Fringe(Dummy) -18.743(-1.401) -6.873(-1.45)

C Temporal

1 Long-term (Year) 9.383(12.333) 3.410(6.27)

2 Seasonal

(Dummy wet season)

-1.370(-1.472) 2.186(3.32)

3 Weekly

Weekend (Dummy)

1.077(1.054) 0.909(1.370)

D Interaction with other


1 PM10 0.129(9.68)

2 NO2 -0.056(-2.76)

3 NO 0.050(1.50)

E Atmospheric Condition

Ratio NO/NO2 -2.046 (-4.02)

F Accumulation Impacts

Prior day concentration 0.669 (40.88)

II Random Part

σ e


(Within monitoring) 416.43 384.38 160.559



(Inter-monitoring) 121.47 118.34 14.333

III Model Performance

AIC 16060 16060 14499

BIC 16104 16104 14570

-2*Log likelihood 16213 16044 14473

Degree of freedom 3 8 13

No of Samples 1826 1826 1826

Note: ( ) t-statistic

Table 5. Model of Daily Average Concentration of Ozone (O 3)

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


The latent variable "Photochemical" consistently receives the largest influence from the

latent variable "Meteorology" at all the locations (see Table 6). This is consistent with the

scientific evidences about photochemical reactions as described earlier in this chapter. O

3 is

the secondary pollutant, which is chemically transformed from the primary pollutants and

the dominant driving forces for such chemical transformation are meteorological factors.

Among the meteorological factors, humidity has a negative effect on "Photochemical" in

contrast to solar radiation and temperature, which have positive effects. It is also found that

parameter of wind speed has a negative value and parameter of wind direction (i.e., degree

from the north) is positive. Since wind speed is usually slow, and major wind comes from

the north direction in Jakarta City, wind speed and direction works in the same way to

increase the O

3 production. Primary pollutants, on the one hand, produce the O3 , but on the

other, they cause O

3 destruction too. The latent variable "Wind" shows the second largest

influence on the "Photochemical", followed by the latent variable "Primary Pollutants".

"Primary Pollutants" shows positive influence on the "Photochemical" at the SUW, but

negative at CA & RA because major precursors of O

3 are NO, NO2 and CO, the increase in

"Primary Pollutants" usually results in the reduction of O

3 production. Accordingly,

negative influence at city center (CA & RA) is intuitive. On the other hand, the higher

loading of PM

10, then lower loading of major precursors NO, NO 2 and CO at SUW. To verify

the influence of PM

10 on major precursors NO, NO2 and CO, we also tried to incorporate

such influence in the model structure, but we failed to get reasonable estimation results.

Then it is difficult to clarify the reason why the influence of "Primary Pollutants" on the

"Photochemical" is positive at the SUW. However, because of the negative interaction

between PM

10 and major precursors NO, NO2 and CO, it seems that the influence of

"Primary Pollutants" on the "Photochemical" is also dependent on the relative magnitude of

each pollutant. This should be further explored in the future.

Concerning the interactions among the "Meteorology", "Wind" and "Primary

Pollutants", it is found that "Meteorology" negatively affects "Primary Pollutants" at all

the locations, "Wind" has positive influence on "Primary Pollutants" at the SUW and the

RA, but negative at the CA. Looking at the total effects as shown in Table 7, one can see

that at the SUW and the RA, influence of "Meteorology" on "Photochemical" is clearly

larger than "Wind", however, "Meteorology" and "Wind" have almost equal influence at

the CA.

4.2.2. Temporal analysis

Observing the model accuracy indices (i.e., GFI and AGFI), the model for weekdays-wet

season shows the highest GFI (AGFI) value 0.845 (0.724), followed by the model for

weekend-wet season with the value of GFI (AGFI) 0.822 (0.683) and than followed by the

model for weekdays-dry season with the value of GFI (AGFI) 0.783 (0.612). The model for

weekend-dry season has the lowest GFI (AGFI) 0.775 (0.599). Despite the possible

measurement and sampling errors, the GFI an d AGFI values indicate the model is

statistically acceptable. Among all models, the model accuracy for the weekday-wet season

is the best.

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Ozone in

Urban Area: A Multilevel and Structural Equation Model Approach


Primary ( ή


) <--- Met (ξ




-0.017 -0.142 *** -0.080 ***

Primary ( ή


) <--- Wind ( ή




0.547 *** -0.072 *** 0.180 ***

Photochem ( ή


) <--- Wind ( ή




0.420 **** 0.683 *** 0.156 ***

Photochem ( ή


) <--- Met (ξ




0.816 **** 0.759 *** 0.743 ***

Photochem ( ή


) <--- Primary (ή




0.109 *** -0.040 ** -0.142 ***



) <--- Met (ξ





0.685 *** 0.796 *** 0.793 ***

T (X


) <--- Met (ξ





0.972 *** 0.969 *** 0.980 ***



) <--- Met (ξ





-0.967 *** -0.930 *** -0.952 ***



) <--- Wind (ή





0.664 *** 0.494 *** 0.995 ***



) <--- Wind (ή





-0.977 *** -0.672 *** 0.617 ***



) <--- Primary (ή





0.548 *** 0.525 *** 0.719 ***





) <--- Primary (ή





0.688 *** 0.659 *** 0.684 ***



) <--- Primary (ή





0.790 *** 0.831 *** 0.944 ***





) <--- Primary (ή





0.210 *** 0.311 *** 0.368 ***





) <--- Primary (ή





0.777 *** 0.469 *** 0.449 ***





) <--- Photochem (ή





0.795 *** 0.879 *** 0.979 ***



) <--- Photochem(ή





-0.660 *** -0.642 *** -0.231 ***

GFI 0.787 0.731 0.770

AGFI 0.629 0.533 0.600

df 37 37 37

Sample Size 1916 3179 2145

Notes : *** Significant at 1 %; ** Significant at 5%

Weekdays - Dry Season

Covariances Sub-Urban (SUW) CBD (CA) Roadside (RA)

Table 6. Estimation Results of Spatial Analysis (comparison among locations)


Met ( ξ


)Wind ( ή


)Primary ( ή


)Photochem ( ή


)Met ( ξ


)Wind ( ή


) Primary (ή


)Photochem ( ή


)Met ( ξ


)Wind ( ή


)Primary ( ή


)Photochem ( ή



Primary (ή


) -0.017 0.547 0.000 0.000 -0.142 -0.072 0.000 0.000 -0.080 0.180 0.000 0.000

Photochem (ή


) 0.814 0.480 0.109 0.000 0.765 0.686 -0.040 0.000 0.754 0.131 -0.142 0.000





) 0.647 0.382 0.086 0.795 0.673 0.603 -0.035 0.879 0.738 0.128 -0.139 0.979





) -0.013 0.425 0.777 0.000 -0.066 -0.034 0.469 0.000 -0.036 0.081 0.449 0.000





) -0.003 0.115 0.210 0.000 -0.044 -0.022 0.311 0.000 -0.029 0.066 0.368 0.000



) -0.547 -0.018 0.476 -0.660 -0.566 -0.478 0.550 -0.642 -0.232 0.099 0.752 -0.231





) -0.011 0.376 0.688 0.000 -0.093 -0.047 0.659 0.000 -0.055 0.123 0.684 0.000



) -0.013 0.432 0.790 0.000 -0.118 -0.060 0.831 0.000 -0.075 0.170 0.944 0.000



) 0.000 -0.977 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.672 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.617 0.000 0.000



) 0.000 0.664 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.494 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.995 0.000 0.000



) 0.685 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.796 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.793 0.000 0.000 0.000

T (X


) 0.972 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.969 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.980 0.000 0.000 0.000



) -0.967 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.930 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.952 0.000 0.000 0.000

Sub-Urban (West Jakarta-SUW) CBD (Central-CA) Roadside (JAM/Mobile-RA)

Dry Season

Table 7. Estimated Standardized Total Effects of spatial analysis

For all of the structural equation models and measurement models, it is found that all the

parameters are statistically significant at the 1% or 5% level. This findings indicate that the

the postulated model structure in this case study is valid. In addition, the log-transformed

variable NO (LN_NO) is also statistically a meaningful parameter. All the signs of the

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


estimated parameters are intuitive and consistent with expectations. It can be imagined that

positive parameter indicating the influence of "Primary Pollutants" on "Photochemical"

might be also logical, considering weather/meteorological situations, al so contribute to the

reaction of air pollutants in roadside. Needless to say, this findings need to be further

explored when the data is available.

The latent variable "Photochemical consistently receives the largest effect from the latent

variable "Meteorological" at all the situations (see Table 8). This is consistent with the

scientific evidences about photochemical reactions as described earlier in this chapter. O

3 is

the secondary pollutant which is chemically transformed from the primary pollutants and

the dominant driving forces for such chemical transformation are meteorological factors.

Among the meteorological factors, humidity has negative effect on "Photochemical", in

contrast to solar radiation and temperature that have a positive effect. The signs of these

parameters seem in agreement with the photochemical process described earlier in this

chapter. It is also found that latent variable "Wind" has a negative value during wet season,

in contrast to a positive value during dry season, since the wind direction are on the

opposite direction seasonally. The wind comes from South East (57 %) and North West

(47.4%) during dry season and wet season, respectively.

The Roadside Station is located in the south part of the nearest pollutants source (Casablanca

Road) , we preliminary identify that during wet season the wind direction from North West

carry the "Primary Pollutants" more intensive than during in dry season. On the one hand,

primary pollutants produce the O

3, but on the other hand also cause O3 destruction. The

latent variable "Wind" shows the second largest influence on the "Photochemical", followed

by the latent variable "Primary Pollutants" during wet season. On the contrary, "Primary

Pollutants" shows the second largest influence on the "Photochemical", followed by the

latent variable "Wind" during dry season period. The "Primary Pollutants" shows negative

influence on the "Photochemical" for weekday-dry, weekday-wet and weekend-dry season,

because major precursors of O

3 are NO, NO2 and CO. The increase in "Primary Pollutants"

usually reduces O

3 production. Accordingly, negative influences for weekday-wet,

weekdays-dry and weekend-dry season are intuitive. The "Primary Pollutants" shows

positive influence on the "Photochemical" for weekend-wet season, but not significant for all

confidence level (see Table 8). Therefore, the data for weekend-wet season in particular

should be further explored to explain the positive value. The load of CO is the highest among

other pollutants SO

2, NO, NO2 and CO for all situations. The influence of CO has been

incorporated into the model structure to verify its effect to the model especially for weekend-

wet season, but all the estimation results are below the reasonable confidence level, despite

the fact that .the emission source (road) is relatively close to the monitoring station. The

influence of meteorological factors seems more dominant than primary pollutants. Indeed,

this should be further explored in the future.

Concerning the interactions among the "Meteorological", "Wind" and "Primary Pollutants",

it is found that "Meteorological" and "Wind" positively affects "Primary Pollutants" for all

data sets. The influence of "Meteorological" on "Photochemical" is obviously larger than the

"Wind" and "Primary Pollutants" for all situations as depicted in Table 9 and 10.

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Ozone in

Urban Area: A Multilevel and Structural Equation Model Approach


Wind (ή




Met (ξ




-0.156 ***

0.679 *** -0.237



Primary (ή




Met (ξ





0.027 0.117 0.005

Primary (ή




Wind ( ή




0.363 ***

0.479 0.305




Photochem (ή




Wind ( ή




0.118 ****

-0.315 *** 0.075



Photochem (ή




Met (ξ




0.769 **** 0.971


0.777 *** 0.761 ***

Photochem (ή




Primary (ή




-0.17 ****

-0.142 *** -0.163







Met (ξ









0.775 *** 0.796 ***

T (X




Met (ξ









0.978 *** 0.989 ***





Met (ξ





-0.949 *** -0.95 *** -0.963








Wind ( ή






*** 0.441 *** 0.724








Wind ( ή





0.473 ***



0.525 *** 0.383 ***





Primary (ή









0.629 *** 0.525 ***







Primary (ή









0.711 *** 0.94 ***





Primary (ή









0.991 *** 0.962 ***







Primary (ή






*** 0.673 *** 0.239










Primary (ή









0.4 *** 0.563 ***







Photochem (ή









0.967 *** 0.93 ***










-0.254 *** -0.408 *** -0.243




0.783 0.845 0.775 0.822

0.612 0.724 0.599 0.683

df 37 37 37 37

Notes : *** Significant at 1 % ; * significant at 10%

Estimation Method : Maximum Likelihood

Goodness-of-fit index (GFI)

Adjusted Goodness-of-fit Index (AGFI)

Wet season

Weekdays Weekend

Estimated Free Structural Parameter Dry season Wet Season Dry Season

Table 8. Estimation Results of Temporal Variations at Roadside of Jakarta City


Met ( ξ


) Wind (ή


) Primary (ή


) Photochem (ή


)Met ( ξ


)Wind ( ή


) Primary (ή


) Photochem (ή



Wind (ή




00 0


00 0

Primary (ή




0.363 0 0


0.479 0 0

Photochem (ή



0.757 0.056 -0.17 0 0.708 -0.383








0.728 0.054 -0.164 0.962 0.669 -0.362









0.149 0.411 0


0.245 0.512 0







0.075 0.206 0


0.322 0.673 0




-0.219 0.255


-0.254 -0.095 0.42









0.268 0.737 0


0.376 0.786 0





0.33 0.91 0


0.448 0.936 0






0 0 0.58







0.979 0 0


0.441 0 0





00 0


00 0

T (X



0.975 0 0 0 1 0 0 0




0.795 0 0 0 0.724 0 0 0


Dry Season Wet Season

Table 9. Estimated standardized total effects of surface O 3 model for Jakarta City (weekday)

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective



Met ( ξ


) Wind (ή


) Primary (ή


) Photochem (ή


)Met ( ξ


)Wind ( ή


) Primary (ή


) Photochem (ή



Wind (ή




00 0


00 0

Primary (ή




0.305 0 0


0.538 0 0

Photochem (ή



0.752 0.026 -0.163 0 0.766 -0.042








0.727 0.025 -0.158 0.967 0.713 -0.039









0.122 0.4 0


0.303 0.563 0







0.073 0.239 0


0.177 0.329 0




-0.154 0.186


-0.243 -0.277 0.296









0.217 0.711 0


0.506 0.94 0





0.303 0.991 0


0.518 0.962 0













0.724 0 0


0.453 0 0





00 0


00 0

T (X



0.978 0 0 0 0.989 0 0 0




0.775 0 0 0 0.796 0 0 0


Dry Season Wet Season

Table 10. Estimated standardized total effects of surface O 3 model for Jakarta City (weekend)

5. Conclusion

Surface ozone is potentially high in Jakarta, serious problem and getting worse every year.

In this paper, a spatial and temporal analysis of surface ozone related issues were done by

two major approach multilevel analysis and structural equation model. A spatial and

temporal analysis was conducted by using time series data, which were collected at the

existing air quality monitoring stations in Jakarta city from 2001 to 2003.

This paper first applied a multilevel analysis to examine the variation properties affect on

event of daily peak ozone concentration. Secondly, we analyze variations properties on

daily average surface ozone concentration by introducing observed information related to

spatial aspect and temporal aspect. The year of measurement, seasonal and weekly variables

were selected to represent long-term, medium/seasonal-term and day-to-day (short term)

variation of daily average ozone concentration. Finally, we established a structural equation

model, which can endogenously incorporate various cause-effect relationships and

interactions among meteorological factors, wind, and primary pollutants, which affect on a

half-hour concentration of surface ozone. The established model also incorporated non-

linear relationships existing in the observed variables. Using the data collected from the

above-mentioned fixed monitoring stations in Jakarta City, the effectiveness of the

established model is empirically confirmed. The best model for spatial analysis, that it has

the highest goodness-of-fit index, is the one fo r the suburban area. As for temporal analysis,

the model effectiveness was empirically tested using the air quality data from Roadside

Station in Central Jakarta. The best model indicated with the highest goodness-of-fit index,

was the one for the weekdays during wet season.

The event of daily peak ozone concentration is singular and usually o ccurred at 11.28 am in

central business district of Jakarta city. These events will be slightly late at sub-urban

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Ozone in

Urban Area: A Multilevel and Structural Equation Model Approach


monitoring stations and urban fringe around 38 to 40 minutes later than central Jakarta. The

events of daily peak concentration of ozone are almost stable in all measurement period. We

couldn`t found variations among year of measurement, among dry and wet seasonal

variations and also among days in a week. In contrast, by using daily average concentration

we couldn`t find significant impact of location which mean location properties are minor

factor on daily average concentration of surface ozone occurs in Jakarta city. The main

factors affects on daily average concentration are temporal aspects and the presence of other

pollutants. The medium and long-term variations are significantly increase ozone

concentration. In contrast, short-term (day-to-day) variation is insignificant. This analysis

shows the tendency of daily average surface ozone concentration in Jakarta city are increase

year by year and getting worse. The expected washing phenomena caused by rain are

smaller than the emission increase due to traffic jam or chaotic traffic situation on the rainy

situation in Jakarta city. As results, daily average concentration of surface ozone

concentration measured at wet season is slightly high than dry season. The influence of

precursor pollutants on surface ozone concentration shows the logical reason and

accumulation process of daily average surface ozone concentration was exist in the urban

ozone atmospheric conditions.

The establishment of causal interaction in urban ozone atmospheric condition was

successfully captured by proposed structural equations model. The proposed structural

equation model also examine by empirical data for very short term concentration of ozone

in Jakarta city. The structural equation model incorporates various cause-effect relationships

and interactions among meteorological variables, wind, and primary pollutants, which

affect the surface O

3. The model also incorporated the existing non-linear relationships in

the observed variables. The model effectiveness was empirically tested and the best model

was defined for the one that has the highest goodness-of-fit index, which was the one for the

suburban area and weekdays-wet season` model. In micro urban environment studies, all

models used in this study showed that meteorological variables consistently had the largest

influence on photochemical, followed by the wind conditions and lastly the primary

pollutants. Among the meteorological variables, relative humidity had a negative influence

while solar radiation and temperature had positive influences. The model estimations

demonstrated that the influence of meteorological factors on photochemical was definitely

larger than the wind conditions at all situations.

Primary pollutants had a negative influence for all temporal situations in roadside area

except for the weekend during wet season. It seems that PM

10 behaved quite differently

compared to the other primary pollutants at the suburban area and city center, i.e. the

higher the PM

10 load, the lower the major precursors NO, NO2 and CO loads. On the

roadside area in the city center, It is found that CO concentration was the highest among the

other primary pollutants for all situations. In addition, the higher the CO load, the lower the

other major precursors (NO and NO

2) loads.

Further study should be carried out to combine both spatial and temporal issues and

causal interaction among factors on surface ozone concentration at urban areas. A study

based on multilevel structural equation model should be conducted to solve these issues.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


This understanding can assist the policy maker in the developing O3 pollution control


Author details

S. B. Nugroho, A. Fujiwara and J. Zhang

Transportation Engineering Laboratory, Graduate School for International Development and

Cooperation, Hiroshima University, Japan,

Kagamiyama, Higashi Hiroshima, Japan


This research is partially supported by Global Environmental Leadership Program at

Graduate School of International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University,


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Section 3

Air Pollution Management and Prediction

Chapter 9

© 2012 Matsumoto et al., licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the

Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits

unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Non-Thermal Plasma Technic

for Air Pollution Control

Takao Matsumoto, Douyan Wang, Takao Namihira and Hidenori Akiyama

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

The air pollutions from combustion flue gas and industrial gases became worse and cause

the environmental problem. It is difficult fo r the conventional methods such as selective

catalytic reduction method and lime-gypsum method to treat exhaust gases energy

efficiently and inexpensively. Its energy efficiency and its initial and running costs are still

in negative situation for the backward nations. In recent years, the pollution control

techniques using non-thermal plasmas have been widely studied because it is one of the

promising technologies for pollution control with higher energy efficiency [1]-[7]. The non-

thermal plasma could treat multiple toxic molecules simultaneously, and it can be applied to

locations where the conventional catalyst methods are difficult to use. In this chapter, a

principle of air pollution control by non-thermal plasma, various methods of non-thermal

plasma formation and those current situations are introduced.

2. Non-thermal plasma

Plasma, also referred to as "ionized gas" is mixed state of atoms, molecules, ions, electrons

and radicals. Plasma has two general states: equilibrium and non-equilibrium. The

equilibrium state indicates the temperatures of electrons, ions and neutrals become almost

equal, and the background gas is heated from a few thousands to more than ten thousands

Kelvin degrees. Because of this, the plasma getting equilibrium state is called as "thermal

plasma". On the other hand, the non-equilibrium state means that the temperatures of

electrons, ions and neutrals are quite different, and in general the electron temperature is

substantially higher than other particles. Therefore, the rise of background gas temperature

is quite low in non-equilibrium state and the plasma being non-equilibrium state is called as

"non-thermal plasma". Figure 1 shows a typical example of non-thermal plasma [8]. This

figure shows the background gas temperature of non-thermal plasma is enough low to

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


touch by a finger. In the non-thermal plasma, the majority of the discharge energy goes into

the production of energetic electrons, rather than ion and neutron heating. The energy in the

plasma is thus consumed preferentially to the electron impact dissociation and ionization of

the background gas for production of radicals that, in turn, decompose the toxic molecules.

In short, non-thermal plasma can remove toxic molecules near room temperature without

consuming a lot of energy in background gas heating.

For low pressure plasma process such as semiconductor production, the non-equilibrium

plasma which is often named "cold plasma" is typically used. Prof. Oda [9] defined that

non-thermal plasma is high pressure (typically 1 atmospheric pressure) non-equilibrium

plasma. Compared with that cold plasma, the electron temperature and ionization rate are

quite lower in non-thermal plasma. Typically, the electron temperature of cold plasma is

tens of eV. Meanwhile, in atmospheric pressure , the electron temperature is generally 1 to

10eV and ionization rate is around 0.1%. However, it is important for gas processing in

atmospheric pressure because electron and molecular density is overwhelmingly high in

comparison to low pressure condition. If the gas processing is done in low pressure

condition, the absolute molecule quantity is low. That is, large amount of energetic electron

having more than dissociation energy of objective molecules are need in order to generate

more radicals and decompose more toxic molecules. Later on, the required value of electron

energy for air pollution control is approximately 10eV.

Figure 1. Typical example of non-thermal plasma demonstration [8].

3. Formation methods of non-thermal plasma

Non-thermal plasmas for removal of hazardous pollutants have been produced by an

electron beam method and various electrical discharge methods.

Non-Thermal Plasma Technic for Air Pollution Control


3.1. Electron beam

The electron beam irradiation is one of non-thermal plasma formation method. Figure 2

shows schematic representation of electron beam source. In an electron beam method, the

electrons are accelerated by high voltage in the vacuum region before being injected into a

gas-processing chamber thorough a thin foil window. The energy of electron beam is

directly used for dissociation and ionization the background gas. During the ionization by

the beam, a shower of ionization electrons is generated, which further produce a large

volume of plasma that can be used to initiate the removal of various types of pollutant

molecules such as NOx, SOx and VOCs. This ex haust gas treatment technic by an electron

beam has a 40 year-old history previously and a lot of pilot plants for air pollution control

have been running today [10]-[18].

In particular, an Electron Beam Dry Scrubbing (EBDS) system has been mainly studied at

present. Figure 3 shows that the typical principle of EBDS. It is a dry process and does not

require an expensive catalyst for NOx removal. In this process, at first, many oxidative

radicals such as O, OH and HO

2 were produced by electron beam irradiation into O 2 and


2O in exhaust gas. Following that, NOx and SOx are oxidized by these radicals to HNO3

and H

2SO4. Finally, HNO 3 and H2SO4 were converted to ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) and

ammonium sulfate (NH

4)2SO4 by added ammonia (NH3) into the treated combustion flue

gas. These byproducts are collected by the electrostatic precipitator (ESP) and shipped to

outside, because NH4NO3 and (NH 4)2SO4 can be used to make fertilizer. Here it should be

noted that a part of NO is reduced to N

2 by N radical which produced by electron beam

irradiation. This EBDS system has applicability to a high concentration sulfur-containing

coal-fired boiler and a treatment of solid wast e. In either case, EBDS could treat NOx and


2 in high efficiency. According to the literatures [19], over 95% of SO2 and over 80% of

NOx were removed simultaneously when the flue gas of sulfur-containing (at least 2.5%)

coal-fired boiler was used as simulate gas.

Figure 2. Schematic representation of electron beam source.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


The potential of using an electron beam for removal of post combustion toxic gases (NOx,


2) was recognized in the early 1970s by the Ebara Corporation (Japan) [20]. Following

successful initial batch tests of the Ebara plant, various tests on small pilot plants have been

conducted in the Canada [16], Korea [21], Poland [22], and Japan [23], etc. The tests

performed in these installations proved that a significant amount of NOx (and SO


exhausted from power plants, municipal-waste incinerators, and combustion boilers, etc.,

could be efficiency removed. In addition, A.G. Ignat'ev [24], B.M. Penetrante [25] and Y.

Nakagawa [26] have indicated that using a pulsed electron beam improves the energy

efficiency for exhaust gas treatment instead of using a DC electron beam. However, the

electron beam methods hasn't put into practical use yet due to the high capital cost of

accelerators, X-ray hazard and the unavoidable large energy loss caused by vacuum


Figure 3. Principle of combustion flue gas treatment by electron beam.

3.2. Electrical discharge

In contrast to the electron beam which produce non-thermal plasma by supplying energetic

electrons to objective gas, electrical discharge methods which led objective gas into plasma

directly and generate energetic electron and radicals. Electrical discharges could produce

non-thermal plasma in atmospheric pressure gases by various power supply such as direct

current (DC), alternating current (AC), or pulse power sources. Among them, the dielectric

barrier discharge (DBD) method using AC high voltage source and pulsed power discharge

method have been developed particularly to this day. In this section, DBD and pulse power

discharge are introduced.

Non-Thermal Plasma Technic for Air Pollution Control


3.2.1. Dielectric Barrier Discharge

A schematic representation of typical DBD electrodes is shown in figure 4. The DBD is also

called as a silent discharge. In DBD reactor, AC high voltage which is typically 10 to 20 kV

and 50 Hz to 2 kHz are applied to electrodes, one or both of which are covered with a thin

dielectric layer, such as glass. The gap distance between electrodes is a few hundred of m

to several mm order. The barrier discharge is characterized by millions of small pulsed

micro discharge which occur repetitively in gas space. The current density of the micro

discharge is approximately 1 kA/cm


, the diameter is 0.1 mm and the pulse duration is 3ns.

Because of energetic electrons are generated in this micro discharge, various radicals and

ions are produced by the electron collision with gas molecules. These radicals defuse into

the barrier discharge space and react with background gas. As a result, ozone generation

and NOx or VOCs removal are realized.

Dielectric barrier discharge processing is very mature technology, first investigated in 1850's

for the production of ozone. Ozone has some effects such as sterilization, deodorization, and

decolorization, because of its strong oxidization power, placing it second after fluorine.

Furthermore, ozone has no residual toxicity due to its spontaneous decomposition feature.

Therefore, ozone has already been put to practical use in water purification instead of

conventional sterilization by chlorine. Ozone has been used in Europe for water treatment

since early in the 20th century. Initial applications were to disinfect relatively clean spring or

well water, but they increasingly evolved to also oxidize contaminants common to surface

waters. Since 1950's, ozonation has become the primary method to assure clean water in

Switzerland, West Germany and France. More recently, major fresh water and waste water

treatment facilities using ozone water treatment methods have been constructed throughout

the world. Additionally, new industrial applications of ozone such as wastewater treatment,

exhaust gas treatment, odor elimination and semiconductor manufacturing have been

studied recently [27-35]. However these new ozone applications demand high concentration

of ozone, it was become possible for DBD to produce high concentration (100 to 300 g/m


) of

ozone due to the improvement of dielectric materials and electrodes cooling function, and

development of ultra-short gap electrodes [27]-[35]. Figure 5 shows a schematic

representation of a cylindrical reactor which is modern shape of today's ozonizer.

Consequently, the dielectric barrier method is most common way of ozone generation

today. In addition, DBD has been studied for flue gas cleaning and toxic gas decomposition.

In the literatures, removal of various toxic molecules such as NOx in diesel engine exhaust,

greenhouse gas and VOCs such as formaldehyde which causes a sick building syndrome,

have been demonstrated.

However, ozone generation by a dielectric barrier discharge is common way at today, it has

still some agendas for industrial applications. For example, need of external cooling system

for discharge electrodes and its sensitivity narrow gap separation take plenty operation

costs. In addition, the narrow gap is sensitive to grit, dust and vibration. Therefore, use of

this pollution control by ozone process is limited to a part of well-financed company or state

and public institutions. The improvement of energy efficiency for DBD system is strongly

demanded in order to spread the ozone processing moreover. In addition, NOx removal and

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


VOCs treatment using DBD is still in laboratory stage, because DBD could not treat those

toxic molecules completely and its energy effici ency is unfavorable at the present stage.

Figure 4. Schematic representation of dielectric barrier discharge electrode.

Figure 5. Schematic representation of cylindrical cooled reactor.

3.2.2. Pulse power discharge

Pulsed power discharges have been studied for many years since it is one of the promising

technologies for the removal of the hazardous environmental pollutants as well as electron

beam and dielectric barrier discharge. Typically, many researchers have reported that the

Non-Thermal Plasma Technic for Air Pollution Control


pulsed discharge performed DeNOx process more effectively comparison with direct

current (DC) corona discharge [3], [6, 7], [36]-[39]. Because the pulsed discharge is generated

by intermittent pulse voltage, it is difficult to transfer to an arc discharge. Therefore, pulsed

discharge is possible to apply an overvoltage between electrodes. Moreover, it is noted that

the rate of over voltage (applied voltage / DC breakdown voltage) is depend on the voltage

rise time and the pulse duration. In this way, since the pu lse discharge could apply an

overvoltage, it is possible to generate large amount of energetic electrons which have over

10 eV in atmospheric plasma [7]. Generated high-energy electrons could easily dissociate a

nitrogen molecule (N

2) which having 9.8 eV of comparatively-high dissociation energy in

gas. Therefore, generation of large amount of radicals that contributes to the gas processing

become possible, and effectiveness of pulsed discharge could be obtained.

Pulsed power is a technology that concentrates electrical energy and turns it into short

pulses of enormous power. Pulsed power technology had been studied for X-ray generation

and gaseous discharge from the beginning of twentieth century. At the time, a capacitor

discharge which is output from charged capacitor thorough discharge switch has been used

for pulsed power generation. Even now, this capacitor discharge method has been adopted

widely because this is most simple and low cost method. However, if the operating voltage

is critically high, the simple DC charge for the capacitor is impractical. To fix this problem,

the Marx circuit system where parallel charged capacitors are connected in series with spark

gap switches was invented. From the latter part of the twentieth century, the way of using a

pulse forming line (PFL) began to use widely as an intermediate devise of energy storage.

This is because, it is recognized that a discharge from a PFL which having constant

impedance could obtain more stable output than direct discharge from a capacitor.

Additionally, the output pulse duration is shortened by the introduction of PFL. With this,

the peak of available power is significantly increased. Furthermore, during the decades, the

development of high power semiconductor switch, magnetic core and etc. have allowed us

to manufacture the pulse power source having higher energy transfer efficiency. As a result,

the pulsed discharge has been recognized as one of the promised non-thermal plasma to

practical use in this day.

In addition, recently, it is reported by many researchers that a shorter-duration pulsed

power with higher voltage rise time gives significant improvement of energy efficiency of

pollutant gas treatment. In the pulsed discharge, the short duration pulse has an effect to

prevent the energy loss due to heating by terminating the voltage before the plasma phase

shift to thermal plasma. Additionally, it is reported that the faster rise time of applied

voltage provides more energetic electrons and a higher energy [7], [40]-[45]. From these

factors, it is considered that the development of a short pulse generator is of paramount

importance for practical applications. Consequently, pulse power sources for environmental

applications had been shifted from a simple condenser source which generates

microseconds of pulse power to a pulse forming line (PFL) source which can output sub-

microseconds of pulse duration in 1990's. Furthermore, the nanoseconds pulse source has

been developed since 2000's and the nanoseconds pulsed streamer discharge has shown

remarkable results in energy efficiencies of pollutant control [6, 7], [46]-[49].

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Hereinafter, some differences of general pulsed discharge and th e nanoseconds pulsed

streamer discharge will be introduced. At first, figure 6 shows images of light emissions

from conventional pulsed discharges as a function of time after initiation of the discharge

current [7]. The peak voltage was +72 kV with 100 ns of pulse duration and 50 ns of voltage

rise time. With regard to the coaxial discharge electrode, a rod electrode made of stainless

steel, 0.5 mm in diameter and 10 mm in length was placed concentrically in a copper

cylinder, 76 mm in diameter. The bright areas of the framing images show the position of

the streamer heads during the exposure time of 5 ns. In a rod-to-cylinder coaxial electrode,

the positive streamer discharge propagate straight in the radial direction from the coaxial

electrode because the interactions between the electric fields near the neighboring streamer

heads are the same at somewhere in the coaxia l electrode geometry. The streamer heads are

associated with a higher density of ionization due to the high electric field therein, and

subsequently enhanced recombination, which is followed by increased light emission [7],

[40]-[45] (Fig.6). In convention al pulsed discharge, the emission at the vicinity of the rod

electrode is observed 10-15ns after pulsed voltage application. The streamer heads were

generated in the vicinity of the central electrode and then propagated toward the ground

cylinder electrode. After full development of the streamer heads between the electrodes, the

discharge phase transformed to a glow-like discharge with a large flow of current in the

plasma channel produced by the streamer propagation. Finally, the glow-like discharge

finished at the end of the applied pulsed voltage [7], [40]-[45] (Fig.6, Fig.7). Therefore, two

stages of the discharge can be clearly defined during the conventional pulsed discharge. The

first one is the 'streamer discharge', which means the phase of streamer heads propagation

between electrodes. The other is the 'glow- like discharge' that follows the streamer

discharge. Here it should be mentioned that in some publications, aforementioned two

discharge phases are collectively called as pulse corona discharge. Additionally, the track of

the streamer head which propagates from the central rod electrode to the outer cylinder

electrode is called as 'primary streamer', and the subsequent streamer head that started

from the central electrode at 30 ~ 35 ns (Fig.6, Fig.7) and disappeared at the middle of the

electrodes gap is called a 'secondary streamer'.

By the way, as I mentioned in previous sectio n, formation of ultimate non-thermal plasma

where only electron has energy is aspired in non-thermal plasma processing. However,

energy loss by background gas (ions and neutral molecules) heating starts when the

discharge phase shifts to glow-like as shown in figure 6 and 7. In figure 6 and 7, until 50ns,

you can see that the discharge is composed with only streamer phase which is a very high

level of non-thermal condition. Therefore, if we are able to use this phenomenon which

happened until 50 ns, we could become produce radicals in efficiency by using over 10 eV of

energetic electrons which are exist in streamer head without ions and neutron molecules

heating. Based on this idea, nanoseconds pulse generator has been developed by a lot of

researchers recently.

Framing images and streak image of the discharge phenomena caused by a nanoseconds

pulsed power generator (NS-PG) having a pulse duration of 5 ns and maximum applied

voltage of 100 kV was developed by Prof. Namihira et al. in early 2000s [6, 7], [46]-[49] are

Non-Thermal Plasma Technic for Air Pollution Control


Figure 6. Images of light emissions from positive pulsed streamer discharges as a function of time after

initiation of the discharge current.

Figure 7. Typical applied voltage and discharge current in the electrode gap, and streak image for the

generator with 100 ns of pulse duration. Applied voltage to electrode and discharge current through the

electrodes were measured using a voltage divider and a current transformer, respectively. The vertical

direction of the streak image corresponds to the position within the electrode gap. The bottom and top

ends of the streak image correspond to the central rod and the surface of the grounded cylinder,

respectively. The horizontal direction indicates time progression. The sweep time for one frame of

exposure was fixed at 200 ns.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


shown in Fig. 8, respectively [7]. In case of nanoseconds pulsed streamer discharge, the

streamer heads were generated near the central rod electrode and then propagated toward

the grounded cylinder electrode in all radial direction of the coaxial electrode as is the case

in the conventional pulsed discharge shown in figure 6. The time duration of the streamer

discharge was within 6 ns. At around 5 ns, emission from a secondary streamer discharge

was observed in the vicinity of the central rod electrode. This is attributed to the strong

electric field at the rod. Finally, emission fr om the pulsed discharge disappeared at around

7ns, and the glow-like discharge phase was not ob served. As a result, as can be seen in fig.

8(b), energy loss by background gas heating caused by glow-like phase is suppressed

extremely small comparison with 100ns pulsed discharge case (Fig. 7). The average

propagation velocity of the streamer heads reported as 6.1 ~ 7.0 mm/ns for a positive peak

applied voltage of 67 ~ 93 kV. The average velocity of the streamer heads slightly increased

at higher applied voltages. Since the propagation velocity of the streamer heads is 0.1 ~

1.2mm/ns for a 100 ns pulsed discharge, five times faster velocity is observed with the NS-

PG. These characteristics comparison of pulsed discharges is summarized in Table 1. The

streamer head always has the largest electric field in the electrode gap, and it is known

streamer heads with higher value electric fields have a faster propagation velocity [7].

Therefore, it is understood that the faster propagation velocity of the streamer head means

that the streamer head has more energetic electrons and higher energy. Consequently, the

electron energy generated by nanoseconds pulsed discharge is higher than that of a general

pulsed discharge. Here it should be mentioned that the voltage rise time (defined between

10 to 90%) was 25 ns for a 100 ns general pulsed discharge and 2.5 ns for the 5 ns

nanoseconds pulsed discharge. Therefore, the fa ster propagation velocity of streamer head

might be affected by the faster voltage rise time.

Figure 8. Framing and streak images of nanoseconds pulsed discharge in a coaxial electrode..

(a) Flaming images (b) Streak image

Non-Thermal Plasma Technic for Air Pollution Control


This nanoseconds pulsed power has demonstrated extremely high NO removal efficiency

and ozone yield [6, 7], [46], [49]. The performances of nanoseconds pulsed discharge is

summarized in Table 2. These energy efficiencies of nanoseconds pulsed power are highest

value in the recent literatures about pollution control by non-thermal plasma. For the future,

nanoseconds pulse power will be expected to verify its practical effectiveness by more

practical experiments.

General pulsed discharge


pulsed discharge

Voltage rise time 25ns 2.5ns

Voltage fall time 25ns 2.5ns

Pulse duration 100ns 5ns

Discharge phase Streamer Glow-like Streamer



of streamer heads















Table 1. Characteristics comparison of pulsed discharges.

General pulsed


Nanoseconds pulsed


Pulse duration 50ns 5ns 2ns

Voltage rise time 25ns 2ns 1ns

Voltage fall time 25ns 2ns 1ns

NO removal efficiency

Simulated gas: NO (200ppm)/N2

(at 60% of removal ratio)

0.37 mol/kWh 0.52 mol/kWh 0.89 mol/kWh

Ozone yield

Feeding gas: Oxygen

[at 10g/m


of O3 concentration]

30 g/kWh 400 g/kWh 470 g/kWh

Table 2. Gas treatment characteristics comparison of pulsed discharges.

4. Present situation of non-thermal plasma on practical use

As I've discussed, non-thermal plasma has been attracted attention as a new technology of

flue gas treatment for the next generation in recent years. Among the many air pollution

control of non-thermal plasma, NOx removal and VOCs treatment have been particularly

considered as a promising technology. Acid rain is partly produced by emissions of nitrogen

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


oxides such as nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) originating from fossil fuels

burning in thermal power stations, motor vehicles, and other industrial processes such as

steel production and chemical plants. Non-th ermal plasmas for removal of NOx have been

produced using an electron beam, a dielectric barrier discharge, and a pulsed corona

discharge at various energy effectiveness. As explained in previous section, a lot of pilot

plant employing electron beam has been running. Also, various electrical discharge methods

have been evolved for practical use and some examples of pilot plant using discharge

methods is reported at present situation.

However, the energy efficiencies and its performances of air pollution control technique

using non-thermal plasma are still unfavorable regrettably. Therefore, a plasma-catalytic

hybrid system is currently employed in a practical sense. The complex of a non-thermal

plasma and catalyst can be utilized these characteristics of high responsiveness to persistent

substance of non-thermal plasma and high reaction selectivity of catalyst. Additionally,

there are many merits of the this hybrid system from the point of view of catalyst such as

reduction of precious metal catalyst use, regeneration effect of catalyst by plasma irradiation

and durability improvement of catalyst by inhibition of reaction temperature etc. [50]-[60].

This hybrid system is commonly combined in one of two ways. The first is the introduction

of a catalyst in the plasma discharge (in plasma catalysis, IPC), the second by placing the

catalyst after the discharge zone (post plasma catalysis, PPC). Figure 9 shows typical process

flow diagrams and description of main functions of IPC and PPC systems. In IPC system,

catalyst is activated by plasma exposure. IPC system is a method to improve reaction

efficiency and a reaction characteristic by plasma activation of catalyst. In fact, many

researchers have reported composite effects such as improvement of decomposition

efficiency and reduction of byproduct production by using IPC system. Moreover, it is well

known that the catalyst become activated by plasma irradiation in low-temperature region

where the catalyst doesn't exhibit catalytic activity. A reactor utilizing these composite

effects is named as Plasma-Driven Catalysis (PDC) [58, 59]. For example, however it is

considered that the plasma methods have diffi culty in treating NOx by reduction, the PDC

can run NOx removal by reduction process. In addition, the PDC have a stimulating effect

on VOCs decomposition and conversion of VOCs to favorable product of CO


The effect of IPC system differs depending on a combination of the electrical discharge

method and the type of catalyst. Therefore, it is considered that the combinatorial

optimization is important for IPS system. In addition, it is reported that the influence of

reaction field where the catalyst is placed is quite large. Typically, catalyst should be placed

on a location where the plasma density is higher in pulse corona discharge reactor or

dielectric barrier discharge reactor. Because, more radials and energetic electrons are exist in

there. A packed-bed reactor is a typical example of IPC system in common with PDC. A

typical schematic diagram and its appearance of packed-bed reactor are shown in figure 10.

In this type of reactor, surface discharge an d DBD methods is generally adopted as shown in

figure 10. Additionally, catalyst or ferroelectric or both are employed as packing material

between electrodes. The reason why the ferroelectric is packed is extremely high energetic

electrons are produced near the contact points of ferroelectric pellets packed-in the plasma

Non-Thermal Plasma Technic for Air Pollution Control


reactor, because of a huge electric field generated near the contact points [53]. As explained

in the previous section, the energetic electrons are employed directly to dissociate and ionize

the pollutants as well as carrier gas molecules to produce various radicals to react with and

convert a part of pollutants. Fundamental characteristics of a dielectric barrier discharge

(DBD) in a ferro-electric packed bed reactor have been studied for the Barium Titanate

(BaTiO3) based spherical-shaped pellets for the specific dielectric constant from 660 to 104

from the viewpoint of reactor performance improvement [53]. The dielectric constant of

pellet packed in the reactor affects discharge characteristics such as power consumption of

the reactor, micro discharge onset voltage, number of micro discharge. As the results, the

performance of packed bed plasma reactor depends on the dielectric constant and/or

material of the pellet packed in the reactor.

Figure 9. Typical process flow diagrams and description of main functions of Post Plasma Catalyst

(PPC) and In Plasma Catalyst (IPC) system [55, 56].

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 10. Schematic diagram and its appearance of packed-bed reactor (Photograph: Prof. Takaki

group, Iwate University, Japan)[50], [53].

Non-Thermal Plasma Technic for Air Pollution Control


On the other hand, in the PPC system, the two functions of plasma and catalyst is

completely-separated. Therefore, the configuration of reactor and system configuration are

nearly independent on each other. As can be seen in figure 9(b), pollutant gas is induced

into plasma reactor at first and the toxic molecules are decomposed or oxidized by energetic

electrons or radicals which are generated in plasma. After that, residual contaminants that

plasma couldn't treat and byproducts are removed by catalyst. Instead, this PPC system is

sometimes used so as to extend time for replacement of catalyst. On another front, plasma

reactor is sometimes incorporated to generate long-lived radicals such as ozone which work

with catalyst as shown on figure 11. In figure 11, ozone was generated in plasma reactor,

and then O radical which has stronger oxidative activity than ozone is generated by a

reaction of ozone with catalyst. In consequence, VOC is decomposed by O radical to H



and CO



Figure 11. Example of VOC decomposition mechanism using a PPC system [62]-[64].

5. Summary

Previous prodigious studies by esteemed researchers from all ages and cultures have proven

that the non-thermal plasma makes pollution control more efficient and effective. In

consequence, it is recognized that the non-thermal plasma is one of the promising

technologies for pollution control. The advantages of non-thermal plasma process were

summarized as follows.

Unlike conventional processes which need external combustion device or gas

enrichment device, non-thermal plasma could treat industrial gas at ambient

temperature and atmospheric pressure. Therefore, non-thermal plasma methods have a

great advantage in energy efficiency.

Non-thermal plasma is available for various harmful substances due to its great

flexibility for the chemical reaction process (it is mainly depends on ambient gas

composition). Therefore, in some case, non-thermal plasma could treat multiple toxic

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


molecules simultaneously. Table 3 shows that typical harmful substances in various

exhaust gases. It has been proved that the non-thermal plasma could treat these toxic

molecules in the literatures.

Catalyst performance is highly improved by the concurrent use of the non-thermal

plasma. The typical combined effects are increa se of the reaction rate, extension of the

catalyst lifetime and decrease of the activating onset temperature. Moreover, the

agendas of non-thermal plasma process such as byproducts treatment could be solved

by the combined use.

At the present day, a lot of practical trials are being conducted by using pilot plant of

plasma reactor and more efficient and effective plasma source is developed by researchers

from around the world. Air pollution control using non-thermal plasma has been edge

closer to practical use. There are great hopes that air pollution control by non-thermal

plasma reduce the environmental cost and make environmental effort accessible to

companies and nations.

Type of Exhaust Gas Containing Harmful Substances

Combustion flue gas NOx, SOx, CO2

Diesel gas NOx, SOx, CO2, Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM)

Industrial gas VOCs (Aromatic series [Toluene, Benzene, acetone],

Halogenated organics, HCHO), Dioxin, CFC-113, TCE

Table 3. Typical harmful substances in each exhaust gas.

Author details

Takao Matsumoto, Douyan Wang, Takao Namihira and Hidenori Akiyama

Kumamoto University, Japan

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Chapter 10

© 2012 Hein and Kaiser, licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the

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Environmental Control

and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants

Michael Hein and Manfred Kaiser

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Coke is a necessary component for the production of iron and steel. Nearly 65 % of the

worldwide steel production takes place via so-called pig iron (hot-metal route), which is

produced in the blast furnace from iron ore by use of coke.

The importance of coke as raw material for the steel production has been approved during

the last years while the worldwide need for steel has strongly increased. Since 1990 the steel

production has nearly doubled and reached 1.417 mio. t in 2010 (Worldsteel, 2012). Coke

production from hard coals was increased by 70 % in the same period resulting in approx.

593 mio. t in 2010 (Re-Net, 2011)(Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Worldwide crude steel and coke production (Re-Net, 2011, Worldsteel, 2012)

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


One can assume that this trend will continue in the next future, too. That means, that similar

than in the recent years, new coke making capacities will be built and older and smaller

plants will be replaced by high performance coke plants, in the future. This will be the case

in China, India, Southeast-Asia and South America in particular. Already today approx. 65

% of the coke worldwide is produced in China.

There is a lack of an official statistic from which one can derive the total number of coking

plants worldwide. However, it is to assume th at this will be in the range of 500 plants, not

including so-called primitive ovens, that means smaller coking plants without any technical

equipment for operation.

Three principles will still characterize prospective projects for new coking plants:

improvement of economics of coke production as well as optimization of the coke quality. A

third principle has prevailed during the last four decades because of more stringent

becoming legislation: reduction of the impact of the coking process on the environmental,

and on the ambient air in particular. Due to the legal demands, coke plant operators were

obliged to improve techniques for emissions control, to revamp batteries, or, in some cases,

to shut down a battery and built a new one if the new standards could not be fulfilled under

economic and technical reasons.

Progress made in emission control at coking plants can be read from an improvement of air

quality in the Rhine-Ruhr area in Germany, which is the center of the German cokemaking

industry till today (LANUV, 2012). Besides the shrinking importance of coal use in

homefiring the reduction of coke plants´emissions is the reason for the continuous decline of

Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) as a highly carcinogenic aromatic hydr ocarbon in the ambient air of

this area during the last 20 years (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) in ambient air of the Rhine-Ruhr area (LANUV, 2012)

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


Benzo(a)pyrene plays an important role with regard to the environmental assessment of the

coking process. Very often it is used as a guide substance for polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons (PAH) which can be emitted from leaks at the coking chambers. In order to

reduce these fugitive emissions, measurin g methods are necessary by which the made

progress can be quantified. Reliable statements on the amount of emitted BaP are

indispensable, too, for making a forecast on the BaP burden in ambient air of the


2. Modern cokemaking technology

2.1. Generals

The bulk of the worldwide coke production in 2011 was effected in conventional coking

plants including a recovery of gas and coal chemicals. These plants are very often called by-

product coking plants, too. Approx. 5 % of the total coke production originate from the non-

recovery technology, which does not recover gas and coal chemicals. Both technologies

display a quasi continuous process with charge-wise coke production in several ovens

connected in a battery.

A scheme of the total process of conventional coking is shown on Fig. 3. The process can be

devided in the two steps: battery operation (left side of Fig. 3), and coke oven gas (COG)

cleaning and by-product plant, respectively (right side of Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Scheme of conventional cokemaking

2.2. Conventional coking plant – by-product plant

By-product coking plants are comprised of single oven chambers, being 12 to 20 m long, 3 to

8 m tall, and 0.4 to 0.6 m wide, in which the input coal is heated up indirectly. Several

chambers are grouped to form one battery (multi-chamber-system; Fig. 4). A single battery

may consist of up to 85 ovens. The front-end sides of the individual ovens are sealed with

doors. The ovens are charged through charging holes in the oven top. As an alternative, the

oven can also be charged from the side vi a one opened door after the input coal was

stamped before in order to build a formed cake (stamp charging). Subsequently to a 15 to 25

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


hours coking time the doors are opened and the built coke is pushed by the coke pusher

machine out of the oven into a coke quench car. Then the coke is quenched in a dry or wet

quenching facility. The oven chamber is sealed again, initiating a new carbonization cycle.

The gas evolving on coal carbonization leaves the oven chamber through a standpipe

(offtake) and is passed on via a common gas collecting main to the gas treatment facilities

and to the by-product recovery plant. The ovens are run at a slightly positive pressure of 10

to 15 mm water column.

Figure 4. View on the doors of a coke oven battery of the coking plant Zdzieszowice, Poland (left side);

schematic drawing of the machines for battery operation (right side)

As outlined in Fig. 7, the oven chambers are heated through heating flues, located between

the chambers, in which cleaned coke oven gas or blast furnace gas is combusted. The

temperature in the heating flues lies between 1150 and 1350 °C usually.

Battery operation, i.e. charging and pushing is carried out by large machines (Fig. 5) which

very often are running automatically.

Figure 5. Pusher machine of the coke plant Huckingen (left) and charging car of the former coking

plant Kaiserstuhl III (right)

Coke oven gas (COG) as built during the coking process is unsuited for use as underfireing

gas for the coke oven batteries and for other applications, because of technical, and of

environmental related reasons in particular. The necessary cleaning is made in the so-called

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


by-product plant which comprises a complex chemical plant. For a coking plant with an

annual coke production of 1 mio. t, the design capacity for the by-product plant is about

61,000 Nm³ COG/h.

Figure 6. Scheme for a modern by-product plant

A general simplified process diagram is shown in Fig. 6. Coke oven gas leaving the battery

ovens has a temperature of 800 to 1000 °C, and just before entering the collecting main it is

sprayed with flushing liquor (ammonia water) coming from tar separation. After spraying

the gas comes down to temperatures in the range of 80 °C. At this temperature most of the

raw tar is condensed, therefore a separation into gas and liquid phase is possible in a

downcomer. The liquid phase flows from here to the tar separation unit to separate water

and crude tar; crude tar is one by-product.

The raw gas is directed to the primary gas cooler were it is cooled down to 21 °C by indirect

cooling. The next step is the electrostatic tar precipitators, where the residual amounts of tar

fog are almost completely removed, down to maximum 20 mg/Nm³. After this step COG is

sucked off by exhausters keeping the necessary pressure for exhausting the gas from battery

and is led to the subsequent gas treatment. There exist two techniques for H


S removal from

COG, in principle (see section 5.2). In Fig. 6 only the ASK process (Ammonium-Sulphur

cycle process, ASK), combined with a subsequent Claus plant for sulphur production, as a

high value by-product, is shown as the most common desulphurization process in Europe.

In section 5.2 this technique is described more in detail.

The last optional gas treatment step is BTX and naphthalen e removal in a scrubber using

washing oil. The crude BTX is a further by-product.

Most of the water used in the by-product plant is recycled in the process. Only a small

amount of waste water, which mainly represents the water content of the input coal, is

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


produced as effluent of the ammonia still and has to be treated in biological waster water

treatment plant.

Typical figures for the quality of coke oven gas befor and after gas cleaning are shown on

Table 1. The Figures can be varied due to the coal quality and the coking process itself.

crude coke oven gas cleaned coke oven gas unit

Tar 60- 110 0.1 g/m


BTX 28 – 35 < 5 g/m




7- 9 < 0.1 g/m




S 4 8 < 0.5 g/m


Table 1. Quality of coke oven gas before and after cleaning

2.3. Non-recovery plant – heat-recovery plant

The most essential features by which the non-recovery technology differs from the

conventional cokemaking technology with by-product recovery are given in Fig. 7. In

contrast to conventional coking by which the coke is heated indirectly by combustion of gas

within the heating flues outside the oven chamber, exclusively, during non-recovery coking

the necessary heat is transferred both directly and indirectly into the oven chamber as

described in the following.

Figure 7. Principle drawings of conventional and non-recovery cokemaking (Hein, 2002).

The basis for modern non-recovery plants is the so-called Jewell-Thomson oven, several

ovens of which are grouped together to form one battery (Fig. 8). The ovens are

characterized by a tunnel-like shape with a rectangular ground area and an arched top. The

dimensions of the chambers of modern plants run up to 14 x 3.6 x 2.8 m (L x W x H). Coal

charging (up to 50 t) of the ovens is accomplished through the open pusher side door. Very

often the coal is stamped before, and then the coal is charged into the hot oven chamber.

Typical charging levels lie at 1000 mm. The carbonization process is started by the heat still

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


existing from the preceding carbonization cycle. The released coke oven gas is partly burnt

by addition of ambient air through the doors and passed through so-called down comers

into the heating flues situated in the oven sole. By way of a further supply of air, the

complete combustion of raw gas is effected here at temperatures between 1200 and 1400 °C.

With plants according the state of the art, the hot waste gas is utilized to generate energy,

and subsequently is subjected to desulphurization before exited into the atmosphere.The

coking time in Jewell-Thomson ovens amounts to approx. 48 hours. After that time, the coke

is pushed out and quenched in wet mode, normally.

Figure 8. Schematic drawing of the Jewell-Thomson oven (Hein, 2002) (left) and view on the ovens of

the heat-recovery cokung plant of the Shanxi Xishan Coal Gasification Co. Ltd., Gujiao, China (right)

Due to the negative pressure, under which the coking process is running, emissions from

leaks at the doors are avoided in principle. Dust emissions occurring during coke pushing

are exhausted via a coke side shed. Very often suction devices are installed at the pusher

side, too, in order to capture emissions caused during charging.

As the techniques for emission control during charging, pushing and quenching are similar

to those applied at conventional coking, and fugitive emissions at the ovens are excluded by

principle reasons, it is resigned to address emission related issues regarding non-recovery

cokemaking in a separate section.

3. Emission sources on conventional coking plants

Typical emission sources with regard to battery operation are shown on Fig. 9. These are

directed and fugitive emission sources. Fugitive emissions mainly occur from leaks at the

closed openings of the coke oven batteries (doors, charging hole lids and offtakes) or are

caused by non-captured emissions during coke pushing and coal charging. These

emissions can not be avoided completely, also when considering closure facilies according

state of the art in technology and being under best state of maintenance, and contain dust,

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds (PAH) and Benzene as most relevant

components. Carcinogenic Benzo(a)pyrene is very often used as guide substance for the

group of PAHs.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 9. Schematic drawing of typical emission sources at a conventional coking plant

Emissions from directed sources are created at the stack for the off-gas from battery

underfiring. The most important compounds which are emitted here are dust, NOx, SOx

and CO


. Dust is emitted also by the offgas of the pushing emission control as well as during

coke quenching. Emissions caused at preparation of charging coals, and at classification of

coke, respectively, are not addressed here because well-proven dust removal systems are

available to cope with them.

Emissions from the by-product plant are bearing secondary importance in contrast to

emission from battery operation. This is vali d for emissions from open tanks, leaks in the

piping system and at flanges, pressure valves, pumps, etc., as well as for the off-gas from the

technical facilities for sulphur-removal (sulphuric acid plant, Claus plant). On the other

hand, more relevance is to be attached to the efficiency of the devices for H


S removal from

the coke oven gas (see section 5.2). Remaining H


S will influence the amount of SO


in the

off-gas at the stack of the battery in case of using cleaned coke oven gas for battery heating.

4. Legislation on emission control

4.1. Germany

4.1.1. Generals

Starting, it should be emphasized that legal rules given by the European Union (EU) have a

significant impact on the national legislations of the member states. While regulations of the

EU becomes immediately enforceable as law in all member states, directives are only

binding for member states with regard to the achievable target, while they leave it up to the

member states to decide on the form and means needed to realize the commonly set targets

within the framework of their national legal system.

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


In Germany, the most important legal rule with reagard to industrial emission control

represents the Technical Instruction for Air Quality Control – Technische Anleitung zur

Reinhaltung der Luft – the so-called TA Luft. The first issue of TA Luft was enacted in 1964

and was amended for several times in the following years. The TA Luft is the most essential

guide for implementation the demands of the German Federal Immission Control Act -

Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (BImSchG) – which was released in 1974.

The Federal Immission Control Act, amongst others, is based upon the two fundamental

principles of "risk defense" and "precaution". The precautionary principle is expressed in the

approval of new plants and flows into the demand for compliance with what is called the

state of the art in technology in the construction and operation of industrial plants with

special regard to environmental control.

The state of the art is basically stipulated in the TA Luft which at the same time generally

prescribes ambient air quality standards that must not be exceeded in the vicinity of a new

plant after its commissioning. To this effect it is required to calculate the additional burden

of the pollutants, which are to be expected upon commissioning of the planned plant, by

dispersion calculations (see also section 8.2). Furthermore for precaution, the TA Luft

prescribes emission limit standards, especially for directed sources, which shall be examined

for compliance within regular intervals.

In view of the "risk defense" principle of the Federal Imission Control Act its 22nd Decree

stipulates air quality standards for various hazardous substances, the compliance of which

shall be achieved, for example, by implementing so-called air pollution control plans. This

area-related rule concerns all plants, that means also those for which a permission has

already been granted, and may necessitate an obligation for retrofitting the plant.

The TA Luft amendments which came into force in 1986 gained special importance for the

coking plants which were built in the 1980th in Germany. Although the permits for the new

constructions of the coke plants Prosper, Huckingen, Salzgitter and Dillingen are dated

before the enactment of TA Luft 1986, its demands have to be fulfilled by the new plants to

the greatest possible extent.

Compliance with the TA Luft 1986 without any extension, that means including the demand

for operation of a coke dry quenching unit, wa s necessary for the new construction of the

coke plant Kaiserstuhl III which was operated in Dortmund between 1992 and 2000.

Due to the progresses reached in emission control in Germany since 1986, an emendment of

the TA Luft came into force in the year 2002 (TA Luft, 2002). The permits of the coke plants

Schwelgern and of battery no.3 of the Saar ce ntral coking plant (Dillingen) were affected

from this amendment, which disclaims on dry quenching as the only mode for coke cooling.

More informations on the coking plants mentioned before will be given in section 6. The

most important features of the current TA Luft with regard to emission control on coking

plants will be described in the following sections.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


4.1.2. Techniques to apply on coking plants with regard to emission control

As a measure for precaution the TA Luft sets standards for the technical equipment for

emission control on industrial plants, and specifies how to operate the plant in a most

environment-friendly way. Table 2 contains the most important techniques and work

practice standards to apply on the coke oven batteries with regard to the TA Luft-

amendments of the year 2002 (TA-Luft, 2002). Most of the standards of the German TA Luft

were adopted by the BREF-document of the European Union (EU, 2012) nearly complete.

Most of them are described in section 5 more in detail.


- gravity charging: emission free charging by transfer of charging gases to the main and

into the neighbour oven, as an option

- stamp charging: combustion of not transferred gases

- doors with technical gas-proof sealings

- water-sealed lids at offtakes

- single chamber pressure control should be applied

- coke side emission control including a mobile hood and a stationary control device

- coke quenching by dry or wet quenching mode

work practice standards

- additional sealing of lids of charging holes

- regulary, and preferential automatic, cleaning of closure facilities

Table 2. Techniques for emission control and work practice standards as demanded by (TA Luft, 2002)

4.1.3. Limit values for emissions at directed sources

In order to reduce atmospheric emissions from industrial plants as far as possible TA Luft

sets limit values which have to be checked regularly. Table 3 contains limit values for

emissions at the outlets of directed sources of coking plants. In contrast to the US Clean Air

Act (section 4.3) TA Luft contains no legal demands for fugitive emissions by setting

standards for the allowed number of visible emissions.

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


process emission limit value

stamp charging dust: 10 mg/Nm


battery underfiring dust 10 mg/Nm


NOx 0.50 g/Nm


sulfur* 0.8 g/Nm


pushing dust 5 mg/Nm


or dust 5 g/t



dry dust 15 mg/Nm


wet (new plants) dust 10 g/t


wet (existing plants) dust 25 g/t


Table 3. Emission limit values for battery operation according (TA Luft, 2002); *: sulfur content of the

heating gas before combustion

Special emission limits are set for the off-gas of a sulfuricacid-plant and of a Claus-plant for

sulfur recovery, if exist as part of the by-product plant.

4.2. European union

In the European Union, there are in principle two directives that influence coke plant


- „IED Directive" (EU, 2010) on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and


- „Air Quality Directive" (EU, 2008)

As mentioned in section 4.1.1. Directives of the EU are only binding for member states with

regard to the target to be achieved; they have to be transformed to the national legislation of

the member state.

The IED-Directive addresses the conditions for plant operation and sets standards for

emission control. This directive stipulates th at the "best available technique BAT" which has

to be applied is to be described in a so-called BREF document („Best available technique

Reference" document) for certain industrial plants. For coking plants, the set-up of such a

BREF document was finalized in the year 2000. An amendment was promulgated in 2012

(EU, 2012), and it assigns "Associated Emission Lewels AEL" to the BATs. BAT-AELs give

ranges for emission lewels which can be achieved by application of emission control

techniques according BAT. AELs which are relevant for cokemaking operation are described

on Table 4. A more detailed description of the BATs is given in section 5.

The Air Quality Directive (EU, 2008) and its so-called 4. Daughter Directive (EU, 2004)

describe the targets and principles of the air quality policy pursued by the European

Union. Ambient air standards which are important for cokemaking operation are given on

Table 5.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


process emission AEL/BAT unit of



charging dust <5 or <50 g/t







< 30 sec duration of visible emissions per


offgas from battery


SOx <200 to 500 (as






depending on the type of gas for


NOx <350 to 500 (as






for new plants

NOx 500 to 650 (as






for existing plants which are

equipped by primary measures

for NOx reduction

dust < 1 to 20 mg/Nm


pushing dust < 10 to < 20 mg/Nm


depending on filter type


wet dust < 25 g/t


existing plants

wet dust < 10 g/t


new plants

dry dust 20 mg/Nm


battery operation



< 5 to 10 % from leaks at doors

adequate oven



work practice


desulphurization of




S < 300 to 1000 mg/Nm


applying absorption processes



S < 10 mg/Nm


applying wet oxidation


Table 4. BAT associated emission lewels (AEL) as described in the BREF document (EU, 2012)

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


emission Limit value remark

Benzene 5 µg/m


Particulate Matter PM10 40 µg/m


50 µg/m


daily average for max. 35 days/a

Particulate Matter PM2.5 25 µg/m


from 2015

Benzo(a)pyrene * 1 ng/m


from 2012

Table 5. Ambient air quality standards (limit values) of the EU (EU, 2008) as an annual average with

reference to coking plant operation; *: (EU, 2004)

4.3. USA

4.3.1. Clean Air Act

The Clean Air Act (CAA) of the United States of America was passed in the year 1990. This

act of law describes standards for air quality, which exert a very strong influence on the

requirements which have to be fulfilled for obtaining the permit to run an industrial plant.

The so-called Residual Risk Standard (RRS) should provide an ample margin of safety to

protect public health and to reduce th e risk to cause cancer to a minimum.

In case of coking plants, amonst others, standards are set for the allowed number of visible

emissions (leaking rates as %) from battery operation to reach this goal, as described by the

US EPA (US-EPA, 1993a, 2005). For the construction of new coke plants at the green site, the

CAA calls for zero visible emissions from battery operation. That means in practise, that in

the USA, the non-cecovery technology is the only one, which is allowed by the US EPA for

new green field plants because of the prevailing negative pressure and consequently of the

prevention of leaks at the ovens.

For existing conventional coking plants the Residual Risk Standard, which is still open,

has to be reached from 2020. It is to assume that the relevant legal demands will be very

ambitious. During the recent 20 years the US coke oven plant operators had the chance to

approach this target on different tracks, which specify different compliance timetables

(Fig. 10) (Ailor, 2003; US-EPA, 1993a). While the MACT-track (Maximum Achievable

Control Technology) allows less stringent standards for a long period to fulfill the highest

lewel of emission standards already in 2005, operators who have chosen the LAER-track

(Lowest Achievable Emissions Rate) got an extension to reach this standard only in the

year 2010.

The relevant standards for the allowed visible emissions are shown on Table 6. Estimates of

visible emissions should be based on the results of daily visible emission inspections using

EPA Method 303 (US-EPA, 1993b).

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 10. Timetable to comply with the legal demands of the US Clean Air Act

source MACT LAER remark

from 01.01.2003 from 01.01.2010

doors 5.5 % 4 % 6 m

doors 5.0 % 4 % foundry coke

doors 5.0 % 3.3 % < 6 m

lids 0.6 % 0.4 % all plants

offtakes 3.0 % 2.5 % all plants

charging secs per charge 12 12 all plants

Table 6. Standards for visible emissions according MACT- and LAER-track respectively for

conventional coking plants

It is easily to understand that operators of older plants would have preferentially followed

the MACT track as their coking plants will be no longer in operation in the year 2010,

probably. After all there were only 5 conventional batteries which have to comply with

emission standards equivalent to the 2010-LAER-standard in 2005. On the other hand,

operators of new plants, which were equipped with modern techniques for emission control

on the date of their track choice, or for which a modernisation was planned, would have

preferred the LAER-track supposably. Based on informations given in the year 2003 (Ailor,

2003) the LAER-track was chosen for 40 conventional batteries.

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


Emissions from pushing, quenching, and combustion stacks are adressed in (US-EPA,

2003a). The most relevant figures of this rule are given on Table 7. The local authority can

make an order on more stringend limits than given on Table 7 on special reason, and can set

emission standards for other emitted compounds than given on Table 7 with regard to the

allowed annual mass flow, aditionally.

process emission limit value unit of measurement remark


fugitive (not captured)


opacity* < 30/35 % depending on oven

hight *

outlet of dedusting


dust 0.01 – 0.04 (5 – 20 ) lb/t


coke (g/t


), depending on type

of control device

battery underfiring

stack for offgas opacity* < 15/20 % % depending on

coking time


outlet of quench tower dissolved


< 1.1 mg/l quench water

Table 7. Emission standards for coking plants according (US-EPA, 2003a); *: determination of opacity is

made by Method 9 given by US EPA (US-EPA, 1996)

German and European legal regulations set no standards for opacity. Therefore, only the

0.02 lb/t

short (10 g/t) limit for pushing emissions from the stack when applying a moveable

hood with a stationary control device can be compared with the relevant figure of 5 g/t coke

set by German TA Luft for this technique.

In addition to the limit values as described before, the US environmental legislation sets

work practice standards. These standards, for example, describe techniques which have to

apply with regard to emission control and to emission monitoring, or how to operate the

coking plant in a most environmental friendly way.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


4.3.2. Quantification of visible emissions

The philosophy of EPA´s rules for visible emissions caused from coke oven operation is

based on a chain of causalities between:

- number of visible emissions, and

- mass flow of the emitted hazardous compound, and

- concentration of the emitted hazardous compound in ambient air, and

- ambient air quality and cancer risk

due to the usual practice when rating the health risk caused by air pollutants by dose/effect

relations. This means, that, amongst others, there must be a quantitative correlation between

the set standards for visible emissions and the emission mass flow (mass per time) of the

hazardous compound.

The latter can be calculated on base of the frequency of the visible emissions (leaking rate)

and of the source strength (emission mass flow) of the visible emission (US-EPA, 2008a,

2008b). Typical source strengths given as kg BSO/h/leak as derived from from page 4-30 of

(US-EPA, 2008b) are listed on Table 8. BSO means the so-called Benzene soluble (BSO)

portion of the emission. By using a conversion factor for BaP/BSO of 0,00836 (US-EPA,

2008b) the relevant BaP emissions can be calculated. They are given on Table 8 too.

type of leak kg BSO/h/leak mg BaP/h/leak

leaks observed according EPA 303 from the yard 0.019 159

leaks observed from the bench* 0.011 92

without visible emissions 0.002 17

Table 8. Emission mass flows of door leaks as given by US EPA (US-EPA, 2008b); *: for calculations

according equ. 1 smaller leaks which cannot be observed from the yard but only from the bench are

additionally taken into account; US EPA estimates the leaking rate of these emissions to 6 % as an


Applying a 4 % leaking rate (according EPA method 303) at the doors (post-NESHAP

control standard according (US-EPA, 2008b)) the total BSO emissions of a model battery

with 62 ovens (124 doors) can be calculatet as follows:

[(124 x 0.04) method 303 leaks x 0.019 kg/h/leak +

(124 x 0.06) bench leaks x 0.011 kg BSO/h/leak +

(124 x 0.90) no visible leaks x 0.002 kg/h/leak)] x 8760 h/a = 3 498 kg BSO/a. (1)

Considering a coke plant with a coal input of 492 000 t/a (344 000 t coke/a) a specific

emission factor of 0.0071 kg BSO/t(coal) results for door emissions. By using a conversion

factor for BaP/BSO of 0.00836 (US-EPA, 2008b) the specific BaP emissions from the doors

amounts to 59.4 mg/t

coal and 84.8 mg BaP/t coke, resectively. By comparable evolutions

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


emission factors for leaks at lids and offtakes as well as for charging can be received (Table

9; compare with Table 4-11 of (US-EPA, 2008b)). It is obvious that the doors are the

dominant emission source out of all leaks at the battery.

US-EPA standard BSO

charging doors lids offtakes









POST-NESHAP 0.00025 0.0071 0.000044 0.00015


charging doors lids offtakes









POST-NESHAP 2.09 59.36 0.37 1.25


charging doors lids offtakes









POST-NESHAP 2.99 84.79 0.53 1.79

Table 9. Specific emissions at doors according (US-EPA, 2008b)

Emission factors as given in (US-EPA, 2008b) are based on measurements carried out before

the year 1980 on coking plants, which could not meet the emissions control standards of

current plants. Thereby the coke-side dedusting facilities were used for capturing the

emissions from the doors. The US EPA by itself designates the results of these

measurements as highly uncertain.

5. Progress in emission control technologies – Best Available Techniques


Environmental legislations for industrial plants, like the German TA Luft (TA-Luft, 2002) or

IED of the EU (EU, 2010), demand very often for application of the so-called Best Available

Techniques (BAT) for emission control according the state of the art in technology, (section

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


4.1/4.2). The following section will give a brief description of the most important techniques.

Additional informations on the emission levels which can be achieved by the relevant

technique are given on Table 4 (section 4.2).

5.1. Battery operation

5.1.1. Charging

BAT is an emission free charging by transfer of charging gases to the collecting main and

into the neighbour oven, as an option (Fig. 11)

Figure 11. Principles of emission free charging of coke ovens

5.1.2. Larger oven chambers

A reduction of total fugitive emissions from ba ttery operation can be achieved by lessening

the sealing surfaces as well as the number of oven cycles. Naturally, such measures can be

achieved only when building a new battery equipped with larger chambers as they were

built by 7 to 8 meter ovens in the 1980th in Germany (section 6). Larger oven chambers

provide less openings per t of produced coke due a reduction of the specific sealing surface.

Fig. 12 shows (top side) the reduction of the number of closure facilities (openings) which

was reached by a replacement of two smaller and older plants by the new coke plant

Kaiserstuhl III, while the total capacity of both variants kept constant at 2 million tonnes

coke per year. The drastic reduction of fugutive emissions of Benzo(a)pyrene and Benzene,

caused by less openings but also by improved techniques, can be read from Fig. 12 (bottom


Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


Figure 12. Emission reduction by lessening the sealing surface; top side: reduction of openings; bottom

side: reduction of fugitive emissions by Benzo(a)pyrene and Benzene respectively (Hein, 2010)

Construction of larger oven chambers do not favour the intention of environmental control

only, but also the economics of cokemaking. Desing data of the modern high capacity

batteries as running in Germany today, can be received from Table 10 in section 6.

The development of chamber heig hts during the last 100 years is shown very arrestingly in

Fig. 13.

Figure 13. Development of typical heights of coke oven chambers (Hein, 2009)

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


5.1.3. Closure facilities

In order to improve the control of fugitive emissions from leaks at the battery, optimized

closure facilities at doors, charging hole and offtakes have to be applied, and a good

maintenance of them is demanded. BAT are flex ible doors with springloaded sealings (Fig.

14, left side), for batteries higher than 6 m especially. An additional improvement is

attainable if the pressure gradient at the sealing that constitutes the driving force for

emissions could be lowered. This was done by the coke oven builders by means of gas

channels in the door through which the escaping gas can flow into the direction of the gas

space without greater flow resistance. All modern coke oven doors meanwhile have such

gas channels as can be seen from Fig. 14, right side).

At the offtakes water sealed lids are BAT in order to reduce emissions.

Figure 14. Modern door systems; left side: flexible door s (Krupp-Koppers, n.d.); right side: principle

drawings of gas channels behind the door (Arendt et al., 2009)

5.1.4. Oven chamber pressure regulation

A reduction of fugitive emissions can be achieved by measures to regulate the chamber pressure

within the coke ovens as function of progress in carbonization. BAT, e.g. is the PROven system

(Pressure Regulated Oven), which was invented by DMT (Huhn, 1995). PROven regulates the

pressure within each oven chamber at a constant and slight positive pressure during coking in

order to eliminate fugitive emissions as much as possible. Fig. 15 shows on the left side principles

of this system, and on the right side the reduction of PAH emissions by use of PROven in

contrast to a non pressure regulated oven chamber (100 % PAH) (Spitz, 2005). In the year 2011

the PROven system was installed at 15 coking plants worldwide with more than 2100 ovens

(Kaiser, 2011) including the new coking plant Schwelgern.

An alternative system has been developed by Paul Wurth and is called SOPRECO (Single

Oven Pressure Control System). In 2011 the SOPRECO system was installed at the coking

plant Dillingen, Germany, in 50 ovens, a second battery with 50 ovens is under construction

(Faust, 2010).

5.1.5. Battery heating

Emissions from battery underfiring are limited by application of the following techniques:

improved desulphurization of the used coke oven gas in order to a reach a remaining

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


Figure 15. Left side: Principle of the ROven-system; right side: achievable emission reduction for PAH


sulphur content of less than < 0.8 g /Nm


and by special heating relevant technical measures

in order to comply with a NOx standard of 500 mg/Nm


. While the desulphurization is

achieved by absorption or by wet oxidation of H


S (see section 5.2.1.), the NOx reduction is

reached by waste gas recirculation and stage wise heating, in particular (Fig. 16). The latter

was necessary anyway because of the taller becoming chamber heights.

Figure 16. Principle scheme of stage wise heating

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


5.1.6. Coke pushing

In order to minimize emissions during coke pushing, an installation of a dedusting system is

required, disposing of a hood, a suction device and of a filter system. The so-called

"Bandschleifenwagen" (Fig. 17) with a subsequent stationary dedusting achieved


Figure 17. Drawing of the "Bandschleifenwagen" as part of the coke side dedusting device (Stoppa,


The efficiency of a modern coke side dedusting system is illustrated from Fig. 18.

Figure 18. Coke pushing without (left side) and with coke side dedusting (Coking Plant Prosper,

Germany - right side)

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


5.1.7. Quenching

BATs are wet quenching as well as dry quenching.

Wet quenching

The hot coke is treated by water spraying under the quench tower to cool it down. The

caused dust is hindered to leave the tower by special baffle constructions which are installed

in the tower. The so-called Coke Stabilisation Quenching (CSQ) represents an advanced

quenching technology comprising a combination of spray quenching and submerging in

water. The CSQ tower contains a two set of baffles and comprises a hight of 70 m, in contrast

to approx. 40 m which was the maximum hight of conventional quenching towers up to

now (Fig. 19).

Figure 19. CSQ quench tower of the coking plant Schwelgern in contrast to the quench tower of the

coking plant Huckingen (top side); bottom side: baffles (Nathaus, n.d.) for dust emission control before

installation in a quench tower

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Dry quenching

During dry quenching the hot coke is cooled down in a closed cooling chamber by use of an

inert gas which is circulated and cooled down thereby within a heat exchanger. The

produced steam can be used for electricity production. A scheme of a dry quenching plant is

shown in Fig. 20.

Figure 20. Schema of the dry quenching plant of the former coking plant Kaiserstuhl III (Stoppa et al.,


Dry quenching is extended for application in countries, in which a water operated wet

quenching is not possible because of meteorological reason, or which are characterized by

water shortage. On the other hand, the use of dry quenching techniques is advantageously

to operate in countries with high prizes for electricity.

5.2. By-product plant

5.2.1. Desulphurisation of coke oven gas

Because of its hydrogen sulphide (H


S) content (up to 8 g/Nm


) unpurified coke oven gas

(COG) is unsuited for use in many industrial applications. Typical desulphurisation

processes according BAT to clean COG are (Sowa et al., 2011):

- absorption/stripping processes with subsequent conversion to sulphur containing


- wet oxidation processes with subsequent production of sulphur.

In Europe, the most commonly applied process is the absorptive process using a so-called

ASK process (Ammonia-Sulphur cycle process, ASK; see Fig. 6 in section 2.2., too). It is a

combination of H


S and NH


removal. A first scrubber removes H


S, using deacidified water

providing from the distillation. A second scrubber is in combination with the first one for the

removal of NH


. The washer fluid which is loaded with H


S and NH




is sent to a

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


distillation unit (stripping/deacidification). This unit removes the adsorbed gases from the

enriched solution; the water is mostly recirculated to the gas scrubbing. The H


vapours are led to the desulphurization unit, wh ich is mostly a catalytic ammonia cracking

combined with a sulphur recovery plant (Claus plant). A photo of a modern Claus plant can

be seen in Fig. 21. Other options for desulphurization are the production of supheric acid or

ammonia suphate. In all cases the produced chemicals are further by-products.

Figure 21. View on a modern Claus plant

The second absorptive process variant is the Vacuum Carbonate process commonly

operated with potassium carbonate which has some tradition at West European and Asian

coke plants.

The most commonly applied wet oxidative process (outside Europe) is the Stretford process.

Wet oxidative processes possess a higher efficiency for H

2S removal than adsorption

processes (see Table 4). However, they need the addition of specific chemicals, like

vanadium compounds, quinone and hydroquinone compounds as catalysts, the wastes of

which have to be discharged. Usually this wa ste water is treated separately owing to the

presence of compounds that have a detrimental effect on the biological wastewater

treatment plant.

5.2.2. Gas tight operation of the by-product plant

In modern by-product plants fugitive gaseous emissions are minimized by gas-tight

operation of the gas treatment plant. The measures are, minimize the number of flanges,

using of gas-tight flanges, or closed venting system for tanks and equipment containing

aromatic hydrocarbons. By use of pumps and piping suitable to prevent leakages, a release

of any effluent to the environment can be avoided.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


5.2.3. Biological waste water treatment plant

BAT is a wastewater treatment by using efficient tar and PAH removal, using efficient

ammonia stripping and biological waste water treatment with integrated nitrification and

denitrification to fulfill the common local regulations for discharge water quality. Limiting

values are existing for free ammonia, NH


-N, BOD, COD, cyanides, hydrocarbons and


6. Situation of the German cokemaking industry

Today five modern coking plants comprising with high capacity batteries are in operation in

Germany. These plants, the fotos of which are given on Figures 22 and 23, fulfill the highest

standards for emission control techniques with regard to the state of the art. They are

equipped with modern wet quenching systems in order to comply with the legal demands

of the actual TA Luft (TA-Luft, 2002) while th e former coking plants August Thyssen and

Kaiserstuhl III have been provided with modern dry quenching facilities.

In 2011 battery no. 1 of the coking plant Dillingen is under construction; this is a

replacement of an old battery. At Huckingen a second battery is under construction as an


Figure 22. Coking plants currently in operation in Germany which were build in the 1980th, including

date of commissioning

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


Figure 23. Coking plants currently in operation in Germany which were commissioned under the

influence of the TA Luft 2002, including date of commissioning

The most essential design data of the five coke plants operating today are summarized on

Table 10.

Table 10. Design data of the five German coke plants currently in operation (Hein, 2009)

The chamber height of 8.4 m of the new Schwelgern plant marked a new record for coke

constructions. Now, the coke plant with the tallest chamber heights and the highest chamber

volume worldwide is operating at the coking plant Schwelgern in Duisburg, Germany. The

coking plant Saar in Dillingen is operated as stamp charging plant, and with 6.25 m hight

the tallest for this technique.

The total production of the five plants was 8.15 mio. t coke in 2010. This is a sharp decrease

when looking back to the year 1957 when approx. 50 mio. t coke were produced (Fig. 24).

The main cause for this change in Germany was the decline of coke sale for home firing and

other applications than for pig iron making. On the other hand the coke need of the German

iron and steel industry has fallen due to the reduction of the specific coke demand for the

blast furnace as well as to the buying of coke from abroad, while the total hot metal

production kept nearly constant since this time. The necessary adjustments in capacity were

carried out in such way, that preferable older plants were shut down, which could not meet

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 24. Annual coke production in Germany since the year 1950 (Kohlenstatistik, 2012)

the more stringent environmental standards, and which were not able to reach the

economics which were typical for this time. This change has faced the mining industry, in

particular, as this branche was the owner of nearly 75 % of the coking plants in Germany 50

years ago.

Due to the former dominance of the mining coking plants for the coke production the most

sustainable impetus for new developments in cokemaking technology came from the

German mining industry till the early 1990th years. Thereby, in particular, the basics were

set for the construction of high capacity batteries as realized in the five coking plants

running today, by research and development carried out in technical and semi-technical

testing facilities for coking trials owned by the mining industry. The research in cokemaking

technologies was centralized at the Bergbau-Forschung in Essen, the nucleus of the today´s

DMT GmbH & Co. KG.

Progress made in further development of cokemaking technology and its implementation in

practice, in particular, would not have been successful without the innovative legacy of the

German coke oven constructor companies. Out of the four prosperous German companies

Dr. C. Otto, Carl Still, Heinrich Koppers and Didier Kogag Hinselmann, today only one

exists, the Uhde GmbH which took over their business activities during the last 30 years

step by step. German cokemaking technique is accepted worldwide, and according to this it

is not surprising that more than 100 000 coke ovens all over the world have been constructed

by German companies.

Progress reached in emissions control on German coking plants can be described by a

drastic reduction of production specific emissions caused by battery operation due to the

more stringend becoming legal rules for environmental control (Fig. 25).

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


Figure 25. Reduction of specific emissions on German coking plants between 1950 and 1986

7. Determination of fugitive emissions of Benzo(a)pyrene from leaks at

the battery

7.1. Measuring method

A quantitative method for measuring fugitive emissions from leakages at the battery was

developed by Deutsche Montan Technologie GmbH (DMT) and its predecessor institute

Bergbau-Forschung GmbH (BF) respectively. The relevant measurements included particle

bound as well as gaseous compounds, and were carried out between 1980 and 2006 at

various coking plants of different age in Europe which additionally were different in their

design and in the state of maintenance of the closure facilities.

For the measurements a complete encapsulating of the relevant source is necessary as

described in the following as an example of measurements at the coke oven doors. For this

the outer door zone of the coke oven door is covered (see Fig. 26, left) by a thermo-stable

transparent film (foil) in order to detect the strength of visible emissions, simultaneously.

Preferentially the foil is fixed on the buck stays. The gas accumulated in the collecting space

has to be withdrawn and analysed. For this, the foil at its bottom contains an opening while

the top of the collecting space is combined with a vertical arranged tube. Because of thermal

buoyancy clean air enters the opening at the bottom while the mixture of air and the

emissions looked for leave through the pipe at the top of the collecting space. Typical

volume flows are in the range between 50 and 200 Nm


/h depending on the design, the

dimension of the door, the magnitude of the opening at the foil´s bottom as well as on the

meteorological marginal conditions. The relevant gas velocities range between 4 to 10 m/sec.

From this main gas flow the sampling gas was sucked off isocinetically with a flow rate of

about 2 Nm



For measurements of leakages at closed lids of the charging holes and of the offtakes,

respectively, equipment for encapsulating was used, as shown on Fig. 26, (right). In order to

get a constant gas-flow, pressured air as carrier gas was injected into the encapsulated space.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 26. Equipment for measurements of fugitive emission s at doors (left side), lids (right side, top)

and offtakes (right side, bottom)

In all cases the sampling gas is led via a dust filter and afterwards through an additional

filter containing a synthetic resin for adsorption of still remaining gaseous PAH compounds.

Sampling has to be done during the whole coking cycle, which was devided in several steps

with separate sampling in some trials.

The taken samples are analysed in the laboratory for PAH-compounds by means of GC/MS

and HPLC, respectively, in ac cordance with a national standard method (VDI, 1996).

7.2. Results from measurements at single leaks

Results from measurements at single leaks are given as emission mass flow mf (mg

BaP/h/closure facility) as an average of the sampling time) in a first step. The relevant

figures are derived from the initially measured mass concentration (mg BaP/Nm


) in the

sampling gas and the main gas volume flow (Nm


/h). To make the results more comparable

the emission mass flows are converted to product specific emissions (mg BaP/t

coke) by

consideration of the production rate per oven and the coking time. This figure is typical for

the closure facility under investigation.

Fig. 27 shows the distribution of BaP in the gaseous and on the particle phase of emissions

from oven leaks, as function of total particle concentration and off-gas temperature,

respectively. It could be shown, that with increasing temperature of the waste gas, the

portion of BaP in the gaseous phase increases, too (Fig. 27, right). And one receives the

result, also, that with increasing dust emission the portion of BaP in the gaseous phase

descreases (Fig. 27, left).

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


Figure 27. Proportion of BaP in gaseous and dust bound phase in emissions from coke oven leaks

Typical emission ranges for Benzo(a)pyrene as received by the measurements with concern

to leaks at coke oven doors and chamber lids, respectively, are listed in Figures 28 and 29

(Eisenhut et al., 1990, 1992).

Figure 28. Typical ranges for Benzo(a)pyrene emissions (mg BaP/t


) from single leaks at coke oven

doors as received from measurements

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 29. Typical ranges for Benzo(a)pyrene emissions (mg BaP/t


) from single leaks at charging lids

as received from measurements

Fig. 28 shows also factors which have influenced the measurement results. These influence

factors are valid for the results of measurements at the closed lids of the charging holes, too

(Fig. 29). In both cases the age of the plants , the maintenance of them, the quality of the

sealing facilities and the specific sealing surface per tonne of coke, which is in the opposite

direction with the oven volume, have an impact on the amount of the emissions. As the

measurement have started in early 1980th the shown ranges for emissions also include

results from old plants with 4 m ovens in a bad condition and antiquated techniques for

emission control. These plants are no longer in operation in Europa. And also in a more

generalized view, one has to state that these plants are not typical for worldwide

cokemaking operation of today. By consideration of this, Table 11 contains typical emission

ranges for Benzo(a)pyren for coking plants caused by single leaks at the batteries which are

still running today. Besides emissions from leakages at closed doors and lids, Table 11

contains also emissions from closed offtakes. Consequently it is to state that the lowest BaP

emissions can be received at 6 to 8 m high flexible doors which are equipped by membrane

sealings. The relevant emissions per door lie in the range between 1 to 10 mg BaP per t of

coke. For new plants with an excellent maintenance, emissions at single doors go down to 1



. Under optimal conditions, for example if a chamber pressure regulation system is

installed (chapter 5.1.4.), BaP emissions are reduced below 1 mg/t


. BaP emissions at the

chamber lids lie in a range between 0.3 and 5 mg/t


. The lowest emissions can be achieved

at modern and well tended plants if the lids are sealed by special fluids or pastes after

closing the relevant opening at the roof of the battery. In this case emission below 1 mg/t


can be received. Typical BaP emissions from leaks at the offtakes are below 3 mg/t


. On

modern plants with water sealed lids at the offtakes emissions go down below 1 mg/t




control technique







unit of


10 -


knife sealing 3 - 5 not sealed < 3 metal/metal mg BaP/t


1 - 10 membrane sealing

0.3 -


sealed < 1 water sealed mg BaP/t


< 1

improved techniques, like


mg BaP/t


Table 11. Product specific emissions for single leaks at the batteries of current coking plants

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


From Fig. 30 one can derive that over three-fourth of the fugitive BaP emissions from battery

leaks in total is caused by emissions at the doors.

Figure 30. Spread of fugitive emissions from single leaks at the battery

This is in good correlation with the Figures given bei the US EPA (Table 9 of section 4.3.2.),

and is the reason why in the following se ction emissions from coke oven doors are

concerned, only, when discussi ng strength of leakages, as estimated by the US EPA and

DMT, respectively.

7.3. Investigations at door leaks of definite strength

Normally, by use of only one emission figure, as received from Table 11, and multiplication

with the annual coke production is not possible to estimate the annual BaP emissions of the

total coke oven battery. The reason for this is the inequality of the strengths of the emissions

at the various sources of one type (door, lid and offtake, respectively).

Analogously to the procedure from the US EPA (see section 4.3.2.) the total emissions of the

plant should be calculated on base of the frequency of the visible emissions (leaking rate;

section 7.4.) and of their strength (mass/h/leak), in the following. This will be done as an

example for door emissions, as these emissions play the dominant role with regard to the

total emissions caused by the battery (see Fig. 30 in section 7.2.)

To meet this goal varios door leaks, which strongly differ in their visible strength, were

investigated as described in section 7.1., however by applying shorter sampling times (up to

5 h) with a nearly constant source strength over the sampling period. Typical strengths of

visible emissions at doors are shown in Fig. 31. The emissions are categorized in:

- strong (st),

- medium (m),

- slight (sl)

- non visible emissions (n.v.e.)

For each category of visible strength typical BaP emission mass-flows (mf) could be

determined, the ranges of which are shown on Table 12 (see also Fig. 32 in section 7.6.).

The specific mass-flows which are typical for visible emission strengths can be transfered to

other plants where measurements have not been carried out. The assignment has to be done

by an expert, on base of comparisons with re sults of measurements at comparable plants.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 31. Four categories of visible strengths of door emissions

strength of visible emissions





(mfm )




(mfn )

unit of


all plants 150-600 50-150 10-40 < 10 mg BaP/h/leak

plants according state of the art

(membrane sealings)

150-200 50-150 10-40 < 10 mg BaP/h/leak

Table 12. Typical emissions BaP mass flows mf for leaks of different visible strength at coke oven doors

7.4. Assessment of visible emissions and of leaking rates

The leaking rates at the different sources are determined by an inspection of the battery and

counting the visible emissions according tho EPA method 303 (US-EPA, 1993b). A

distinction from the EPA method is made with regard to the different strengths of the visible

emission, as it is shown for door emissions in Fig. 31, as an example.

Thus, the result of the determination of visible emissions will be, in pinciple:

no. k of strong emission

no. l of medium emissions

no. of slight emissions, and

n-(k+l+m) no. of none visible emissions,

whereby k,l and m are the numbers of leaks with visible emissions of different strengths,

and n ist the number of doors in total.

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


The DMT-method for inspection of the leaking rates differs from the US-EPA 303 method by

its four categories for emission strength while the US EPA method only results in the

decision on the existence of a visible emission or not.

7.5. Determination of the total emissions caused by the battery

By mathematical combination of the number of leaks with their relevant emission mass flow

the total emission E (mg BaP/h) of the battery (plant) with regard to emissions from door

leaks can be determined, according equation 2.

E = k x mfst + l x mfm + m x mfsl + (n-k-k-m) x mfn (2)

Where mf

st, mf m, mf sl and mf n are the emission mass flows of different strengths of visible

emission (Table 12), k,l and m are the numbers of visible emissions of different strengths at

doors, and n ist the number of doors in total. Equation no. 2 is comparable to equation no. 1

(section 4.3.2.) by which relevant calculations are made by US EPA (US-EPA, 2008b).

Product specific BaP emissions caused by door leaks, which are typical for the emissions of

the total plant, can be derived by multiplication of the result of equation no. 2 with the

annual operation time and dividing by the annual coke throughput. Results of these

calculations, which often are called emission factors, are given in section 7.6., and are

compared there with relevant emissions given by the US EPA.

7.6. Comparison of BaP emissions from own measurements with results given by


On base of equation 2, total BaP emissions caused by all doors of a modern high capacity

battery (70 ovens, 7.8m hight, 1 mio. t coke per year) are calculated (line 8 and 9 of Table 13)

by applying the extreme values of the given ranges for emission mass flows according Table

12 (line 3). Leaking rates (portion of no. of visible emissions (no. v. e.) of the total no. of

openings in %) of 4 % (2 % slight and 2 % medium emissions) according the post-NESHAP

standard and of 3.3 % (1 % slight and 2.2 % medium emissions) according the LAER

standard are applied in order to make the resu lts comparable with calculations of the US

EPA (line 1 to 7 of Table 13).

Results given in lines 1 and 2 are derived on base of the model battery, as described in

section 4.3.2. (62 4 m ovens per battery with a coke capacity of 344 000 t coke per year), and

on leaking rates of 4 % and 3.3 % respectively, analogously to equation no. 1. These

emissions will be reduced significantly when considering a high capacity battery with larger

oven dimensions (line 3 and 4) due to the lower specific sealing lengths. Lines 5 to 7 contain

ranges for BaP emissions caused at doors as given by a Risk Assessment Document of the

US EPA (US-EPA, 2003b) for 5 US batteries which comply with the LAER standard (2010)

already today (see section 4.3.1. also).

The origin of the applied emission mass-flows for the calculations according equation no. 1

and no. 2 one can read from column 8 of Table 13. To make data from US EPA comparable

with own results, a conversion of BSO to BaP and t

short to t metric was necessary.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective






capacity BaP ref. of emission

mass flow

no. v.e.


(m) (t/a x 10





1 model batt. 4 post-


4 344 84,8 (US-EPA, 2008b)

2 model batt 3.3 LAER 4 344 81,4 (US-EPA, 2008b)

3 high capacity oven 4 post-


7.8 1000 30,6 (US-EPA, 2008b)

4 high capacity oven 3.3 LAER 7.8 1000 29,4 (US-EPA, 2008b)

5 5 US batt. 1.58 - 2.81 actual 3.4 - 5 65 - 589 22 - 57 (US-EPA, 2003b)

6 5 US batt. 5; (3.8) MACT 3.4 - 5 65 - 589 25 - 88 (US-EPA, 2003b)

7 5 US batt. 3.3; (3.8) LAER 3.4 - 5 65 - 589 25 - 78 (US-EPA, 2003b)

8 high capacity batt. 4 2sl+2m 7.8 1000 2.65 -


DMT/Table 11

9 high capacity batt. 3.3 1ss+2.2m 7.8 1000 2.66 -


DMT/Table 11

*: non visible emissions are

not considered

Table 13. Comparison of product specific BaP emissions (emission factors) caused by door leaks from

own measurements with figures given by the US EPA (US-EPA, 2008b, 2003b).

From Table 13 one can read that all data given by the US EPA for BaP emissions from door

leaks are significantly higher than those calculated by DMT. The reason for this is easily to

understand and can be caused back to the high er values for the emission strengths (emission

mass-flows of the single leak) as given by the US EPA (see Fig. 32 and Table 8 in section

4.3.2., respectively), and to the extra addition of 6 % emissions which can be observed only

from the bench according the procedure of the US EPA. And in addition, it is to remark that

the total emissions of plants according the state of the art with visible emissions less than 4

% are predominantly influenced by the strength of the non visible emissions (< 10 against 17

mg BaP/h/leak). The quality of the DMT-values for BaP emission strength could be

confirmed by several dispersion calculations, by which the additional load caused by coke

plant emissions on the ambient air in the surrounding of the coke plant, where the actual

BaP concentration was determined by measurements, could be forecasted sufficiently on

base of the above mentioned emission factors. In this context, it is to remark, that emission,

as published by the US EPA, will lead to an overestimation of the BaP concentration in the

surrounding, if forecasting (section 8.2.) the addition load in ambient air caused by a

planned coking plant, e. g. in the proc ess for getting a license for operation.

An explanation for the differences in BaP emission strength as determined by the US EPA

and DMT, respectively, can be found in the high uncertainty of the US EPA figures, and in

their determination on old coking plants with low standards for emission control, according

to the acertainment of the US EPA by itself (US-EPA, 2008b).

If emissions from charging lids and offtakes are taken into account, one can assert that there

are only slight differences in the emissions determined by DMT and the US EPA,


Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


Figure 32. Ranges for emission strength (mg BaP/h/door leak) as determined by DMT and US EPA

(cross marks), respectively (US-EPA, 2008b)

8. Benzo(a)pyrene in the vicinity of coking plants

A correlation between the Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) emissions caused by a coking plant and the

BaP concentration in ambient air in the surrounding of the plant could be shown by a lot of

measurements. Measurements were made ac cording (DIN-EN, 2008) by analysing the

partice bound portion of the collected dust. Thereby factors could be determined, which

influence the amount of concentrations, as given on Table 14, and which will be described in

the following.

BaP in ambient air near coking plants is

caused by:

-applied techniques for emission control on the plant

-status of plant maintenance

-age of the battery and of the closure facilities

-local meteorological influences on spread of emissions

- distance of the impacted area (measuring point) from

the battery

Table 14. Factors influencing BaP concentrations in amient air caused by coking plant operation

Three coking plants, located in the Rhine-Ruhr area in Germany, were under investigation.

In the following they are call ed coking plant A, B or C.

8.1. Results from measurements

For more than 20 years, ambient air has been examined for BaP in the surrounding of coking

plant A (LANUV, 2012). The measuring station is located about 800 m away, in lee-side

position to the coke plant. Measurements are taken two times or three times per week over a

sampling period of 24 h. The coking plant is a modern plant yielding an annual coke

production of approx. 2 million tons. The batteries are aged approx. 25 years, and fulfill the

requirements imposed under the 2002 TA Luft for emission control.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 33. Benzo(a)pyrene in ambient air near (lee-side) coking plant A as annual mean (LANUV, 2012)

Fig. 33 shows the annual average concentration of BaP determined during the past years,

that never fell under a BaP concentration of 1 ng/m


, which is set by the European Union as

ambient air standard (EU, 2008).

The importance of coking plant´s emissions on the BaP burden in the vicinity can be proved

by an evaluation of the measurements in front of the preferential wind direction at the

measuring day within a two years' term (Fig. 34) (Hein et al, 2003; DWD, 2003; LANUV,

2003). The mean annual BaP concentrations for the period under evaluation (1999-2000) lie

at 2.2 and 2.5 ng/m


, respectively. The highest BaP concentrations occur when the wind

blows from the wind direction sector between 135 and 255°, with the maximum occurring

during wind directions from approx. 200°. As the measuring station stands in a direct lee-

side position to the coking plant in case of a wind direction from 195°, the inevitable

conclusion is that the coke plant is mainly responsible for this burden during lee-side

weather situations that reaches 3.7 ng/m³ on average. This conclusion can be confirmed by

the absence of any other important BaP emitter in the weather-side of the coking plant. For

measurements on days marked by wind directions falling outside the specified sector, it

results a mean BaP concentration of 0.6 ng/m


. This BaP concentration is mainly congruent

with the BaP background load which is typical for the industrial region where the coke plant

is located, roughly amounting to 0.5 ng/m



When discussing the influence of meteorology on measured BaP concentrations, one should

not ignore that other influential factors apart from the direction of wind are to be taken into

account, for example the vertical exchange of air, which is typical for the season very often.

A seasonal influence on the determined BaP concentrations can be clearly seen from

measurements (LANUV, 2003) in th e surrounding of coking plant B with an annual capacity

of approx. 1.0 mio. t coke (Fig. 35). This plan t is about 25 years old, and is equipped with

techniques for emission control in compliance with the legal demands of the TA Luft 2002.

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


Figure 34. Influence of wind direction on Benzo(a)pyrene concentration in ambient air near coking

plant A (DWD, 2003; Hein et al., 2003; LANUV, 2003)

Figure 35. Benzo(a)pyrene in ambient air in lee-side of coking plant B during a two years period

(LANUV, 2003)

The measurements were taken lee-side of the plant in a distance of 1000 m. Due to the larger

distance of the measuring point from the plant, and to the less coking capacity, the BaP

concentrations near coking plant B are lower than those near plant A. The annual BaP

concentrations lie at 0.8 ng/m


and complies with the relevant ambient air standard of 1 ng



as given by the EU (EU, 2004).

An influence caused by the seasonal effects, but also by improvem ents in the applied

emission control techniques, can be also clearly seen from a three years measurement

campaign in the surrounding of coking plant C, which composed of an annual capacity of

approx. 1.5 mio. t coke (Fig. 36). The age of the various batteries of this coking plant, that has

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


shutdown in 1999, was between 35 and 40 years on date of the measurements. However, the

coke oven batteries including the oven machinery have been rehabilitated before the final

measuring period such that they fulfilled the most essential demands imposed under the

1986 TA Luft. The measurements were carried out at a distance of approx. 250 m both on the

lee-side and weather-side of the batteries. On the lee-side, the annual means for BaP ranges

from 23 to 37 ng/m


, while more than 50 % of the measured values were above 10 ng/m


. The

rehabilitation work carried-out during the measuring period led to a reduction in the BaP

burden at the most strongly burdened measuring station on the lee-side by up to 20 %

relative to the annual average. Fig. 36 shows the already known seasonal influence on

measuring values which, like for coke plant B, is mainly attributable to the different

meteorological conditions prevailing during the summer and winter term. However, a base

load of up to 6 ng/m


was determined for the winter months at both measuring positions.

Presumably, coal fires in private households whic h were quite popular in this region at that

time mainly caused this base load.

Figure 36. Benzo(a)pyrene in ambient air near coking plant C (shutdown in 1999) during a three years


8.2. Calculated Benzo(a)pyrene concentrations

The additional burdens of BaP, caused by coke plant´s emissions, in the surrounding of

coking plants A and C, respectively, were calculated by applying a spread model as per

Gauß, without taking account of the influence exerted by buildings on the wind field (Hein

et al., 2003). The wind field was ju st described by the spread class statistics for the site of the

coking plant. The applied emission mass flow rates were based on those ranges given in

section 7.

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


By evulation of existing measuring data on the overall BaP burden near both coking plants,

it was possible to calibrate the mathematical assumptions, and the assumed emission mass-

flows in particular, by a factor of 1.18. The corrected results from calculations for the site of

coking plant A are reflected in Fig. 37 (top side) in a so-called iso-line representation, which

gives the total load of BaP as an annual average (for the year under investigation) near this

plant, assuming a base load of 0.5 ng/m


which was typical for the Rhine-Ruhr area in the

time under investigation.

Figure 37. Calculated BaP concentrations (ng/m


as an annual mean) in ambient air near German

coking plants; top side: total BaP concentrations near coking plant A considering a base load of 0.5 ng



; bottom side: calculated additional burden and measured concentrations in the surrounding of

plant A and C, respectively

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


From Fig. 37 (top side) one may conclude th at, in the period under investigation, the

ambient air standard for BaP of 1 ng/m


(as a sum of base load and additional burden) as

demanded in (EU, 2008) will be complied with in north-east of the investigated coking plant

A only from a distance of approx. 1,500 m onward away from the battery center, assuming a

base load of 0.5 ng/m


. The graph in the bottom of Fig. 37 shows the nearly asymptotic

decline of the additional burdens by BaP, caused by battery operation, in the main direction

of wind in progressive distance from both coking plants under investigation. The spread

characteristics shown here can be confirmed by BaP measurements (overall load) that were

taken in the environment of these plants in the past.

Inasmuch as their meteorology as well as their coke throughput rates is comparable with the

two investigated coking plants, a transfer of the outlined spread behaviour to other coking

plants with comparable emission control standards should be possible.

9. Summary and conclusions

Coke will be an indispensable precursor for steel production worldwide, also in the future.

A further extension of the current cokemaking capacities in the world will depend on the

global economics and on the future behaviour of export willing countries to sell coke for

reasonable prices, of China in particular. It is to assume, if there is need for building of

additional cokemaking capacities, the relevant plants will be built in countries with an

increasing steel demand. Besides for China, this will be the case for India, Southeast-Asia

and South America. Another trend will be inevitable worldwide, that means the

replacement of older and smaller plants by modern high capacities batteries for cokemaking.

This will be necessary not only by economic but notably by ecological reasons. Worldwide

the legal demands for improvements in emission control on coking plants have been

tightened in the last years. Legislation for environmental control as given by the Clean Air

Act in the US, by the German TA Luft or by the BREF document of the European Union are

accepted as a standard for other countries. Improvements in emission control could be

achieved by application of the Best Available Techniques for emission control on coking

plants during the last years in Europea, and in Germany in particular. By consequent

compliance with future standards, as described in the draft of the revised BREF document,

further improvements in air quality in the surrounding of the plants will be achieved. At

this, special importance is to be attached to emissions containing carcinogenic coumpounds,

like Benzo(a)pyren (BaP), which are emitted during conventional cokemaking because of

envitable leaks at the closure facilities of the oven chambers. Similar to the non-recovery

technology for cokemaking, which operates under negative pressure, these fugitive

emissions can be drastically reduced at conventional cokemaking, too, by application of

techniques for control the pressure of the oven chamber.

In order to predict the impact of coke plant´s emissions on the ambient air in the

surrounding, it is necessary to quantify their amount. The paper describes methods for

measuring fugitive emissions containing Benzo(a) pyrene at single closure facilities of the

Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


coke ovens, whereby emissions from doors play a dominant role. Based on these results,

an estimation of the BaP emissions of the total plant is possible. It could be shown that so-

called emission factors for BaP from doors, as an average of all doors of the battery, as

given by the US EPA are higher than those from own measurements. By use of untypical

high emission factors for a prognosis of the impact of coke plant´s emissions on the

ambient air and thus on the heal th risk for the people living nearby, it can happen that the

importance of a coking plant is overestimated. By use of emission factors, which

determination is described in this paper, for spread calculations, a sufficient forecast on

the additional burden of BaP in ambient air in the surrounding of the coking plant is

possible, when comparing with actual results of measurements. Additionally, parameters

could be evolved which influence the impact of coke plant´s emissions on ambient air.

One of them is the location of the coking plant with regard to the relevant residential area

where the ambient air measurements are carried out. In case that the coking plants are

located mid of spacious industrial areas, the ambient air concentration for BaP of 1 ng/m


as set as a standard in Europe can be achieved in most cases, provided the relevant plant

doesn´t exceed a capacity of maximum 2 to 3 mio. t and is equipped with techniques for

emission control according the state of the art.

Author details

Michael Hein and Manfred Kaiser

DMT GmbH and Co. KG, Cokemaking Technology Division, Essen, Germany

10. References

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Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


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Environmental Control and Emission Reduction for Coking Plants


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Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


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Chapter 11

© 2012 Shahmohamadi et al., licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of

the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits

unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Mitigating Urban Heat Island

Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area

Parisa Shahmohamadi, Ulrich Cubasch, Sahar Sodoudi and A.I. Che-Ani

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

The majority of cities are sources of heat, pollution and the thermal structure of the

atmosphere above them is affected by the so-called "heat island" effect. In fact, an UHI is

best visualized as a dome of stagnant warm air over the heavily built-up areas of cities [1].

The heat that is absorbed during the day by the buildings, roads and other constructions in

an urban area is re-emitted after sunset, creating high temperature differences between

urban and rural areas [2]. The exact form and size of this phenomenon varies in time and

space as a result of meteorological, location and urban characteristics [3]. Therefore, UHI

morphology is strongly controlled by the unique character of each city. Oke [3] stated that a

larger city with a cloudless sky and light winds just after sunset, the boundary between the

rural and the urban areas exhibits a steep temperature gradient to the UHI, and then the rest

of the urban area appears as a "plateau" warm air with a steady but weaker horizontal

gradient of increasing temperature towards the city centre. The uniformity of the "plateau"

is interrupted by the influence of distinct intra-urban land-uses such as parks, lakes and

open areas (cool), and commercial, indust rial or dense building areas (warm). In

metropolitan areas especially in Tehran, Iran, the urban core shows a final "peak" to the

UHI where the urban maximum temperature is found. The difference between this value

and the background rural temperature defines the "UHI intensity" (



). The intensity of

the UHI is mainly determined by the thermal balance of the urban region and can result in a

temperature difference of up to 10 degrees [2]. The UHI intensity varies in a recognizable

way through the day under ideal weather conditions. At night, stored heat is released

slowly from the urban surface, contrary to the rapid heat escape from rural surfaces. Thus,

the UHI intensity peaks several hours after sunset when rural surfaces (and consequently

surface air temperatures) have cooled yet urban surfaces remain warm. After sunrise rural

areas warm more quickly than urban areas. If the difference in heating rates is great enough,

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


rural air temperatures may equal or exceed urban temperatures. This reduces the UHI

intensity to a daytime minimum, and may even generate an urban cool island.

2. Problem statement

These questions might strike the mind that why is UHI crucial problem in urban areas? And

why should it be considered? In order to answer these questions, it is imperative to study

the negative impacts of UHIs. Their negative impacts affect so many people in so many

ways. Wong and Chen [4] summarized major negative impacts of UHI as below:

1. Air quality (environmental factor): UHI effect increases the possibility of the formation

of smog created by photochemical reactions of pollutants in the air. The formation of

smog that is highly sensitive to temperatures since photochemical reactions are more

likely to occur and intensify at higher temperatures. Atmospheric pollution can be

aggravated due to the accumulation of smog. In addition, the increased emissions of

ozone precursors from vehicles is also associated with the high ambient temperature;

2. Human mortality and disease (social factor): the UHI effect also involves the hazard of

heat stress related injuries which can threaten the health of urban dwellers; and

3. Waste of natural resources (economical factor): higher temperatures in cities also increase

cooling energy consumption and water demand for landscape irrigation. The peak electric

demand will be increased as well. As a result, more electrical energy production is needed

and this will trigger the release of more greenhouse gas due to the combustion of fossil

fuel. The side effects also include the increased pollution level and energy costs. A

feedback loop occurs when greenhouse gases eventually contribute to global warming.

Growing concern for the future of cities and for the well-being of city dwellers, stimulated

by trends in world urbanization, the increasing number and size of cities, and the

deterioration of many urban environments, has focused attention on the problems of living

in the city. Citizens in cities around the world want clean air, clean water, reduced noise,

more vegetation and protection of habitat areas, and safety. These are all seen as

contributing not only to their health but also to their quality of life. Cities have been blamed

for causing environmental catastrophes, diminishing the quality of life. Cities are also at risk

from industrial hazards, natural disasters, an d the specter of global warming. The likely

negative impacts of global warming include increasing storms, flooding, droughts and the

probable destruction of some ecosystems. In urban areas, there is an "urban heat island"

effect resulting from the production and accumulation of heat in the urban mass. So, how

will UHI affect the cities of the future?

The majority of people in the world live in me tropolitan areas subject to new and potentially

traumatic climatic conditions. A better conceptual approach is needed to understand the

role and effects of UHI in cities and to consider in urban design guidelines and

implementation measures. As Glantz [5] declared;

It must be understood that cities are under real, not imagined, threats from global climate change

and must be redesigned to deal with this reality.

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


Increasing urbanization and industrialization in Tehran metropolitan area in recent decades

caused the urban environment to deteriorate. Tehran suffers from raised temperatures in the

city core, generally known as the heat island effect. Raised temperatures, especially in

summer, turn Tehran city centers into unwelcome hot areas, with direct effects on energy

consumption for cooling buildings and morbidity and mortality risks for the population.

These raised temperatures in Tehran city centre derive from the altered thermal balances in

urban spaces, mainly due to the materials and activities taking place in cities, by far different

to those in rural areas. The increasing numbers of buildings and construction in Tehran

caused that vegetation and trees replaced by buildings. Thus, air temperature increases

especially in high-density areas. The general la ck of vegetation and the low albedo of urban

surfaces are strong characteristics of the form ation of UHI effect in Tehran metropolitan

area. The geometry between a vegetated area and the density-morphology of an urban area

are completely different, which has a direct effect on wind and shade distributions. Human

activities taking place in Tehran urban areas are responsible for anthropogenic heat release

(transport, space and water heating, cooling and the like) and air pollution, the latter

affecting clouds cover. The combination of these factors determines the way in which heat is

absorbed, stored, released and dispersed in the urban environment, expressed as a

temperature increase in the urban area.

Therefore the majority of citizens are suffering from outdoor environment discomfort and

this issue has a deeper and problematic dimension in the case of Iran especially in the city of

Tehran. This research is an effort to recognize the radical cause of UHI in the city and will

suggest some appropriate recommendations to solve this matter.

This research addresses the following objectives:

1. To identify the possible causes of UHI in Tehran metropolitan area;

2. To investigate the severity and impact of UHI on the environmental conditions of

Tehran metropolitan area; and

3. To explore, develop and verify the various potential measures/models that could be

implemented to mitigate the UHI effects in Tehran.

3. Conceptual framework

According to the Oke [6] model, different climatic events happen in different scales in cities

and affect each other. These scales can be divided into two categories:

1. Horizontal scales include: micro-scale, local scale, and meso-scale.

2. Vertical scales (or different types of UHI) include: Air UHI (UCL UHI and UBL UHI),

Surface UHI, and Sub-surface UHI.

Since it requires more spaces to explain all the scales, this research concentrates on UCL

UHI. Figure 1 shows the conceptual framew ork of this research. UCL UHI forms via

interaction between meteorological and urban structure factors. Since there are many factors

which contribute to form UHI, this paper only picks the significant factors, vegetation

covers and albedo materials, because other factors such as location, the size of the

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


population and city, density and the like require long term planning. Then, in next stage, it

develops a model with the title of "Natural Ventilator of the City" (NVC).

3.1. Interaction between meteorological and urban structure factors

Urban climate is concerned with interactions between the atmosphere and human

settlements. As Oke [7] stated urban climate incl udes the impact of the atmosphere upon the

people, infrastructure and activities in villages, towns and cities as well as the effects of

those places upon the atmosphere. Therefore, climate has major impact on urbanization.

Different climatic parameters affect the design of the city in terms of its general structure,

orientation, building forms, materials and the like. Wong and Chen [4] stated that climate

has impacts on buildings in terms of their thermal and visual performances, indoor air

quality and building integrity. For example, a properly oriented building receives less solar

heat gain and result in better thermal perfor mance. In addition climate can influence the

pattern of energy consumption.

It is not always one-way influence from climate toward urbanization. Urbanization also has

more influence on climate. Buildings in cities influence the climate in five major ways [8]:

1. By replacing grass, soil and trees with asphalt, concrete and glass;

2. By replacing the rounded, soft shapes of trees and bushes with blocky, angular

buildings and towers;

3. By releasing artificial heat from buildings, air conditioners, industry and automobiles;

4. By efficiently disposing of precipitation in drains, sewers and gutters, preventing

surface infiltration; and

5. By emitting contaminants from a wide range of sources, which with resultant chemical

reactions can create an unpleasant urban atmosphere.

Urban areas are the sources of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of

fossil fuels for heating and cooling; from industrial processes; transportation of people and

goods, and the like [9, 10, 11]. Increased in pollutant sources both stationary (industrial) and

non-stationary (vehicles) result in worsening atmospheric conditions [12]. The urban

environment affects many climatological parameters. Global solar radiation is seriously

reduced because of increased scattering and ab sorption [11]. Many cities in the tropics

experience weak winds and li mited circulation of air

In parallel, the urban environment affects precipitation and cloud cover. The exact effect of

urbanization depends on the relative place of a specific city with respect to the general

atmospheric circulation [11].

The city affects both physical and chemical pr ocesses in the atmospheric boundary layer (the

lowest 1000m of the atmosphere) [13, 14] including: 1. Flow obstacles; 2. The area of an

irregular elevated aerodynamic surface roughness; 3. Heat islands; and 4. Sources of

emissions, such as sulphate aerosols that affect cloud formation and albedo.

One of the well-known phenomena of the urban climate is the UHI The term UHI denotes

the increased temperature of a city compared with the temperature of the surrounding rural.

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


The temperature difference is raised with an increase in population and building density,

which it is caused higher temperature than rural areas, as we ll as lower humidity due to low

albedo and non-reflective materials, lower wind speed due to high density, and create

various types of UHIs in different layers of urban climate. Hence, according to these data,

Figure 2 illustrates the interaction between urban structure and climatic factors. The effect of

urban structure factors on climate and vice versa is caused the formation of UHIs in

different layers.

Figure 1. Conceptual frameworkwhich helps the accumulation of pollutants [12]. The wind speed in the

canopy layer is seriously decreased compared to the undisturbed wind speed and its direction may be

altered. This is mainly due to the specific roughness of a city, to channelling effects through canyons

and also to UHI effects [11]. In addition, higher temperatures increase the production of secondary,

photochemical pollutants and the high humidity contributes to a hazy atmosphere.

4.2. The effect of vegetation covers and high albedo materials over

meteorological Factors

4.2.1. The effect of vegetation covers over meteorological factors: benefits of greenery in

built environment

Green spaces contribute significantly to cool our cities and reduce UHI effects. Vegetation

covers have extreme impacts on various aspects of life include filter pollutions, reduce air

temperature, energy savings, help to mitigate greenhouse effect, provide an appropriate and

pleasant environment for people. In fact, vegetation covers with their related benefits, play

an important role in preventing the urban ecosystem from facing its ecological downfall.

The ability of urban trees to improve the therma l comfort conditions in the surroundings is a

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


function of the seasons, background climate, size of green area, type of surface over which

trees are planted, and the amount of leaf cover [1]. Akbari et al. [15] discussed that the

effectiveness of vegetation depends on its intensity, shape, dimensions and placement. But

in general, any tree, even one bereft of leaves, can have a noticeable impact on energy use. In

fact, trees in paved urban areas intercept both the sensible heat and the long wave radiation

from high temperature paved materials such as asphalt [16, 17].

Figure 2. Interaction between urban structure and climate factors

Wong and Chen [4] declared that greenery in a built environment has benefits in all aspects

of life such as environment, economic, aesthetic and social.

1. Environmental benefits

Plants can offer cooling benefits in a city through two mechanisms, direct shading and

evapotraspiration, which lead to alleviate UHI effects and provide pleasant environment.

These benefits are:

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


Reduce urban air temperature;

Reduce air pollution and improve air quality; and

Provide best ventilation condition.

2. Economic benefits

Economical benefits are associated with the environmental benefits brought by plants in a

built environment. These benefits are:

Energy saving;

More usable space; and

Reduce cooling resources through better insulation.

3. Aesthetic benefits

The aesthetic benefits are:

Improve aesthetic appeal;

Hide ugly roof tops services; and

Integrate well with the building aesthetically.

4. Social benefits

The social benefits are:

Foster community interaction;

Facilitate recreational and leisure activities; and

Therapeutic effects and improve health of its users.

4.2.2. The effect of high albedo materials over meteorological factors

The role of building materials, which is mainly determined by two characteristics including

technical and optical characteristics [11, 1], is critical in mitigation of UHI effect. The

technical characteristics of the materials used determined to high degree of energy

consumption and comfort conditions of individual house, as well as open spaces. The

optical characteristics of the materials used in the urban fabric largely define its thermal

balance [11]. Two significant factors, albedo (reflectivity) which is the ratio of the amount of

light reflected from a material to the amount of light shining on the material and emissivity

which is the ratio of heat radiated by a substance to the heat radiated by a blackbody at the

same temperature, are the most important parameters of optical characteristic [4]. Generally,

urban surfaces tend to have lower albedo than surfaces in the rural environment (e.g.

vegetation), thus absorb more solar radiation. This causes higher surface temperatures than

air temperature; they can become 30-40°C higher than ambient air temperature [18]. Use of

high albedo materials reduces the amount of solar radiation absorbed through building

envelopes and urban structures and thus keeps th eir surfaces cooler. Emissivity controls the

release of long-wave radiation to the surrounding. The albedo and emissivity, aspects

related to the durability, cost, appearance and pollution emitted by the materials have to be

considered. Using scale models, Simpson and McPherson [19] reported slightly better

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


energy consumption performance under a white roof than a silver-colored roof, indicating

the importance of emissivity in addition to albedo. Santamouris [11] reported asphalt

temperatures close to 63ºC and white pavements close to 45ºC. Higher surface temperatures

contribute to increasing the temperature of the ambient air and the UHI intensity.

Porosity is another characteristic of material that can affect urban temperature and UHI

intensity. Porous surfaces absorb water (e.g. soil) account for quite significant latent heat

flux in the atmosphere. Lack of porosity mate rials in urban surface, a high percentage of

non-reflective, water-resistant surfaces and a low percentage of vegetated and moisture

trapping surface create an evaporation deficit in the city caused UHI intensity. Vegetation,

especially in the presence of high moisture levels, plays a key role in the regulation of

surface temperatures even more than may non-reflective or low-albedo surfaces [20] and a

lack of vegetation reduces heat lost due to evapotranspiration [21].

According to above description these three characteristics of materials are responsible for

formation of UHI. Figure 3 shows that low quality of materials such as low albedo and low

emissivity and the lack of porosity increase temperature, energy consumption, pollution and

finally UHI, while Figure 4 shows that by increasing the quality of materials, UHI intensity

can be decreased. The existence of these characteristics of materials properly helps to

balance temperature, energy consumption and pollution in so far as reduce UHI effects and

achieve ideal condition (UHI=0) (Figure 5). This process can be described in the following


... ...

... ...

l Em Por Temp En Pol UHI

l Em Por Temp En Pol UHI

   


Therefore, the existence of all characteristics of materials and integration between them can

extremely contribute to reduce UHI effects rather than existence of one characteristic.

4.2.3. Model: Natural ventilator of the city

The most important part of any models is to pick the significant variables. It is realistic to

present a range of key components involved and discuss how much interaction and impacts

affect the basic system.

By deducing to researches, vegetation covers and high albedo materials have direct impact

on mitigating of urban temperature and UHI effects. In this way, the increasing concern for

the UHI impacts and the air quality is believed to be the motivation focusing on these key

components and making a conceptual model. According to pervious discussion, many

researches declared that greenery and high albedo materials could extremely affect the UHI.

In facts, these researches experimented these two variables and observed their impacts on

the UHI intensity separately. It is obvious that there are many conceptual models that can

control the UHI effects. They all share the same goal that is to reduce UHI effects caused by

interaction between two factors including meteorological and urban structure factors. Aside

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


from all this, the study tried to develop the model and observe the impacts of vegetation

covers and high albedo materials on UHI in parallel.

Figure 3. Low quality of material and UHI intensity

Figure 4. Mitigation of UHI intensity by increasing the quality of the materials

Figure 5. Integration of characteristics of material, creation of balance and reduction of UHI intensity

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


The key components of the study can be divided into two categories, first meteorological

and urban structure factors which with their interactions form UHI over the urban areas;

second vegetation covers and high albedo materials which contribute to mitigate the

produced UHI. In addition, since focusing on other factors which classified in urban

structure factors such as location, population, city size, density of built-up area and the like

require long term planning, an optimal and realistic solution is to focus on thermal

properties of fabric and surface waterproofing, which can be manipulated and achieved the

good results quickly for mitigating UHI effects.

Compiling the four key components into a specific model is meaningful in promoting the

passive climate control brought by vegetation covers and high albedo materials in an urban

area. The interactions among the four key components and how variables can contribute to

mitigate the UHI effects are presented in the model shown in Figure 6. The constituent parts

of the model are the impacts of vegetation covers and high albedo materials over

meteorological factors. Components with the solid circles indicate relatively stable

conditions, while the dashed circles imply their potential variation in an urban area which

by changing the amount of them can adjust the urban temperature and mitigate UHI effects.

VU is the amount of vegetation covers introduced into an urban area. This can be enforced

when more greenery is introduced into the urban area, such as vertical and horizontal green

spaces, roof gardens and the like. VM is the ability of greenery to control meteorological

factors. HAU is the amount of reflectively, emissivity and porosity of materials introduced

into an urban area. This can be enforced when more high albedo materials is introduced into

the urban area. HAM is the ability of high albedo materials to control meteorological factors.

In Figure 7, the shaded area represents the UHI intensity which created by interaction

between meteorological and urban structure factors. A greater interaction leads to higher

UHI intensity that encounters an urban area with imbalance condition.

For achieving balance condition and mitigating the UHI intensity, two variables, vegetation

covers and high albedo materials contribute to approach the lower UHI intensity (Figure 8)

and achieve ideal condition (UHI=0) (Figure 9).

Based on the model, three hypotheses can be generated:











Hypothesis1: if the amount of vegetation cover and high albedo material all together cover

approximately a fourth of urban area, the effect of UHI can be reduced (Figure 7):

Hypothesis 2: if the amount of vegetation cover and high albedo material all together cover

approximately a third of urban area, the effect of UHI can be extrem ely reduced (Figure 8):

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area











Hypothesis 3: if the amount of vegetation cover and high albedo material increase and cover

half of urban area, the effect of UHI can be achieved zero which is the ideal condition (Figure 9):











Figure 6. Conceptual model, vegetation covers and high albedo materials are considered to be the

major components of UHI mitigation

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 7. Increasing the amount of greenery and high albedo materials mitigate the UHI effects


Figure 8. Approach to lower UHI intensity with increasing greenery and albedo of materials

Figure 9. Achieve ideal condition by covering urban areas with approximately 50% greenery and high

albedo materials

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


5. Methodology

In order to test the model, UHI measuring, modeling and simulation have been carried out

which described in following way:

5.1. Methodologies used for Urban Heat Island measurements

The methodologies employed for measuring UHI are:


Satellite images: broad and visible instantaneous observed;


Historical weather data: long-term observation; and


Mobile survey: observation of given area within a designated period.

5.1.1. Urban Heat Island meas urement through satellite image

A Landsat ETM7+ satellite image obtained on 18 July 2000 was selected (Figure 10). Satellite

image with a thermal band was processed to obtain an instantaneous impression of the UHI.

In order to map out the UHI, mapping of land surface temperature (LST) and normalized

difference vegetation index (NDVI) were necessary. It aimed to overlay two images (NDVI

and LST images) and extract maximum temperature value for both urban and rural area as

well as identify the possible hot spots in the metropolitan area. Figure 11 shows the process

of UHI mapping.

Figure 10. Landsat-7 ETM+ image of Tehran acquired on 18 July 2000 (band combination RGB 7 5 3)

5.1.2. Urban Heat Island measurement through historical weather data

In order to measure UHI intensity during a 25 years period, this study has chosen two

stations (Mehrabad station in urban area and Karaj station in rural area). The stations

selected to be used from weather station network sources, which under the governmental

organization named as Iran Meteorological Organization.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 11. The process of UHI mapping

5.1.3. Urban Heat Island measurement through mobile survey

This survey entailed travelling on a predetermined path throughout a district, stopping at

representative locations to take reading using just a single set of weather instrumentation.

Using professional measuring instrument: Anemometer, Hygrometer, Thermometer and

Light meter called Lutron LM-8000 (4 IN 1).

Method of transport taken in this measurement is to cycle between measurement locations.

Since the measurement must be taken in specified period, using car or public transportation

was not logical because of traffic jam.

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


5.2. Methodology used for modeling

This research used modeling based on GIS analysis, which is divided into two analyses

(Figure 12); 1. 3D analysis; and 2. Spatial analysis in order to have the classification and the

area of vegetation cover, albedo material and both together in current situation of 6 urban

district of Tehran.

Figure 12. The process of UHI modeling based on GIS

5.3. Methodology used for simulation

This chapter used ENVI-met, three dimensional non-hydrostatic microclimate model, for

simulating 'natural ventilator of the city' model with three scenarios. The Figure 13 shows

the process of simulation with ENVI-met.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 13. The process of simulation with ENVI-met

6. Model area: 6 urban district of Tehran

This paper put the model and its hypotheses in the context of 6 urban district of Tehran

(Figure 14) for following reason:

with high density of built-up area and low albedo and non-reflective materials, higher

production of anthropogenic heat due to the transportation, cooling and heating system

and cooking plays an important role on formation of UHI;

Located near the centre of gravity of Tehran;

Located on main axes of the city (Enghelab and Vali-e-Asr streets) (Figure 15);

Surrounded the district by main urban axes (highways)(Figure 15);

Concentration of superior activities and urban central functions; and

Concentration of pollutions over central part of Tehran brought by west prevailing

wind and increase inversion in Tehran.

Figure 14. The location of 6 urban district of Tehran (in the central part of Tehran)

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


Figure 15. Main northern-southern and eastern-western axes surrounded 6 urban district

The area of the simulation has been shown in Figure 16 where has the higher intensity of

UHI. The model area has a size of 230*234 m, resulting in 94*92*25 cells with a resolution of

2*2*2 meters. Within the area only residential buildings with average height of 16 m are

located. The geographic coordinates of the model area were set to 35.73° latitude and 51.5


Figure 16. The certain area of simulation in 6 urban district of Tehran with higher intensity of UHI

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


7. Discussion of results

7.1. Urban heat island measurement

7.1.1. Satellite image

The clear observation is the surface temperature of Tehran in 18 July 2000 (Figure 17). The

warm region where is represented by red and yellow colour, is mostly located in the central,

western and southern part of Tehran where CBD, industrial area and airport are located

respectively. On the other hand, northern part of Tehran is relatively cool with green colour.

This is due to the concentration of greenery and water bodies as well as less impact from the

densely placed urban developments. The contrast between urban and rural areas hints at the

prevalence of the UHI effect in Tehran, al though the satellite image only provides the

instantaneous observation during the daytime.

Figure 17. Figure 17. Tehran surface temperature map

The UHI intensity of Tehran is:

Urban max = 39 °C

Rural max = 27°C

UHI = (39-27) °C = 12°C

Therefore, daytime Tehran surface UHI shows 12°C of differences between urban and rural


Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


The UHI intensity of 6 urban district is:

Urban max = 40 °C

Rural max = 27°C

UHI = (40-27) °C = 13°C

Daytime UHI shows a 13°C of difference between urban and rural area. In fact, UHI

intensity of 6 urban district is 1°C higher than Tehran.

Study area (6 urban district) image reveals some spots with either high or low surface

temperature. As shown in Figure 18, Region 1 represents some of governmental

organization, such as energy organization and some commercial and residential land uses.

They experienced the highest temperature during daytime especially in the north and west

parts of the region mainly because of lack of extensive landscape and being close to the two

main highways (Hemat in north and Chamran in west) as well. Similarly, higher

temperature was observed in eastern north and east parts of the Region 2. This is also

reasonable since the exposed runway absorbs a lot of incident solar radiation during the

daytime and incurs high surface temperature. It is due to the bus terminal station located in

the Abassabad lands as well. Region 3 represents the most crowded area with higher traffic

congestion, which the majority of commercial land uses are located in this region. Region 5

and 6 are close to the CBD of Tehran and neighbour with the Enghelab street, the most

crowded street, but the existing of one of the biggest parks of Tehran, Laleh park, in Region 5

was able to reduce the higher temperature partly. Region 4 also represents some of the

commercial and residential land uses. Furthermore, as shown in Figure 18, the areas around

the main axis of the district which separates the regions of 1, 3 and 5 from regions of 2, 4 and 6,

have lower urban temperature which it can be mainly due to the trees axis in the Vali-e-Asr

street. This axis is not the worst scenarios, however, some red spots can be seen in this area.

Therefore, the worst scenarios have been occurred in eastern north, western north and also

some areas in west of the district. These all can be due to the lack of vegetation covers and low

albedo materials and higher density of population and production of anthropogenic heat.

7.1.2. Historical weather data

The investigation of a 25 years period of urban (Mehrabad station) and rural (Karaj station)

temperature in Tehran makes clear the temperature difference between these two areas. The

selection of these two stations is because of the long records and validity. Mehrabad station

is located within the west region of Tehran which airport situated there. In Karaj station, the

major land use is agriculture. At Mehrabad and Karaj stations, the annual maximum, mean

and minimum dry-bulb temperatures indicate a slow upward trend towards warming or

cooling during the period 1985-2009 (Figure 19 and 20).

An exploration of the mean temperature trends of Mehrabad (urban) and Karaj (rural) as

well as temperature differences between the two locations was made. The results show that

(Figure 21) for the first five years temperature difference increased from 1.9°C to 3.6°C. This

was an increase of 1.7°C for the period. It dropped by 1.7°C in 1991. Over the next 12 years

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


there were fluctuations. It started increasing from 1.7°C in 2003 to 3.2°C in 2004 and it

reached to peak on 2005 before the temperature difference decreased by about 3.6°C to

around 2.6°C in 2009. The highest temperatur e differences is 3.6°C occurred in 1989, 1990

and 2005, while the lowest one with 1.5°C occurred in 1993, 1995 and 1999. It means that

from 2003 forward there is higher intensity of UHI.

Figure 18. 6 urban district's surface temperature map

Figure 19. Analysis of the past 25 years' weather data at Mehrabad station

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


Figure 20. Analysis of the past 25 years' weather data at Karaj station

Figure 21. Mehrabad-Karaj mean temperature differences

7.1.3. Mobile survey

Field measurements are used for measuring the air temperature of current situation of the

area. In this way, it was chosen 31 points in three parts of the district. In fact, three ways

were traversed, two narrow strips around (from point number 1 to 11 and 12 to 21) and the

central part of the district (from point number 22 to 31), to cover whole areas of the district

(Figure 22). Since there were only two hours with higher radiation intensity to measure

points, this study has selected three consecutive days to measure them exactly in these two

hours. It investigated the correlation between temperatures and different land uses in

current condition of 6 urban district.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 22. Selection of 31 points in 6 urban district with 1 Km distance for mobile survey

Figure 23. Three routes selected for measuring air temperature in 6 urban district

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


First route running from north to south and then to east (1 to 11), second route from west to

east and then to south (12 to 21) and third route which cover central part of the district (22 to

31) running like zigzag movement to cover whole area of the central part passed through quite

a number of different land uses (Figure 23). In order to save time and measure the defined

points in defined time, bicycle was selected. According to high traffic jam in Tehran reaching

to all points in the exact time by car was impossible. Therefore using vehicle equipped with

observation tube which can automatically record ambient temperature was difficult.

The maximum air temperature, 42 °C, was observed in the route number 1 in industrial,

commercial and public services. The lowest temperature, 38.5 °C, was observed in

residential area (Figure 24). In route number 2, the maximum temperature was also 42°C in

industrial and public services and the lowest one was 34°C in park (Figure 25). In route

number 3, the highest temperature was 40.5 °C in industrial area and the lowest one was 30

°C in park (Figure 26).

Figure 24. Maximum air temperature in different land uses in route number 1

Figure 25. Maximum air temperature in different land uses in route number 2

As seen routes number 1 and 2 have the same highest temperature in industrial area and

public services but the route number 3 has 1.5 °C less than the other routes. It is due to the

location of routes number 1 and 2 and they are located next to the main highways (Hemat,

Chamran, Modares and Enghelab highways) which have the highest traffic jam, air

pollution, production of anthropogenic heat and last but not least the lack of vegetation

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

13:00 13:11 13:21 13:36 13:48 13:56 14:10 14:22 14:36 14:49 15:00

Public Service



Public Se rvice



Parking Residential Commercial Public Se rvice


Industrial Tehran


Commercial Industrial Commercial-

Residential (Mix


Temperature (°C)

Time and Land Uses













13:00 13:12 13:26 13:32 13:49 14:06 14:20 14:34 14:48 15:00

Parking Residential Commercial-

Residential (Mix


Public Service



Public Service



Commercial Commercial-

Residential (Mix


Industrial Park Public Service


Temperature (°C)

Time and Land U ses

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


covers which can ventilate air and using low albedo and non-reflective materials. The

industrial areas generally have low-rise buildings and the high temperature recorded in

these areas is related to the extensive usage of metal roofing in the buildings. The high

temperature of commercial and public services buildings is related to use concrete and dark

stones (Figure 27) that absorb a huge part of the solar radiation incident on it and later

release it to the atmosphere. In addition, calculation of averaging the temperature in every

route shows the highest mean temperature in route number 1 with 41 °C, route number 2

with 39.6 °C and route number 3 with 38.25°C respectively (Table 1). From the results it is

observed that the daytime temperature seemed to be dominated more by the solar radiation

component rather than by the reradiated temperature, which is the main cause of daytime

UHI. The average of observations obtained during daytime in three days in 2009 shows that

the temperature is 2.2 °C higher than the average of temperature derived from satellite

image in 2000. It means that there were more constructions in these 9 years and made the

condition much more worse.

Routes Mean max temperature (°C) Mean min temperature (°C)

1 41 30.06

2 39.60 29.05

3 38.25 28.90

Table 1. Mean min and max temperatures in three different routes

Figure 26. Maximum air temperature in different land uses in route number 3

In urban areas, the night time temperatures varied between 25°C and 35.5°C and it was

found that the CBD area was around 7 °C hotter than the locations with greenery (Figure 28,

29 and 30). This also indicates the center of the night time UHI effect which has shifted from

the industrial areas during the daytime to th e CBD area. The average temperature in every

route in night time also shows the highest mean temperature in route number 1 with 30.06

°C, while route number 2 has 29.05°C and route number 3 with 28.90 °C (Table 1). It means

that at night time also route number 1 has the highest temperature. Comparing these results

















13:00 13:11 13:27 13:39 13:54 14:13 14:24 14:37 14:48 15:00

Commercial-residential (Mix


Parking Commercial Park Industrial Public Service



Hotel Commercial Parking Park

Temperature (°C)

Time and Land Uses

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


with satellite image results shows that west, north-west and east parts of the district in

satellite image (2000) have higher intensity of UHI, while mobile survey (2009) shows the

condition much worse.

Figure 31 shows the correlation between GIS and mobile survey. P-value, which shows 0.05,

is significant difference between GIS and mobile survey. The Pearson correlation which is

0.67 shows that the difference is reliable. This means the reading between these two sources

is complement each other.

Figure 27. Using dark stone, concrete and metal materials

Figure 28. Minimum air temperature in different land uses in route number 1














21:00 21:10 21:20 21:37 21:47 21:55 22:10 22:21 22:35 22:48 23:00

Public Service



Public Service



Parking Residential Commercial Public Service


Industrial Tehran University Commercial Industrial Commercial-

Residential (Mix


Midnight Temperature (°C)

Time and Land Uses

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 29. Minimum air temperature in different land uses in route number 2

Figure 30. Minimum air temperature in different land uses in route number 3

Figure 31. Figure 31. Correlation between GIS and mobile survey














21:00 21:11 21:25 21:32 21:49 22:05 22:19 22:34 22:47 23:00

Parking Residential Commercial-


(Mix use)

Public Service



Public Service



Commercial Commercial-


(Mix use)

Industrial Park Public Service


Midnight Temperature C)














21:00 21:11 21:25 21:38 21:52 22:13 22:23 22:36 22:47 23:00


residential (Mix


Parking Commerc ial Park Industrial Public Service



Hotel Commercial Parking Park

Midnight Temperature (°C)

Time and Land Uses

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


7.2. Modelling based on GIS analysis

The results obtained from modelling based on GIS, 3D and spatial analysis, are described in

following way:

7.2.1. 3D analysis

This analysis gives visual views of the district that can help to better understand of the site.

The 3D of district (Figure 32) shows that the northern part of the district has some ups and

downs that contribute to cause an unequal distribution of pollution and provide warm air

canopy over this area. As shown in Figure 18, the northern part of the district has the hottest

surface temperature that is due to the concentration of the pollutions and cause to form the


7.2.2. Spatial analysis

To prove the hypotheses spatial analysis based on ArcGIS has been done in order to

estimate the area of albedo (lower, medium and higher), vegetation covers and then overlay

them. Results obtained from creating albedo (F igure 33) and NDVI grid maps (Figure 34) in

vector format.


Albedo Grid Map

As shown in Table 2, albedo has been classified into three groups including (Figure 33):


Higher albedo with value of 0.170-0.310 occupied 37% of whole area of 6 urban district.

According to the Table 3, this range of albedo belongs to concrete (0.10-0.35);


Medium albedo with value of 0.140-0.160 occupied 50% of whole area of 6 urban

district. According to Table 3, this range of value belongs to asphalt (0.05-0.2) or

corrugated iron (0.10-0.16); and


Lower albedo with value of 0.064-0.130 occupied 13% of whole area of 6 urban district.

According to Table 3, this range of value belongs to gravel (0.08-0.18), smooth-surface

asphalt (0.07) or black coloured materials.


NDVI Grid Map

As shown in Table 4, the land cover types have been divided into 4 categories including

(Figure 34):


Vegetation with value of 0.0-0.7 from very poor to very high density. This type covers

51.57 hectare, 2.4% of whole area of 6 urban district;


Non-vegetation with value of -0.0- -0.4 including urban area, desert, mountain area and

cloud. This type covers 2087.52 hectare, 97.37% of whole area of 6 urban district;


Water with value of -0.4- -0.7 constituted 1.7 hectare, 0.08% of whole area; and


There are also some land covers that their types were not recognizable which cover 3.21

hectare, 0.15% of whole area of 6 urban district.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 32. 3D of 6 urban district

Albedo Classification Albedo Value Area (Hectare)

Percent of 6 Urban

District Area

Higher albedo 0.170-0.310 792 37%

Medium albedo 0.140-0.160 1071 50%

Lower albedo 0.064-0.130 280 13%

2144 100%

Table 2. Albedo classifi cation with related values and area in 6 urban district

Figure 33. Albedo grid map of 6 urban district

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


Surface Albedo


Asphalt (fresh 0.05, aged 0.2) 0.05-0.2




Whitewashed stone

White marble chips

Light-coloured brick

Red brick

Dark brick and slate











Smooth-surface asphalt (weathered)


Tar and gravel




Corrugated iron

Highly reflective roof after weathering










White, whitewash

Red, brown, green





Urban areas






Light-coloured sand

Dry grass

Average soil

Dry sand

Deciduous plants

Deciduous forests

Cultivated soil

Wet sand

Coniferous forests

Wood (oak)

Dark cultivated soils

Artificial turf

Grass and leaf mulch














Table 3. Albedo of typical urban materials and areas [22,3]

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


NDVI value Vegetation density Land cover type



Percent of 6 Urban

District Area

0 Unknown Unknown 3.21 0.15%

-0.4 - -0.7 Non-Vegetation Water 1.7 0.08%

-0.0 - -0.4 Non-Vegetation

Urban area, desert,

mountain area and


2087.52 97.37%

0.0 - 0.1 Very Poor

Vegetation 51.57 2.4%

0.0 - 0.2 Poor

0.2 - 0.3 Moderate

0.3 - 0.5 High

0.5 - 0.7 Very High

2144 100%

Table 4. Land cover types with related value and areas in 6 urban district

Figure 34. NDVI grid map of 6 urban district

3. Overlaying the albedo and NDVI grid maps

Results obtained from overlaying the albedo and NDVI grid maps have been shown in

Figure 35 and Table 5.

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


No. Albedo Classification Land Cover Type Area (Hectare)

1 Higher Albedo Unknown 3.05

2 Higher Albedo Non-Vegetation 739.16

3 Higher Albedo Vegetation 48.80

4 Higher Albedo Water 1.06

5 Medium Albedo Unknown 0.16

6 Medium Albedo Non-Vegetation 1068.08

7 Medium Albedo Vegetation 2.76

8 Medium Albedo Water 0.48

9 Lower Albedo Non-Vegetation 280.28

10 Lower Albedo Water 0.16


Table 5. Results of overlaying albedo and NDVI grid map of 6 urban district

Figure 35. Overlaying albedo and NDVI map of 6 urban district

Each number shows the combination of albedo and land cover types. It can be divided into

following groups:


Higher albedo with non-vegetation and vegetation covers;


Medium albedo with non-vegetation and vegetation covers; and


Lower albedo with non-vegetation cover (as seen in Table 5 the combination of lower

albedo and vegetation cover does not exist).

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Number 2 (Orange colour) shows the combination of higher albedo and non-vegetation with

739.16 hectare area, number 6 (yellow colour) sh ows the combination of medium albedo and

non-vegetation with 1068.08 hectare area, number 9 (green colour) shows the combination of

lower albedo and non-vegetation with 280.28 hectare area, which occupied 34.5%, 50% and

13% of 6 urban district respectively. Number 3 (red colour) shows the combination of higher

albedo and vegetation with 48.80 hectare area, number 7 (brown colour) shows the

combination of medium albedo and vegetation with 2.76 hectare area which occupied 2.27%

and 0.12% of 6 urban district respectively. Other numbers are negligible which are not

observed in Figure 35. Although number 3 includes high albedo and vegetation cover, it

encompass the very low percentage of area which not only it has not impact on mitigation of

UHI, but also this value of albedo (with value of 0.17-0.310) with lower reflectivity can

increase the UHI intensity. The area of vegetation cover is negligible in comparison with

whole area of the district. Number 6 with 50% of whole area of 6 urban district including

non-vegetation cover and medium albedo materials (with value of 0.14-0.160) has been

widely distributed in the district and provided worse condition for this district. After

number 6, number 2 is in the worse condition with 34.5% of whole area of 6 urban district

including non-vegetation cover and high albedo materials (with value of 0.17-0.310). Then

number 9 with 13% of whole area of 6 urban district and the combination of lower albedo

and non-vegetation cover stands in the next rank. It has been widely distributed in region 1

and 2 that the topography of these regions also provided higher UHI intensity. It is also

observed in Figure 16 that these regions have higher UHI impacts.

7.3. Analyze the model of natural ventilator of the city

The area of 6 urban district is 2144.33 hectare with population of 232583. According to Table

4, vegetation covers constitute 51.57 hectare of 6 urban district area. Therefore, per capita of

vegetation cover in this district is 2.21m



Population of 6 urban district = 232583

Vegetation cover area = 51.57 hectare = 515700 m


Therefore, per capita of vegetation cover = 2.21 m


It means that only 2.4% of whole area of 6 urban district is composed of vegetation cover

with 2.21 m


per capita.

Based on studies and investigations of United Nation (UN) Environment, acceptable per

capita of green spaces in cities is of between 20 and 25 m


for each person [23].

In fact, 6 urban district with 2.21 m


per capita of vegetation cover is around 18 m


less than

indicator of UN that makes the situation wors e and increases UHI intensity in given area.

According to hypotheses, if a fourth area of 6 urban district is covered with vegetation

covers and high albedo materials, therefore:

Area of 6 urban district = 21443300 m


21443300 ÷ 4 = 5360825 m


Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area




5360825 2 2680412.5 m Vegetation covers

2680412.5 m Higher albedo materials



Therefore, per capita of vegetation cover is:

2680412.5 ÷ 232583 = 11.5 m


In comparison with the UN indicator (20-25 m


), it is 8.5 m



Therefore, this hypothesis is not applicable

If a third area of 6 urban district is covered with vegetation covers and high albedo

materials, therefore:

Area of 6 urban district = 21443300 m


21443300 ÷ 3 = 7147766.67 m




7147766.67 2 3573883.33 m Vegetation covers

3573883.33m Higher albedo materials



Therefore, per capita of vegetation cover is:

3573883.33 ÷ 232583 = 15.3 m


In comparison with the UN indicator (20-25 m


), it is still 5 m



Therefore, this hypothesis also is not applicable.

If the amount of vegetation cover and high albedo material increase and cover half of urban

area, the effect of UHI can be achieved zero which is the ideal condition, therefore:

Area of 6 urban district = 21443300 m


21443300 ÷ 2 = 10721650 m




10721650 2 5360825m Vegetation covers

5360825 m Higher albedo materials



Therefore, per capita of vegetation cover is:

5360825 ÷ 232583 = 23 m


In comparison with the UN indicator (20-25 m


), it is acceptable.

Therefore, this hypothesis is applicable.

In addition, as Reagan and Acklam [24] calculated, when the reflectivity of the rest of area

(5360825 m


) with poorly insulated building is incr eased from 0.25 to 0.65, the heat gains

through the roof are reduced by half. It means that the albedo values mentioned in Table 2 is

higher albedo in current classification of 6 urban district and it does not have higher


Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 36 shows the areas with higher intensity of UHI chosen to implement natural

ventilator model as shown in Figure 18. These areas cover approximately half area of 6

urban district with vegetation cover along with high albedo material and they act as

ventilation holes and mitigate UHI effects.

Figure 36. Covering the half area of 6 urban district with vegetation cover along with high albedo


7.4. Simulation through ENVI-met

ENVI-met was employed to simulate "natural ventilator of the city" (NVC) model. This

simulation compares the current situation of 6 urban district of Tehran with three scenarios

according to the variable of the NVC model. These three scenarios were created as follows:

Scenario 1: change current low albedo material to high albedo materials;

Scenario 2: cover the model area with vegetation cover; and

Scenario 3: cover the model area with vegetation cover along with high albedo material.

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


The boundary condition was set according to the current situation of model area based on

weather data obtained from the mobile survey. One typical time scenario, 1200 hr, was

selected for analysis.

Figure 37 illustrates the current situation of the model area and three scenarios in ENVI-met.

The material used for buildings, in current situation of 6 urban district, is concrete with

albedo of 0.30, for roofs and roads is asphalt with albedo of 0.14-0.16 and some parts of the

area have covered by loamy soil with albedo of 0.17-0.23. There is the lack of vegetation

cover in this area. In scenario 1, low albedo materials were changed to high albedo one,

asphalt to bright asphalt with albedo of 0.55, concrete was covered with white coating with

albedo of 0.85, and loamy soil to light colored soil with albedo of 0.6. In scenario 2,

horizontal and vertical surfaces were covered by vegetation cover. In fact, these two

scenarios show that how vegetation and high albedo material can contribute to UHI

mitigation separately. In scenario 3, the model area was covered with high albedo material

along with vegetation cover in order to see that how these two variables can contribute

together to mitigate the effect of UHI.

Figure 37. Current situation of the model area and three scenarios in ENVI-met

Figure 38 shows the daytime (at 1200 hr) simulation of the current situation of 6 urban

district and three scenarios. As seen in this Figure, in current situation of 6 urban district,

higher temperature (above 295.80 K) occurs in roads and roof of buildings with low albedo

material such as asphalt and the areas with less vegetation cover. The simulation results

show that when the points are closer to the green area (east north), lower temperatures

(294.60 K) were observed.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


In scenario 1, the cooling effect of high albedo materials can be seen in the simulation

(Figure 37). In the east north part, it is not seen higher temperature while in current situation

there is higher temperature and it decreased to around between 294.20 and 295.20 K and in

building area to around less than 294K. It means that high albedo materials have extreme

effects on decreasing the ambient temperature.

Figure 38. Daytime simulation of 6 urban district and three scenarios in ENVI-met

When the vegetation is added in scenario 2, the temperature in the areas with trees and roof

gardens has been reduced from around 295 K to 294.20 K. In fact, the moisture levels in the

soil dose not cause the temperature to be similar to those on the hard pavement areas.

Although the vegetation cover decreased temperature, there is still higher temperature in

roads. Green roofs contributed to decreased the temperature in housing area. While the

vegetation is replaced with hard pavement (current situation), it can be seen that the whole

area now has a higher temperature at about above 295.80 K. The qualitative analysis of the

temperature data showed that the coolest area s were in the Saee and Laleh parks located in

route number 3. It means that field measurement has also shown the same results that

greenery can decrease temperature. The reduction of the air temperature in the areas with

more vegetation cover can reach 0.8 °C. In the comparison of the scenarios' 1 and 2 and

current situation for temperature, scenario 1 has more effect on the surrounding built-up

area than vegetation cover.

Current situation of 6 urban district Scenario 1

X (m)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Y (m)




















Pot. Temperature

unter 294.20 K

294.20 bis 294.40 K

294.40 bis 294.60 K

294.60 bis 294.80 K

294.80 bis 295.00 K

295.00 bis 295.20 K

295.20 bis 295.40 K

295.40 bis 295.60 K

295.60 bis 295.80 K

über 295.80 K

Min: 294.30 K

Max: 296.73 K


X (m)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Y (m)




















Y (m)




















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Y (m)




















Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects in Tehran Metropolitan Area


In scenario 3, the combination of vegetation and high albedo material has been examined in

order to test that how these two variables can affect the surrounding built-up area in

parallel. As seen in Figure 38, in scenario 3, it is obvious that the combination of these two

variables can affect to reduce the temperature around 2.43°C. Scenarios' 1 and 2 also

contribute to reduce the temperature singly, while in scenario 3 which is the combination of

scenario 1 and 2 has extreme contribution to mitigate the air temperature.

Therefore, in the cross-comparison of the three scenarios for temperature, the best cooling

effect on the surrounding built-up area is observed in the third scenario and cooling effect of

greenery along with high albedo material can be confirmed by the simulation.

Author details

Parisa Shahmohamadi, Ulrich Cubasch and Sahar Sodoudi

Institut für Meteorologie, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

A.I. Che-Ani

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia

8. References

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the Tropics. London. Spon Press.


Asimakopoulos D.N, Assimakopoulos V.D, Chrisomallidou N, Klitsikas N, Mangold D,

Michel P, Santamouris M, Tsangrassoulis A (2001) Energy and Climate in the Urban

Built Environment. M. Santamouris (Ed.). London. James & James Publication.


Oke T.R (1987) Boundary Layer Climates (2an edn.). New York. Methuen and Co. Ltd.


Wong N.H, Chen Y (2009) Tropical Urban Heat Islands: Climate, Buildings and

Greenery. London and New York. Taylor & Francis Press.


Glantz M.H (2005) What Makes Good Climates Go Bad?. Geotimes 50(4):18-24.


Oke T.R (2006) Initial Guidance to Obtain Representative Meteorological Observations

at Urban Sites.Instruments and Observing Methods. Canada. WHO. No. 81.


Oke T.R (2006) Towards Better Scientific Communication in Urban Climate. Theoretical

and Applied Climatology 84: 179-190.


Bridgman H, Warner R, Dodson J (1995) Urban Biophysical Environments. Melbourne

and New York: Oxford University Press.


Grimmond S (2007) Urbanization and Global Environmental Change: Local Effects of

Urban Warming. Cities and Global Environmental Change 83-88.


Oke T.R (1981) Canyon Geometry and the Nocturnal Urban Heat Island: Comparison of

Scale Model and Field Observations. Journal of Climatology 1: 237-254.


Santamouris M (2001) Energy and Climate in the Urban Built Environment. London.

James & James Publication.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


[12] Roth M (2002) Effects of Cities on Local Climates, Proceedings of Workshop of

IGES/APN Mega-City Project, 23-25 January 2002, Kitakyushu Japan.


Mayer H (1992) PlannungsfaktorStadtklima. Münchner Forum, Berichte und Protokolle,


[14] Fezer F(1995) Das KlimaderStädt. Gotha, Justus PerthesVerlag.


Akbari H, Davis S, Dosano S, Huang J,Winnett S (Editors) (1992) Cooling our

Communities: a Guidebook on Tree Planting and Light-Colored Surfacing. United

States Environmental Protecti on Agency, Washington, D.C.


Halvorson H, Potts D (1981) Water Requirements of Honeylocust (Gleditsiatriacanthos

f. inermis) in the Urban Forest. USDA Forest Service Research Paper. NE-487.


Heilman J, Brittin C, Zajicek J (1989) Water Use by Shrubs as Affected by Energy

Exchange with Building Walls. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 48: 345-357.


Akbari H, Pomerantz M, Taha H (2001) Cool Surfaces and ShadeTrees to Reduce

Energy Use and Improve Air Quality in Urban Areas.Solar Energy 70(3): 295–310.


Simpson J.R, McPhersonE.G (1997) The Effect of Roof Albedo Modification on Cooling

Loads of Scale Model Residences in Tucson , Arizona. Energy and Buildings 25: 127-137.


Goward S.N, Cruickshanks G. D, Hope A.S (1985) Observed Relation between Thermal

Emission and Reflected Spectral Radiance of a Complex Vegetated Landscape. Remote

Sensing of Environment 18: 137-146.


Lougeay R, Brazel A, Hubble M (1996) Monitoring Intra-Urban Temperature Patterns

and Associated Land Cover in Phoenix; Arizona Using Landsat Thermal Data.Geocarto

International 11: 79-89.


Bretz S, Akbari H, Rosenfield A, Taha H (1992) Implementation of Solar Reflective

Surface: Materials and Utility Programs. LBL Report 32467. University of California.


United Nation Environment (2010)


Reagan J.A, Acklam D.M (1979) Solar Reflectivity of Common Building Materials and

its Influence on the Roof Heat Gain of Typical Southwestern USA Residences. Energy

and Buildings 2: 237-248.

Chapter 12

© 2012 Chen, licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative

Commons Attribution License (, which permi ts unrestricted use,

distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Managing Emergency Response

of Air Pollution by the Expert System

Wang-Kun Chen

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Recently, the emergency preparedness of environmental disaster has been grown because of

the climate change and growth of new technology in industry. The need to reduce the risk of

major event of air pollution is of great concern. To ensure the quality of response

management and reduce the loss in the air pollution event, it is necessary to design a

reliable emergency response system. However, the phenomenon of air pollution is very

complicated so it is very difficult to consider all possible factors in one system.

A well prepared response management plan should include the prediction and

recommendation for the policy makers so as to reduce the possible damage of the disaster.

This chapter sets out the method to improve both planning for emergency response of air

pollution and recommendations to improve the effectiveness of this system.

The effect of air pollution includes the long-term and short term. Long-term effect of air

pollution was controlled by the abatement program of source reduction. However, the

short-term episode is more difficult to control because the emergency response is usually

very complicated and related to many people in the neighboring area.

The environmental disaster, both from the natural and man-made release, has to be

controlled by the well-designed management program. However, the consequence of the

disaster was related to so many actions and regulations, therefore it is very difficult to make

a quick and correct response measure only by the human. The supplementary system with

the aid of computer system become more im portant in the decision making process.

The decision making system for air pollution management has to consider the appropriate

method to avoid the damage from the pollution. Therefore, a complete database includes all

the possible reason and consequence results should be included in this system. Beside, the

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


system should be able to deduce the possible consequence and suggest the best choice for

the decision makers.

A case study was presents in this chapter. This study uses the experience in Taiwan as an

example. Since Taiwan is a very small island with highest population density, the air

pollution also causes severe problem for the public. Because the population density is as

high as the on the top of the world, the air pollution response management system have also

received more attention in environmental management.

The chapter was written in the following structure. The concept of air pollution

management was described in the second section. Then the structure of knowledge bank

was proposed. The data base and inference system was proposed and written in the

following. Finally a conclusion of this system and the suggestion for the future research was


2. Concept of air pollution management system

2.1. Definition of air pollution disaster and risk management pattern

Before going into the detail, we have to know the concept of air pollution management. An

air pollution management system for emergency response could be described by figure 1. In

this system, there includes a knowledge database, an inference mechanism, and the interface

with the users and another resource. Because the system will influence many people and

interest groups, so it has to be designed more carefully in order to get the optimum decision.

This data base and inference mechanism is just used to ensure the reliability of the

effectiveness of this system.

Figure 1. Expert system for air pollution emergency response

Managing Emergency Response of Air Pollution by the Expert System


The design of this system includes the following steps as: (1) Identify problem characteristics;

(2) Find concept to represent knowledge; (3) Design structure to organize knowledge; (4)

Formulate rules to embody knowledge; (5) Validate rules that organize knowledge.

Every air pollution event has its characteristics; it can be represents by an appropriate

knowledge. Then we design the structure to organize this knowledge, and formulate the

mathematical rules to embody the knowledge so that it can be inference in the system.

Finally, we have to validate the rules and or ganize all of this knowledge for the future


Figure 2. Flow chart for constructing an expert system

2.2. Identify the pattern system of risk management

The air pollution disaster is an accidental phenomenon in the environment; it can be

represented by a mathematical pattern. The pattern structure of air pollution management

can be categorized as the following four types as shown in figure 3. The first pattern is the

characteristic of the air pollution episode itself. The second pattern is the change pattern in

the ecosystem. The third pattern is the loss pattern in the economic system. And the final

pattern is the response pattern for the disaster management.

Different episode has different characteristics, such as the dust storm, forest fire, explosion,

and toxic gas leakage, etc. it will cause various types of damages. These will cause the

damage in ecosystems and loss in economic system. Therefore, the change in these two

systems has to be the well prepared management systems. A good management system

should be able to concern all of these factors together. And suggest an optimum decision for

the decision maker. However, it will include many criteria in the thinking, so the expert

system has to be applied in the solution.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 3. Pattern structures of environmental risk and its management

2.3. Define the space-time information system of air pollution risk management

In designing the expert system, the risk of air pollution event should be discussed first. Since

the air pollutant or hazardous materials can be released into the atmosphere by accidents at

plants, chemical processing, and other facilities. They may also release by transportation

accidents. All of these events can cause the risk for the residents in the neighboring

communities. Thus a precise way to estimate the possible damage to the community of the

environment is indeed very important. The formulation of a disaster event has to be derived


The process of air pollution disaster management is a space-time information problem. In

general, the space geographical information can be represented by the following equation:




ij ij


ij ij



ij b e ij








Where I is the collection of space geographical information; it is the individual vector for the



item, j is the state of this item; Sij (Tij ) and A ij(Tij ) represent the characteristics of this item in

time tb to te . The inferences of the above equation are the following:

[Inference 1 ]If i is constant, then this equation represents the time series data of the same


[Inference 2] If j is constant, then this equation represents the characteristic distribution in

the same time.

Managing Emergency Response of Air Pollution by the Expert System


From the above equation, all the events can be described and all the influence of this event

in different space can be explained. The remaining parts are to transform the actual events

into the mathematical forms for further inference.

2.4. Define the emergency response measure for risk management

For an air pollution disaster management system, there exists a domain of emergency

response measures, defined by the following equation:







,, ,






ction Action Action

mm m





Where M is the collection of emergency response measure; Action i is the individual vector

for the i


measure. Each action is represented by a symbol m; and there are m measures in

the action domain. If the risk management system is good enough, there should have

enough measure to solve the problem encountered by the air pollution. Therefore, we have

the following inferences:

[Inference 3] If i is constant, then for each Sij(Tij ) and Aij(Tij ), there exists a measure mi in the

emergency response measures domain.

[Inference 4] If j is constant, then for each S

ij(Tij) and A ij(Tij), there exists a measure m i in the

emergency response measures domain.

Different actions have different effectiveness. For example, the authority can stop the

emission of air pollutants from the plant in case of necessary. Or they may restrict the

activity of community people when there is a need to reduce the emission from the sources.

Most of the action related to the benefit of the community people, so different divisions of

the government has to be involved, like the local government, environmental protection

agency, chamber of commerce, and regional development agency etc.

Not every action has a significant effect on the reduction of disaster, and they costs different

budget. Thus we have to be very careful in se lecting the actions. All the assembly of these

actions is the policy of the government. It is recommended by the expert system.

3. Knowledge-bank analysis

3.1. Construct the modeling base for the expert system

The knowledge bank of an expert system is shown as figure 4. There are different types of

knowledge storaged in this system, like the events pattern, th e change pattern of economic

system, the change pattern of ecological system, and others.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 4. Intelligent knowledge-based expert system

The entire possible pattern, such as the pollution prediction, hazard identification, pollution

distribution, forest ecosystem, land economic, and risk management are included in the

knowledge database. With this information, th e system is able to forecast the possible

outcome of the pollution disaster so that the residents can determine the best prevention

strategy. Other tools like the logic operation, decision table, and fault tree analysis technique

should be included. Finally, a developer interface and the user interface have to be designed

very carefully.

The knowledge bank contains the model bank, pattern bank, and regulation bank as below.

[5] There are three main modeling activities which included in the expert system: (1)

contingency modeling, (2) short term modeling, and (3) accidental, or release modeling [6].

Contingency modeling is to present concentrations for specific chemicals and emission,

which may be encountered at a possible release place. Short term modeling is to calculate

concentrations occurred in a short periods. The third modeling, accidental release modeling,

is perhaps the most critical to emergency managers, which includes natural or accidental

release. This type of release modeling is performed soon after a release occurs and is

proposed to give immediate responses.

3.2. The model bank for expert system

In designing the expert system for air pollution management, we have to analysis the

necessary model as the tool for choosing the correct response measures. Three major model

Managing Emergency Response of Air Pollution by the Expert System


banks should be contained in the system, which are meteorological model, air quality

model, and economic model.

1. Meteorological model:

The meteorological model includes the following:

1. Wind field model

2. Temperature variation model

3. Pollutant path prediction model

4. Terrain model

5. Cloud model

6. Vertical wind distribution models

7. Remote sensing generated meteorological parameter model

The wind field model helps us to know the possible damage of the episode. Temperature

variation model provide us the diffusion capacity of the atmosphere. The pollutant path

prediction model helps us to identify the duty of the polluter. A terrain model provides us

the information for the safety management of this event. The cloud model is benefit for the

estimation of precipitation of pollutant. And the vertical wind distribution model provides

us the understanding of vertical diffusion capability of the atmosphere.

2. Air quality model:

There are several approaches to calculate air pollution diffusion. The most famous are the

following three types.

1. Gaussian diffusion model

2. Trajectory model

3. Grid model

The above three model has different capabilities. Gaussian diffusion model is suitable for

the near field forecasting. Trajectory model are often used to know the source-receptor

relationship and suggest the possible decision for pollution abatement. The grid model can

treat the photochemical reaction and often used in the implementation management

program of air pollution.

Recently, the improvements in computer technology have significantly improved the speed

and accuracy of air quality models. These models have been found in many different areas

from ensuring regulatory compliance to assessing human exposure to natural disaster,

accidental release, and intentional air pollutant transport.

3. Economic models:

The economic models include the following:

1. Housing damage model

2. Personal injury and death model

3. Agricultural loss models

4. Indirect economic loss models

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


5. Post-disaster reconstruction costs model

3.3. The pattern bank for expert system

Three mathematical methods could be applied in the treatment of pattern in this research,

which are: (1) Statistical pattern ;( 2) Fuzzy pattern ;( 3) Neural-network pattern. [2] [3] [4] [7]

In the system, we define the following systems: (1) Wind pattern; (2) Weather pattern; (3)

Source pattern ;( 4) Population pattern.

3.4. The regulation bank for expert system

The risk management should follow the present regulations; therefore, a regulation bank for

response measure is necessary in the management system.

3.5. The action bank for expert system

The action includes different economic models as the following.

1. Reinsurance compensation model

2. Super fund models

3. Major disaster securities market model

4. Social public disclosure models

5. Education and training model

6. Emergency response models

7. Human resource models

4. Data base analysis and inference system

4.1. Geographical information systems

The tool capable to handle the figure and characters simultaneously is necessary for the

research of air pollution emergency response system. The concept of geographical

information system (GIS) could be the answer. GIS are tools that allow for the handing of

spatial data into information. A lot OF GIS has been developed and applied in diverse field.

For example, the GPS satellite system, the web-digital map, and the remote sensing

technique, etc. They are all built with GIS as the core technology.

Geographical information system has several advantages over the traditional database. The

major advantages include different treatment of characters, the ability to treat the map data,

and desirable property to pose the data on internet. The tool contains report generating a

summary to analyze the area affected by the air shed.

The GIS has the following subsystems:

1. A data input subsystem that collects and preprocesses spatial data from various

sources. This subsystem is also largely responsible for the transformation of different

Managing Emergency Response of Air Pollution by the Expert System


types of spatial data(i.e. from isoclines symbols on a topographic map to point

elevations inside the GIS) [1]

2. A data storage and retrial subsystem that organizes the spatial data in a manner that

allows retrieval, updating, and editing.

3. A data manipulation and analysis subsystem that performs tasks on the data,

aggregates and disaggregates, estimates parameters and constraints, and performs

modeling functions.

4. A reporting subsystem that display all or part of the database in tabular, graphic, or

map form.

4.2. Inference mechanism for the expert system

Logical formula operators allow us to compare values and evaluate the results. When two

values are compared using logical operators, the result is either true or false. Logical

operators are available in the Compute Wizard if/then/else formula menu as the following:

The four quadrants

Conditions Condition alternatives

Actions Action entries

Table 1. Example for conditions and actions

The inference mechanism in the decision supporting system includes the decision table,

logic gate, decision tree, and fault tree etc. Decision tree analysis will be applied in the

system for decision support. A decision tree is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like

graph or model of decisions and their possible consequences, including chance event

outcomes, resource costs, and utility.

In this study, we use the IF/THEN in the emergency response system. Table 2 is the example

of decision for an episode by the IF (i nformation) / THEN (action) operator.

4.3. Models for air pollution emergency management

Different kinds of pattern model for air pollution management are listed in table 3.

5. Case study results and discussion

5.1. Expert system for air pollution management

In this study, we use the dust storm as an example for the emergency response system. A

framework for the expert system was described in this section. This system provides a easy-

to-use, real-time access to pollution concentration predictions and consequence analysis. The

system enables us to rapidly determine hazard areas, affected population, meteorological

conditions, and relevant geographical information

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Table 2. IF (information)/THEN (action) operator



Air model


Economic Pattern Risk management


1 Wind field model Gaussian

diffusion model

Housing damage



compensation model

2 Temperature variation




Personal injury and

death model

Super fund model

3 Pollutant path

prediction model

Grid model Agricultural Loss


Major disaster

securities market


4 Cloud model Hybrid model Roads and bridges

damage model

Social public

disclosure model

5 Vertical wind

distribution model

Indirect economic

loss model

Education and

training model

6 Terrain model Post-disaster

reconstruction costs


Emergency Response

7 Remote sensing



parameter model -

- Human resource


Table 3. Four types of pattern in the emergency response system

Managing Emergency Response of Air Pollution by the Expert System


Dust storm is a meteorological disaster which comes from the Mongolia area of northern

China. The main reason for the formation of dust storm is the overdeveloping and the global

warming which induce the soil become desert. The strong wind blow also increase the

number of dust storm event year by year. This phenomenon also affects the neighboring

area such as Korea, Japan, and Taiwan etc. [6]

In order to realize the dust storm disaster, many researches has been made recently and the

database was build. Most of the information about the dust storm was monitored by the

meteorological and environmental monitoring system followed by the data processing


The information generated in the process was largely in the form of figure or character.

Although it is convenient to understand, the time consuming in processing these

information is too long. The new architecture in this study is capable to offer a function that

enables us to search the map data directory from the dust storm event. The main advantage

for the new architecture is to simplify the search work and save the time for searching dust

storm event.

5.2. Design and capability of the emergency management systems

The case study described here referring to the design and algorithm of a dust storm event

response system. The system was combined with the geographical information system and

was called "DSGIS (Dust Storm Geographical In formation System". DSGIS is an interactive

geographical information system for dust storm research and has been developed to

enhance the understanding of dust storm phenomenon and to offer a more convenient

environment for the researchers and public.

The concept of geographical information system and supporting database system was

applied in DSGIS for planning of the figureizational operating system of dust storm event. It

enables use of digitization information to search and treat the dust storm event information.

There are three major concerns in implementing a dust storm geographical information

system as the following: programming language, database, GIS tool, and interface.

Visual Basic was chosen to be the programming language of this system. The database

applied in the preliminary system is "ACCESS" developed by Microsoft. GIS Design

tool"ArcGIS ENGINE" supplied by ESRI was used in this system. And there are three

interfaces in the system: (1) User Interface (2) Developer Interface (3) Outer Interface.

5.3. Design results of the expert system for managing air pollution

The dust storm events were gathered in the DSGIS database system and combined with the

air quality monitoring station data.

In planning the database structure, the monitored data were collected first. A standard form

was suggested to be the format of this database. There are five index of air pollutants in each

monitoring station, they are total suspended particulate (TSP), sulfur dioxide (SO

2), nitrogen

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


oxide (NO


), carbon monoxide (CO), and ozone (O


). The database was designed based on

the above monitored information. However, the content of this system will be revised and

expanded in case there is any ch ange of demand for this system.

The dust storm determined the air quality, mainly in particulate. However, the

concentration change during the dust storm period was also increased by the researchers.

The air quality index PSI is automatically calculated by the above five air pollution

concentration value and categorized as suggested by EPA. The core system and algorithm

for DSGIS is described in the system. Following the database structure discussed in previous

section, the infrasture of DSGIS is shown in figure 5.

Figure 5. The Dust Storm GIS system (DSGIS)

Managing Emergency Response of Air Pollution by the Expert System


Figure 6. Operation environment

The order of the system structure can be explained as in figure 6. The selected place or dust

storm event can be input from the interface of the screen. Also, a "map searching" method

was developed in this study. This method enab les us to search a station directly from and

display the information the users want to know. The detail of each step is described as the


Entering into the system

The DSGIS will download the data automatically from the database of the selected zone

where the user entering into the interface of the operating environment.

Input the search condition

Four search conditions can be used as the search condition, they are:

i. Latitude: input two sets of number of longitude and latitude such as (123, 23) and (121,

25). The number sets represent all the geographical information within the four points

of the four numbers.

ii. Date: input year, month, date, these data can be input simultaneously or separately, e.g.

the data 20070409 represents all the data in April, 2007.

iii. Location of the station: Input the station's numb er or the name of the station. It is also

permissible to input two longitude and latitude to include all the stations within this


Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


iv. Select the number of PSI as it is defined and all the information within this range can be


Display the search results (Fig. 6)

The information consistent with the search condition will be displayed The information

consistent with the search condition will be displayed in the screen on its location with the

following sign as

, , , , , Δ , , etc. .

View the search results (Fig.7)

When the search results were displayed, the DSGIS also allows the users the select the

station directly through the mouse acted on the screen. More information about this station

will be displayed consequently.

The version one of DSGIS has already completed. The structure of each component remains

very flexible for the future application and adjustment of this system.

Figure 7. Search results

5.4. Numerical weather prediction bank of the expert system

In order to have precise results in the expert system, the numerical weather prediction

model has to be applied. The prognostic data from numerical weather prediction models is

suggested. The weather models predict future three dimensional atmosphere states by

solving the conservation equations for mass, momentum, and thermodynamic energy.

These models represent the relevant physical processes for moisture, cumulus convection,

and radiation, and sub grid-scale turbulence.

Managing Emergency Response of Air Pollution by the Expert System


5.5. Atmospheric transport and diffusion models of the expert system

Some models were suggested in this system, as listed in Table 4.

Air model pattern Name of the models

Gaussian diffusion model 1. ISCST


Trajectory model 1. CALPUF

2. GTx

Grid model 1. TAQM

2. CAMx

3. WRF

Table 4. Atmospheric transport model used in the system

5.6. System validation and supporting databases of the expert system

The supporting database is important because the changes in metrological conditions and in

emission strengths may affect the air quality.

A supporting database for the monitoring of the air quality data is important as explained in

figure 8. the source distribution example of a county is shown in figure 9. the calculated

pollution concentration in northern is shown in figure 10. Finally, the estimated social cost

cause by air pollution in each district was show n in figure 11 as a for the decision maker.

Figure 8. The use of air quality monitoring data in the emergency response management system

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 9. Example of the source distribution diagram in a county located in northern Taiwan

Figure 10. Predicted distribution of the pollutant concentration in northern Taiwan

Managing Emergency Response of Air Pollution by the Expert System


Figure 11. Predicted social cost of pollution in northern Taiwan

6. Conclusion and suggestion

The intelligent expert system for air pollution emergency response was established in this

study. The dust storm event geographical information system was studied and a

knowledge-based decision support system for emergency response and risk management

was established. The mathematical pattern relationship of air pollution effects on

neighboring area and the corresponding response measures were included in this system.

The decision maker can specify the procedure and minimize their human error in the

decision process.

The performance results indicate that the function of DSGIS is acceptable. Generally

speaking, DSGIS is a useful tool for taking the necessary knowledge and information about

the dust storm. In addition, it also provide more convenient operating interface for the

users. The concept of "map searching" is more convenient than the traditional searching

methods. The performance results also show that the effectiveness of the DSGIS in searching

the event is reliable and acceptable.

Since this system is designed on a module-based feature, it is easy to expand the application

to more cases. Future work includes development of other independent module for

individual event and gathers more information about the event into the database.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Author details

Wang-Kun Chen

Jinwen University of Science and Technology, Department of Environment and Property

Management, Taiwan

7. References

[1] DeMers, M. N., 2000, "Fundamentals of Geographical Information System " 2


ed. John

Wiley and Sons, Inc. USA.

[2] Duda P. O., Hart P. E., Stork D. G. (2001) Pattern Classification (2nd), Wiley, New York,

ISBN 0-471-05669-3..

[3] Schalkoff R., Pattern Recognition: Statistical, Structural, and Neural Approaches. John Wiley

& Sons, 1992.

[4] Schuermann, J. (1996): Pattern Recognition, Wiley&Sons, 1996, ISBN 0-471-13534-8.

[5] Taiwan EPA (1996) "Air Pollution Emergency Response System " Taiwan Environmental

Protection Administration, Taipei, Taiwan.

[6] Turpin, R. (2004) Air Plume Modeling, Planning or Diagnostic Tool. Environmental

Protection Agency. Retrieved February 17, 2007 From

atdworkshop/proceedings/ session1/campagna.pdf

[7] Yie C.R., 2002,"The effect of Mainland dust storm to the acid air pollutants in central Taiwan ",

National Chung-Hsin University.

[8] Zadeh L. A. (1965) "Fuzzy sets". Information and Control 8 (3) 338–353.

Chapter 13

© 2012 Ibrahim and Ilinca, licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of

the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits

unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy

Storage in the Reduction of GHG – Case Study:

Application on the Remote Area Power Supply


Hussein Ibrahim and Adrian Ilinca

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

There are many different interpretations and classifications in use today to describe rural

and/or remote areas for the purposes of discussing methods of electrification. Some useful

examples are as follows [1]:

1. By density and concentration or clustering setting the context of the environment or


Small communities, villages or even towns that are remote from other habitation,

Dispersed households, farms and enterprises of low density over wide areas or


Community clusters or villages surrounded by lower density dispersed


Geographically on the same land mass, but separated by physical obstacles such as

long distances, mountainous terrain, or possibly separated by water such as island


2. By energy use:

By power and energy (or load factor=f(energy/power)) and load profile,

By application: household, commercial enterprise, institution, agricultural

processing, etc.

3. By choice and method of energy provision:

Reticulated electricity, connected to some form of larger grid, or a local micro grid,

Reticulated/piped fuel such as natural gas, LPG, fuel oil, diesel,

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Transported fuel such as natural gas, LPG, fu el oil, diesel, by land or sea transport,

Reliance on renewable energy products such as hydro, solar photovoltaic (PV),

wind, waves, tides,

The most suitable method of electricity provision (technology, business model, etc.) will

usually depend on the combination of the geographic context, the consumer need, and the

possibilities that are available and affordable to provide the energy requirements. Therefore,

the most appropriate solutions in one place might be quite unsuitable in another [1].

Clusters and communities that are very remote from other habitation will generally be

supplied by some form of centralised local generation, or via a connection to a larger but

somewhat remote grid.

2. Challenges related to the electrification of remote areas

Today, diesel generators are mainly used, around the world, as emergency supply sets in

telecommunication, public buildings, hospitals, or other technical installations

(meteorological systems, tourist facilities, farms, etc.), and as standalone military and marine

power plants, as well as the reliable isolated power source for islands or remote villages

placed far from the power network [2]. In fact, there are two general methods of supplying

electricity to remote areas: grid extension and the use of diesel generators. Grid extension

can be very expensive in many locations. Diesel generators are therefore the only viable

option for remote area electrification [3].

Classic gensets based on internal combustion engines are equipped with synchronous

generators, therefore fixed speed operation is required. It gives low efficiency during low

load operation (figure 1). It is not critical in emergency case operated sets, but very

important in continuously operated system s, where fuel consumption is significant

economic and logistic aspect. In fact, remote areas with relatively small communities

generally show significant variation between the time of peak loads and the time of

minimum loads. A typical example of a load profile of a remote community in Western

Australia is shown below in figure 2. Diesel-powered electric generators are typically sized

to meet the peak demand during the evening but must run at very low loads during "off-

peak" hours during the day and night. This low-load operation results in poor fuel

efficiency and increased operation and maintenance costs [3].

Moreover, low load operation of diesel genset at synchronous speed reduces the engine

lifetime, by incomplete combustion of the fuel, therefore an additional dump load is

required to improve the combustion process. The efficiency and fuel combustion at low load

conditions can be improved by use of load adaptive adjustable speed operation of the genset

[4]. In some remote locations, a dual diesel generator system is employed. When the load is

light, the smaller generator is used; as the load increased, the manual switch is transferred to

the larger generator. This approach results in some fuel savings, however managing this

dual system is time consuming and impractical [3].

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy Storage in

the Reduction of GHG – Case Study: Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System


Figure 1. Example of a variation of diesel fuel consumption with loading

Figure 2. Typical load profile of a remote community [3]

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 3. Canadian remote communities [5]

In Canada, approximately 200,000 people live in more than 300 remote communities (Yukon,

TNO, Nunavut, islands) (figure 3) and are using diesel-generated electricity, responsible for

the emission of 1.2 million tons of greenhouse gases (GHG) annually [6]. In Quebec province,

there are over 14,000 subscribers distributed in about forty communities not connected to the

main grid. Each community constitutes an autonomous network that us es diesel generators.

In Quebec, the total production of diesel power generating units is approximately 300 GWh

per year. In the meantime, the exploitation of the diesel generators is extremely expensive

due to the oil price increase and transportation costs. Indeed, the communities are

dependent on imported fossil fuels for most of their energy requirements. Also, there are

exposed to diesel fuel price volatility, frequent fuel spills and high operation and

maintenance costs including fuel transportation and bulk storage. Having said this however,

in the past decade, diesel prices have more than doubled. High fuel costs have translated

into tremendous increases in the cost of energy generation [3]. In Quebec for example, as the

fuel should be delivered to remote locations, some of them reachable only during summer

periods by barge, the cost of electricity produced by diesel generators reached in 2007 more

than 50 cent/kWh in some communities, while the price for selling the electricity is

established, as in the rest of Quebec, at approximately 6 cent/kWh [7]. The deficit is spread

among all Quebec population as the total consumption of the autonomous grids is far from

being negligible. In 2004, the autonomous networks represented 144MW of installed power,

and the consumption was established at 300 GWh. Hydro-Quebec, the provincial utility,

estimated at approximately 133 million CAD$ the annual loss, resulting from the difference

between the diesel electricity production cost and the uniform selling price of electricity [7].

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy Storage in

the Reduction of GHG – Case Study: Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System


Moreover, the electricity production by the diesel is ineffective, presents significant

environmental risks (spilling), contaminates the local air and largely contributes to GHG

emission. In all, we estimate at 140,000 tons annual GHG emission resulting from the use of

diesel generators for the subscribers of the autonomous networks in Quebec. This is

equivalent to GHG emitted by 35,000 cars during one year.

The use of diesel engines to supply power to rural communities has provided light and

energy services to places where previously there has only been darkness. However, the

rising cost of diesel fuel (brought on by hi gher oil prices and the environmental regulation

for its transportation, use, and storage) combined with carbon emissions concerns is driving

remote communities to look at alternative methods to supplement this power source.

During the past few years, wind energy is increasingly used to reduce diesel fuel

consumption, providing economic, environmental, social, and security benefits [8].

Wind-diesel systems have been the most successfully and widely hybrid power systems

applied up to date. These systems are designed to use as much as possible wind power in

order to lower diesel consumption. The challenge is to keep the power quality and stability

of the system besides the variability of the wind power generation and diesel operational

constraints [9]. Indeed, one of the disadvantages is the intermittent nature of wind power

generation. Diesel engine driven synchronous generators operating in parallel with wind

turbine must maintain a good voltage and frequency regulation against active and reactive

load variations and wind speed changes [10]. Integration of a storage element with diesel

and wind turbine is necessary in order to get a smooth power output from a wind turbine

and to optimize energy use to further reduce consumption of diesel fuel [11]. The next

sections present an overview of technical challenges of wind-diesel hybrid system (WDHS),

the justification of the choice of compressed air as device of energy storage to be used with

WDHS and the impact of using of this storage energy system on the fuel consumption of

diesel generators and on the GHG emissions.

3. Overview of wind-diesel hybrid system

3.1. Description of wind-diesel hybrid system

A wind-diesel hybrid system is any autonomous electricity generating system using wind

turbine(s) with diesel generator(s) to obtain a maximum contribution by the intermittent

wind resource to the total power produced, while providing continuous high quality electric

power [12]. Overview of typical wind-diesel installations can be found in [13]. In the most

cases, the power of installed diesel gensets is much higher than the power of wind turbines.

In peak, the wind turbines can cover even more than 90% of demanded power, but in long

term the fuel saving is 10-15%. The same level of fuel saving can be obtained by gensets

based on power electronics, load adaptive, adjustable speed diesel without use of wind

turbines. It is used in light mobile power gensets [14].

Figure 4 presents a schematic diagram of a generalized wind diesel system. As shown, this

system consists of the following major components:

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


One or more wind turbines

One or more diesel generator sets

A consumer load

An additional controllable or dump load

A storage system

A control unit (including possible load management)

Figure 4. Schematic of generalized wind-diesel system [15]

3.2. Classification of wind-diesel sy stems versus wind penetration rate

Wind-Diesel hybrid power systems are particularly suited for locations where wind

resource availability is high and the cost of diesel fuel and generator operation control the

cost of electrical energy supplied. As a result of turbine developments the economics of

wind power have now become competitive with conventional power source. The economy

of operation of wind turbines is critically dependent on the wind speeds at the site. If the

wind turbine is used along (high penetration of wind energy) with a diesel engine, the cost

of power generation could be reduced, in addition to reducing greenhouse gas emission


Penetration here is defined as the ratio of rated capacity of the wind energy source to the

total system-rated capacity. It should also be noted that load patterns may also significantly

affect system operation [15].

A classification system is used when discussing the amount of wind that is being integrated

into the grid system (Table 1). A system is considered to be a high penetration system

(figure 5) when the amount of wind produced at any time versus the total amount of energy

produced is over 100%. Low penetration systems (figure 6) are those with less than 50%

peak instantaneous penetration and medium penetration systems have between 50%-100%

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy Storage in

the Reduction of GHG – Case Study: Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System


of their energy being produced from wind at any one time. Low and medium penetration

systems are a mature technology. High penetration systems, however, still have many

problems, especially when installed with that capacity to operate in a diesel-off mode.

Figure 5. Example of a high-penetration wind–diesel system outputs [16]

Figure 6. Example of a low-penetration wind–diesel system outputs [16]

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective




Operating characteristics







Diesel runs full-time. Wind power reduces net

load on diesel. All wind energy goes to primary

load. No supervisory control system

< 50% < 20%


Diesel runs full-time. At high wind power levels,

secondary loads dispatched to ensure sufficient

diesel loading or wind generation is curtailed.

Requires relatively simple control system.

50% - 100% 20% - 50%


Diesel may be shut down during high wind

availability. Auxiliary components required to

regulate voltage and frequency.

Requires sophisticated control system.

100% - 400%

50% -


Table 1. Wind-diesel classification [15]

3.3. Technical challenges of wind-diesel hybrid system

Hybrid wind-diesel systems with high penetration of wind power have three plant

modes: diesel only (DO), wind-diesel (WD) and wind only (WO). In DO mode, the

maximum power from the wind turbine generato r (WTG) is always significantly less than

the system load. It is the mode of classical diesel power plant. In this case, the diesel

generators (DG) never stop operation and supply the active and reactive power

demanded by the consumer load. Frequency regulation is performed by load sharing and

speed governors controlling each diesel engine and voltage regulation is performed by the

synchronous voltage regulators in each generator. The main goals of maximize fuel

savings or minimize generation costs to supply the actual load [17] is achieved by careful

planning/scheduling of the DG having into account factors such as their specific fuel

consumption, their rated power, etc.

Wind-Diesel mode can be considered as a diesel plant with the wind turbine as a negative

load. It is the mode of many low/medium wind penetration power wind-diesel systems

already implemented in Nordic communities in Yukon [18], Nunavut [19] and in Alaska

[20]. In this case, the WTG power is frequently approximately the same as the consumer

load and in addition to DG(s), WTG(s) also supply active power. Some new problems

appear in this mode like to determine the diesel spinning reserve (the wind power can

disappear in any moment due to the unpredictable wind resource and the current load can

overload the diesel(s) currently supplying), or to assure a minimum diesel load needed by

some engines (this situation can happen at high wind power levels and low loads). Under

these conditions, two operating modes are possible: (1) the diesel can be allowed to run

continuously, or (2) the diesel can be stopped and started, depending on the instantaneous

power from the wind and the requirements of the load. Running the diesel continuously

decreases the load factor, with an increase in the aforementioned diesel operating costs.

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy Storage in

the Reduction of GHG – Case Study: Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System


Using the energy storage unit showed in figure 4 can solve both problems. The second

problem can be solved by the use of the dump load showed in figure 4 or reducing the

power coming from the wind turbine. Some variable speed wind turbines have this

possibility [21]. Also in this mode additional reactive power must be generated, because

wind turbines are normally reactive power consumers, although adding capacitor banks or

overexciting the synchronous generators can solve this. However, the first obstacle with this

perspective results from the operation constraints of diesels. Beyond a certain penetration,

the obligation to maintain idle the diesel at any time, generally around 25-30 % of its

nominal output power, forces the system to function at a very inefficient regime. Also, this

limits the wind energy to a level of too weak penetration and the wind turbines act only as a

negative charge for the network. Indeed, for low and medium penetration systems, the

diesel consumes, even without load, approximately 50% of the fuel at nominal power

output. These systems are easier to implement but their economic and environmental

benefits are marginal [22].

The use of high penetration systems allows the stop of the thermal groups, ideally as

soon as the wind power equals the instantaneous charge, to maximize the fuel savings.

This is the wind only mode. The WO mode is only possible if the power coming from the

wind turbine(s) is greater than the consumed power by the load (with a safety margin).

Because no diesel generators run in this mode, auxiliary components are required to

regulate voltage and frequency. The frequency is controlled through the active power

balance. To accomplish this active power balance, the energy storage system can be

added to store the surplus active power from the wind turbine or retrieve power in the

periods when the wind power is less than current load; also the surplus wind power can

be consumed by dump loads. The voltage is controlled by the reactive power balance

and it is normally achieved through synchr onous condensers which deliver the reactive

power needed by the loads and the wind turb ine. To supply power uninterruptedly, the

size of the energy storage has to be big enough to assure power to the load during

transitions from the wind po wer source to the diesel power source when there is a

failure or absence of wind energy. In the meantime, the high-penetration wind diesel

systems without storage (WDHPWS) is subject to complex technical problems [23], [24]

which did that a single project of this type, without any storage, is presently operational

in Alaska [20].

During time intervals when the excess of wind energy over the charge is considerable the

diesel engine must still be maintained on standby so that it can quickly respond to a wind

speed reduction (reduce the time of starting up and consequent heating of the engine). This

is an important source of over consumption because the engine could turn during hours

without supplying any useful energy. Assuming optimum exploitation conditions [25], the

use of energy storage with wind-diesel systems can lead to better economic and

environmental results , allows reduction of the overall cost of energy supply and increase

the wind energy penetration rate (i.e., the proportion of wind energy as the total energy

consumption on an annual basis) [16].

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


4. Choice of the energy storage device for a high penetration wind-diesel

hybrid system

Presently, the excess wind energy is stored either as thermal potential (hot water), an

inefficient way to store electricity as it cannot be transformed back in electricity when

needed or in batteries which are expensive, difficult to recycle, a source of pollution (lead-

acid) and limited in power and lifecycle. The fuel cells propose a viable alternative but due

to their technical complexity, their prohibitive price and their weak efficiency, their

appreciation in the market is still in an early phase. The required storage system should be

easily adaptable to the hybrid system, available in real time and offer smooth power


Due to technical, economical and energetic advantages demonstrated by the compressed air

energy storage (CAES) in hybrid systems at large scale (figure 7) use in the USA and

Germany, we investigated the possibility to associate the wind-diesel with compressed air

energy storage system for medium and small scale applications (isolated sites).

The choice of this system was not only based on the successes of large scale CAES system.

The energy storage in the form of compressed air is suitable for both wind and diesel

applications. Moreover, the CAES presents an interesting solution for the problem of strong

stochastic fluctuations in wind power by offering a high efficiency conversion rate (60-70%

for a complete charge-discharge cycle). It, also, uses conventional materials that are easy to

recycle and can support an almost unlimited number of cycles [26].

Figure 7. Illustration of the large-scale wind-compressed air hybrid system

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy Storage in

the Reduction of GHG – Case Study: Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System


Figure 8. Performance index of different energy storage systems

A detailed study based on a critical analysis of all techno-economical characteristics of the

possible energy storage technologies (for example, cost, efficiency, simplicity, life time,

maturity, self-discharging, reliability, environmental impact, operation constraints, energy and

power capacity, adaptability with wind-diesel system, contribution to reduce of fuel

consumption, etc.); it was proposed a solution that meets all the technical and financial

requirements while ensuring a reliable electricity supply of these sites. It is the wind-diesel

hybrid system with compressed air energy storage (WDCAHS). This study demonstrates the

value of compressed air storage for a high penetration wind-diesel hybrid system and its

advantages with regard to the other energy storage technologies. It was based on the

aggregation in a «performance index» of technical, economic and environmental

characteristics of various storage methods [27]. The results of this analysis and the values of

the performance index are illustrated in the figure 8 for different possible strategies of storage.

The performance index is the measure of the applicability of a technique of storage to a

specified application [27]. For another application than the power supply of a remote area,

the values of the performance index can be different. The determination of the indication of

performance is done using a decision matrix that helps to balance the importance of each

characteristic (15 criteria, for example, cost, self-discharging, reliability, time response,

efficiency, simplicity, life time, maturity, en vironmental impact, operation constraints,

energy and power capacity, adaptability with wind-diesel system, operational constraints,

contribution to reduce of fuel consumption, etc.) of the storage system with regard to the

specific requirements of the envisaged application.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


It is easy to establish from the figure 8 that the compressed air energy storage system

(CAES) answers the choice criteria with a performance index of approximately 82 %.

5. Medium-scale wind-diesel-compressed air hybrid system

5.1. Operation principle

The medium scale wind-diesel-compressed air hybrid system (MSWDCAHS) (figure 9) can be

used, for example, in the case of remote villages or islands with important level of local

electrical load (few hundred kilowatts to few tens of MW). MSWDCAHS combined with diesel

engine supercharging, will increase the wind energy penetration rate. Supercharging is a

process consisting of a preliminary compression that aims to increase the density of the

engine's air intake, in order to increase the specific power (power by swept volume). During

periods of strong wind (when wind power penetration rate – WPPR, defined as the quotient

between the wind generated power and the charge is greater than 1; WPPR>1), the wind

power surplus is used to compress the air via a compressor and store it in a tank. The

compressed air is then used to supercharge the diesel engine with the two-fold advantage of

increasing its power and decreasing its fuel consumption. The diesel generator works during

periods of low wind speed, i.e., when the wind power is not sufficient to sustain the load.

Figure 9. Illustration of the medium-scale wind-diesel compressed air hybrid system

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy Storage in

the Reduction of GHG – Case Study: Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System


5.2. Technical advantages of an additional supercharging of diesel generator

with stored compressed air

Most diesel generators used in remote areas (medium-scale case) are already equipped with

a turbocharging system via a turbocharger. However, this type of system loses its

advantages during operation at low regime because its efficiency is directly related to the

quantity of exhaust gases. To understand the advantage of an additional turbocharging of

diesel engine and the operation limits of a turbocharger, we present in figure 10 an example

which compares a diesel engine in two functioning modes: atmospheric (without

turbocharger) and turbocharged.

Figure 10 shows that as compared to an atmospheric diesel engine with an engine capacity

of 10 L, supercharging can increase the values of the indicated efficiency of the engine

(maximal efficiency = 45%) and extend the operating range in the area of high efficiency

thanks to the large permissible quantity of air into the engine. For a load of 600 N.m, the

efficiency of the supercharged engine is about 38% compared with that of atmospheric

engine (14%), i.e., an increase about 170%. On the other hand, increasing the applied load on

the engine triggers a degradation of the diesel performance due to the operation limits of the

turbocharger and to the increase of the heat loss through the cylinder walls. However, this

does not exclude the fact that the efficiency for high loads are better through supercharging

as compared to the efficiency obtained with atmospheric engine (an increase about 64% for a

load of 1200 N.m).

The figure 10 also shows that the compression ratio reaches its maximal value (figure 10)

only for the highest loads (this corresponds to high flow and pressure of exhaust gas). This

delay to reach the maximal pressure of the compressed air at the engine intake will delay the

achievement of the maximal power of the turbocharged engine. The objective of the

additional supercharging via the stored compressed air is, then, to maximize the overall

efficiency of the diesel engine (figure 10), by several improvements:

Improving the combustion efficiency by operating the engine at all times with an

optimal air/fuel ratio, which does not allow the turbocharger to operate alone.

Reducing the pumping losses for the low pressure loop of the thermodynamic cycle of

diesel engine to increase the work supplied for the same quantity of burned fuel.

Increasing the specific power (power per swept volume unit) of the diesel engine and

its performance.

Increase the intake pressure at a level which allows a decrease of the fuel quantity

injected while maintaining the same maxima l pressure in the cylinder of the engine.

This allows decreasing the mechanical and thermal constraints due to the


6. Small-scale wind-diesel-compressed air hybrid system

The small scale wind-diesel-compressed air hybrid system (SSWDCAHS) (figure 11) can be

used, for example, in the case of remote telecom infrastructures that the level of electrical

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


load is not very high (few tens of kW). Thes e infrastructures require continuous, stable, and

safe energy supply to maximize the deployment, signal strength, and coverage of the

cellular phone. The difference between MSWDCAHS and the SSWDCAHS is the utilization

method of the stored compressed air. Indeed, when the output energy of a wind turbine is

more than energy demand at the load side (WPPR>1), the excess energy will be converted

into the mechanical form using high pressure compressors. The energy is stored in a high

pressure reservoir as potential energy. In a case that the wind turbine cannot deliver the

required energy at the load side (WPPR<1), the stored mechanical energy will be converted

to the electrical energy. In this case, the st ored compressed air will be expanded into a

pneumatic generator that supply the load. In this step, the diesel generator is stopped. The

genset works during periods of low wind speed and only if the compressed air energy

storage capacity is not sufficient to supply the pneumatic generator.

Figure 10. Potential of the additional supercharging of diesel engine by the stored compressed air

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy Storage in

the Reduction of GHG – Case Study: Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System


Figure 11. Illustration of the small-scale wind-diesel compressed air hybrid system

7. Advantages of wind-diesel-compressed air hybrid system

WDCAHS represents an innovative concept and it has a very important commercial

potential for remote areas as it is based on the use of diesel generators already in place. To

our knowledge, the type of WDCAHS that is, proposed in this paper was never the object of

a commercial application or an experimental project, and we did not find studies relative to

the design or performance of such a sy stem in the scientific literature.

The lack of information on the economics, as well as on performances and reliability data of

such systems is currently the main barrier to the acceptance of wind energy deployment in

the remote areas. WDCAHS is designed to overcome most of the technical, economic and

social barriers that face the deployment of wind energy in isolated sites [28]. Indeed,

implementation costs are minimized and reliability is increased by using the existing diesel

generators. Our WDCAS solution is threefold: modification and adaptation of the existing

engines at the intake level (for medium-scale), addition of a generator that functions with

compressed air (for small-scale), addition of a wind power plant and addition of an air

compression and storage system.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Using information available [29-31], and performance analysis [32-33], we estimate that on a

site with appreciable wind potential, the return on investment (ROI) for such installation is

between 2 and 5 years, subject to the costs of fuel transport. For sites accessible only by

helicopters the ROI can be less than a year [25].

This analysis does not take into account the raising prices of fuel, nor GHG credit which

only tend to reduce the ROI [34].

8. Case study applied to the medium scale wind-diesel-compressed air


To estimate the potential gain of the MSWDCAS on a target site, we recovered the hourly

wind speed data and the hourly electrical load of the diesel engine on the site of the village

of Tuktoyaktuk in the Northwest Territories of Canada on the Arctic coast. The maximum

and average electric loads of this village are respectively 851 kW and 506 kW. Initially, the

village's electricity is supplied by 2 diesel generators, each having 544 kW as maximal

power. To these generators a wind plant composed of 4 wind turbines of type Enercon, each

having a nominal power equal to 335 kilowatts, a total power equal to 1340 kW was added.

We estimated fuel consumption, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and maintenance cost

of diesel engines for different scenarios: diesel only, wind–diesel hybrid system (WDHS)

without CAES and wind–diesel hybrid system with CAES, over a period of 1 year (2007

year's). Figures 12–18 illustrate the results.

Figures 12 and 13 represent the profile of the average wind speed corrected to hub height of

wind turbines, the profile of the monthly electric load of the village, the variations of power

supplied by wind turbines, the variations of power supplied by diesel generators before and

after hybridization with the wind turbines, the operation frequency of diesel engines after

hybridization and the profiles of the power directed toward the storage system and that

absorbed by the compressor. These figures show that the maximal average consumption of

the village occurs during the fall and winter seasons due to the increase of the electric load

for the heating. Unfortunately, the highest wind speed is registered during the spring and

summer seasons where the average electricity consumption decreases approximately 200

kW in comparison with that of the winter.

Figure 14 shows the operation frequency of diesel engines after the hybridization with the

wind turbines. The number of functioning hours of diesel engines depends strongly of the

availability of the wind power and the level of the electric load of the village. During 2007, the

hybridization would have allowed the operation of a single engine during 5628 h (64%), of two

engines during 1766 h (20%) and stop both diesel generators approximately 1366 h (16%).

Figure 15 represents the operation frequency of diesel engines according to their

supercharging mode (with or without CAES). This figure shows that the hybridization

allows the functioning of diesel engines supercharged by stored compressed air during 3608

h (41%). During 3786 h (43%), the diesel engines are operating without CAES and they are

stopped for 1366 h.

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy Storage in

the Reduction of GHG – Case Study: Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System


Figure 12. Average wind speed and power profiles of the: electrical load, wind turbines, compressor

and energy storage system

Figure 13. Operation frequency and power curve of diesel engines and profile of the electrical load

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 14. Operation frequency of diesel engines after the hybridization with the wind turbines

Figure 15. Operation frequency of diesel engines according to their supercharging mode

Figure 16. Annual reduction of maintenance and operation costs

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy Storage in

the Reduction of GHG – Case Study: Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System


The estimation of the annual reduction of maintenance and operation costs, based on the

reduction of operation time of the two diesel engines, is represented in figure 16. The base

line for comparison is the scenario without hybridization, where no savings in the cost of

maintenance can be realized. The WDHS without CAES allows 13% reduction while with

CAES, this rate increases to 51%. It is important to mention that the supercharged diesel

engine by compressed air stored allows operating with a single diesel engine, whatever

the load of the village. On the other hand, a permutation between the two supercharged

engines will be necessary to avoid the blocking of some mechanical moving pieces of the


Figure 17 shows the monthly consumption of fuel along a year (2007). Compared with the

base line scenario, the use of WDHS without CAES allows fuel reduction varying from 3,000

litres (minimal value) in February to 36,000 litres (maximal value) in November. On the

other hand, a WDHS with CAES will significantly increase this economy with a minimum

fuel saving of 10,000 litres (February) and a maximum of 53,000 litres (November).

Figure 17. Monthly consumption of fuel along a 2007 year's

Figure 18 illustrates the annual fuel savings. The hybridization between wind energy and

diesel engines without CAES reduces by 168,324 L the annual fuel consumption (15%) while

with CAES, this reduction increases to 27% (303,143 L). This quantity (27%) is equivalent to

848.8 tons of CO2 or the annual emission of 167 automobiles and light trucks traveling

15,000 km per year. In Table 2, we review the quantity of greenhouse gases (GHG) avoided

thanks to the use of MSWDCAHS.

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 18. Annual fuel savings

Name of the substance Emission Factor (kg/m



Total value of emissions


Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) 2800 848.8

Carbon monoxide (CO) 13.954 4.23

Sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) 0.083 0.025

Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) 52.532 15.925

Volatile organic Compounds (VOC) 1.344 0.408

Total suspended Particles (TSP) 1.018 0.309

Particles with diameters 10 m (P10 ) 0.814 0.247

Particles with diameters 2.5 m (P2.5 ) 0.786 0.238

Table 2. Quantities of GHG avoided by MSWDCAHS

9. Case study applied to the small scale wind-diesel-compressed air


To estimate the potential gain of the SSWDCAS on a target site, we recovered the hourly

wind speed data (for one month, April 2005) on the site of the telecom station of Bell-

Canada situated in Kuujjuarapik (North of Quebec) at 1130 kilometers from Montreal

(figure 19). The wind speed data of this site for the month April 2005 are shown in

figures 20.

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy Storage in

the Reduction of GHG – Case Study: Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System


The electrical load of the station is considered constant, about 5kW, including the secondary

load of heating. The diesel generator guarantees the supply's continuity of the station by

providing exactly the power level consumed by the load. The case study was conducted

using two types of wind turbines: the first is a Bergey [35] (10kW, already installed on site)

and the second is a PGE (currently named Endurance, 35kW) [36] that we propose to be able

to increase the penetration of wind energy and use the excess of this energy to produce the

compressed air. Figures 21-24 illustrate the obtained results.

Figure 19. Telecom station of Bell-Canada at Kuujjuarapik [37]

Figure 20. Wind speed data of the Kuujjuarapik site along an April month of 2005 year's

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 21. Operating modes of the studied systems along period from 4 to 5 April 2005

Figure 22. Operating modes of the studied systems along period from 4 to 5 April 2005

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy Storage in

the Reduction of GHG – Case Study: Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System


In figures 21 and 22, the legends (Diesel + Bergey), (Diesel + PGE) and (diesel + PGE + CAM)

represent the power supplied by diesel generator according to the different types of

hybridizations with two models of wind turbines and a compressed air energy storage

system, respectively.

It is interesting to observe, in figures 21 et 22, the advantages of hybridization (Diesel + PGE

+ CAM) that appears in the short duration of the diesel operation time (DOT). Indeed, it can

stop completely the diesel generator for 33 hours during two days of operation (saving of

69% of the DOT) compared to 13 hours of shutdown of the diesel (27% of DOT is avoided)

obtained through the system (Diesel + PGE) and 1 hour (saving of 2% of the DOT) during

which the diesel will be stopped thanks to the hybridization between it and Bergey wind


Figure 23. Operating time of diesel generator according to the exploitation scenarios

Figure 24. Fuel saving according to the exploitation scenarios

Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


Figure 23 represents the operating time of diesel generator according to the functioning

scenario of the system (diesel only, Bergey + diesel, PGE + diesel or PGE + diesel + CAM).

Figure 23 shows that hybridization between the Bergey wind turbine and diesel does not

allow a remarkable decrease in the operation frequency of the diesel generator (DG) that

runs about 91% of operating time in April 2005 (607 h). But by combining the DG to a PGE

wind turbine, the DG will work almost 43% (290 h) of time during the month of April and 15

h (2%) if it works in hybridization with the CAM and a PGE wind turbine.

Figure 24 represents the fuel saving according to the functioning scenario of the system

(diesel only, Bergey + diesel, PGE + diesel or PGE + diesel + CAM), Figure 24 shows that

WDHS avoids approximately 139 liters of fuel (9% saving in fuel consumption) if the diesel

is associated with a Bergey wind turbine. However, this rate increases to 57% (863 liters), if

the hybridization of the diesel generator is done with the PGE wind turbine. On the other

hand, the hybridization between diesel generator, compressed air generator and PGE wind

turbine increases this fuel saving very significantly where the amount of fuel avoided is

approximately 1491 liters (98%). The fuel saved thanks to SSWDCAHS (during the month of

April 2005), allows to reduce the greenhouse gases (GHG) emission approximately 4 tons,

which is equivalent to the GHG amount emitted by one automobile or light truck traveling

15,000 km per year. In Table 3, we review the quantity of greenhouse gases (GHG) avoided

thanks to the use of WDCAHS.

Name of the substance Emission Factor (kg/m



Total value of emissions


Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) 2800 4.174

Carbon monoxide (CO) 13.954 0.023

Sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) 0.083 0.007

Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) 52.532 0.108

Volatile organic Compounds (VOC) 1.344 0.009

Total suspended Particles (TSP) 1.018 0.008

Particles with diameters 10 m (P10 ) 0.814 0.008

Particles with diameters 2.5 m (P2.5 ) 0.786 0.008

Table 3. Quantities of GHG avoided by SSWDCAHS during one month (April 2005)

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy Storage in

the Reduction of GHG – Case Study: Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System


10. Conclusion

WDCAHS (medium and small scales) represen ts an innovative concept designed to

overcome most of the technical, economic and social barriers that face the deployment of

wind energy in isolated sites. Indeed, implementation costs are minimized and reliability is

increased by using the existing diesel generators. Thus, the results, theoretical and

experimental, obtained have demonstrated the great potential of wind-diesel-compressed

air energy storage system for two types of applications: small and medium scale. The

application of these systems on real case st udies has demonstrated that the fuel economy

and the saved GHG obtained with MSWDCAHS (for medium-scale) and SSWDCAHS

(small-scale) is about 30% and 98% respectively.

Despite the low average wind speed that characterize the sites chosen for the case

studies, remarkable savings may be obtained through the use of compressed air, by

avoiding the consumption of large fuel quantities and by allowing the use of a single

diesel engine (instead of two: medium-scale case) or by stopping the diesel thanks to the

compressed air motor (small-scale case). This allows not only reducing the exploitation

deficit of diesel engines supplying the autonomous networks in remote areas, but also to

prolong engine life-cycle and reduce maintenance costs. These percentages, especially for

medium-scale application, can be increased if the wind-diesel-compressed air hybrid

system is used in the sites characterized by a good wind energy potential (average wind

speed about 8-9 m/s).

However, in future works, the calculation of the energy cost (kW/h), based on the

investment cost and the purchase of new equipment (wind turbines, CAES equipment, etc.)

will allow determining the system's economic viability for remote applications.

Finally, further investigation and analysis, as well as building and testing a prototype, are

required to validate the present conclusions. This can be validated on the future bed-test of

TechnoCentre éolien at Rivière-au-Renard (Quebec, Canada).

Author details

Hussein Ibrahim

TechnoCentre Éolien, Gaspé, QC, Canada

Adrian Ilinca

Université du Québec à Rimouski, Rimouski, QC, Canada

11. References

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in Wind-Diesel Isolated Grids ", Power Systems, IEEE Trans. on, vol. 24, no I, p. 418-


[12] Wind/Diesel Systems Architecture Guidebook, AWEA, 1991.


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System", proceedings on 3rd International Conference on Ecological Vehicles &

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[15] J.G. McGowan, J.F. Manwella and S.R. Connors, "Wind/diesel energy systems: Review

of design options and recent developments", Solar Energy, Volume 41, Issue 6, Pages

561-575, 1988.

[16] Timothy M. Weis, Adrian Ilinca, The utility of energy storage to improve the economics

of wind–diesel power plants in Canada, Renewable Energy, Volume 33, Issue 7, July

2008, Pages 1544–1557.

[17] J. Kaldellis et al, "Autonomous energy systems for remote islands based on renewable

energy sources", in Proceedings of EWEC 99, Nice 1999.

Contribution of the Compressed Air Energy Storage in

the Reduction of GHG – Case Study: Application on the Remote Area Power Supply System


[18] J.F. Maisson « Wind Power Development in Sub-Arctic Conditions with Severe Rime

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Whitehorse, Yukon, 2001


[20] B. Reeves « Kotzebue Electric Association Wind Projects », Proceedings of

NREL/AWEA 2002 Wind-Diesel Workshop, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 2002

[21] P. Ebert P and J. Zimmermann, "Successful high wind penetration into a medium sized

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[22] Singh V. Blending Wind and Solar into the Diesel Generator Market. Renewable Energy

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[23] Y. Jean, P. Viarouge, D. Champagne, R. Reid, B. Saulnier, «Perfectionnement des

outils pour l'implantation des éoliennes à Hydro-Québec», rapport IREQ-92-065,


[24] R. Gagnon, A. Nouaili, Y. Jean, P. Viarouge; «Mise à jour des outils de modélisation et

de simulation du Jumelage Éolien-Diesel à Haute Pénétration Sans Stockage et

rédaction du devis de fabrication de la charge de lissage», Rapport IREQ-97-124-C,


[25] Ilinca A, Chaumel JL. Implantation d'une centrale éolienne comme source d'énergie

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[26] H. Ibrahim, R. Younès, A. Ilinca, J. Pe rron, Investigation des générateurs hybrides

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énergies renouvelables, Parrainée par l'UNESCO, Éditée par le CDER, Algérie, Août


[27] H. Ibrahim, A. Ilinca, J. Perron, Investigations des différentes alternatives

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LREE–03, 2008.

[28] T.M. Weis, A. Ilinca, J.Paul. Pinard, Stakeh olders' perspectives on barriers to remote

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Pages 1611-1621

[29] Hunter R, Elliot G. Windediesel systems e a guide to the technology and its

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[30] HOMER v2.0 e the optimisation model for distributed power. NREL.

[31] Robb D. Making a CAES for wind energy stor age. North American Wind Power, June


[32] Ibrahim H, Younès R, Ilinca A. Optimal conception of a hybrid generator of electricity.

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[33] Ibrahim H, Ilinca A, Perron J. Moteur diesel suralimenté, bases et calculs, cycles réel,

théorique et thermodynamique. Rapport interne, UQAR-UQAC, LREE-02; Novembre


Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective


[34] Ibrahim H, Ilinca A, Younès R, Perron J, Basbous T. Study of a hybrid wind-diesel

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2007, "Renewable and alternative energy resources", EPC2007, Montreal, Canada,

October 25e26, 2007.



[37] Bell-Canada,

Chapter 0

Advances in Spatio-Temporal Modeling and

Prediction for Environmental Risk Assessment


Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Meteorological readings, hydrological parameters and many measures of air, soil and water

pollution are often collected for a certain span, regularly in time, and at different survey

stations of a monitoring network. Then, these observations can be viewed as realizations

of a random function with a spatio-temporal variability. In this context, the arrangement of

valid models for spatio-temporal prediction and environmental risk assessment is strongly

required. Spatio-temporal models might be used for different goals: optimization of sampling

design network, prediction at unsampled spatial locations or unsampled time points and

computation of maps of predicted values, assessing the uncertainty of predicted values

starting from the experimental measurements, trend detection in space and time, particularly

important to cope with risks coming from concentrations of hazardous pollutants. Hence,

more and more attention is given to spatio-temporal analysis in order to sort out these issues.

Spatio-temporal geostatistical techniques provide useful tools to analyze, interpret and

control the complex evolution of various variables observed by environmental monitoring

networks. However, in the literature there are no specialized monographs which contain a

thorough presentation of multivariate methodologies available in Geostatistics, especially in

a spatio-temporal context. Several authors have developed different multivariate models for

analyzing the spatial and spatio-temporal behavior of environmental variables, as it is clarified

in the following brief review.

In multivariate spatial analysis, direct and cross correlations for the variables under study are

quantified by estimating and modeling the matrix variogram. The difficulty in modeling this

matrix function, especially the off diagonal entries of the same matrix, has been first faced by

using the linear coregionalization model (LCM ), proposed by [45].

For matrix covariance functions, [28] constructed a parametric family of symmetric covariance

models for stationary and isotropic multivariate Gaussian spatial random fields, where both

the diagonal and off diagonal entries are of the Mat


ern type. In the bivariate case, they

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Chapter 14

2 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH

provided necessary and sufficient conditions for the positive definiteness of the second-order

structure, whereas for the other multivariate cases they suggested a parsimonious model

which imposes restrictions on the scale and cross-covariance smoothness parameters. In the

bivariate case, where the smoothness parameter is the same for both covariance functions,

the Gneiting model is a simplified LCM . The Gneiting cross-covariance model also assumes

that the scale parameter is the same for all the covariance functions and the cross-covariance

functions. Both the LCM and Gneiting constructions for cross-covariances result in symmetric

models; however, no distributional assumptions are required for using a LCM , which can

easily incorporate components with compact support and multiple ranges and an unbounded

variogram component.

Although models for multivariate spatial data have been extensively explored [25, 54, 55],

models for multivariate spatio-temporal data have received relatively less attention. In the

literature, it is common to use classical techniques for multivariate spatial and temporal

analysis [8, 54]. Recently, canonical correlation analysis was combined with space-time

geostatistical tools for detecting possible interactions between two groups of variables,

associated with pollutants and atmospheric conditions [6]. In the dynamic modeling

framework, there are some results in studying the spatio-temporal variability of several

correlated variables: [26], for example, extended univariate spatio-temporal dynamic models

to multivariate dynamic spatial models. Moreover, [38] proposed a methodology to evaluate

the appropriateness of several common assumptions, such as symmetry, separability and

linear model of coregionalization, on multivariate covariance functions in the spatio-temporal

context, while [4] proposed a spatio-temporal LCM where the multivariate spatio-temporal

process was expressed as a linear combination of independent Gaussian processes in

space-time with mean zero and a separable spatio-temporal covariance. [1] considered some

solutions to the symmetry problem; moreover, they proposed a class of cross-covariance

functions for multivariate random fields based on the work of [27]. The maximum likelihood

estimation of heterotopic spatio-temporal models with spatial LCM components and temporal

dynamics was developed by [22]. A GSLib [19] routine for cokriging was properly modified

in [12] to incorporate the spatio-temporal LCM , previously developed using the generalized

product-sum variogram model [10]. Recently, in [15] an automatic procedure for fitting the

spatio-temporal LCM using the product-sum variogram model has been presented and some

computational aspects, analytically described by a main flow-chart, have been discussed. In

[16] simultaneous diagonalization of the sample matrix variograms has been used to isolate

the basic components of a spatio-temporal LCM and it has been illustrated how nearly

simultaneous diagonalization of the cross-variogram matrices simplifies modeling of the

matrix variogram.

In the following, after an introduction of the theoretical framework of the multivariate

spatio-temporal random function and its features (Section 2), a review of recent techniques

for building admissible models is proposed (Section 3). Successively, the spatio-temporal

LCM, its assumptions and appropriate statistical tests are presented (Section 4) and

techniques for prediction and risk assessment maps are introduced (Section 5). Some

critical aspects regarding sampling, modeling and computational problems are discussed

(Section 6). Finally, a case study concerning particle pollution ( PM


) and two atmospheric

variables (Temperature and Wind Speed) in the South of Apulian region (Italy), has been

presented (Section 7). Before using the spatio-temporal LCM to describe the spatio-temporal


Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective

Advances in Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Prediction for Environmental Risk Assessment 3

multivariate correlation structure among the variables under study, its adequacy with

respect to the data has been analyzed; in particular, the assumption of symmetry of

the cross-covariance function, has been properly tested [38]. By using a recent fitting

procedure [16], based on the simultaneous diagonalization of several symmetric real-valued

matrix variograms, the basic structures of the spatio-temporal LCM which describes the

spatio-temporal correlation among the variables, have been easily detected. Predictions of the

primary variable ( PM


) are obtained by using a modified GSLib program, called "COK2ST"

[12]. Then, risk maps showing the probability that the particle pollution exceeds the national

law limit have been associated to predition maps and the estimation of the probability

distributions for two sites of interest have been produced.

2. Multivariate spatio-temporal random function

Let Z ( u )=[ Z


(u ) ,...,Z


(u )]


, be a vector of p spatio-temporal random functions ( STRF )

defined on the domain D

× T R

d+ 1

,with(d 3) ,then

{Z ( u ), u =( s, t ) D × T R

d+ 1


represents a multivariate spatio-temporal random function ( MSTRF ), where s

=( s





are the coordinates of the spatial domain D R


and t the coordinate of the temporal domain


R .

Afterwards, the MSTRF will be denoted with Z and its components with Z


.The pSTRF



, i = 1,..., p ,arethecomponents of Z and they are associated to the spatio-temporal

variables under study; these components are called coregionalized variables [29].

The observations z




), i = 1,..., p, α = 1,..., N


,ofthe p variables Z





D × T , are considered as a finite realization of a MSTRF Z.

2.1. Moments of a MSTRF

Given a MSTRF Z ,with p components, we define, if they exist and they are finite:

•the expected value,orfirst-order moment of each component Z







(u )


= m


(u ) , u D × T , i = 1,..., p ;(1)

•the second-order moments,

1. the variance of each component Z







(u )


= E




(u ) m


(u )



, u D × T , i = 1,..., p ;(2)

2. the cross-covariance for each pair of STRF

( Z


, Z


), i = j,


[ Z


(u ) , Z



)] =




(u , u

)= E

( Z


(u ) m


(u ))( Z



) m





u, u

D × T , i , j = 1,..., p, i = j;


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3. the cross-variogram for each pair of STRF ( Z


, Z


), i = j,

2 γ


(u , u


( Z


(u ) Z



)), ( Z


(u ) Z





u, u

D × T , i , j = 1,..., p, i = j.

Note that for i

= j , we obtain:

the covariance of the STRF Z


, called direct covariance , or simply covariance,



(u , u


( Z


(u ) m


(u ))( Z



) m





with u, u

D × T ;

•the direct variogram of the STRF Z



2 γ


(u , u


( Z


(u ) Z




, u, u

D × T .

These moments describe the basic features of a MSTRF , such as the spatio-temporal

correlation for each variable and the cross-correlation among the variables.

2.2. Admissibility conditions

In multivariate Geostatistics, admissibility conditions concern both the cross-covariances and

the cross-variograms, as described in the following.

Let Z be a MSTRF , with components Z


, i = 1,..., p ,andlet{ u


,..., u


} asetof N points of

a spatio-temporal domain D

× T ; the direct and cross-covariances of the MSTRF must satisfy

the following inequality:


i= 1


j= 1


α = 1


β= 1


α i


β j







) 0,

for any choice of the N points u


and for any choice of the weights λ

α i


matrix notation, the

( p × p ) matrices C (u












of the direct and

cross-covariances of the STRF Z




) and Z




) will be admissible if they satisfy the

following condition:


α = 1


β= 1




C( u







0, (5)








α p


is a ( p × 1) vector of weights λ

α i


As in the univariate case, the

( p × p ) matrices Γ ( u












of the direct and

cross-variograms of the STRF Z




) and Z




) will be admissible if, for any choice of the N

points u


, they satisfy the following condition


α = 1


β= 1




Γ ( u









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under the constraint:


α = 1



= 0.

2.3. Stationarity hypotheses

Stationarity hypotheses allow to make inference on the MSTRF . In particular, second-order

stationarity and intrinsic hypotheses concern the first and second-order moments of the


2.3.1. Second-order stationarity

A MSTRF Z ,with p components, is second-order stationary if:

•forany STRF Z


, i ,..., p,


[ Z


(u )] = m


, u D × T , i = 1,..., p ;(6)

for any pair of STRF Z


and Z


, i , j = 1,..., p , the cross-covariance C


depends only on the

spatio-temporal separation vector h

=( h


, h


) between the points u and u + h :



(h )= E [( Z


(u + h ) m


)( Z


(u ) m


)] =


E [ Z


(u + h ) Z


(u )] m





where u , u

+ h D × T , i , j = 1,...,p .For i = j , the direct covariance function of the



is obtained.

There exist several physical phenomena for which neither variance, nor the covariance exist,

however it is possible to assume the existence of the variogram.

2.3.2. Intrinsic hypotheses

A MSTRF Z ,with p components, satisfies the intrinsic hypotheses if:

•forany STRF Z


, i = 1,..., p,





(u + h ) Z


(u )


= 0, u , u + h D × T , i = 1,..., p ;(8)

for any pair of STRF Z


and Z


, i , j = 1,..., p , the cross-variogram exists and it depends

only on the spatio-temporal separation vector h:

2 γ


(h )= Cov [( Z


(u + h ) Z


(u )) , ( Z


(u + h ) Z


(u ))],(9)

where u, u

+ h D × T , i , j = 1,..., p.

Second-order stationarity implies the existence of the intrinsic hypotheses, however the

converse is not true. Intrinsic hypotheses imply that the cross-variogram can be expressed

as the expected value of the product of the increments:



(h )=




{ [ Z


(u + h ) Z


(u )] [ Z


(u + h ) Z


(u )] }, (10)


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u, u + h D × T, i , j = 1,...,p .For i = j , the direct variogram of the STRF Z


is obtained.

2.3.3. Properties of the cross-covariance for second-order stationary MSTRF

Given a second-order stationary MSTRF , the cross-covariance satisfies the properties listed


The cross-covariance is not invariant with respect to the exchange of the variables:



(h ) = C


(h ) , i = j , (11)

as well as it is not invariant with respect to the sign of the vector h :



( h ) = C


(h ) , i = j . (12)

However, the cross-covariance is invariant with respect to the joint exchange of the variables

and the sign of the vector h:



(h )= C


( h ) . (13)

2.3.4. Properties of the cross-variogram for intrinsic MSTRF

Afterwards, the main properties of the cross-variogram for intrinsic MSTRF are given.

1. The cross-variogram vanishes at the origin, that is:



(0 )=0. (14)

2. The cross-variogram is invariant with respect to the exchange of the variables:



(h )= γ


(h ) . (15)

3. The cross-variogram is invariant with respect to the sign of the vector h :



( h )= γ


(h ) . (16)

From (15) and (16) follows that the cross-variogram is completely symmetric, as it will be

pointed out in the next sections.

2.3.5. Separability for a MSTRF

The cross-covariance C


for a second-order stationary MSTRF Z is separable if:



(h )= ρ (h ) a


, h =( h


, h


) D × T , i , j = 1,..., p,

where a


are the elements of a ( p × p ) positive definite matrix and ρ( · ) is a correlation

function. In this case, it results:



(h )






ρ( h )

ρ( h


, h, h

D × T , i , j = 1,..., p,


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hence the changes of the cross-covariance functions, with respect to the changes of the vector

h, do not depend on the pair of the STRF Z


, Z



The cross-covariance C


for a second-order stationary MSTRF Z is fully separable if:





, h






) ρ




) a


, ( h


, h


) D × T , i , j = 1,..., p,

where a


are the elements of a ( p × p ) positive definite matrix, ρ


(· ) is a spatial correlation

function and ρ


(· ) is a temporal correlation function. In the literature, many statistical tests

for separability have been proposed and are based on parametric models [2, 32, 51], likelihood

ratio tests and subsampling [46] or spectral methods [23, 50].

2.3.6. Symmetry for a MSTRF

The cross-covariance C


of a second-order stationary MSTRF Z ,with p components, is

symmetric if:



(h )= C


( h ), h D × T , i , j = 1,..., p,

or, equivalently, if:



(h )= C


(h ) , h D × T , i , j = 1,..., p.

The cross-covariance C


of a second-order stationary MSTRF Z ,with p components, is fully

symmetric if:





, h






, h


), ( h


, h


) D × T , i , j = 1,..., p,

or, equivalently,





, h




( h


, h


), ( h


, h


) D × T , i , j = 1,..., p.

Atmospheric, environmental and geophysical processes are often under the influence of

prevailing air or water flows, resulting in a lack of full symmetry [18, 27, 52].

Fig. 1 summarizes the relationships between separability, symmetry, stationarity and the LCM

in the general class of the cross-covariance functions of a MSTRF Z . If a cross-covariance is

separable, then it is symmetric, however, in general, the converse is not true. Moreover, the

hypothesis of full separability is a special case of full symmetry.

Several tests to check symmetry and separability of cross-covariance functions can be found

in the literature [38–40, 50].

Figure 1 . Relationships among different classes of spatio-temporal covariance functions


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3. Techniques for building admissible models

In the following, a brief review of the most utilized techniques to construct admissible

cross-covariance models is presented.

1. For the intrinsic correlation model , the matrices C are described by separable

cross-covariances C


, i, j = 1,..., p [44], that is:





, u


)=ρ ( u


, u


) a



where the coefficients a


are the elements of a ( p × p ) positive definite matrix, and


(· , · ) is a correlation function. However, this model is not flexible enough to handle

complex relationships between processes, because the cross-covariance function between

components measured at each location always has the same shape regardless of the relative

displacement of the locations. As it will be discussed in the next section, the LCM is a

straightforward extension of the intrinsic correlation model.

2. In the kernel convolution method [55] the cross-covariance functions is represented as






, u




d + 1


d + 1





u ) k





)ρ ( u u

)d udu


where the k


are square integrable kernel functions and ρ is a valid stationary correlation

function. This approach assumes that all the variables Z


, i = 1,..., p , are generated

by the same underlying process, which is very restrictive. Moreover, this model and its

parameters lack interpretability and, except for some special cases, it requires Monte Carlo


3. In the covariance convolution for stationary processes [24, 43] the cross-covariance

functions is represented as follows:



(h )=


d + 1



(h h




)d h


where C


are second-order stationary covariances. The motivation and interpretation of

the resulting cross-dependency structure is rather unclear. Although some closed-form

expressions exist, this method usually requires Monte Carlo integration.

4. Recently, an approach based on latent dimensions and existing covariance models for

univariate random fields, has been proposed; the idea is to develop flexible, interpretable

and computationally feasible classes of cross-covariance functions in closed form [1].

4. Linear coregionalization model

LCM is based on the hypothesis that each direct or cross-variogram (covariogram) can be

represented as a linear combination of some basic models and each direct or cross-variogram

(covariogram) must be built using the same basic models [33].

LCM is utilized in several applications because of its flexibility, moreover it encouraged the

development of algorithms able to estimate quickly the parameters of the selected model,

assuring the admissibility conditions, even in presence of several variables [29–31].


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Let Z be a second-order stationary MSTRF with p components, Z


, i = 1,...,p ,thedirectand

cross-covariances for the spatio-temporal LCM are defined as follows:



(h )= Cov



(u ) , Z


(u + h )



l = 1






(h ) , i , j = 1,..., p , (17)

where c


are covariances, called basic structures , and the non-negative coefficients b




the following property:




= b



, i , j = 1,...,p;

hence, in the LCM , it is assumed that:



(h )= C


( h ) ,



(h )= C


(h ) ,

with i , j

= 1,...,p, i = j .

The matrix C for the second-order stationary Z is built as follows:


(h )=


l = 1





(h ) . (18)

Analogously, it is also possible to introduce the LCM for a MSTRF which satisfies the intrinsic

hypotheses. In such a case, the direct and cross-variograms are built as follows:



(h )=


l = 1






(h ) , i , j = 1,..., p , (19)

where each basic structure g


is a variogram and the L matrices B


of the coefficients b




corresponding to the sill values of the basic models g



Then, for a MSTRF which satisfies the intrinsic hypotheses the matrix Γ of the direct and

cross-variograms is:


(h )=


l = 1





(h ) . (20)

The necessary and sufficient conditions because the model defined in (17) and (20) are

admissible are:

1. c


( g


) must be covariances (variograms),

2. the matrices B






, called coregionalization matrices, must be positive definite.

The necessary, but not sufficient conditions, for the coefficients b



are the following:

a) b



0 i = 1,..., p, l = 1,...,L;


| b










i , j = 1,...,p , l = 1,...,L.


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The basic structures g


(h )= g




, h


) of the spatio-temporal LCM (20) can be modelled by

using several spatio-temporal variogram models known in the literature, such as the metric

model [20], Cressie-Huang models [5], Gneiting models [27] and many others [9, 35, 41, 42, 49, 52].

As discussed in [10], each basic spatio-temporal structure, g




, h


), l = 1,...,L ,canbe

modelled as a generalized product-sum variogram [7], that is





, h






,0 )+γ


(0 , h


) k






,0 ) γ


(0 , h


), l = 1,...,L , (21)






,0 ) and γ


(0 , h


) are, respectively, the marginal spatial and temporal variograms at

l th scale of variability;







si ll [ γ




,0 )] + si ll [ γ


(0 , h


)] sill [ g




, h



si ll [ γ




,0 )] si ll [ γ


(0 , h



, (22)

is the parameter of generalized product-sum variogram model and it is such that


< k



max{ sill [ γ




,0 )]; sill [ γ


(0 , h



. (23)

The inequality (23) represents a necessary and sufficient condition in order that each basic

structure g




, h


),withl = 1,...,L , is admissible. Recently, it was shown that strict

conditional negative definiteness of both marginals is a necessary as well as a sufficient

condition for the generalized product-sum (21) to be strictly conditionally negative definite

[13, 14].

Substituting (21) in (20), the spatio-temporal LCM can be defined through two marginals: one

in space and one in time, i.e.:




,0 )=


l = 1







,0 ), Γ ( 0, h




l = 1





(0 , h


). (24)

Using the generalized product-sum variogram model it is possible:

1. to identify the different scales of variability and build the matrices B


, l = 1,...,L ,by

means of the direct and cross marginal variograms;

2. to describe the correlation structure of processes characterized by a different spatial and

temporal variability.

4.1. Assumptions in the spatio-temporal LCM

Fitting a spatio-temporal LCM to the data requires the identification of the spatio-temporal

basic variograms and the corresponding positive definite coregionalization matrices, however

this is often a hard step to tackle. A recent approach [16], based on the simultaneous


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diagonalization of a set of matrix variograms computed for several spatio-temporal lags,

allows to determine the spatio-temporal LCM parameters in a very simple way.

In several environmental applications [54], the cross-covariance function is not symmetric,

as for example, in time series in presence of a delay effect, as well as in hydrology, for the

cross-correlation between a variable and its derivative, such as water head and transmissivity

[53]. Hence, this assumption should be tested before fitting a spatio-temporal LCM .

A useful hint to verify the symmetry of the cross-covariance can be given by estimating

all the pseudo cross-variograms [47] of the standardized variables




, i = 1,..., p , i.e.,




(h )=0.5 Var[




(u )




(u + h )] , i , j = 1,..., p, i = j . If the differences between the

estimated pseudo cross-variograms




(h ) and




(h ) , i , j = 1,..., p , are zero or close to zero,

then it could be assumed that the cross-covariances are symmetric.

The appropriateness of the assumption of symmetry of a spatio-temporal LCM can be tested

by using the methodology proposed by [38], based on the asymptotic joint normality of

the sample spatio-temporal cross-covariances estimators. Given a set Λ of user-chosen

spatio-temporal lags and the cardinality c of Λ ,letG


= { C




, h


) : ( h


, h


) Λ, i , j =

1,..., p } be a vector of cp


cross-covariances at spatio-temporal lags k =( h


, h


) in Λ.

Moreover, let





, h


) be the estimator of C




, h


) based on the sample data in the

spatio-temporal domain D

× T


,whereD represents the spatial domain and T


= {1,...,n}

the temporal one, and define {





, h


) : ( h


, h


) Λ, i , j = 1,...,p } .Underthe

assumptions given in the above paper,

| T







G )





(0, Σ ) ,where| T


| Σ converges

to Cov







). Then the tests for symmetry properties can be based on the following



= | T


| (A

















, (25)

where a is the row rank of the matrix A , which is such that AG

= 0 under the null hypothesis.

Moreover, the choice of modeling the MSTRF Z by a spatio-temporal LCM is based on the

prior assumption that the multivariate correlation structure of the variables under study is

characterized by L

( L 2 ) scales of spatio-temporal variability. On the other hand, if the

multivariate correlation of a set of variables does not present different scales of variability

( L

= 1), then the cross-covariance functions are separable, i.e.,



(h )= ρ ( h) b


, i , j = 1,..., p , (26)

where b


are the entries of a ( p × p ) positive definite matrix B and ρ ( · ) is a spatio-temporal

correlation function. Hence, as in the spatial context [54], a spatio-temporal intrinsic

coregionalization model can be considered.

Obviously, this last model is just a particular case (L

= 1) of the spatio-temporal LCM defined

in (17) and it is much more restrictive than the linear model of coregionalization since it

requires that all the variables have the same correlation function, with possible changes in

the sill values. Note that, if a cross-covariance is separable, then it is symmetric.


In the spatio-temporal LCM , each component is represented as a linear combination of

latent, independent univariate spatio-temporal processes. However, the smoothness of


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any component defaults to that of the roughest latent process, and thus the standard

approach does not admit individually distinct smoothness properties, unless structural

zeros are imposed on the latent process coefficients [28].

In most applications, the wide use of the spatio-temporal LCM is justified by practical

aspects concerning the admissibility condition for the matrix variograms (covariances).

Indeed, it is enough to verify the positive definiteness of the coregionalization matrices,



, at all scales of variability.

The spatio-temporal LCM allows unbounded variogram components to be used [54].

5. Prediction and risk assessment in space-time

For prediction purposes, various cokriging algorithms can be found in the literature [3, 33].

As a natural extension of spatial ordinary cokriging to the spatio-temporal context, the linear

spatio-temporal predictor can be written as


(u )=


α = 1



(u ) Z ( u


), (27)

where u

=( s, t ) D × T is a point in the spatio-temporal domain, u


=( s, t )


D × T ,


= 1,..., N , are the data points in the same domain and Λ


(u ) , α = 1,...,N ,are( p × p )

matrices of weights whose elements λ



(u ) are the weights assigned to the value of the j th

variable, j

= 1,...,p ,attheα th data point, to predict the i th variable, i = 1,...,p ,atthepoint


D × T .

The predicted spatio-temporal random vector


(u ) at u D × T ,issuchthat

each component



(u ) , i = 1,...,p , is obtained by using all information at the data points



=( s, t )


D × T , α = 1,..., N .

The matrices of weights Λ


(u ) , α = 1,..., N , are determined by ensuring the unbiased

condition for the predictor


(u ) and the efficiency condition, obtained by minimizing the

error variance [29].

The new GSLib routine "COK2ST" [12] produces multivariate predictions in space-time,

for one or all the variables under study, using the spatio-temporal LCM (20) where the

basic spatio-temporal variograms are modelled as generalized product-sum variograms. An

application is also given in [11].

Similarly, for environmental risk assessment, the formalism of multivariate spatio-temporal

indicator random function ( MSTIRF ) and corresponding predictor, have to be introduced.



(u , z )=[ I


(u , z




(u , z





be a vector of p spatio-temporal indicator random functions (STIRF ) defined on the domain


× T R

d+ 1

,with ( d 3) , as follows



(u, z



1if Z


is not greater (or not less) than the threshold z





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where z =[ z


,..., z





{I ( u, z) , u =( s , t ) D × T R

d+ 1


represents a MSTIRF . In other words, for each coregionalized variable Z


,withi = 1,..., p ,a



can be appropriately defined. Then the linear spatio-temporal predictor (27) can be

easily written in terms of the indicator random variables I


, i = 1,..., p . If the spatio-temporal

correlation structure of a MSTIRF is modelled by using the spatio-temporal LCM ,based

on the product-sum, the new GSLib routine "COK2ST" [12] can be used to produce risk

assessment maps, for one or all the variables under study. If p

= 1, the dependence

of the indicator variable is characterized by the corresponding indicator variogram of I :



(h )=Var [ I (s + h


, t + h


) I ( s, t )], which depends solely on the lag vector h =( h


, h



(s, s + h


) D


and ( t, t + h


) T


. After fitting a model for γ



conditionally negative definite, ordinary kriging can be applied to generate the environmental

risk assessment maps. In this case, the GSLib routine "K2ST" [17] can be used for prediction

purposes in space and time.

6. Some critical aspects

Multivariate geostatistical analysis for spatio-temporal data is rather complex because of

several problems concerning:

a) sampling,

b) the choice of admissible direct and cross-correlation models,

c) the definition of automatic procedures for estimation and modeling.

Sampling problems

There exist several sampling techniques for multivariate spatio-temporal data, as specified

herein. Let



= { u


D × T , α = 1,..., N


}, i = 1,..., p,

be the sets of sampled points in the spatio-temporal domain for the p variables under study.

It is possible to distinguish the following situations:

1. total heterotopy , where the sets of the sampled points are pairwise disjoint, that is

i, j = 1,..., p, U




= , i = j ; (28)

2. partial heterotopy , where the sets of the sampled points are not pairwise disjoint, that is

i = j | U




= , i , j = 1, . . . , p; (29)

3. isotopy , where the sets of the sampled points coincide, that is

i, j = 1,..., p, U




. (30)


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A special case of partial heterotopy is the so-called undersampling :insuchacase,thepoints

where a variable, called primary or principal, has been sampled, constitute a subset of the

points where the remaining variables, called auxiliary or secondary , have been observed. The

secondary variables provide additional information useful to improve the prediction of the

primary variable.

Modeling problems

In Geostatistics, the main modeling problems concern the choice of an admissible parametric

model to be fitted to the empirical correlation function (covariance or variogram). In

particular, in multivariate analysis for spatio-temporal data it is important to identify an

admissible model able to describe the correlation among several variables which describe the

spatio-temporal process. In this context, it is suitable to underline that

it is not enough to select an admissible direct variogram to model a cross-variogram;

the direct variograms are positive functions, on the other hand cross-variograms could be

negative functions;

only some necessary conditions of admissibility are known to model a cross-variogram,

as the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, however sufficient conditions cannot be easily applied


The use of multivariate correlation models well-known in the literature, such as the LCM

[54], the class of non-separable and asymmetric cross-covariances, proposed by [1], or the

parametric family of cross-covariances, where each component is a Mat


ern process [28],

requires the identification of several parameters, especially in presence of many variables.

Moreover, estimation and modeling the direct and cross-correlation functions could be

compromised by the sampling plan.

Computational problems

For spatial multivariate data different algorithms for fitting the LCM have been implemented

in software packages. [30] and [31] described an iterative procedure to fit a LCM using a

weighted least-squares like technique: this requires first fitting the diagonal entries, i.e. the

basic variogram structures must be determined first. In contrast, [56] and [57] developed

an alternative method for modeling the matrix-valued variogram by near simultaneously

diagonalizing the sample variogram matrices, without assuming any model for the variogram

matrix; [36] proposed estimating the range parameters of a LCM using a non-linear

regression method to fit the range parameters; [37] used simulated annealing to minimize a

weighted sum of squares of differences between the empirical and the modelled variograms;

[48] modified the Goulard and Voltz algorithm to make it more general and usable for

generalized least-squares or any other least-squares estimation procedure, such as ordinary

least-squares; [58] developed an algorithm for the maximum-likelihood estimation for the

purely spatial LCM and proved that the EM algorithm gives an iterative procedure based on

quasi-closed-form formulas, at least in the isotopic case. Significant contributions concerning

estimation and computational aspects of a LCM can be found in [21]. Unfortunately, for

multivariate spatio-temporal data there does not exist software packages which perform in

an unified way a) the structural analysis, b) a convenient graphical representation of the


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covariance (variogram) models fitted to the empirical ones and c) predictions. One of the

solutions could be to extend the above mentioned techniques to space-time. Indeed, some

routines already implemented in the GSLib software [19] or in the module gstat of R,canonly

be applied in a multivariate spatial context.

In the last years, a new GSLib routine, called "COK2ST", can be used to make predictions

in the domain under study, utilizing the spatio-temporal LCM , based on the generalized

product-sum model [12]. This routine could be merged with the automatic procedure for

fitting the spatio-temporal LCM using the product-sum variogram model, presented in [15],

in order to provide a complete and helpful package for the analyst who needs to obtain

predictions in a spatio-temporal multivariate context. This is certainly the first step for other

developments and improvements in this field.

7. Case study

In the present case study, the environmental data set, with a multivariate spatio-temporal

structure, involves PM


daily concentrations, Temperature and Wind Speed daily averages

measured at some monitored stations located in the South of Apulia region (Italy), from the

1st to the 23rd of November 2009. In particular, there are 28 PM


survey stations, 60 and

54 atmospherical stations for monitoring Temperature and Wind Speed, respectively. As it is

highlighted in Fig. 2(a), over the domain of interest, almost all the PM


monitoring stations

are either traffic or industrial stations, depending on the area where they are located (close

to heavy traffic area or to industrialized area). The remaining monitoring stations are called

peripheral. In Fig. 2(b), box plots of PM


daily concentrations classified by typology of

survey stations are illustrated. Fig. 3 shows the temporal profiles of the observed values. It is

(a) Survey stations (b) Box plots of PM



Figure 2 . Posting map and box plots of PM


daily concentrations classified by typology of survey


evident that low (high) values of Temperature and Wind Speed are associated with high (low)

values of PM



Note that, during the period of interest, the PM


threshold value fixed by National Laws

for the human health protection (i.e. 50 μ g/ m


which should not be exceeded more than 35

times per year) has been overcome the 13rd, the 14th, the 15th and the 23rd of November 2009.

Indeed, as regards this last aspect, it is worth noting that the highest PM


daily averages have


Advances in Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Prediction for Environmental Risk Assessment

16 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH

PM g m



(/) m


1357 911131517192123








1357 911131517192123

Temperature ) C







1357 911131517192123

Wind Speed ( ) m/sec





threshold value

Figure 3 . Time series plots of PM


, Temperature and Wind Speed daily averages

been registered at all kinds of monitored stations, even at stations located at peripheral areas,

likely for the transport effects caused by wind. As shown in Fig. 2(b), although the maximum



values registered at stations close to heavy traffic area are greater than the threshold

value, it is evident that these values are less than the ones measured at the other stations.

Spatio-temporal modeling and prediction techniques have been applied in order to assess



risk pollution over the area of interest for the period 24-29 November 2009. In particular,

the following aspects have been considered:

(1) estimating and modeling spatio-temporal correlation among the variables; in the

fitting stage of a spatio-temporal LCM , the recent procedure [16] based on the nearly

simultaneous diagonalization of several sample matrix variograms, has been applied and

the product-sum variogram model [7] has been fitted to the basic components;

(2) spatio-temporal cokriging based on the estimated model, in order to obtain prediction

maps for PM


pollution levels during the period 24-29 November 2009 and indicator

kriging [34] in order to construct risk maps related to the probability that predicted PM


concentrations exceed the threshold value (50 μ g/m


) fixed by National Laws;

(3) generating and comparing, for two sites of interest (one close to an industrial area and

the other one close to a heavy traffic area), the probability distributions that PM



concentrations exceed some risk levels during the period 24-29 November 2009.

7.1. Modeling spatio-temporal LCM

Modeling the spatio-temporal correlation among the variables under study by using the

spatio-temporal LCM , requires first to check the adequacy of such model. In particular, the

symmetry assumption has been checked by

a) exploring the differences between the pseudo cross-variograms of the standardized

variables (standardized by subtracting the mean value and dividing this difference by the

standard deviation),

b) using the methodology proposed by [38].

As regards point a), the largest absolute difference has been equal to 0.135 and has been

observed among the differences between the two pseudo cross-variograms concerning PM


and Wind Speed standardized data. On the other hand, for the point b), three pairs composed

by six stations, with consecutive daily average measurements have been selected for the test.


Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective

Advances in Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Prediction for Environmental Risk Assessment 17

These pairs of monitoring stations have been picked to be approximately along the SE NW

direction, since the prevalent wind direction over the area under study and during the

analyzed period was SE

NW . Moreover, the temporal lag has been selected in connection

with the largest empirical cross-correlations for all variable combinations; hence h


= 1has

been considered for all testing lags. Three different variables and three pairs of stations

generate 9 testing pairs in the symmetry test, and consequently the degree of freedom a

for the symmetry test is equal to 9. The test statistic TS (25) has been equal to 0.34 with

a corresponding p -value equal to 0.99. Hence, the results from both the procedures have

highlighted that the spatio-temporal LCM is suitable for the data set under study.

By using the recent fitting procedure [16] based on the nearly simultaneous diagonalization

of several sample matrix variograms computed for a selection of spatio-temporal lags, the

basic independent components and the scales of spatio-temporal variability have been simply

identified. In particular, the spatio-temporal surfaces of the variables under study have been

computed for 7 and 5 user-chosen spatial and temporal lags, respectively (Fig. 4). Then, the

35 symmetric matrices of sample direct and cross-variograms have been nearly simultaneous

diagonalization in order to detect the independent basic components. In this way, 3 scales of

spatial and temporal variability have been identified: 10, 18 and 31.5 km in space, and 2.5, 3.5

and 6 days in time.

Thus, the following spatio-temporal LCM has been fitted to the observed data:




, h








, h








, h








, h


), (31)

where the spatio-temporal variograms g




, h


), l = 1, 2, 3, are modelled as a generalized

product-sum model, i.e.





, h






,0 )+γ


(0 , h


) k






,0 ) γ


(0 , h


). (32)

The spatial and temporal marginal basic variogram models, γ




,0 ) and γ


(0 , h



respectively, and the coefficients k


, l = 1, 2, 3, previously defined in (22), are shown below:





,0 )=86 Exp ( || h


||;10 ), γ


(0 , h


)=165 Exp ( | h


|;2.5 ) , k


= 0.0057, (33)





,0 )=0.95 Exp (|| h


||;18 ), γ


(0 , h


)=3.7 Exp ( | h


|;3.5 ) , k


= 0.02418, (34)





,0 )=0.29 Gau ( || h


||; 31.5 ), γ


(0 , h


)=0.83 Exp ( | h


|;6 ) , k


= 1.1633, (35)

where Exp

(· ; a ) and Gau ( ·; a ) denote the well known exponential and Gaussian variogram

models, with practical range a [19].

Finally, the matrices B


, l = 1, 2, 3, of the spatio-temporal LCM (31), computed by the

procedure described in [15], are the following:





0.044 0.024

0.044 0.018 0.006

0.024 0.006 0.007

, B




2.632 1.550

2.632 0.395 0.118

1.550 0.118 0.105

, (36)





10.119 4.167

10.119 1.726 0.414

4.167 0.414 0.357

. (37)


Advances in Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Prediction for Environmental Risk Assessment

18 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH

Variogram surface

for PM












|| || (km) h


| | (days) h






























|| || (km) h


| | (days) h






























|| || (km) h


| | (days) h

























Variogram surface

for -Temperature PM


Variogram surface

for Temperature

Variogram surface

for -Wind Speed PM


Variogram surface

for Temperature-Wind Speed

Variogram surface

for Wind Speed











|| || (km) h


| | (days) h

































|| || (km) h


| | (days) h























|| || (km) h


| | (days) h

































Figure 4 . Spatio-temporal variogram and cross-variogram surfaces of PM



Speed daily averages


Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective

Advances in Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Prediction for Environmental Risk Assessment 19

Fig. 5 shows the spatio-temporal variograms and cross-variograms fitted to the surfaces of



, Temperature and Wind Speed daily averages. Then, the spatio-temporal LCM (31) has

been used to produce prediction and risk assessment maps for PM


daily concentrations, as

discussed hereafter.

7.2. Prediction maps and risk assessment

In order to obtain the prediction maps for PM


pollution levels for the period 24-29

November 2009, spatio-temporal cokriging has been applied, using the routine "COK2ST"

[12]. Risk assessment maps have been associated to the prediction maps. Spatial indicator

kriging has been applied to assess the probability that predicted PM


daily concentrations

exceed the PM


threshold value fixed by National Laws for the human health protection (i.e.

50 μ g/ m


), during the period of interest. Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 show contour maps of the predicted



values and the corresponding risk maps, for the period 24-29 November 2009. The red

points on the maps represent the monitoring stations.

It is important to highlight that the highest PM


values are predicted in the Eastern part of

the domain of interest: this area corresponds to the boundary between Lecce and Brindisi

districts which is strictly close to an industrial site, such as the thermoelectric power station

"Enel-Federico II", located in Cerano (Brindisi district). Moreover, in this area the probability

that PM


daily concentrations exceed 50 μ g/ m


is high during the predicted week. It is worth

noting that on Saturday and Sunday the predicted values of PM


daily concentrations show

lower average levels than the ones estimated during the working days, when heavy traffic

contributes to keep pollution concentrations high; consequently, the corresponding risk maps

do not show hazardous PM



7.3. Probability distributions for different sites

After producing predicted maps of PM


daily concentrations, it is also interesting to estimate

the probability distribution that PM


daily concentrations exceed some risk levels at sites

characterized by sources of pollution.

Two different sites, one close to an industrialized area, located at Brindisi district, and the

other one close to a heavy traffic area, located at Lecce district, have been considered in

order to generate and compare the probability distributions that PM


daily concentrations

overcome several risk levels during the period 24-29 November 2009. Fig. 8 shows that, all

over the industrialized area of interest, the probability that PM


daily concentrations exceed

the threshold fixed by National Laws (50 μ g / m


) is very high (greater than 80%) during the

period 24-27 November 2009 (working days); on the other hand, during the weekend (28-29

November 2009) such a probability decreases at 40-42%.

Note that at the site close to a heavy traffic area, the probability that PM


daily concentrations

exceed the national law limit is very low during the analyzed period, except on the 25th

of November; moreover, it drops off rapidly for values below the national threshold. This

empirical evidence highlights that there is no critical PM


exceeding for the selected traffic

site,especiallyduringthelast3daysoftheweek. Asitisshown,thisisaverypowerful

tool since any action of environmental protection might be adopted in advance by taking into

account the actual likelihood of dangerous PM




Advances in Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Prediction for Environmental Risk Assessment

20 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH

Variogram surface

for PM


Variogram surface

for -Temperature PM


Variogram surface

for -Wind Speed PM
















Figure 5 . Spatio-temporal variograms and cross-variograms fitted to variogram and cross-variogram

surfaces of PM


, Temperature and Wind Speed daily averages


Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective

Advances in Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Prediction for Environmental Risk Assessment 21











670000 690000 710000 730000 750000 770000





670000 690000 710000 730000 750000 770000





670000 690000 710000 730000 750000 770000
















670000 690000 710000 730000 750000 770000





24 November 2009 (Tuesday)

25 November 2009 ( )Wednesday

26 November 2009 (Thursday)



survey stations

670000 690000 710000 730000 750000 770000





670000 690000 710000 730000 750000 770000





Predicted map Risk map

Predicted map Risk map

Predicted map Risk map

mgm /





















Figure 6 . Prediction maps of PM


daily concentrations and risk maps at the threshold fixed by National

Laws, for the 24th, 25th and 26th of November 2009


Advances in Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Prediction for Environmental Risk Assessment

22 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH














30 34




50 54



27 November 2009 (Fri )day

28 November 2009 (Saturday)

29 November 2009 (Sunday)



survey stations

Predicted map Risk map

Predicted map Risk map

Predicted map Risk map

670000 690000 710000 730000 750000 770000





670000 690000 710000 730000 750000 770000





670000 690000 710000 730000 750000 770000





670000 690000 710000 730000 750000 770000





670000 690000 710000 730000 750000 770000





mgm /


670000 690000 710000 730000 750000 770000























Figure 7 . Prediction maps of PM


daily concentrations and risk maps at the threshold fixed by National

Laws, for the 27th, 28th and 29th of November 2009


Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective

Advances in Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Prediction for Environmental Risk Assessment 23

(a) Site close to an industrialized area (b) Site close to a heavy traffic area

Figure 8 . Probability distributions that PM


daily concentrations overcome several risk levels during

the period 24-29 November 2009

8. Conclusions

In this paper, some significant theoretical and practical aspects for multivariate geostatistical

analysis have been discussed and some critical issues concerning sampling, modeling and

computational aspects, which should be faced, have been pointed out. The proposed

multivariate geostatistical techniques have been applied to a case study pertaining particle

pollution (PM


) and two atmospheric variables (Temperature and Wind Speed) in the South

of Apulian region.

Further analysis regarding the integration of land use and possible sources of pollution

through an appropriate geographical information system could be helpful to fully understand

the dynamics of PM


, which is still considered one of the most hazardous pollutant for

human health.


The authors are grateful to the Editor and the reviewers, whose comments contribute to

improve the present version of the paper. This research has been partially supported by the

"5per1000" project (grant given by University of Salento in 2011).

Author details

S. De Iaco, S. Maggio, M. Palma and D. Posa

Università del Salento, DSE, Complesso Ecotekne, Italy

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Air Pollution – A Comprehensive Perspective

... The aerodynamic diameters of PM 10 and PM 2.5 are smaller than 10 µm and 2.5 µm, respectively. 5 While emissions of motor vehicles are the main source of PM 2.5 , PM 10 consists of a mixture of carbon and organic compounds, acids and fine metal particles. Pesticides can be found in both PM 10 and PM 2.5 , or cling to the surfaces of these particles. ...

Background: In recent years, many studies have evaluated the increasing incidence of asthma and chronic respiratory diseases among children living close to rural areas with pesticide application. Pesticide exposure in 266 children (126 girls and 140 boys) in Şanlıurfa, a cotton-producing province in Turkey, was explored in this work. Four different villages spread over 40 km2 were included. Methods: Measurements of peak expiratory flow (PEF) in 266 children were conducted in late June, before intensive pesticide applications in the cotton-producing fields. The measurements were repeated for 72 of 266 children after pesticide application in late August. PEF, particulate matter with diameter less than 2.5 μm (PM < sub > 2.5 < /sub > ), particulate matter with diameter less than 10 μm (PM < sub > 10 < /sub > ), temperature, humidity, and wind speed were measured. Results: After pesticide application, mean PM < sub > 2.5 < /sub > and PM < sub > 10 < /sub > values were significantly increased compared to before pesticide application (p < 0.001 for both parameters). After pesticide exposure, nasal discharge, sneezing, burning and itching in the eyes, cough, sputum production, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness were significantly increased (p < 0.001). The mean PEF value was demonstrated to decrease significantly after pesticide application (p < 0.001). Moreover, significant negative correlations were noted between PEF and PM < sub > 10 < /sub > and between PEF and PM < sub > 2.5 < /sub > (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Intensive pesticide application causes respiratory dysfunction and increased respiratory complaints in children living near the affected agricultural areas, and impacts quality of life adversely. The results of this work can be used to develop an early warning system and methods to prevent respiratory disorders in children residing in the study area.

... The rapid increase in human population causes an increase in the consumption of energy (coal, oil, and gas), which is the major fossil energy source of airborne pollutants that have contributed greatly and negatively to the ecosystem and population's health (Tang et al., 2006). Air pollution is not only a local phenomenon but also a transboundary issue; in fact, the air pollutants emitted in one country may be transported in the atmosphere, and they can harm human health and the environment elsewhere (Haryanto, 2012). ...

  • Eman Ahmed Kalander
  • Sura Al-Harahsheh Sura Al-Harahsheh

Air pollution is one of the biggest environmental problems as it has many negative effects, including human health and ecosystem integrity. The sources of air pollution are either natural or human-induced activities leading to several airborne chemical pollutants. Air pollution is a major concern in the state of Kuwait, where petroleum industries, power plants (which run on fossil fuels), and road traffic contribute mainly to it. Kuwait suffers from air pollution effects. This research assessed the concentration of particulate matter pollutants (PM10) in relation to the meteorological parameters (wind speed and direction, temperature, and relative humidity) in three areas-Al-Jahra, Al-Rumaithiya, and Al-Fahaheel-in Kuwait during the period 2010-2014. Many monitoring stations were placed by the Kuwait Environmental Public Authority (KEPA). The data of the pollutants of these stations were compared with the ambient air quality standards (AAQS) set for Kuwait by EPA and with the average concentrations of PM10 pollutants in the three zones. The result of this study showed that there is a relationship between PM10 pollutants and meteorological parameters as PM10 increases when the temperature and wind increase, and when the humidity decreases, the current status of particulate matter pollutants exceed the KEPA standard limits. The highest concentration of dust is in Al-Rumaithiya station with an annual average concentration of 146-330 µg/m 3 , followed by Al-Jahra station with an annual average concentration of 108-199 µg/m 3 , and the lowest is in Al-Fahaheel station with an annual average concentration of 108-177 µg/m 3 .

... Air pollution is a significant threat to human health, and children are at increased risk because of their immature lungs and immune systems. Traffic emissions are a major source of urban air pollution, mainly in cities, producing particulate matter, metals, and gaseous pollutants, including carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, aldehydes, benzene, 1,3 -butadiene, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Jacobson, 2002;Martins et al., 2012). Many of these substances are listed as carcinogenic by The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC); for instance PM 2,5 , benzene, diesel exhaust, benzo [a] pyrene (B[a]P) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon [PAH]) are classified as Group 1 carcinogenic agents; and petrol/gasoline engine exhaust as Group 2B (International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2013). ...

Background: Current evidence suggests that childhood leukaemia can be associated with residential traffic exposure; nevertheless, more results are needed to support this conclusion. Objectives: To ascertain the possible effects of residential proximity to road traffic on childhood leukaemia, taking into account traffic density, road proximity and the type of leukaemia (acute lymphoid leukaemia or acute myeloid leukaemia). Methods: We conducted a population-based case-control study of childhood leukaemia in Spain, covering the period 1990-2011. It included 1061 incidence cases gathered from the Spanish National Childhood Cancer Registry and those Autonomous Regions with 100% coverage, and 6447 controls, individually matched by year of birth, sex and autonomous region of residence. Distances were computed from the respective participant's residential locations to the different types of roads and four different buffers. Using logistic regression, odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs), were calculated for four different categories of distance to roads. Results: Cases of childhood leukaemia had more than three-fold increased odds of living at <50 m of the busiest motorways compared to controls (OR = 2.90; 95%CI = 1.30-6.49). The estimates for acute lymphoid leukaemia (ALL) were slightly higher (OR = 2.95; 95%CI = 1.22-7.14), while estimates for cases with the same address at birth and at diagnosis were lower (OR = 2.40; 95%CI = 0.70-8.30). Conclusions: Our study agrees with the literature and furnishes some evidence that living near a busy motorway could be a risk factor for childhood leukaemia.

... The problem of environmental pollution is to be considered both globally [1][2][3][4][5][6] and locally [7][8][9][10][11][12], since individual elements can affect the environment at different scales and at different times. This is a result of the simultaneous increase of industrial production, and consequently the increase of demand for heat and electricity, as well as the systematic increase of population and of its density in a given area and the creation or development of the so-called urban and rural tissue [13][14][15]. Therefore, in order to ensure that present and future generations can live in a unpolluted environment, pollution from anthropogenic sources, including in particular those related to energy industry and transportation should be controlled and reduced [16][17][18][19]. At the same time, the question arises: what to do with objects or entire areas that were previously heavily exploited, e.g. as a result of the operation of CHP plants, and have become degraded. ...

  • Robert Cichowicz Robert Cichowicz

The quality of atmospheric air and level of its pollution are now one of the most important issues connected with life on Earth. The frequent nuisance and exceedance of pollution standards often described in the media are generated by both low emission sources and mobile sources. Also local organized energy emission sources such as local boiler houses or CHP plants have impact on air pollution. At the same time it is important to remember that the role of local power stations in shaping air pollution immission fields depends on the height of emitters and functioning of waste gas treatment installations. Analysis of air pollution distribution was carried out in 2 series/dates, i.e. 2 and 10 weeks after closure of the CHP plant. In the analysis as a reference point the largest intersection of streets located in the immediate vicinity of the plant was selected, from which virtual circles were drawn every 50 meters, where 31 measuring points were located. As a result, the impact of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia levels could be observed and analyzed, depending on the distance from the street intersection.

Our home, the Earth, is the rarest planet in-universe the to sustain life. The thing which makes it unique amongst heavenly bodies is balance in the environment. This balance is the key to sustain life for millions of years. Air is one of the most critical components of mother nature; it provides oxygen for all species, both plant and animal, to live. Air not only provides oxygen but is also essential for keeping the human body cool. The advantages of air are countless, from the cloud, weather, humidity, dust, and pollen migration to burning fire; without it, life will not continue. Air is made up of chemical components, and if pollutants added, it would become harmful for all living beings. The chapter put forward is to highlight the importance of the quality of ambient air, standards to measure, and sources of pollution. Further in the chapter, the impacts of polluted air on human health and the countries' financial obstacles are discussed. The chapter concludes with a summary and recommendations for policymakers, NGOs, and affected people to better their lives and repair the damage caused to nature's precious gift, the air.

  • Xavier de Luna
  • Marc G. Genton Marc G. Genton

We present a family of spatio-temporal models which are geared to pro-vide time-forward predictions in environmental applications where data is spatially sparse but temporally rich. That is measurements are made at few spatial locations (stations), but at many regular time intervals. When predictions in the time di-rection is the purpose of the analysis, then spatial-stationarity assumptions which are commonly used in spatial modeling, are not necessary. The family of models proposed does not make such assumptions and consists of a vector autoregressive (VAR) specification, where there are as many time series as stations. However, by taking into account the spatial dependence structure, a model building strategy is introduced which borrows its simplicity from the Box-Jenkins strategy for univari-ate autoregressive (AR) models for time series. As for AR models, model building may be performed either by displaying sample partial correlation functions, or by minimizing an information criterion. A simulation study illustrates the gain re-sulting from our modeling strategy. Two environmental data sets are studied. In particular, we find evidence that a parametric modeling of the spatio-temporal cor-relation function is not appropriate because it rests on too strong assumptions. Moreover, we propose to compare model selection strategies with an out-of-sample validation method based on recursive prediction errors.

Although there are multiple methods for modeling matrix covariance functions and matrix variograms in the geostatistical literature, the linear coregionalization model is still widely used. In particular it is easy to check to ensure whether the matrix covariance function is positive definite or that the matrix variogram is conditionally negative definite. One of the difficulties in using a linear coregionalization model is in determining the number of basic structures and the corresponding covariance functions or variograms. In this paper, a new procedure is given for identifying the basic structures of the space–time linear coregionalization model and modeling the matrix variogram. This procedure is based on the near simultaneous diagonalization of the sample matrix variograms computed for a set of spatiotemporal lags. A case study using a multivariate spatiotemporal data set provided by the Environmental Protection Agency of Lombardy, Italy, illustrates how nearly simultaneous diagonalization of the empirical matrix variograms simplifies modeling of the matrix variograms. The new methodology is compared with a previous one by analyzing various indices and statistics.

  • Luisa Scaccia Luisa Scaccia
  • R. J. Martin

Data collected on a rectangular lattice are common in many areas, and models used often make simplifying assumptions. These assumptions include axial symmetry in the spatial process and separability. Some di0erent methods for testing axial symmetry and separability are considered. Using the sample periodogram is shown to provide some simple satisfactory tests of both hypotheses, but tests for separability given axial symmetry have low power for small lattices.

Modeling of spatio-temporal processes is critical in many fields such as environmental sciences, meteorology, hydrology and reservoir engineering. Nowadays spatio-temporal analysis cannot be adequately faced without considering important issues, such as: (a) modeling the spatio-temporal random field from which data might be reasonably derived, (b) choosing suitable covariance models which describe the spatio-temporal correlation of the variables of interest, (c) using adequate software packages which tackle different inferential problems. In this paper, the above aspects are properly analyzed. In particular, three different space–time random field decomposition choices are considered and the flexibility of using the generalized product–sum model is highlighted. A customized GSLib routine for kriging in space-time is proposed. This Fortran routine, named "K2ST", is based on the use of the generalized product -sum model, with nested structures, and appropriate space-time search neighborhoods. An application to NO2 pollutant in an urban area is presented. In order to compare kriging results associated with three hypotheses of space–time random field decomposition, correlation coefficients and standardized errors between true values and predicted ones are computed. Moreover, nonparametric tests are applied to check the significance of the difference among the three approaches.

In many environmental sciences, several correlated variables are observed at some locations of the domain of interest and over a certain period of time. In this context, appropriate modeling and prediction techniques for multivariate space–time data as well as interactive software packages are necessary. In this paper, a new automatic procedure for fitting the space–time linear coregionalization model (ST-LCM) using the product–sum variogram model is discussed. This procedure, based on the simultaneous diagonalization of the sample matrix variograms, allows the identification of the ST-LCM parameters in a very flexible way. The fitting process is analytically described by a main flow chart and all steps are specified by four subprocedures. An application of this procedure is illustrated through a case study concerning the daily concentrations of three air pollutants measured in an urban area. Then the fitted space–time coregionalization model is applied to predict the variable of interest using a recent GSLib routine, named "COK2ST."

  • Hans Wackernagel Hans Wackernagel

Geostatistics offers a variety of models, methods and techniques for the analysis, estimation and display of multivariate data distributed in space or time. The book presents a brief review of statistical concepts, a detailed introduction to linear geostatistics, and an account of three basic methods of multivariate analysis. It contains an advanced presentation of linear models for multivariate spatial or temporal data, including the bilinear model of coregionalization, and an introduction to non-stationary geostatistics with a special focus on the external drift method. The 30 chapters are presented in five parts: preliminaries, geostatistics, multivariate analysis, multivariate geostatistics, non-stationary geostatistics. -from Publisher

  • Jiin‐Huarng Guo
  • L. Billard

We investigate the causal autoregressive process on a plane pioneered by Whittle (On stationary processes on the plane. Biometrika 41 (1954), 434–49) and further studied by Besag (Spatial interaction and statistical analysis of lattice systems. J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B 36 (1974), 192–236). We develop test statistics to test composite hypotheses about the parameters and to test if the process is separable. Also, when some data points are missing, we develop a computational procedure obtained by combining the EM algorithm and bootstrap procedures to find estimates of the parameters and hence the distribution of these estimates.

There is a considerable literature in spatiotemporal modelling. The approach adopted here applies to the setting where space is viewed as continuous but time is taken to be discrete. We view the data as a time series of spatial processes and work in the setting of dynamic models, achieving a class of dynamic models for such data. We seek rich, flexible, easy-to-specify, easy-to-interpret, computationally tractable specifications which allow very general mean structures and also non-stationary association structures.Our modelling contributions are as follows. In the case where univariate data are collected at the spatial locations, we propose the use of a spatiotemporally varying coefficient form. In the case where multivariate data are collected at the locations, we need to capture associations among measurements at a given location and time as well as dependence across space and time. We propose the use of suitable multivariate spatial process models developed through coregionalization.We adopt a Bayesian inference framework. The resulting posterior and predictive inference enables summaries in the form of tables and maps, which help to reveal the nature of the spatiotemporal behaviour as well as the associated uncertainty. We illuminate various computational issues and then apply our models to the analysis of climate data obtained from the National Center for Atmospheric Research to analyze precipitation and temperature measurements obtained in Colorado in 1997. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.